Fairytales with traces of mythology

Дата: 18.01.2022 (2часа)


Иностранный язык (английский)

Тема: Лексические единицы «Литература для детей дошкольного возраста». Чтение и перевод текста «Народные и литературные сказки».

Цель: Введение и закрепление изученного материала. Совершенствование навыков просмотрового и изучающего чтения.


Дидактические:   обучающийся должен знать: лексический (60-100 лексических единиц) минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарем) иностранных текстов профессиональной направленности
обучающийся должен уметь: переводить (со словарем) иностранные тексты профессиональной направленности
Развивающие: (метапредметные) - создать условия для расширения кругозора студентов и обогащения их словарного запаса; - создать условия для развития памяти, логического мышления
Воспитательные: (личностные) содействоватьформированию положительного отношения к изучаемому предмету

Задание 1: Изучите лексический материал по теме (Приложение 1) и ответьте на следующие вопросы.

Критерии оценки:

1 балл за правильный ответ, максимальный балл – 5

Задание 2. Изучите лексический материал по теме (Приложение 1) и переведите слова в скобках с русского на английский).

Translate the following:

1) Oliver Twist is a (роман) written by an English (писатель) Charles Dickens.

2) It is the author’s (шедевр), because the novel is (хорошо написана) and gripping.

3) It has interesting (повороты сюжета), (яркие персонажи) and a great ending.

4) It has been translated into many languages, so one can read the novel either (в переводе) or (в оригинале).

5) You are sure to like it even if you are (не любите читать).


Критерии оценки:

1 балл за правильный ответ, максимальный балл – 9

Задание 3: а) Прочитайте текст (Приложение 2) и ответьте на следующие вопросы.

Answer the questions:

1. What do English fairy tales contain?

2. What do they originate in?

3. What is magic traditionally connected with?

4. What is the main hero of an English fairy tale like?

5. What is the main motive of English fairy tales?

6. Characterize positive/negative heroes.

7. What do English people value?

Критерии оценки:

1 балл за правильный ответ, максимальный балл – 7


b) Переведите следующий текст.

Translate from English into Russian.

Russian Fairy Tales

Russian fairy tales are some of the oldest and richest in the world. Russian children love them. Almost all of them have a happy ending and the good characters win over the bad ones.

Tales can be divided into three groups by their subject-matter: fairytales with traces of mythology, tales about animals, who speak and act like people, and tales of manners.

Tales about Animals

Among the central characters of Russian fairytales there is Fox, Wolf, Bear, Hare, She-Goat and He-Goat, Bull, Horse, Dog, Raven, and Rooster. Most frequent personages of animal tales are Fox and Wolf. Just like the epos of Western Europe, Russian folktales present Fox as a sneaky, crafty and treacherous creature that using its slyness gains the upper hand over stronger animals, such as Wolf and Bear. Wolf is characteristic for different human features: as a rule he is angry, greedy, voracious, and stupid; Fox has a special pleasure in playing tricks on him and every time Wolf is easily duped again and again. Far less definite is the image of Bear, yet one of his most peculiar features is slow-wittedness.

Fairytales with traces of mythology

Fairytales of mythological character are those which use fanciful and magical images to depict the struggle of the light and the dark, the good and the evil, or the opposite powers of nature.

Baba-Yaga appears in Russian tales in two ways: she is whether a horrifying and wicked witch and a man-eater, or a supportive and just wise woman that helps the hero in his quest (especially if it is a chance for her to spite Koschei). She lives alone deep in the forest; her hut can move on its large chicken legs – it likes rotating in front of guests and will not stop unless the hero knows the proper incantation to make it turn its front to him and its back to the woods. Or else, Baba-Yaga lives in a tower-chamber surrounded with a vile fence made of human bones and skulls, the miserable remains of her victims.

Koshchei the Deathless is an abominable sorcerer who kidnaps and imprisons the beauty hoping she would yield to his wicked will. However, we have a hero who must save the beauty, and in every tale he happens to learn (sometimes with the beauty’s help) about where to find the death of the Deathless!

Faraway in the sea there is a secret island, in the island an oak is growing, under the oak a trunk is buried, in the trunk a hare is hidden, in the hare there is a duck, in the duck there is an egg, and in that egg is the death of the deathless villain Koshchei.

The most interesting plots developed in mythological tales include fighting the Serpent, magic transformation of people, pursuit of hard tasks, like saving beauties, magic artifacts, building a palace in a night, etc. Usually the heroes get help from women, whether from wife, or mother, or girlfriend who turns to have secretly some supernatural powers. She calms down the hero with the words: “The morning is wiser than the evening: go to bed, everything will be done”.

Tales of manners

Tales of manners reflect the features of the people’s customs, morals and ways of life. They can be divided into two parts: earlier tales bear traces of mythological or ancient outlook, and later tales reveal Christian influence. The tales of manner can tell about personified Truth and Lie, about relatives, such as husband and wife, step-daughter and step-mother, the younger brother and the older brothers, and so on.


Критерии оценки перевода текста

Оценка «отлично»

Студент осуществляет перевод иностранных текстов профессиональной направленности, демонстрируя владение лексическими единицами и грамматическим минимумом в соответствии с изученной тематикой при помощи словаря. Перевод текста соответствует его содержанию.


Оценка «хорошо»

Студент осуществляет перевод иностранных текстов профессиональной направленности с помощью словаря, допуская грамматические ошибки, незначительно нарушающие точность перевода.


Оценка «удовлетворительно»

При переводе текста студент часто допускает ошибки элементарного уровня, либо ошибки немногочисленны, но затрудняют понимание текста. Уровень владения студентом лексико-грамматическим минимумом затрудняет перевод текста или приводит к искажению содержания.



Оценка «неудовлетворительно»

Студент затрудняется в выполнении перевода. Уровень владения лексическим и грамматическим минимумом не позволяет студенту осуществить перевод текста. Студент демонстрирует несформированность навыка работы со словарем, допуская ошибки, которые значительно искажают понимание содержания текста либо крайне ограниченный словарный запас не позволяет выполнить поставленную задачу.



Приложение 1

Тема 2.5. Литература для детей дошкольного возраста

1. author 2. poet 3. writer 4. novelist 5. playwright/dramatist 6. editor 7. fiction/non-fiction 8. biography 9. encyclopedia 10. dictionary 11. comics\comic book 12. fantasy 13. folk tale/fairy tale 14. fable 15. play 16. nursery rhyme 17. poem 18. short story 19. narrative 20. novel 21. scene 22. line 23. stanza 24. chapter 25. theme 26. plot 27. narration 28. hero/heroine 29. setting 30. ending   31. genre 32. best-seller 33. masterpiece 34. for many seasons 35. favourite 36. easy reading 37. well-written 38. exciting 39. disappointing 40. a good read 41. poor staff 42. boring 43. true-to-life 44. to be made into a film 45. to have interesting plot twists 46. to have a great ending 47. to have well-developed characters 48. readership 49. bookworm 50. to be a keen reader 51. to be a lover of books 52. to be not much of a reader 53. to enjoy/like the book 54. to be hooked with the book 55. to be disappointed with the book 56. to have an impact on 57. to read the book from cover to cover 58. to dip into the book 59. to read in translation 60. to read in the original  



Приложение 2

English fairy tales

English fairy tales contain a great number of folklore figures, national humor, unusual adventures, and magic events. They originate in Celtic mythology, but they are connected with European folklore, especially with its Scandinavian and Germanic branches. During long time of independent existence English fairy tales have become a mirror of national character of English, original generalization of English mind and soul. Magic in English fairy tales is traditionally connected with beings from the "other" world: elves, fairies, giants. The heroes don't have magic power, but they get magical items from fairy-tale grantor (magical beans in Jack And The Beanstalk). The main hero of an English fairy tale is usually a peasant, or a farmer, or a hunter, or a fisher. Names of the main fairy-tale heroes are often very simple (Jack, Jane, Mary, Sam), which indicate their simple nature.

English fairy tales as well as fairy tales of other nations have their special meaning, reflect national peculiarities of English mentality. The main motive of English fairy tales is avoiding of failure. The activeness of a hero of an English fairy tale often depends on his duty, but not on his own desire. It is very interesting that some of the positive heroes of English fairy tales are a bit selfish. English don't consider this feature to be negative one. English are very pedantic, purposeful, prudent, provident and far-sighted. They work orderly, properly to achieve their goals. On the contrary, negative heroes are greedy, cruel, cunning, mean, imprudent, foolish. Positive characters of English fairy tales are mainly beautiful, and negative heroes are more often ugly. It proves that beauty is valued highly by English people. But innate qualities are more precious from the point of view of the fairy tales.



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