The Whys and Hows of Cheating

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1. Аннотирование статьи.

2. Монологическое высказывание о себе (в рамках делового общения.)

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1. The title of the article The article is headlined… The headline of the article I have read is…
2. The author of the article, where and when the article was published The author of the article is… The article is written by… It is published in …
3. The general topic of the article, the aim of it The main idea of the article is… the article is about… The article is devoted to … The article deals with… The article touches upon… The purpose of the article is to give the reader some information on… The aim of the article is to provide the reader with some material (data) on…
4. The contents of the article. Some facts, names, figures The author starts by telling the reader that… The author writes (states, stresses, thinks, points out) that…  

Обратите внимание!!! Это одна статья с общим названием «The Whys and Hows of Cheating», а не три.

The Whys and Hows of Cheating

Why Students Do It—How We Can Stop Them

The first thing to understand about cheating is that the vast majority of young people believe that cheating is wrong. Yet surveys show that most young people cheat at least once in their high school careers. So, the most important question is why do young people behave in ways that are inconsistent with their beliefs? According to Gary Niels, an educator who has studied cheating in our schools, the answer is survival. In a school setting, says Niels, saving face is the "... desire to save oneself from the anger of a parent or teacher; it can mean avoiding embarrassment; it can mean economic survival... Nowadays, college acceptance is the major instigator of this survival instinct." There's a lot of competition to get accepted at the best schools. Acceptance at these elite colleges and universities requires great grades—so if you can't do the work, you have to be dishonest and cheat. In addition, many students feel that everyone else is cheating, so they'll be at a disadvantage if they don't cheat.

What to Do about It? Combating Cheating at Home

Of course, it is easy to point the finger at young people and say that they are immoral. However, who is supposed to give them their moral compass? We are. Somehow our society has grown to tolerate cheating and it has been a top-down rather than a bottom-up process. Children learn to cheat or at least cut corners at home from their parents. Many of them are not taught to see the difference between right and wrong. Other children hear the right lessons, but observe their parents behaving very differently. Parents need to model integrity at all times. Consider this simple example:

Last night I was attending a movie with my family. My son ran into a classmate whose father was in the next ticket line. When we reached the front of the line to buy our tickets, we all heard the boy's father say "One adult, two children" to the ticket agent. Although his son was too old for a child's ticket, he decided that he could get away with it. He saved a couple of dollars and taught his son a terrible lesson.

Combating Cheating at School

Yes, it's disturbing to discover that young people in middle school and high school think that cheating is OK. But it's our fault. We encourage young people to cheat! For example, we give multiple-choice tests that make cheating really easy. Teachers at academically rigorous private schools don't use multiple-choice tests. They create written tests that are more work for teachers to grade but that eliminate cheating.

Schools should not tolerate cheating in any form. The punishments should be rigorously enforced. Teachers must be alert to all forms of cheating, particularly those using new technologies like picture phones. Of course, the best solution is to make assignments meaningful and interesting for students. In addition, students must have some responsibility. They must learn to be true to themselves and their own values and not be swayed by outside pressures and influences.


Второй вопрос зачета. Рассказ о себе “My Biography”

Схема примерного рассказа о себе

Let me introduce myself. My name is …. I’m a student of Bunin Yelets State University, the Institute of Psychology and Pedagogics. I have entered the Magistracy this year as I … (объясните зачем вы это сделали). I/d like to get full higher education. I have got the Bachelor Degree. I graduated from ….. As I’m a part-time student, I combine my study and work. I work …. My duties are … (указать что входит в ваши обязанности). I can characterize myself as ….


Слова, которые помогут описать себя

absent-minded – рассеянный
active – активный
calm – спокойный
communicative – общительный
creative – творческий
friendly – дружелюбный
lazy – ленивый
reliable – надежный
sociable – общительный

responsible – ответственный


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