Exercise 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the -ing form or the infinitive.

Ф КГМУ 4/3-08/02

ПП КГМУ 4/02

Карагандинский государственный медицинский университет

Кафедра иностранных языков


Методические указания для самостоятельной работы



Тема: Интестинальные опухоли.

Практика употребления инфинитивных конструкций в устной и письменной речи.


Дисциплина Иностранный язык


Специальность 5В130100- Общая медицина


Курс: II

Составитель: Сарыбаева А.О.



Караганда 2014


Обсуждены и утверждены

на заседании кафедры иностранных языков

Протокол № 9 от 30.04. 2014г.

зав. кафедрой _______ Бурмистрова В.А.


Интестинальные опухоли.

Практика употребления инфинитивных конструкций в устной и письменной речи.


Овладение лексико-грамматическим материалом темы.


- чтение, перевод текста

- составление вопросов и плана к тексту

- пересказ текста

- выполнение грамматических упражнений

- написание реферата по теме

Форма выполнения:

Индивидуальное задание: составление таблиц, кроссвордов, тестовых заданий, вопросов к тексту, True-false заданий, подготовка презентаций.

Требования к выполнению задания:

- знать грамматические нормы по теме

- знать лексический минимум по теме

- уметь употреблять лексический и грамматический материал при подготовке презентации темы

Сроки сдачи:

По графику сдачи СРС

Критерии оценки:

  1. Полнота содержания проекта.
  2. Раскрытие темы.
  3. Использование современных источников литературы.
  4. Оформление проекта.
  5. Иллюстрационный материал.
  6. Четкость представления материала.



  1. Волмянская О.А. Профессиональный английский язык для студентов-медиков, Мн.: выш. Шк., 1984г.-180с.
  2. Маслова А.М. Учебник английского языка для медицинских вузов. 2-е изд. Испр. Доп. М.: Высш.шк., 1983г.-352с.
  3. Экерсли К.Э. Учебник английского языка.-Харьков,1992г.-250с.
  4. Бушина Л.М. и др. Учебник немецкого языка медвузов. 1984
  5. Бондарь С.Н. и др. Учебник немецкого языка для медвузов. 1977
  6. Бондарь С.Н. и др. Пособие по немецкому языку для медвузов. 1977 на английском языке


Контроль: (вопросы, презентация)


Intestinal Tumours

Many forms of tumours are known to occur in the intestines, but we shall limit our attention to the commonest, which is cancer. It generally leads to chronic intestinal obstruction and its accompanying symptoms. In addition there are usual symptoms of cancerous invasion – loss of weight and strength, progressive anaemia and pain of varying in dagree depending of the part affected. Any portion of the intestines is likelyto be affected by carcinoma, but the usual areas are the upper part of the colon, the sigmoid and the rectum. In the latter situation the obstruction may be felt on rectal examination. In cancer of the colon and sigmoid a tumour is usually well palpable, the esophagus above the tumour is often thickened and spastic and peristaltic waves may be seen passing in the direction of the obstruction.

Task I. Read and remember the new words:

intestine – кишечник

limit – ограничивать, предел, граница

obstruction – закупорка, непроходимость

accompany – сопровождать, сопутствовать

rectum – прямая кишка

colon – ободочная кишка (прямая)

cancer – рак

esophagus – пищевод

tumour – опухоль

thicken – утолщаться

spastic – спастический, судорожный

peristaltic waves - перистальтика

Task II. Find the sentences with these words in the text:

tumours, obstruction, cancerous invasion, carcinoma, rectal, palpable, thickened.

Read and translate them.

Task III. Read and translate the text.

Task IV. Find the synonyms to the following words:

1. thorax

2. spread

3. suppose

4. sharp

5. slight

6. several

7. moist

8. persistent

9. numerous

10. lesion

11. radiate

12. chest

13. consider

14. mild

15. some

16. acute

17. wet

18. permanent

19. many

20. damage

Task V. Find the antonyms to the following words:

1. important

2. warm

3. well-known

4. slow

5. reduce

6. inner

7. broad

8. artificial

9. admission

10. hospitalize

11. quick

12. cold

13. umimportant

14. unknown

15. increase

16. external

17. narrow

18. natural

19. graduation

20. to discharge

Task VI. Insert the missing words from the text:

1. Many forms of......... in the intestines, but we shall limit our attention to the commonest, which is....

2. It generally leads to chronic...... and its accompanying....

3. In addition there are usual symptoms of..... – loss of... and...,... anaemia and pain of varying in dagree depending of the part....

4. Any portion of the intestines is likely......., but the usual areas are the... part of the colon, the... and the....

5. In the latter situation the obstruction may........

6. In cancer of the colon and sigmoid a tumour is usually........

7. The esophagus above the tumour is often.... and.... may be seen passing in the direction of the......

Task VII. Grammar exercise. Exercise 1.Complete the sentences using an infinitive or an -ing form.

1. City life is too busy for me; I really miss... in the country.

2. We had to postpone.... tennis because of the bad weather.

3. She goes...... at the pool every weekend.

4. If you will keep......so much, you're bound to get fat.

5. She's been training so hard recently that she deserves..... the race.

6. He couldn't sleep, so I suggested his........ some warm milk.

7. Because of his fear of jellyfish, he doesn't like...... in the sea.

8. I'd really like.... my uncle in Chicago one day.

9. That man seems to be having trouble...... his car. Why don't you give him a push?

10. Mr Roberts is much too old...... climbing like he used to.


Exercise 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the -ing form or the infinitive.

1. What do you mean.....(do) with all that money?

2. Playing a musical instrument well means....(practise) for years.

3. I regret..... (inform) you that your husband has been arrested.

4. She regrets..... (spend) so much money on her new dress.

5. Do you remember.... (ride) a bicycle for the first time?

6. Remembe r..... (post) the letters on your way home.

7. I'd prefer.... (pretend) I didn't hear what you just said.

8. I prefer... (borrow) books from the library to... (buy) them.

9. Don't forget.... (bring) some cash in case they don't accept credit cards.

10. I was sorry..... (hear) about you failing the exam.

11. He said he was sorry for..... (speak) to you so rudely.

12. Oh no! I totally forgot..... (turn off) the cooker.

13. I'll never forget...... (sail) through that storm in the Atlantic.

Task VIII. Answer the following questions on the text:

1. What is the tumour?

2. What can cause the cancer?

3. What are the symptoms of cancer?

4. What part of intestines is usually affected by carcinoma?

5. What is the obstruction?

6. Are there any clinical manifestations of intestinal tumour?

7. What are the main symptoms of intestinal tumour?

8. How one can make a correct diagnosis of cancer?

9. What kind of preventive measures of cancer can you advise?

10. What kind of treatment can you prescribe for the patient with cancer?


Intestinal tumours


Choose the appropriate word given below:_____ tumors are known to cause metastases of internal organs.

- benign


- former

- internal

- initial


Choose the appropriate word given below: In anaemia the red blood cell count is considerably ____.

- increased

- elevated

- enlarged


- revealed


Choose the appropriate word given below: Hemorrhage is always a very dangerous ______.

- form

- pain


- ache

- exertion


Choose the necessary preposition: She never complains ____ a headache.

- on


- in

- from

- with


Define the verb

- effective


- treatment

- recurrence

- feverish


Find the definition to the word or word combination: Serious trouble

- favorable reaction

- percussion sound

+bad disease

- marked cyanosis

- pulmonary edema


Find the definition to the word or word combination: Make a correct diagnosis

- to have short periods of fever

- to follow a bed regimen

+to be able to make an exact diagnosis

- to be much better

- to be a heavy smoker


Give the definition to the word combination:To reveal abnormal signs

- to show the findings f physical

- to indicate the dose to be taken

+to find pathological symptoms

- to direct to the cardiologists

- to operate on the heart


Define the tense-form of the verb: This case is much spoken about.

- Present Perfect active

- Present Indefinite active

+Present Indefinite passive

- Past Indefinite passive

- Past Indefinite active


Fill in the gap with the opposite verb in the correct form. Ann hates George, but she ____ Tom.

- hates

- thinks

- sees


- meets


Complete the sentence with the positive form of the verb: I didn`t go to New York, I ___ to London.

+ went

- gone

- going

- had gone

- to going


Fill in the gaps with the right pronoun: How many times a day do you brush ____ teeth?

- you


- his

- her

- its


Choose the suitable verb: I am a vegetarian. I ____ eat meat.

- am not

- does not

+ don`t

- was not

- none of the above


Choose the right answer: Ann ___ a good nurse.

- do

- does

- am


- are


What is the antonym for “strong”?

- week

- sick

- ill


- big


Choose the right answer: He is my favourite singer. He ___________.

- very well sings

- very good sings

+sings very well

- sings very good

- sings good


Choose the right answer: The doctor`s duty is ______ people.

- treat

- treating

- treatment

- treating to

+to treat


Choose the right answer: He didn`t win because he didn`t play _______.

- enough good

- good enough

- enough well

+ well enough

- enough


Choose the right answer: I`ve got _____to tell you. I`ve got a new job.

- some good newes

- a good news

+ some good news

- newes

- none of the above


What does “got” mean in the sentence? I got a birthday card last week from my grandma.

- became

- obtained or bought


- left

- brought


Define the tense-form of the verb: The patient had restored his health by the end of september.

- present simple

- past simple

+present perfect

- future perfect

- none of the above


What is the “intestine”?

+the lower part of the food passage

- an organ which causes changes in the blood

- the bag-like organ into which food passes when swallowed

- a large organ in the body which purifies the blood

- a pair of organs which remove waste matter from the blood and produce urine


What is the“cancer”?

+ a diseased growth in the body

- a part of the body

- inner organ

- exchange

- valve


Choose the suitable adjective suffix for the word “cancer”.

- ic

- al

- ment


- ly


Choose the right answer: Why ___ Asem studying Chinese? Because she ___ going to China on holiday.

- is/was

- are/are


- is/are

- was/was


Find the odd word

- intestine

- gall bladder

- bladder

- kidneys



Define the tense-form of the verb: We listened to the rector`s speech with great attention.

- present simple

+ past simple

- present perfect

- future perfect

- none of the above


Choose the suitable noun suffix for the word “absorb”.

- sion

- al

- less


- ic


Choose the right answer: Asem is ____ student in the group.

- good

- better

+the best

- more better

- well


Define the “verb”

- findings

- process

- solution


- conclusion


What is the synonym for “weak”?


- smooth

- allow

- rare

- spread


Find the right spelling

- vessil

- vissel

- vesele


- vesile


Choose the right answer: Books on anatomy are___________ than books on physics.

+more interesting

- most interesting

- interesting

- interesting to

- all of the above


Choose the right answer: Summer is ________ season in the year.

- well

- good

+the best

- better

- cooler


Choose the right answer: You ______ to revise this rule again.

- should

- must

- can


- may


Choose the right answer: Make him ____ speak louder.

- to

+ ___

- of

- on

- for


Choose the right answer: Let me ___ help you with your homework.

- on

- of

- to


- in


Choose the right answer: She ought ___ take care of her health.

- of


- for

- in

- none of the above


Choose the right answer: It was necessary for him _____ immediately.

- returning

- to returning

- to be returned

+to return

- none of the above


Choose the right answer: He seems to want ____ it himself.

- do

- doing

+to do

- does

- did


Choose the right spelling


- syring

- sirynge

- siringe

- siriynge


Choose the odd word

- enema

- hot-water bag

- bed-pan


- measles


Choose the right answer: Soon my friend ____ a doctor.

- is

- was

- were

+will be

- are


Choose the right answer: Red rash ____ on his body yesterday.

- appears

- will appear


- was appeared

- appearing


Choose the right answer: In fainting a person _____ consciousness.

- is losing

- is lost


- was losing

- lose


Choose the right answer: As the patient is afraid of the dentist, the nurse ____ him an injection now.

- give

- gives

+is giving

- was giving

- gave


Choose the right answer: The doctor ______ him some medicine yesterday.

- prescribes

- is prescribing


- prescribe

- to be prescribed


Choose the right answer: The patient ____ in a wheel chair into a ward in an hour.

- will take

+will be taken

- will not take

- is taken

- was taken


Choose the right answer: Strong emotion, want of food, fatigue and pain ____ the causes of fainting.

- is

- was


- is being

- been


Choose the odd word combination

- to take blood test

- to take the pulse

+to take exam

- to take blood pressure

- to use X-rays



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