Nouns denoting groups of animals

Speaking about animals, we normally group them into congregations: отара овец, стая птиц, табун лошадей, косяк рыб, пчелиный рой, свора собак. We have to use a precise word denoting a group of a particular species of animals.

Cattle are usually called ‘ herd’ [hɜːd]:

a herd of cows/ giraffes/ deer/ zebras/ hippopotami/ horses/ donkeys

‘H erd’ can also be used with those animals which live, hunt, graze together and roam together:

a herd of wolves/ elephants/ seals/ whales/ kangaroos – стадо/стая

Sometimes we can use ‘ drove’ [drəuv] denoting grazing cattle: a drove of сattle / pigs / donkeys - стадо

However, we can come across such phrases:

a drove of rabbits/ goats/ hares – группа кроликов/ коз/ зайцев

Wild animals are usually called ‘ band’ [bænd]:

a band of wolves/ gorillas / buffalo – стая, стадо, группа

Groups of wolves and dogs can be described as ‘ pack’ [pæk]:

a pack of wolves/dogs/ coyotes – свора

Hunters normally say ‘ leash’ [liːʃ] implying a pack of predators (foxes, wolves, dogs) consisting of three animals:

a leash of foxes/ wolves/ dogs

Monkeys in groups are a ‘ troop’ [truːp]

a troop of monkeys/ gorillas/ baboons – группа, стадо

‘Troop’ can unite other animals, birds or insects.

There are particular names for some groups of animals:

a parade of elephants – стадо

a pride of lions – прайд

a clowder of cats – стая

Speaking about birds in general, it’s better to use ‘ flock’ [flɔk] (стая):

a flock of birds/ geese/ seagulls - стая

However, ‘ flock’ can also denote a group of animals:

a flock of sheep/ goats / deer– отара

If you want to say about domestic birds, use ‘ brood’ [bruːd]

a brood of chicks – выводок цыплят

At the same time there are various means of conveying the meaning of ‘a group’ for different types of birds.

a host of sparrows

a parliament of owls (Owls are considered to be wise, so they are called ‘a parliament’.)

a sedge of cranes (Sedge is a kind of grass that grows in marshlands where cranes and herons live)

a convocation of eagles – стая орлов (Convocation is a large formal meeting. No wonder such a solemn words is employed for this species!)

a murder of crows/ magpies

a company of parrots

a flight of swallows

a stand of flamingoes

Let’s pass over to fish. They also have names for groups!

Fish usually gather into a ‘ school’ [skuːl] or a ‘ shoal’ [ʃəul]:

a school/shoal of tuna/ mackerel/ salmon/ herrings/ shark – стая/ косяк

a small group of big fish or marine animals is called a ‘ pod’ [pɔd]:

A pod of dolphins/ whales/ killer whales/ walrus/ seals

If we want to unite marine inhabitants living at the bottom we need the word a ‘ bed’:

a bed of mussels/ oysters/ clams/ snakes – колония/поселение

Flying insects make up a ‘ swarm’ [swɔːm]:

a swarm of mosquitoes/ bees/ flies/ gnats – рой

Such insects as ants live in colonies:

a colony of ants/ termites – колония

Moreover, the word ‘ colony’ ['kɔlənɪ] is used for groups of other animals living and breeding in one place.

a colony of cats/seals – выводок

a colony of mice / rats/ squirrels/ bats - гнездо

A group of insects and reptiles is called a ‘ nest’ [nest]:

a nest of hornets / ants/ bees/ caterpillars – гнездо

a nest of snakes/ turtles – гнездо

To denote a group of insects or animals which can cause damage the word ‘ horde’ [hɔːd]

a horde of rats/ gnats/ hamsters – рой/скопление/стая

You can find a more detailed list of group names in the table below.

Animal Name of a group Translation
Albatross Rookery стая альбатросов
Antelopes Herd, cluster стадо антилоп
Ants Nest, army, colony, state, swarm, bike колония муравьёв
Apes Shrewdness, troop стадо, стая, группа обезьян
Asses Pace, drove, herd, coffle стадо ослов
Baboons Troop, flange стадо бабуинов
Badgers Cete, colony, set, company семья барсуков
Bats Colony, cloud колония летучих мышей
Bears Sloth, sleuth, slought семья медведей
Beavers Family, lodge, colony семья, колония бобров
Bees Swarm, cluster, nest, hive, erst, bike, cast, college, drift, game, fry, peck, rabble, stand, range, butt, spindle, grist колония, рой, гнездо, улей пчёл
Birds Battery, cast, congregation, covert, covey, drift, flight, fleet, flock, flush, nest, aviary стая птиц
Bison Herd стадо бизонов
Boars Sounder, singular, herd стадо кабанов
Buffaloes Troop, herd, gang, obstinacy стадо бизонов
Butterflies Rabble, flight, kaleidoscope стая бабочек
Camels Flock, train, caravan, herd караван верблюдов
Caribou Herd стадо северных оленей
Caterpillars Army, nest колония гусениц
Cats Clowder, clutter, cluster, colony, glorying, kindle, litter, dout, parliament, seraglio, glaring, destruction (wild cats) выводок, помёт, стая кошек
Cattle Drove, herd, bow, bunch, draft, drift, flote, head, diary поголовье, стадо скота
Chicken Brood, clutch, hatching, nest, parcel, peep, battery, flock выводок цыплят
Chinchilla Colony стая шиншилл
Clams Bed колония моллюсков
Cockroaches Intrusion полчище тараканов
Colts Rake, rage стадо жеребят
Cows Dairy, drove, pack, team стадо коров
Crabs Cast колония крабов
Cranes Flock, herd, sedge, siege, sege стая журавлей
Crocodiles Bask, nest стая крокодилов
Crows Murder, parcel, hover стая ворон
Deer Herd, leash, bevy, game, quarry, bunch, mob стадо оленей
Dogs Gang, legion, kennel, pack, stud свора собак
Dolphins Team, school стая, стадо дельфинов
Ducks Bunch, brood, knob, raft, skein, string, mob, paddling, plump, sord, sore, team, waddling стая уток
Eagles Aerie, brood, convocation, cargo стая орлов
Eels Swarm, bed, bind, draft, fry, wisp стая угрей
Elephants Herd, flock, parade стадо слонов
Elks Gang, herd стадо лосей
Ferrets Business стая хорьков
Finches Chirm, charm стая зябликов
Fish School, shoal, haul, draught, run, catch, cran, flote, flutter, cast, throw, warp косяк рыб
Flies Business, hatch, grist, swarm, community, fare, rabble, cloud рой мух
Flamingoes Stand стая фламинго
Foxes Cloud, skulk, brace, leash, troop, earth стая лисиц
Frogs Army, colony, froggery скопление, колония лягушек
Geese Gaggle, clutch, flock, line, skein, nide, wedge стая, караван гусей
Giraffes Herd, corps, troop, tower стадо жирафов
Gnats Swarm, cloud, horde, plague, rabble рой мошек
Goats Flock, trip, herd, tribe стадо коз
Goldfish Troubling стая золотых рыбок
Gorillas Band стая, стадо горилл
Grasshoppers Cloud стая кузнечиков
Hares Down, flick, huske, kindle, tripp, drove, warren, dun выводок, семья зайцев
Hawks Aerie, brood, cast, leash, mews, staff стая ястребов
Hedgehogs Nest, array выводок ежей
Hens Battery, brood, parcel, roost, mews, concatenation поголовье кур
Hippopotami Bloat, school, pod, herd стадо гиппопотамов
Horses Haras, stud, herd, string, field, set, team, stable, mews, mob, parcel, rag, slate табун лошадей, стадо лошадей
Insects Horde, nest, swarm, rabble, plague рой насекомых
Jellyfish Smuck, fluther, smack, stuck, smuth, brood скопление медуз
Kangaroos Troop, mob, herd стадо кенгуру
Kittens Kindle, litter выводок, помёт котят
Larks Bevy, exaltation, flight, wisp стая жаворонков
Leopards Leap стая леопардов
Lice Flock колония вшей
Lions Pride, troop, flock, sawt, souse прайд львов
Locusts Swarm, cloud, plague стая саранчи
Magpies Tiding, tittering стая сорок
Mice Nest, colony, harvest колония мышей
Minnows Shoal, steam, or swarm косяк мальков
Moles Company, labour, citadel (of mole burrows) семья кротов
Monkeys Troop, cartload, tribe стадо обезьян
Moose Herd стадо лосей
Mosquitoes Scourge рой, стая комаров
Otters Bevy, lodge, family семья выдр
Owls Parliament, stare стая сов
Oxen Team, yoke, drove, or herd стадо быков
Oysters Bed, cast, clam, hive, set колония устриц    
Parrots Company, flock, pandemonium стая попугаев
Peacocks Muster, ostentation стая павлинов
Penguins Parcel, rookery стая пингвинов
Pigeons Flight, flock, loft стая голубей
Pigs Drove, fare, litter, flock, hoggery, sounder, nest of trotters стадо свиней
Porpoises School, crowd, herd, shoal, gam, pod, turmoil стая, стадо белух
Quail Bevy, covey, jug стая, выводок перепелов
Rabbits Bevy, bury (of conies), flick, kindle, nest, game, warren, colony группа кроликов
Racoons Nursery семья енотов
Ravens Unkindness стая воронов
Reindeer Herd стадо оленей
Rhinoceros Crash, stubbornness, herd   стадо носорогов
Rooks Building, clamour, congregation, council, pack, shoal, wing стая грачей
Salmon Run, bind косяк лосося
Sardines Family косяк сардин
Scorpions Bed, nest гнездо скорпионов
Seals Pod, herd, trip, rookery, flock, plump, harem стадо, колония, лежбище тюленей
Sharks School or shoal стая акул
Sheep Flock, hirsel, drove trip, drift, fold, hurtle, parcel, mob, down, pack отара овец
Snails Escargatoire, rout, walk колония улиток
Snakes Bed, knot, den, pit клубок, гнездо змей
Spiders Cluster, clutter скопление пауков
Squirrels Drey, colony стая белок
Starlings Cloud, chattering, murmuration, clattering стая скворцов
Stoats Pack, trip стая горностаев
Storks Flight, mustering, phalanx стая аистов
Swallows Flight, gulp, rush стая ласточек
Swans Flock, bevy, bank, eyrar, drift, game, herd, sownder, team, wedge стая лебедей
Swine Sounder, drift, herd, trip, drone, singular (of boars) стадо свиней
Tigers Ambush стая тигров
Toads Knot, nest, knob группа жаб
Trout Hover, leash, troup косяк форели
Turkeys Duet, crop, posse, rafter, gang стая индюшек
Turtles Bale, dole, turn, dule черепаший пляж,
Vipers Nest гнездо гадюк
Vultures Carpets, cast, drove, flock, herd стая грифов
Walruses Pod, herd, huddle стадо моржей
Wasps Nest, knot, knab, bike, swarm рой ос
Weasels Pack стая куниц
Whales School, gam, mob, pod, herd, plump, run, flote, shoal стадо китов
Wildfowl Lute, plump, scry, skein, sord, trip стая дичи
Wolves Rout, route, pack, head, horde стая волков
Woodpeckers Descent стая дятлов
Worms Bed, clew, bunch, clat скопление червей
Zebras Herd, zeal, cohorts стадо зебр



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