Holiday places you have been to

Everyone knows that for all students the best time of the year is summer holidays. First of all, you’re free from school and may forget about textbooks, lessons, homework for all three months. Moreover, you don’t have to wake up early every day and have all this annoying routine. So you just have the opportunity to relax and enjoy perfect summer time.

As for me, my summer is quite typical from year to year. I usually spend June at home. I get up late all the time and try to be outside with my friends as much as possible. I really enjoy cool summer evenings when my friends and I can go for a walk in the park or ride around the city on our bikes. Also, we like rollerblading a lot. If the weather is bad I normally stay at home playing computer games or just surfing the Internet.

Then July I usually spend in the countryside with my grandparents. I have a lot of friends there as well. We often go to the lake for swimming or sunbathing. It’s always active time and we have a lot of things to do together.



Riders are requests of bands or musicians to the concert promoters. To cut in short riders are things musicians want. They are often unusual, for example once Jennifer Lopez asked everything in her room to be white – walls, furniture, curtains, flowers… The rock star Prince wanted everything in his hotel room to be covered in clear plastic. Britney Spears said that her promoter had to pay 5000$ each time the phone rang in her room. The band Foreigner once asked for 12 pies but not for eat. They were throwing them at each other to celebrate the end of the tour. The rock band Van Halen always had a rider asking for bowls of M&M’s chocolates in their room – but with all the browns must be taken out. That’s how they knew whether promoters read the contract properly. Thus when there were brown chocolates in the bowl the band knew there will be problems at the gig.

Famous women in history

There are a lot of famous women in history.For example:Cleopatra, the beautiful queen of Egypt, is one of the most famous women in history. Her name is known all over the world, her life is well documented as well as her failures are not a mystery to anyone. The wonderful, yet tragic story of Cleopatra, the wife of the equally famous Julius Caesar, was subject to many books and movies and is retold to all children, generation after generation. Marie Curie was a woman before her time. Born in 1867, in Poland, she was a genius in physics and in chemistry; she is the first woman ever to receive a Nobel Prize and the only woman in history to receive two Nobel Prizes. The list of achievements and awards may continue, as this amazing woman made many discoveries and pushed the entire human kind a step forward in its evolution. She was the first researcher in the field of radioactivity, a term which was coined by Curie herself. Yet another kind of woman was Mother Teresa, who dedicated her life to the poor, to the needy and the helpless. She was a nun who felt a great attraction for the life of missionaries since childhood. She left her family and home to establish a charity mission in Calcutta and never looked back. Her work there had an inestimable value: she opened orphanages, hospitals, hospices, and many other facilities, not only in India but in many other countries as well. Having started with 13 nuns, her charity missions count today more than 4000 nuns who work for those in need. However, she was a controversial figure as well, as she had a very strict view on suffering. She considered it a great way to get closer to God and refused to administrate pain killers to the sick.

Natural medicines

People have been using natural medicine for thousands of years. Did you know, for example, that aspirin originally came from the bark of the willow tree? In the 5th century BC the Greek doctor, Hippocrates, gave it to his patients to stop their aches and pains. Another natural remedy is quinine, which used to be an important drug in the battle against malaria. It comes from the bark of the cinchona tree, which grows in the Andes mountains in South America. Peruvian Indians have been using quinine for centuries to cure fevers. In 1775 a British doctor, William Withering, was unable to treat a patient who had a serious heartproblem. However, the patient made a complete recovery after taking something a local womanhad given him. The woman told the doctor she’d made yhe remedy from purple foxgloves. Thisnatural medicine is still given to people with heart problems because it makes your heart beat moreslowly.Many of the most effective natural remedies can be found in our homes and gardens. Put somelavender oil on your pillow at night to help you sleep. Or break open the leaves from an aloe veraplant and put the sap on your burns or cuts. This will help them to heal and might also stop yougetting a scar. The Egyptian queen, Cleopatra, used this remarkable plant to keep her skin soft andyounger-looking.

Finally, we mustn’t forget the healing power of garlic. It thins and cleans the blood, it’s good forstomach problems and coughs, and it’s a natural antiseptic. So, next time you have a cold, try amixture of garlic, lemon and honey. It’s magic!


New technology era

People can hardly imagine their lives without modern technologies nowadays. It is almost impossible to go out without a mobile phone or an MP3 player, for example. These devices have become an important part of our life. Moreover, almost every day either a new technology is being invented or an old one is being improved. To stay up-to-date people keep buying newer items. Soon our houses and work places will look like electronic stores.Technology is all around us. First of all, we need it for work. All modern offices are equipped with computers, scanners, printers, and other useful machines. One of the most important devices today is the wi-fi modem as it provides Internet. Secondly, technologies surround us at home, in cars and everywhere. It includes TVs, radios, refrigerators, vacuum-cleaners, washing machines, CD-players, e-books, cameras and else. Perhaps, the most important thing about technological progress is that it allows us to do many things which would be impossible without it. For example, we can communicate with friends from other countries with the help of computers. We can even see them and have a live conversation.There are many people who are against new technologies. In my opinion, technological progress has made our lives more interesting and bright. Thanks to computers and Internet I find more educational resources. Such electronic items as vacuum-cleaner, washing machine, microwave, dish washer, blender and some others have made my mum’s life easier. So I’m sure that new technologies are for good. In conclusion, I’d like to say, that technological progress continues and it moves rather fast. Thus, I think that soon we will live in ‘smart’ houses with robots doing all housework instead of us.

В настоящее время люди с трудом представляют свою жизнь без современных технологий. Почти невозможно выйти из дома, например, без мобильного телефона или MP3-плеера. Эти устройства стали важной частью нашей жизни. Кроме того, почти каждый день изобретаются новые технологии или совершенствуется уже существующие. Чтобы идти в ногу со временем, люди покупают новинки. Вскоре наши дома и рабочие места будет выглядеть как магазины электроники.Технологии окружают нас повсюду. Прежде всего, они нужны для работы. Все современные офисы оснащены компьютерами, сканерами, принтерами и другими полезными машинами. Одним из самых важных устройств сегодня является Wi-Fi модем, поскольку он обеспечивает Интернет. Во-вторых, технологии окружают нас дома, в автомобилях и повсеместно. Это включает в себя телевизоры, радиоприемники, холодильники, пылесосы, стиральные машины, CD-плееры, электронные книги, фотоаппараты и т.д. Пожалуй, самая важная вещь в техническом прогрессе – это то, что он позволяет нам делать многие вещи, которые были бы невозможны без него. Например, мы можем общаться с друзьями из других стран с помощью компьютеров. Мы даже можем видеть их и общаться в реальном времени.Есть люди, которые выступают против новых технологий. На мой взгляд, технический прогресс сделал нашу жизнь более интересной и яркой. Благодаря компьютерам и Интернету я нахожу много дополнительных образовательных ресурсов. Такая электроника, как пылесос, стиральная машина, микроволновая печь, посудомоечная машина, блендер и некоторые другие предметы, облегчили жизнь моей маме. Так что я уверен, что новые технологии к лучшему.В заключение я хотел бы сказать, что технологический прогресс продолжается, и он движется довольно быстро. Таким образом, я думаю, что скоро мы будем

.types o weather

The weather is the thing we always talk about.So I want to talk about effect of weather to us. Weather is a phenomenon which is much spoken about. But what does it mean? It mean the state of the atmosphere in a certain place and in a particular time. So weather differs greatly throughout the world.
It’s not a secret that it can easyly affect our health. A lot of studies make connection betwen temperature, humidity, air pressure or wind and arthritis, asthma, migraines and other disorders. Human health can become a casualty of cold weather. Influenza, cold, pneumonia mainly occurs in autumn and winter. Doctors realize that an ordinary cold can bring severe headaches and asthma. It’s proved that weather effects on our health. Windy weather creates positive ions, which in their turn, can cause physical and mental disorders. A person can feel depressed, anxious, nervous, irritated and just emotionally imbalanced. The number of hours of sunshine is believed to raise the level of optimism. A proverb says «to be under the weather».

health problems

Do you know the famous phrase "We are what we eat"? The saying is as old as the hills and means that to be fit and healthy you need to eat proper food.

There are girls who try to keep a healthy diet, it may be vegetarian, dairy product or rice diet. However, there are also girls who are sure that the less they eat the healthier they are. And that's a great mistake. When preoccupation with being thin takes over your eating habits, thoughts, and life, it's a sign of a psychic disorder. An eating disorder is an illness which causes deep concern about your everyday diet. Eating disorders frequently appear during the teen years. One of the well-known types of eating disorder is anorexia. When a person has anorexia, the desire to lose weight becomes more important than anything else. He may even lose the ability to see himself from the side. Because of a person's dread of growing fat or disgust at the sight of his body, the eating process may be very stressful. Thoughts about dieting, food, and body may take up most of the day. There is no more time for friends, family, and other activities he or she used to enjoy. But no matter how thin a person grew, it's never enough. People suffering from anorexia never acknowledge the illness, but it can damage their health and even threaten their life.

знаете ли вы знаменитое выражение: «Мы являемся тем, что мы едим»? Выражение это старо как мир; его смысл — для того чтобы быть здоровым, необходимо правильно питаться. Некоторые девушки стараются соблюдать здоровую диету, например вегетарианскую, молочную или рисовую. Но есть и такие, которые считают, что чем меньше они едят, тем лучше себя чувствуют. И это большое заблуждение. Когда поглощённость собственной худобой преобладает в питании, в мыслях и жизни — это признак расстройства психики. Нарушение правильного питания — это заболевание, которое проявляется в серьёзной озабоченности повседневным рационом. Обычно этим заболеванием страдают подростки. Один из наиболее известных видов нарушения питания — это анорексия. Когда человек болен анорексией, самым главным его желанием становится потеря веса. Бывает, что человек теряет способность реально оценивать свой внешний вид. Из-за страха потолстеть и отвращения к виду собственного тела процесс поглощения пищи может стать очень напряжённым и нервным. Мысли о диетах и собственной фигуре занимают практически всё время. Его больше не остаётся на семью, друзей и другие занятия, которые раньше доставляли удовольствие. Не имеет значения, насколько тощим стал человек; этого всё равно будет недостаточно. Люди, страдающие анорексией, отрицают наличие у них этого заболевания, но оно существует, постепенно разрушая тело и угрожая жизни.

Top tips for parents

in our time, the relationship between parent and child is deteriorating. Both of them are sitting on the phones and do not pay attention to each other. But, in my opinion, this is one of the most important things in a person’s life. Because we take the first upbringing from our parents, which will affect our future life. I was not yet a parent, and therefore it is not easy for me to give advice to future parents. but as a child I can say that the most important thing you can give to your child is love. Pamper your child, but at the same time be strict with him, talk to him about everything, spend a lot of time with him, play with him, read, watch cartoons and just take a walk in the park.we cannot choose our parents, but if I were given a choice, I would definitely choose my current parents. Because they could give me warmth, education and, most importantly, the love of parents.


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