Материалы для дифференцированного зачета

Дата: 05.06.2020 (2часа)

ДО Иностранный язык (английский)

Материалы для дифференцированного зачета

Цель: Контроль знаний, умений и навыков по изучаемой теме.


Дидактические:   обучающийся должен знать: лексический (60-100 лексических единиц) минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарем) иностранных текстов профессиональной направленности
обучающийся должен уметь: переводить (со словарем) иностранные тексты профессиональной направленности
Развивающие: (метапредметные) - создать условия для расширения кругозора студентов и обогащения их словарного запаса; - создать условия для развития памяти, логического мышления
Воспитательные: (личностные) содействоватьформированию положительного отношения к изучаемому предмету


Вопросы для собеседования:

1) Расскажите о любимой детской книге.

2) Расскажите об известном детском писателе и его произведениях.

3) Расскажите о роли театра в воспитании детей дошкольного возраста.


Тексты для перевода (со словарём):

1.Прочитайте и переведите текст, используя при необходимости словарь.

1) Tolkien amused himself by writing an elaborate series of fantasy tales, often dark and sorrowful, set in a world of his own creation.

2) To entertain his four children, he devised lighter fare, lively and often humorous. The longest and most important of these stories, begun about 1930, was The Hobbit, a coming-of-age fantasy about a comfort-loving “hobbit” (a smaller relative of Man) who joins a quest for a dragon's treasure.

3) In 1937 The Hobbit was published, with pictures by the author (an accomplished amateur artist), and was so popular that its publisher asked for a sequel.

4) The result, 17 years later, was Tolkien's masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings, a modern version of the heroic epic.

5) Although some critics disparage it, several polls since 1996 have named The Lord of the Rings the best book of the 20th century, and its success made it possible for other authors to thrive by writing fantasy fiction.

2.Прочитайте и переведите текст, используя при необходимости словарь.

1) British author J.K. Rowling captured the imagination of children and adults alike with her best-selling series of books about Harry Potter, a young sorcerer in training.

2) The books were critically acclaimed as well as wildly popular and were credited with generating a new interest in reading among children, the books' intended audience.

3) Joanne Kathleen Rowling was born on July 31, 1965, she grew up in Chepstow, Gwent, Wales, where she wrote her first story at the age of 6.

4) The idea for the Harry Potter stories came to her during a train ride in 1990, and she began writing the magic adventure while sitting in cafés and pubs.

5) Featuring vivid descriptions and an imaginative story line, the book followed the adventures of the unlikely hero Harry Potter, a lonely orphan who discovers that he is actually a wizard and enrolls in the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.


3.Прочитайте и переведите текст, используя при необходимости словарь.

1) Obraztsov, Sergey Vladimirovich was a puppet master who established puppetry as an art form in the Soviet Union and who is considered to be one of the greatest puppeteers of the 20th century.

2) Obraztsov's performances displayed marked technical excellence and stylistic discipline.

3) In dozens of tours outside the Soviet Union, notably the 1953 tour of Great Britain and the 1963 tour of the United States, his shows enchanted audiences with classic figures such as the dancing couple whose tango movements require the skill of seven puppeteers, and the female gypsy who sings bass.

4) A number of rod-puppet theatres were founded as a result of Obraztsov's tours.

5) He gained renown for his work with a kind of finger puppet called a ball puppet and for demonstrating puppeteering with his bare hands.


4.Прочитайте и переведите текст, используя при необходимости словарь.

1) Children’s literature, the body of written works and accompanying illustrations produced in order to entertain or instruct young people.

2) The genre encompasses a wide range of works, including acknowledged classics of world literature, picture books and easy-to-read stories written exclusively for children, and fairy tales, lullabies, fables, folk songs, and other primarily orally transmitted materials.

3) Children’s literature first clearly emerged as a distinct and independent form of literature in the second half of the 18th century, before which it had been at best only in an embryonic stage.

4) During the 20th century, however, its growth has been so luxuriant as to make defensible its claim to be regarded with the respect—though perhaps not the solemnity—that is due any other recognized branch of literature.

5) All potential or actual young literates, from the instant they can with joy leaf through a picture book or listen to a story read aloud, to the age of perhaps 14 or 15, may be called children.


5.Прочитайте и переведите текст, используя при необходимости словарь.

1) In the term children’s literature, the more important word is literature, because for the most part, the adjective imaginative is to be felt as preceding it.

2) It comprises that vast, expanding territory recognizably staked out for a junior audience, which does not mean that it is not also intended for seniors.

3) Adults admittedly make up part of its population: children’s books are written, selected for publication, sold, bought, reviewed, and often read aloud by grown-ups.

4) Sometimes they seem also to be written with adults in mind, as for example the popular French Astérix series of comics parodying history.

5) Nevertheless, by and large there is a sovereign republic of children’s literature.


6.Прочитайте и переведите текст, используя при необходимости словарь.

1) Punch and Judy is a traditional puppet show featuring Mr. Punch and his wife Judy.

2) The performance consists of a sequence of short scenes, each depicting an interaction between two characters, most typically Mr. Punch and one other character who usually falls victim to Punch's slapstick.

3) The various episodes of Punch comedy—often provoking shocked laughter—are dominated by the clowning of Mr. Punch.

4) The show is performed by a single puppeteer inside the booth, known since Victorian times as a "professor" or "punchman", and assisted sometimes by a "bottler" who corrals the audience outside the booth, introduces the performance, and collects the money ("the bottle").

5) The bottler might also play accompanying music or sound effects on a drum or guitar, and engage in back chat with the puppets, sometimes repeating lines that may have been difficult for the audience to understand.


7.Прочитайте и переведите текст, используя при необходимости словарь.

1) Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is an enthralling start to Harry’s journey toward coming to terms with his past and facing his future.

2) It was the first book written by Rowling, and she was praised for creating well-rounded characters and a fully realized wizard universe that coexisted with the present world.

3) An almost immediate critical and popular success, it was translated into some 60 languages.

4) The six later novels about Harry’s further adventures at Hogwarts were equally popular.

5) The film Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (2001) was also a blockbuster.


8.Прочитайте и переведите текст, используя при необходимости словарь.

1) Fairy tales give children a way, through stories that are safely set apart from themselves, to understand some of the really confusing and difficult feelings that they can’t yet articulate for themselves.

2) England has been the birthplace of many of the most well-known children’s stories including Jack and the Beanstalk and Tom Thumb- the little boy no bigger than his father’s thumb.

3) Similar to other European countries, the English fairy tale tradition emerged from those folklore stories that are believed to have originated in the British Isles.

4) England’s fairy tale and folklore tradition has strong connections to Celtic, Germanic and Christian sources.

5) English folklore has its own dialect, with each region’s tale offering something new for the reader.


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