IV. Make up 4 sentences with the words from the previous exercise.

The System of Transport in Minsk

Read the text about Minsk transport and fulfill the tasks

Minsk Transport

Traditionally the geographical position of Minsk has served to promote it as a centre of communications. From the 10th century onward the city was an important station for river traffic between the rivers Dnieper, Neman, Prypiat and Bug. It also laid on the mainland bridge between the cities of Western Europe, the Urals and Asm, which made it a favoured route for invasions from the west and to the east.

With the coming of the railways, the importance of Minsk was enhanced as a main station on the line linking Paris, Berlin and Warsaw to Moscow, and Trans-Siberian network, as well as a junction on the Black Sea Baltic line from Rostov-on-Don via Vilnia and Latvia-Nowadays, the transport infrastructure of Minsk includes a fairly developed network of automobile, rail and air communications, which contributes greatly to the development of tourism and transit of cargoes from Asia to Western Europe.

All transport communications of Minsk are well-matched to those of Western Europe with the exception of the railway, which has a broader gauge than European.

All trains arrive and leave from Minsk Central Railway Station. Tickets can be bought at the station or from International Booking offices.

Minsk is also at the crossroads of air routes from Asia to Western Europe. Airport Minsk-2 is one the largest in Eastern Europe and is a member of the European Airports Association. An air communication absurdity, when traffic from Western Europe to Minsk was routed via Moscow, some 500 miles to the east, has now ended and there are direct flights to the Belarusian capital by the national airline "Belavia", and by "Lufthansa", "Lot" and other services.

Minsk has a developed public network system including buses, trolley buses, trams and subway (metro). The daily service runs from 5.30 a. m. till 1.00 a. m. Tickets for ground transport are available in newsstands on the streets, in the shops as well as from drivers. A ticket is valid for a single ride in the vehicle where punched only.

You may also buy a season ticket, that'll cost less than you would pay altogether if you paid for each journey separately.

If you are traveling without a ticket, you have to pay the fine, which is 50% of the minimum wage. There are no request stops in Minsk, all of them are compulsory.

When using ground transport, please, take into account that vehicles are often overcrowded. Being not as famous as Moscow metro, Minsk underground is far cleaner and more comfortable and it is considered one of Europe's most beautiful, with the granite and marble decorated stations on the lst Maskovskaya Line, particularly of note.

Now it has got 2 lines with 29 stations connecting downtown to the eastern, the western and the south­eastern (industrial districts) areas of the city.

Trains run every 3 minutes during rush hours every 5 minutes off peaks, and every 7-12 minutes late in the evening. The last train leaves the centre at 1.00 a. m. In order to get to Metro you should buy a token or a magnetic pass which are sold from ticket booths inside the underground stations. Unfortunately the metro lines are not very long and one can't reach some suburbs of the city by metro. So the only way out might be the recently developed system of route taxis, which are of course cheaper than traditional taxis, save you from traveling packed like sardines in public transport and help to reach remote districts.

The most comfortable, though the most expensive way of traveling is undoubtedly by taxi. One can hire a taxi by phone or at a taxi-rank. Taxis can be found waiting in front of hotels, at the airports, railway stations and bus stations as well as cruising on the streets. There are state owned taxi companies and a lot of private taxis in the city. According to the decision adopted by the city authorities each taxi should be equipped with a meter. The government fixes the sole tariff, however taxi companies sub charge for call, for boarding and sometimes for bringing up the car. More often than not credit cards are not accepted in taxis.

I. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. It also lay on the mainland bridge between the cities …

2. All transport communications of Minsk are well-matched to those of Western Europe.

3. Traffic from Western Europe to Minsk was routed via Moscow.

4. The daily service runs from 5.30 a.m. till1.00 a.m.

5. According to the decision adopted by the city authorities …

6. Route taxis help passengers to reach remote districts.

7. Taxis can be found … as well as cruising on the streets.

8. Taxi companies surcharge for call, for boarding and sometimes for bringing up the car.

9. A ticket is valid for a single ride when punched only.


II. Put in the right prepositions:

  1. The transport structure of Minsk contributes greatly … the development … tourism and transit … cargoes … Asia.. Western Europe.
  2. Before traffic from Western Europe to Minsk used to be routed … Moscow.
  3. Tickets … ground transport are available … newsstands in the streets, in the shops as well as

… drivers.

  1. Plane and train tickets can be bought … International Booking offices.
  2. One can also hire a taxi … a taxi rank (stand).

III. Find in the text the English equivalents of the words below:

платить за всё вместе платить отдельно остановка по требованию

магнитная карточка билетная касса доехать до удалённых районов

жетон маршрутное такси счётчик

киоск проездной билет как селёдки в бочке

на стоянке такси единый тариф государственные компании

устанавливать единый тариф добраться до… одно из красивейших в Европе

IV. Make up 4 sentences with the words from the previous exercise.

V. Fill in the gaps with the words given below:

1. Tickets for ground transport are …. in newsstands in the streets, in the shops as well as from

drivers. 2. Unlike the Minsk metro route taxis will bring you to the most … districts of the city.

3. To get to the metro you are to buy a … or a magnetic pass which are sold from ticket …

inside the underground stations. 4. There are no …. stops in Minsk, all of them are compulsory.

5. Many people hate being packed … sardines in public transport and prefer driving their own cars.

6. All taxis are equipped with …. 7. The … tariff is fixed by the government but companies may

….for call, boarding or bringing up the car.

booths token like meters charge available remote request sole


VI.Translate into English:

  1. Очень удобно, когда есть выбор транспорта: всегда можно добраться до места назначения.
  2. Раньше в киевском метро были специальные работники, задачей которых было подталкивать пассажиров в вагоны; они назывались «пушеры».
  3. Хотя проездные билеты можно купить как в киосках, так и у водителей, многие пассажиры предпочитают ездить «зайцами».
  4. Непрекращающийся шум транспорта может свести с ума сельского жителя, в то время как горожанин его не замечает.
  5. Жетон в метро и билеты в автобусе или трамвае действительны на одну поездку и только, если они прокомпостированы.
  6. Система наземного транспорта в Минске развита не хуже, а в чём-то и лучше, чем в Европе.
  7. В отличие от Лондона на минских маршрутах нет остановок по требованию.
  8. Если вы едете без билета, вам придётся заплатить штраф.
  9. Теперь нет необходимости доставлять грузы в Минск через Москву, как это было раньше.
  10. Существует единый тариф на все виды транспорта, что очень удобно.
  11. Минское метро – одно из самых чистых и удобных метро Европы.
  12. Я считаю, что маршрутное такси – очень удобный вид транспорта: относительно недорого и быстро.

VII. Speak on the following:

  1. Prove that the Minsk system of transportation conforms to international standards.
  2. Demonstrate that the Minsk system of transportation is a fairly developed network. Prove its importance for the development of Minsk.
  3. Prove that one can reach any destination in Minsk.
  4. Describe the Minsk metro. Point out what makes it different from those of other European capitals.
  5. Imagine you are the mayor of Minsk. Would you improve the Minsk transportation system? Give your reasons.



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