Something anything nothing

Somewhere anywhere nowhere


There is something I can do.

Is there anything I can do?

There isn’t anything I can do.

There is nothing I can do.

I went nowhere during the holidays.

I didn’t go anywhere during the holidays.

Much, Many(много)

Little, Few (мало, недостаточно)

A little, a few(мало, достаточно)

Much употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными, many с исчисляемыми

There is much snow in winter

There are many trees in the garden


Little, a little употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными, few, a few с исчисляемыми

I only need a few minutes to get ready.

Nadia drank a little coffee and no alcohol.

Few tourists come to the country in winter.

This summer was dry. There was little rain.

This, that, these, those

this – этот: Come this way, please.

that – тот: Did you hear that rain in the night?

these – эти: These potatoes taste burnt!

those – те: Who are those people over there?


Тренировочные упражнения

Выберите правильный вариант ответа


1. ____ need your help.


1) All them 3) All of they 2) All of them 4) All of theirs


2. – Whose pictures do you like?
– I like his and ____.


1) she 2) her 3) hers 4) she's


3. Let ____ stay with us here.


1) she 2) she's 3) her 4) hers


4. I'm lonely. I've got ____ to talk to.


1) something 2) anything 3) anybody 4) nobody


5. Have you read ____ these books?


1) any 2) some 3) most 4) any of


6. The computer will turn ____ off if you don't use it.

1) you 2) it 3) yourself 4) itself


7. Mark had a bigger meal than ____.


1) I 2) me 3) my 4) mine


8. If people work too hard they can make ____ ill.


1) themselves 2) them 3) each other 4) their own


9. Jane looked at ____ in the mirror to check the make up.


1) herself 2) her 3) she 4) hers


10. It makes ____ wonder why we keep electing them.


1) myself 2) me 3) I 4) to me


Контрольный тест

Выберите правильный вариант ответа


1. Young children should not go swimming ____.


1) their own 2) on their own 3) by own 4) of theirs


2. What I did was wrong. I am ashamed of ____.


1) me 2) my own 3) myself 4) of mine


3. She enjoyed ____ during the holiday.


1) her 2) of her own 3) of hers 4) herself


4. – Can I take another apple?
– Of course. Help ____.


1) you 2) to you 3) yourself 4) of yours


5. The man I was talking to had ____ car stolen.


1) his 2) him 3) of his 4) of him


6. Once I saw a tiger in the jungle and even looked into ____ eyes and face.


1) his 2) it's 3) it 4) its

7. – Is that man one of your relatives?
– No, he is a friend ____.


1) my 2) mine 3) by myself 4) of mine


8. I sometimes ask ____ why I work in a noisy, dirty city.


1) me 2) my own 3) myself 4) by myself


9. Hurry up! We've got____ time.


1) a lot 2) little 3) few 4) a few


10. She doesn't speak much German. Only ____ words.


1) the 2) a few 3) any 4) little


Предлоги играют в английском языке исключительно важную роль, так как, если в русском языке отношения между словами в предложении выражаются не одними предлогами, а предлогами и падежными окончаниями, в английском языке эти отношения выражаются только предлогами. Вот почему так важно знать предлоги и случаи их употребления.


Наиболее употребительные предлоги

Of – соответствует русскому родительному падежу

To – ------------------------------ дательному ----------

With, by – -----------------------творительному --------

About – ------------------------- предложному ---------

In – в (чём-то), через (отрезок времени)

On – на (чём-то), в (с названиями дней недели и датами)

At – у, в, на (точное время на часах)

By – к (определённому времени)

Under – под (чем-то)

Above – над (чем-то)

Over – --------------

In front of – перед чем-л. впереди чего-л.

Behind – позади, за чем-либо

Between – между (двумя)

Among – среди (более двух)

Through – через, сквозь

From … till – от … до

For – в течение (отрезка времени), за, для

During – во время чего-либо

Before – до, перед

After – после чего-либо

Since – с (какого-либо времени)

To – к, в, на

Into – в, во внутрь чего-либо

From – от, из, с

Out of – из, изнутри чего-либо

Beyond – за (пределами чего-либо)

Within – в (пределах чего-либо)



Тренировочные упражнения

Выберите правильный вариант ответа


1. Nick has lived in the same place ____twenty years.


1) for 2) from 3) since 4) during


2. I have known her ____ we were at school.


1) since 2) before 3) for 4) when


3. She's been an actress ____1969.


1) in 2) since 3) from 4) for


4. She is not in the office now but she'll be back ____ fifteen minutes.


1) across 2) at 3) by 4) in


5. The investigation must be done ____ May.


1) by 2) at 3) on 4) until


6. We met a lot of interesting people ____ our holiday.


1) while 2) during 3) for 4) at


7. They'll be away ____ Tuesday.


1) until 2) by 3) to 4) in


8. I haven't heard from him ____ we last met.


1) for 2) from 3) since 4) during


9. They've been friends ____ ages.


1) during 2) since 3) for 4) in


10. They have been married ____1933.


1) from 2) for 3) since 4) in



Контрольный тест

Выберите правильный вариант ответа


1. The doctor waited ____ another month and sent the bill again.


1) for 2) during 3) in 4) –


2. I think I can finish the job ____ Friday.


1) for 2) by 3) till 4) until


3. The manager said he would come ____ a minute or two.


1) on 2) during 3) after 4) in


4. My grandparents met ____ the war.


1) since 2) on 3) during 4) for


5. I hope I'll come and see you ____ a few minutes this afternoon.


1) during 2) for 3) – 4) after


6. She has been unemployed ever ____ she left school.


1) after 2) since 3) from 4) till


7. Rob's had this Mercedes ____ January.


1) since 2) from 3) in 4) for


8. He has been living in Moscow ____ a year.


1) for 2) since 3) during 4) from


9. The animal walked right ____ the trap.


1) on 2) to 3) in 4) by


10. He is worried ____ his wife's health.


1) on 2) in 3) about 4) with




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