1. If any differences or disagreements arise out of the contract… Если из данного контракта возникнут какие-либо разногласия…
2. …on behalf of… …от имени…
3. … if you answer in the affirmative manner… …если Вы дадите положительный ответ …


Ex.1. Find in the letters the English equivalents corresponding to the following Russian phrases.


Действовать в качестве агента; известная торговая марка; отвечать положительно; растущий спрос на товары; поручить кому-либо продажу товаров; принимать на себя делькредере; поставлять со склада; оплата счетов; платить кому-либо непосредственно; рекламная поддержка; показывать товары с самой выгодной стороны; срок действия контракта; составлять проект контракта; от нашего имени; на консигнационной основе; за чей-либо счет; скидка с прейскурантной цены; послепродажное обслуживание; торговая марка; продавать наш товар на сумму, равную сумме продаж Вашего оборудования.


Ex.2. Fill in the blanks with one of the following words. Mind your grammar.


to advantage; turnover; references; in the affirmative manner; consignment basis; draft; to entrust; to draw up; to clarify; to accomplish; established; stocks; del credere; equal in value to; to determine


1. There are some points we would like to be _____ before taking a decision.

2. We have show-rooms where your products can be shown _____.

3. We generally do not deal on _____ but prefer our agents to buy our products on their own account.

4. If our offer is of interest to you, please write to us immediately so that we could _____ a draft agency agreement.

5. You know our produce well enough, besides your company is long _____.

6. We would like _____ you with the sale of our goods and appoint you our sole agent for Central Europe.

7. For _____ you may apply to the Japanese Trade Commission in London.

8. If you agree to act on our behalf and sell our equipment _____ the sales of your machines in this country, we will be happy to entrust you with sole agency.

9. Should you so desire we would be prepared to accept _____ for which we charge a commission of 3 per cent.

10. They usually prefer this method as it proves more profitable for them and allows them greater freedom in _____ prices.

11. We suppose you could expect an annual _____ of more than 500 000 dollars.

12. We should be obliged if you would send us a _____ agency agreement.

13. The Company would like to know how the payment will be _____: by a Letter of Credit or by Bill of Exchange?

14. We will supply you from stock so you will not have to hold large _____.

15. If you answer _____, we would like you to handle sole agency for us.


Ex.3. Complete the sentences.


1. Your proposal (поручить нам продажу Вашего товара) on the terms stated in your letter is not acceptable to us.

2. Your manufactures can be shown (с выгодной стороны) in our spacious show-rooms.

3. There would be an additional 3% commission if you (примете на себя делькредере).

4. You know our (продукцию) well enough, besides your company is long established.

5. We shall appreciate it if you will enclose a (проект агентского соглашения) with your letter.

6. We would like to know how the payment (будет осуществлен): by a draft or by a Letter of Credit.

7. If any (разногласия) or (споры) arise out of the contract arbitration will be held in the Seller’s country.

8. We are glad to receive your letter dated October 21, 20... containing your proposals (по увеличению наших продаж) in your region.

9. You can (обратиться за рекомендациями) to the British Chamber of Commerce.

10. We should be very obliged to you if you would provide us with (рекомендации).

11. If our offer is of interest to you, please write to us immediately so that we could (составитьь проект агентского соглашения).

12. We would like (назначить Вас монопольным агентом) for the sale of our goods.

13. If you agree (действовать от нашего имени) and sell our equipment (на сумму, равную объему продаж) of your machines in this country, we will be happy to entrust you with sole agency.

14. We prefer (не работать на условиях консигнации) but would like our agents to buy our products for their own account.

15. You will not have to (держать значительные запасы товара).

16. Our company offers (полный комплект послепродажного обслуживания) which is essential in establishing the reputation of our brands.

17. Will you please discuss all the details and particulars of the deal with our representative who will call on you on November 1, 20... if you (дадите положительный ответ).

18. We generally (не работаем на консигнационной основе) but prefer our agents to buy our products for their own account.



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