Some more about Non-ferrous Metals

Non-ferrous are metals and alloys the main component of which is not iron but some other elements such as aluminium, copper and others. Some of the characteristics of non-ferrous metals are high electric and heat conductivity, high corrosion resistance, light weight and ease in fabrication.

We know aluminium to be one of the best known light metals. Aluminium was first produced in the laboratory in 1825 by reducing aluminium chloride. However, wide acceptance of aluminium as an engineering material did not occur until World War II. Since then usage of aluminium has steadily increased each year.

Aluminium is said to be a white silvery metal which does not rust in the air. Its good corrosion resistance and law density permit it to be widely used in the field of transportation. It is to be noted that aluminium is highly ductile and can be shaped easily by a wide variety of methods and can be rolled. The tensile strength* of aluminium is low in comparison with that of iron. The good electrical conductivity of the metal makes it suitable for many applications in the electrical industry. Everybody knows aluminium to be used extensively for coatings that must be light in weight, light in colour or that must not rust. To make aluminium harder it is necessary to add some other metals to it. Copper, zinc and iron are the metals that alloy freely with aluminium.

Historically, copper became one of the first engineering metals. It is known to have been used in prehistoric times for making weapons and tools. Later it was alloyed with tin to form bronze. Having very high electric conductivity and high corrosion resistant qualities, pure copper is a good conductor. However, copper alloys qualities, are stated to be more widely employed, chief among them are brasses* and bronzes *. Brasses are alloys of copper and iron in different proportions. Bronze is an alloy containing primarily copper and tin *, but other elements can be added to the alloy to improve its properties such as hardness and resistance to wear. Additions of some other elements to copper alloys permit certain properties to be made better.

Vocabulary to the text:

1. tensile strength* - прочность на разрыв(на растяжение);

2. brass* - латунь;

3. bronze * - бронза;

4. tin * - олово.

2. Answer the questions to the text.

1. What kinds of metals are called non-ferrous?

2. What are the main characteristics of non-ferrous metals?

3. When aluminium was first produced?

4. What colour is aluminium?

5. Is it more widely used in machine-building or in transportation?

6. What are the basic characteristics of aluminium?

7. Are there any metals that alloy freely with it?

8. What was the first engineering metal used by a man?

9. What property of copper is the most attractive for modern engineering technologies?

10. Which alloys with copper are the most widely known and used today?


Материалы для выполнения УСР 2

1. Read the translate the text


Plastics are non-metallic, synthetic, carbon-based materials. They can be moulded, shaped, or extruded into flexible sheets, films, or fibres. Plastics are synthetic polymers. Polymers consist of long-chain molecules made of large numbers of identical small molecules (monomers). The chemical nature of a plastic is defined by monomer (repeating unit) that makes up the chain of the polymer.

The molecules can be either natural – like cellulose, wax, and natural rubber – or - synthetic in polyethylene (polyethene) and nylon. In co- polymers, more than one monomer is used.

Most plastics are synthesized from organic chemicals or from natural gas or oil. Plastics are light-weight compared to metals and are good electrical insulators. The best insulators now are epoxy resins and teflon.

Plastics can be classified into several broad types: thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics and elastomers.

Thermoplastics soften on heating, and then harden again when cooled. Thermoplastic molecules are also coiled and because of this they are flexible and easily stretched.

Typical example of thermoplastics is polystyrene. Polystyrene resins are characterized by high resistance to chemical and mechanical stresses at low temperatures and by very low absorption of water. These properties make polystyrene especially suitable for radio-frequency insulation in airplanes. PET (polyethene terephthalate) is a transparent thermoplastic used for soft-drinks bottles. Thermoplastics are also viscoelastic.

Thermosetting plastics (thermosets) do not soften when heated, and with strong heating they decompose. In most thermosets, final cross-linking, which fixes the molecules; takes place after the plastic has already been formed.

Thermosetting plastics have higher density than thermoplastics. They are less flexible, more difficult to stretch, and are lass subjected to creep. Examples of thermosetting plastics include urea- formaldehyde or polyurethane and epoxy resins, most polyesters, and phenolic polymers such as phenol-formaldehyde resin.

Elastomers are similar to thermoplastics but have sufficient cross-linking between molecules to prevent stretching and creep.


2. Give full answer he questions to the text.

1. What is the basic chemical element of plastics?

2. How plastics can be worked?

3. Plastics are synthetic polymers, aren’t they?

4. What is long-chain molecules made of?

5. What kind of molecules makes plastics?

6. Are most plastics synthesized from organic or synthetic chemicals?

7. What are the main types of plastics?


3. Define the sentences as true or false.


  Sentences to be regarded Yes   No
1.   2.   3. 4.   5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Thermoplastics soften on heating then harden again when cooled. Thermoplastics are highly resistant to chemical and mechanical stresses. They have also very high absorption of water. Polystyrene is a very nice insulator suitable for low temperatures in refrigerators and in airplanes. Thermosetting plastics do not soften when heated. Thermosetting plastics are stronger than thermosets. They are very flexible and easy to creep. Epoxy resins and polyurethane are typical thermoplastics. Elastomers are similar to thermoplastics. Sufficient cross-linking between molecules prevent their stretching and creep.    

Материалы для выполнения УСР 3

1. Read the translate the text

Composite Materials

The combination of two or more different materials is called composite materials. They usually have unique mechanical and physical properties because they combine the best properties of different materials. For example, a fibre-glass reinforced plastic combines the high strength of thin glass fibres with the ductility and chemical resistance of plastic. Nowadays composites are being used for structures such as bridges, boat-building, etc.

Composite materials usually consist of synthetic fibres within a matrix, a material that surrounds and is tightly bound to the fibres. The most widely used type of composite material is polymer matrix composites (PMCs). PMCs consist of fibres made of ceramic material such as carbon or glass embedded in a plastic matrix. Usually the fibres make up about 60% by volume. Composites with metal matrices or ceramic matrices are called metal matrix composites (MMCs) and ceramic matrix composites (CMCs), respectively.

Continuous-fibre composites are generally required for structural applications. The specific strength (strength-to-density ratio) and specific stiffness (elastic modulus ratio) of continuous carbon fibre PMCs, for example, can be better than metal alloys have. Composites can also have other attractive properties, such as high thermal or electric conductivity and a low coefficient of thermal expansion.

Although composite materials have certain advantages over conventional materials, composites also have some disadvantages. For example, PMCs and other composite materials tend to be highly anisotropic- that is, their strength, stiffness, and other engineering properties are different depending on the orientation of the composite material. For example, if PMC is fabricated so that all the fibres are lined up parallel to one another, then PMC will be very stiff in the direction parallel to the fibres, but not stiff in the perpendicular direction. The designer, who uses composite materials in structures subjected to multidirectional forces, must take into account these anisotropic properties. Also, forming strong connections between separate composite material components is difficult.

The advanced composites have high manufacturing costs. Fabricating composite materials is a complex process. However, new manufacturing techniques are developed. It will become possible to produce composite materials at higher volumes and at lower cost than is now possible, accelerating the wider exploitation of these materials.


2. Answer the questions to the text. Give full answers using arguments from the text.

1. What is called “composite materials”?

2. What are the best properties of fibre-glass?

3. What do composite materials usually consist of?

4. What is used as matrix in composites?

5. What is used as filler or fibres in composites?

6. What are the main advantages of composite materials?

7. Do they have any disadvantages?

8. Are their anisotropic properties an advantage or disadvantage?


3. Translate the sentences into Russian; use the dictionary if necessary.

1. The combination of two or more different materials is called composite materials.

2. Nowadays composites are being used for structures such as bridges, boat-building, etc.

3. Composite materials usually consist of synthetic fibres within a matrix, a material that surrounds and is tightly bound to the fibres.

4. Usually the fibres make up about 60% by volume.

5. Composites can also have other attractive properties, such as high thermal or electric conductivity and a low coefficient of thermal expansion.

6. The designer, who uses composite materials in structures subjected to multidirectional forces, must take into account these anisotropic properties.

7. The advanced composites have high manufacturing costs.

8. It will become possible to produce composite materials at higher volumes and at lower cost than is now possible, accelerating the wider exploitation of these materials.



Материалы для выполнения УСР 4

Письменный перевод текста ”Metalworking Processes”, выполнение упражнений 2.1, 2.2 с. 163-164, письменно ответить на вопросы к тексту с. 161-162.



III семестр


№ п/п Название темы Кол-во часов Методическое обеспечение Формы контроля
  Станки и их виды   Агабекян, И.П., Коваленко П.И. Английский для технических вузов: / И. П.Агабекян, П.И. Коваленко —Ростов н/Д.: «ФЕНИКС», 2007. — 350 с. (Серия «Высшее образование»). – С.183-187 Подробный письменный перевод текста, выполнение упражнений к тексту; монологическое высказывание по теме
  Человек и машины   Агабекян, И.П., Коваленко П.И. Английский для технических вузов: / И. П.Агабекян, П.И. Коваленко —Ростов н/Д.: «ФЕНИКС», 2007. — 350 с. (Серия «Высшее образование»). – С.223-226 Подробный письменный перевод текста, выполнение упражнений к тексту подготовка аннотации к тексту (на русском языке)

Материалы для выполнения УСР 1


Письменный перевод текстов ”Machine-tools”, “Lathe” выполнение упражнений 4.1,4.2 с. 186-187, письменно ответить на вопросы к тексту с. 186.

Материалы для выполнения УСР 2

Письменный перевод текста ”Robots in Manufacturing”, выполнение упражнения 7. 4 с. 226, письменно ответить на вопросы к тексту с. 225.

IV семестр


№ п/п Название темы Кол-во часов Методическое обеспечение Формы контроля
  Составление делового письма   Зубрицкая Л.С., Гуминская О.П.. Технический перевод: теория и практикум: метод. рекомендации для студентов инженер. специальностей: сост. Барановичи: РИО БарГУ, 2011. ­ с. ­ 60-61   Перевод и составление делового письма
  Безработица   Янушко М.В. Английский для экономистов: методические рекомендации, стр. 82 – 85 Письменный перевод текста; выполнение упражнений к тексту; монологическое высказывание по теме

Материалы для выполнения УСР 1


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