Контрольная Elementary итоговая по английскому


По сравнению с уровнем Beginner, лексика заметно богаче. Здесь только Present simple

  1. Visiting these places seems unforgettable
  2. How do you usually spend your free time?
  3. This knowledge makes us smarter and more educated
  4. My acquaintances don’t think so
  5. She wants to be more independent
  6. Do you see that you improve your English greatly here?
  7. What time do you usually come home?
  8. The boy doesn’t know it
  9. He doesn’t have such knowledge
  10. We sometimes compare our achievements
  11. Do you prefer to work from home?
  12. Does she have the same problem?
  13. I do it to improve my listening skills
  14. What worries you most of all
  15. Do these achievements help you feel more confidence?
  16. Does your colleague say that it’s impossible?
  17. I like the idea of free education
  18. Does that method seem ineffective?
  19. They like spending time together
  20. I feel that I do make much fewer mistakes
  21. He sometimes plays computer games
  22. I prefer to invest my time in education
  23. My sister works as a manager
  24. These girls study in one group
  25. My parents don’t think so
  26. Does he really want to have such a high level?
  27. Do they often complain about it?
  28. How long does one English lesson last?
  29. Do you buy such expensive things?
  30. How much free time do you have now?
  31. He prefers to do it more regularly
  32. They don’t try to change anything in their life
  33. This thing belongs to him
  34. Does he know how to answer those questions?
  35. It really worries me
  36. I like the idea of free video English courses
  37. He does everything with great pleasure
  38. She never talks about it
  39. I have a dream to communicate with other people who live abroad
  40. He continues working on this project
  41. I know that my results depend on me
  42. Do they sell such cheap things?
  43. She really enjoys doing it
  44. How far do you live?
  45. Where do you live?
  46. What belongs to you?
  47. Do they want to know the truth?
  48. Do you know what to do in this situation?
  49. He prefers to work from home
  50. You have outstanding achievements
  51. We often compare our achievements
  52. I have motivation
  53. Why does it motivate him so much?
  54. What channels do you watch?
  55. I want to tell you that I continue learning English
  56. I work in another sphere
  57. My acquaintances don’t understand why I do it
  58. He often ignores such things
  59. Does he know the right/correct answer?
  60. His life seems amazing
  61. Does she know the right answer?
  62. These articles seem so interesting
  63. Do you become more confident and fluent in English?
  64. He never does it
  65. This house doesn’t cost so much
  66. They don’t help me at all
  67. I don’t trust these people
  68. It often attracts my attention
  69. My life seems very interesting
  70. I have an aim to get a well-paid job
  71. This information doesn’t look reliable
  72. I want to say that I feel much more progress when I train intensively and regularly
  73. Whose idea do you like more?
  74. It depends on you
  75. What helps you more?
  76. Does sport play a very big role in your life?
  77. What inspires you?
  78. Does it belong to him?
  79. Does Chinese seem very difficult?
  80. She really likes travelling
  81. Who helps you most of all?
  82. Does this new seem very interesting?
  83. Does he pay for his education?
  84. He often plays this game
  85. Do you think that you do the right thing?
  86. This thing doesn’t seem so important
  87. I have the same result
  88. What videos do you usually watch?
  89. I support free education
  90. She wants to invite her to this party too
  91. It can be our last chance
  92. Who helps you?
  93. He has a stable income
  94. These things influence me greatly
  95. Who else knows it?
  96. Does this result inspire you?
  97. My acquaintances often have another opinion
  98. Your results depend on you
  99. They can’t understand all the seriousness of these things
  100. How much is it / how much does it cost?
  101. Who likes it more?
  102. How do you measure you progress?
  103. Does it belong to her?
  104. Does it bring him dissatisfaction?
  105. These books seem useless
  106. Do you do it sometimes?
  107. Those exercises don’t help so much
  108. My father does business
  109. How many friends do you have?
  110. What really helps you?
  111. Who do you know?
  112. Does this thing motivate you?
  113. It can bring him dissatisfaction
  114. Who do you trust?
  115. I always try to do it
  116. I need to work on my weak points
  117. What motivates you?
  118. I can’t recommend this book to you
  119. Do you think you can change the situation?
  120. Do you think that he does the right thing?
  121. Do you know where she lives?
  122. What does your friend think about all this?
  123. Where does your brother live?
  124. My father doesn’t work here. He works in another place
  125. We all see that time really flies
  126. What really interests him
  127. These examples really inspire me
  128. How often do you to the gym?
  129. I don’t know why it happens
  130. How often does she call you?
  131. Does he have similar results?
  132. I don’t think that money always brings happiness to people
  133. Does this method seem really effective?
  134. We have more than enough time to do all these things
  135. I usually go there twice a week
  136. Those lessons don’t help me at all
  137. Does English seem very easy?
  138. Do you know how to get to this place?
  139. Does he know how to get to that place?
  140. I have an aim to find a good job
  141. What looks more attractive?
  142. I never say such things
  143. This result doesn’t inspire me
  144. Does money bring us happiness?
  145. I don’t agree with it. I have another opinion
  146. I don’t recommend these recourses
  147. I don’t want to waste time
  148. Who inspires you?
  149. I try to work on my weak points
  150. Does she know that she makes lots of mistakes?
  151. When do you find time for all these things?
  152. Sport makes my life brighter
  153. Who corrects these mistakes?
  154. Who likes it?
  155. Do you how to do it?
  156. I know the right answer
  157. Does it bring him satisfaction?
  158. Children love sweets
  159. This girl has so many talents
  160. Does it really motivate you?
  161. What time do you usually come to work?
  162. Does the child know what he needs to do?
  163. This practice seems extremely point
  164. Does she have a similar point of view?
  165. He doesn’t understand what he needs to do
  166. Does he know that he makes so many mistakes?
  167. What books do you prefer to read?
  168. It happens from time to time
  169. These things don’t interest me at all
  170. They don’t want to change anything
  171. Do they lack professionalism?
  172. The problem seems unimportant but I have another opinion
  173. I never buy such things
  174. Do these things seem so important?
  175. I never do it
  176. The problems seem very small but I don’t think so
  177. I recommend this method to my friends and acquaintances
  178. We don’t understand why she always says it
  179. Why do you do these exercises
  180. This hobby makes my life brighter
  181. How do you usually measure your progress?
  182. Who do you see?
  183. I see you want to live in another place and I perfectly understand you
  184. Does he want to make a career?
  185. Do you think that she does the right things?
  186. I want to tell you that I have a good job
  187. How does she feel?
  188. I want to stop doing it
  189. She misses you
  190. I don’t share his point of view
  191. We need to work on our weak points
  192. I never complain about it
  193. Does he have a stable income?
  194. His father doesn’t do business. He works as a marketing specialist
  195. She usually wakes up late
  196. Do these problems really worry you?
  197. Who needs it?
  198. Does she want to make a career in this company
  199. Does he really want to do it?
  200. I don’t worry about these things at all
  201. These things make us happy
  202. I see you don’t like it
  203. Do they often complain
  204. I like the idea of free English lessons
  205. This test doesn’t look so easy
  206. I see that I make fewer mistakes
  207. I want to be more confident and fluent in English
  208. Does this knowledge really help you?
  209. What kind of food do you like?
  210. They don’t want to think about it right now
  211. He wants to continue studying abroad
  212. These lessons look very informative
  213. Where do you study?
  214. Does the boy understand what he needs to do?
  215. I have a dream
  216. He never discusses it
  217. Do you understand that I do it because I want to help you?
  218. Why does he like it so much?
  219. He can’t understand all the seriousness of this situation
  220. How often do you listen to radio?
  221. What movies does he prefer to watch?
  222. Do you often talk on the phone?
  223. He wants to be successful and financially independent
  224. Do you like this format?
  225. Do you know where he works?
  226. How long do you usually talk on the phone?
  227. Who really needs it?
  228. He often gets up later than usual
  229. Money never brings people true happiness
  230. He misses you a lot
  231. Does she have a low salary?
  232. This result seems really amazing
  233. These things don’t cost this money
  234. Who lives here?
  235. How long does one lesson last?
  236. Does she make much fewer mistakes?
  237. This speech really inspires me
  238. I sometimes get up later than usual
  239. These ideas look quite innovative
  240. The children show outstanding abilities
  241. What seems more interesting
  242. I feel much more confidence
  243. Such things interest me
  244. The problems seem unimportant but I don’t think so
  245. When does he usually come home?
  246. They don’t have such experience and professionalism
  247. My mother works as a doctor
  248. How do you prefer to learn English?
  249. Do I make good progress?
  250. The boy shows such outstanding abilities
  251. Does your friend also think so?
  252. The boys study very well
  253. I don’t know how to get there
  254. Does he have a high salary?
  255. I never go there
  256. Watching these lesson is very useful
  257. This person doesn’t understand the seriousness of this situation
  258. I want to be financially independent
  259. This thing really motivates me
  260. I sometimes get up later than usual and it doesn’t seem strange
  261. You do it really well and we all see your professionalism
  262. Reading these books seems so useful
  263. The book seems so boring
  264. I prefer to invest my time in education because I really want to improve my knowledge
  265. They say it from time to time. And this information can be very interesting for you
  266. Do your colleagues think differently?
  267. He thinks that money doesn’t bring people real happiness
  268. Do the students know what they need to do right now?
  269. Does reading books really help you improve your level?
  270. Do we become more confident and fluent in English?
  271. Such things never bring real happiness to people
  272. Do you think that you can change this situation?
  273. He says that he wants to be successful and financially independent
  274. I don’t think it really works. This method seems so ineffective
  275. Does he understand that only lots of practice can really help him?
  276. She usually goes to the swimming pool twice a week
  277. Does sport play a very important role in your life?
  278. I often recommend this course to my acquaintances
  279. Does he understand that it can be his last chance?
  280. Does he realize that it’s very important to do it?
  281. I want to become more confident and fluent in English. I hope you understand me
  282. Who do you want to invite to your birthday?
  283. They invest their money and time in this project
  284. Do the children behave better?
  285. Does she know how to answer this question
  286. You have such impressive achievements
  287. We have more than enough time for it
  288. He goes to swimming pool twice a week
  289. Does she realize the importance of these things?
  290. What do your parents think about all this.


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