4.1 Answer the following questions to compare the two court systems.

1) What are the two court systems in the United States?

2) What does it mean that these two systems coexist?

3) In what way are the federal courts organized? Name the federal courts in descending order.

4) Does the general structure of the state courts differ from that of the federal courts? Name the state courts in ascending order.

5) What courts form the ground level of both federal and state judicial pyramids? What are their names?

6) What courts stand below the Supreme Court and above the trial courts in both systems?

7) What are the Courts of Last Resort in both systems?

8) How are judges selected in both systems?


4.2 Name the courts of first instance (state or federal) that deal with the following cases:

- cases involving ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls

- bankruptcy and maritime cases

- cases of murder, rape, burglary

- traffic violations

- disturbance of the peace

- matrimonial matters

- disputes to which a state is a party

- bank robbery, kidnapping, narcotics


4.3 Translate the following sentences into English in writing.

1) В США существуют федеральные суды и суды штатов.

2) Федеральные суды создаются Конгрессом в соответствии с Конституцией США; суды штатов создаются правительствами штатов.

3) В большинстве штатов судами низшей инстанции являются мировые или магистратские суды.

4) Кроме основных судов в федеральной судебной системе имеются еще и специализированные суды – палата претензий, таможенный и налоговый суды и др.

5) Судьи всех федеральных судов назначаются президентом “по совету и с согласия Сената” пожизненно.

6) Суды штатов ежегодно рассматривают свыше 29 млн. дел, а федеральные суды – около 1 миллиона дел.

7) Федеральные суды чаще рассматривают гражданские, а не уголовные дела.

8) Из всех дел, рассматриваемых в федеральных судах, 78 % составляют дела о банкротстве, 4% составляют уголовные дела и 18% - гражданские дела.

9) Уголовные дела, рассматриваемые в федеральных судах, ограничиваются немногими федеральными преступлениями, такими как похищение людей, ограбление банков, шпионаж, саботаж, наркотики, контрабанда.

10) Большинство совершаемых уголовных преступлений отнесено Конституцией к компетенции отдельных штатов.

5. PRESENTATION. Describe the United States Federal and State Judiciaries.



1. BEFORE READING. Study the meaning of the following words from the text you are going to read.

1 case 2 to initiate (a case) 3 to file (an application, a complaint) (n) filing 4pleadings(n)   5 amount in question 6 impartial   7at random 8 injury 9 to allege   (pp) alleged 10 to comply with   (n) compliance 11damages (pl) 1 any proceeding, action, suit, lawsuit, litigation started through the court (судебное дело) 2 to start (инициировать дело в суде) 3 to submit (подать заявление, жалобу)   - (подача) 4 a) presentation of arguments by the attorneys (выступления адвокатов в суде) b) formal written applications by the parties in a civil case (письменные заявления сторон в гражданском деле) 5 sum of legal claim (величина иска) 6 fair in giving judgments, etc.; without any prejudice (беспристрастный) 7 without aim or purpose (наугад) 8 harm, damage, loss (ущерб) 9 to state sth without any proof (предполагать) - (предполагаемый) 10 to act in accordance with a request, command, sb’s wishes, etc. (выполнять) - (выполнение) 11 compensation (возмещение ущерба)

2.FIRST READING. Skim the text and put the following headings into the correct numbered positions (1-5).






Civil Actions


Civil actions are disputes between two or more parties. In such cases, the complaining party, or plaintiff, initiates a lawsuit against the defendant. The state acts merely as a referee and is not a party to the dispute.

The first step in a civil lawsuit is the filing of pleadings with the clerk of the court. The plaintiff files a complaint which briefly states the injury and names the defendant. Through his attorney, the defendant files an answer in which he explains what the plaintiff has said in his complaint.The defendant may also file a counterclaim against the plaintiff.

The next step is that of preparation for a court trial. While attorneys for both the plaintiff and the defendant are busily preparing to argue the case in court, the court itself is making certain preparations. Principal among these is the selection of a jury. Attorneys participate, often actively, in the selection of the jury. Depending on the court and the amount in question, the jury may consist of from six to twelve impartial men and women chosen at random from voter lists.

It is up to the plaintiff to prove the case against the defendant. The extent to which the plaintiff must prove the case in order to win is called the plaintiff’s burden of proof. In most civil cases the plaintiff’s burden of proof is to prove the case by a preponderance of evidence, that is, that the plaintiff’s version of what happened in the case is more probably true than not true.

Decisions of a jury or a judge in a civil case are called awards. These awards may include money damages for the alleged injury, compliance with the terms of a contract, or orders to stop further illegal actions. These awards may be ordered by a jury or by the judge, depending on the particular court. They are final and can be only reviewed by a higher court on appeal.


3. SCANNING READING. Quickly scan the text to find words or phrases that mean the following:

1) party which sues; initiator of the action

2) party which is sued

3) initial paper filed by the plaintiff in a civil case

4) paper filed by the defendant in return to the plaintiff’s claim

5) paper filed by the defendant against the plaintiff


4. READING FOR GENERAL UNDERSTANDING. Choose the correct alternative to complete each of the sentences below.

1. In civil cases the state is …

a) the plaintiff

b) the defendant

c) not a party to a case

2. A counterclaim is a(n) …

a) initial claim presented by the plaintiff

b) claim presented by the defendant in opposition to the claim of the plaintiff

c) explanation presented by the defendant in return to the claim of the plaintiff

3. A jury is a group of from six to twelve …

a) attorneys

b) judges

c) ordinary citizens

4. The plaintiff’s burden of proof is …

a) a measure of evidence the plaintiff must present to win the case

b) the defendant’s version of what has happened in the case

c) arguments presented by lawyers

5. Decisions of a court in civil cases are called …

a) verdicts

b) awards

c) rewards



5.1 Find in the text the English for:

Истец; ответчик; возбудить дело в суде; подача письменных заявлений сторон; исковое заявление; письменное объяснение по делу ответчика; встречный иск; величина иска; беспристрастный; выбранные наугад; доказательная норма (бремя доказывания истца); перевес доказательств; решения суда в гражданском деле; денежная компенсация; предполагаемый ущерб; выполнение условий договора; распоряжение о прекращении дальнейших противоправных действий; могут быть пересмотрены; по апелляции;

5.2 Match the terms on the left to their descriptions on the right.

1 to initiate a lawsuit 2 to argue the case in court 3 complaint 4 answer 5 jury 6 money damages     a) to plead (speak) for or against sb in court b) a group of impartial people who decide on the facts in a jury trial c) monetary compensation d) paper filed by the defendant in return to that of the plaintiff e) to sue f) initial paper filed by the plaintiff in a civil case

5.3 Fill in the synonyms from the list.

Damage (harm); litigant; litigation (case); decisions; to rehear; judge;

lawsuit = awards = referee = party = injury = to review (a case) =

5.4 Fill in the correct preposition, if any.

Dispute … two or more parties; initiate a lawsuit … the defendant; a party … the dispute; the filing … pleadings … the clerk … the court; preparation … a court trial; selection … a jury; depending … the court and the amount … question; the jury may consist … from six … twelve impartial men and women; chosen … random … voter lists; money damages … the alleged injury; compliance … the terms … a contract;


5.5 Match these words as they appear in the text.

1 to file 2 amount 3 chosen at 4 filing 5 money 6 alleged 7 compliance 8 illegal a)damages b) random c) with the terms of a contract d) a complaint, an answer e) injury f) in question g) of pleadings h) actions


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