Adverb. Degrees of comparison.

Занятие № 9 (20.11.2021)

(Урок 2 Раздел 3 Часть 2)

(Учитель: Коваленко Ольга Павловна)



Adverb. Degrees of comparison.


· Познакомиться, что такое рассказ или истории; развивать навыки работы с рассказом;

· Познакомиться с классификацией наречий;

· Познакомиться с наречиями и с правилами образования степеней сравнения наречий;

· Отрабатывать навыки чтения и письма.


1. A story - is a brief fictional prose narrative that is shorter than a novel and that usually deals with only a few characters. They may be: anecdotes, fables, fairy-tales. Short stories are self-contained works of prose fiction whose function is to impact a moral, capture a moment or evoke a certain mood.

Test № 1: Прочтите и переведите рассказ и выполните задания после него для лучшего понимания содержания и для лучшего запоминания лексики и грамматических структур:

“Honesty is the Best Policy”

There was an old woodcutter. He went to the wood to cut trees every day. He was a very poor man. He lived in a village near the wood. His house was the oldest and the smallest in the village.

One day the old woodcutter dropped the axe into the river. He sat down on the ground near the water and cried, “My axe! What shall I do? How shall I work for living?” There was a noise and the god, Mercury by name, dived out of the water. He listened to the man’s problem and wanted to help him. Mercury dived into the water and in a few minutes he had an axe.

“Is this your axe, old man?” he asked the woodcutter. The woodcutter looked in Mercury’s hands. It was a golden axe. “No, it is not mine”, said the woodcutter. Mercury dived into the river again and some time later he got a silver axe. “Is this your axe, old man?” he asked. “No, it is not mine”, said the poor man. Mercury jumped into the water again and brought an old dirty wooden axe. “Is this yours?” he asked. “Yes, that’s mine! Thank you very much!” The woodcutter was very happy. Mercury was surprised with the man’s honest heart, that he presented him the golden and the silver axes.

The woodcutter ran away home to tell his friends about it. At home the old woodcutter met his friend Bill. Bill was a woodcutter, too. He saw those axes and asked: “Who gave you them?” “Mercury, who lives in the river. I dropped my axe in the water and started crying. At that moment Mercury dived out of the water and then gave me these beautiful axes”.

Bill wanted to have such axes too. So he went to the river and dropped his wooden axe into the water. Mercury jumped out of the water and Bill cried: “Please, help me! My axe is in the water”. “All right, I’ll help you”, said Mercury. In a few minutes he dived out of the water with a golden axe. “Is this your axe?” he asked Bill. “Oh, yes! That is mine!” cried happy Bill. “No, it isn’t yours”, said Mercury. “You are not honest with me. You are bad and lazy. I don’t want to help you”. Mercury jumped into the water and didn’t come out again. And Bill had nothing to do but to go home without any axe.


I. Match two parts of the sentences:

1) Mercury was very surprised with the man’s honest heart …

2) Mercury jumped into the water …

3) He listened to the man’s problem …

4) Bill wanted to have such axes too …

5) Mercury dived out of the water …

6) The woodcutter ran away home …


a) and he went to the river and dropped his wooden axe into the water.

b) and brought an old dirty wooden axe.

c) and he presented him the golden and the silver axes.

d) and told his friends about it.

e) and wanted to help him.

f) and didn’t come out again.

II. Give the antonyms to the given words (the antonyms are in the text):

1) young 5) unhappy 9) large

2) dishonest 6) good

3) ugly 7) clean

4) hard-working 8) rich

III. Correct the statements:

1) The old woodcutter was very rich and lived in the wood.

2) His house was the biggest in the village.

3) Mercury presented the woodcutter only the golden axe.

4) The woodcutter told nobody about his adventure.

5) Mercury lived in the wood.

6) Mercury gave Bill only his own wooden axe.

IV. Translate the sentences from English into Russian:

1) “How shall I work for living?”

2) There was a noise and the god, Mercury by name, dived out of the water.

3) Mercury was very surprised with the man’s honest heart.

4) He presented him the golden and the silver axes.

5) “Oh, yes! That is mine!” cried happy Bill.

6) And Bill had nothing to do but to go home without any axes.

V. Answer the questions:

1) Where did the woodcutter live?

2) What did the woodcutter drop into the water?

3) What did the woodcutter do when he came home?

4) Why did Mercury decide to help the woodcutter?

5) What did the woodcutter bring home?

6) Why didn’t Mercury help Bill?

Test № 2: Answer the question: What is the aim of this story? (Look in the description of a story at the very beginning and give the answer).

2. Поговорим еще раз о наречиях:

Наречия бывают:

1) Простые (Simple): soon, far, often, yet.

2) Производные (Derived): loud ly, dai ly, easi ly, simp ly. (с суфиксом - ly)

3) Составные (Complex): at last, day by day, up to now (до сих пор). (из нескольких слов)

4) Сложные (Соmpound): somewhere, nowhere, sometimes. (из двух корней)

Иногда наречия и прилагательные совпадают по форме:

hard – тяжелый, тяжело

fast – быстрый, быстро

high – высокий, высоко

low – низкий, низко

deep – глубокий, глубоко

early – ранний, рано

late – поздний, поздно

long – длинный, долго

near – близкий, близко

straight – прямой, прямо

right – правильный, правильно

wrong – неправильный, неправильно

Есть наречия, которые образуются из других наречий при помощи добавления суффикса –ly и при этом получают другое значение:

hard (тяжело) – hardly (едва, с трудом)

near (близко) – nearly (почти)

close (близко) – closely (подробно)

Степени сравнения наречий строятся так же, как и степени сравнения прилагательных:


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