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1. Two years ago I completed a degree in Education at one of London’s finer universities. I had worked extremely hard and I was proud of what I had accomplished. One night while having dinner with friends, we began a discussion about what we wanted to do with our futures. Nellie who I had only met on one previous occasion and I were both at a loss as to what we wanted to do, but we were of one mind in that we did not want to immediately plunge ourselves into a nine to five job. After all the others had left, Nellie and I stayed behind to talk about the possibilities open to us. When Nellie brought up the topic of working holidays in Africa, I was instantly enthusiastic.

2. Nellie had a friend who spent their gap year in Ghana. Nellie said that her friend talked a lot about the experience and how it had changed her life, her attitude and her plans for the future. It all sounded incredibly exotic and eye-opening to me, and I wanted to be a part of it.

3. Six months later, I was. Going through a company called the Gap I was offered a teaching position in an orphanage in Ghana. The orphanage where I was to spend the next eight months living and working was run-down and very poorly managed. It seemed that there was nobody at the orphanage who could tell me what I was supposed to teach, who I was supposed to teach or with what materials I was supposed I was supposed to teach. I knew I had my work cut out for me.

4. After several days, the manager of the orphanage showed up and assigned me a classroom and handed me a list with twelve names on it: they belonged to the children to all my wisdom. Initially, I was tremendously eager to learn and to see the look of pure joy on their faces as they began to understand a particular subject came to mean the world to me.

5. Seeing the class as a whole develop, and individual students bloom was extraordinary rewarding. Never did I receive anything except warmth, gratitude and acceptance from these wonderful people. Being housed with the same children I was teaching meant that we had plenty of time for extracurricular activities that the children could simply not get enough of. Going to Ghana changed my entire perspective. It cleared up all the questions I had had about my future. The only question now remaining is how soon I can get back to Ghana, and back to the amazing children I left behind in the orphanage.

Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа в соответствии с содержанием приведенного выше текста.

А37. According to the first paragraph, how did the writer feel about her future?

1) unenthusiastic 2) worried 3) uncertain

A38. What impression did the write get from Nellie’s story about her friend?

1) One had to work hard in Ghana.

2) Ghana would be strange but wonderful.

3) Nellie was keen to go Ghana, too.

A39. In the fourth paragraph, we learn that the writer was happy that

1) the children responded well to her teaching

2) she was a better teacher than she had been expecting herself to be.

3) the children didn’t seem to notice her initial uncertainty.

A40. What is the writer’s purpose in writing the passage?

1) to show how much expectations can be wrong

2) to describe how she decided her future

3) to encourage others to do volunteer work.

Определите значение указанного слова в тексте

А41. plunge (1)

1) relax 2) throw 3) raise

A42. rewarding (5)

1) worthless 2) respectable 3) satisfying

Прочитайте тексты. Ответьте на вопросы (А43-А48). В бланке ответов поставьте метку (х) в клеточке, соответствующей номеру текста, отвечающего на вопрос.

Dennis McNight

I’ve been a teacher for well over a decade now, so I think it’s safe to say that I definitely know what I’m doing in the classroom. I feel I know what works and what doesn’t work when it comes to learning a second language. Of course, every student is different, they all have their own unique strengths and weaknesses and they all learn at their own speed. One of the things that I stress to my students is that what you learn in one lesson will be based on what you have learned in all your previous lessons. It is a must that you constantly go over what you’ve learned in the past.

Bryce Jackson

I often get the feeling that many of my students think I’m a bit too strict with them. I suppose in some ways I am, especially when it comes to marking their tests, but I really think that this is necessary if they want to get good results in their final exams. To be honest, I feel that after a while, most of them see that I’m being tough on them for their own good. I mean, when all is said and done, if my students fail, that only shows I haven’t done my job properly, doesn’t it? On the first day of every new course, I point out to my class that I am here for them and if they ever have any problems with grasping and idea they should feel free to ask me for extra help.

3. Sally Jones

I was brought up bilingual because my parents come from different cultural backgrounds and speak different languages. As a result of that, I realized when I was very young that knowing two languages is a wonderful thing and so I wanted to share that with others by becoming a language teacher. I only graduated last year, but I got a position in a respectable language school almost immediately and so I have had some practice experience in the classroom. I’m pleased to say that I have great relationship with the kids I teach.

4. Shannon Gray

I’ve loved my chosen profession from the first moment I stepped into a classroom. It is just so satisfying when you see that people really want to learn a new language. I think the key to being a successful language teacher is having the ability to get your students totally involved in the whole process. And that isn’t something you learn in university. I actually believe it’s a talent that you are born with. I’ve found that initially some students are shy when it comes to communicating with me or their classmates in a foreign language. However, with time, they come around and are proud to show off what progress they have made.

Which person

A43. gets along well with their young students?

A44. believes some people take longer to pick up a language than others?

A45. feels that the more a student learns the more confident they become?

A46. has great faith in their ability to do their job?

A47. judges themselves based on what their students achieve?

A48. feels that being able to get students to participate is a gift?

Часть B

Прочитайте текст(В1-В4). От приведенных ниже слов образуйте ОДНОКОРЕННЫЕ слова таким образом, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Помните, что заданную форму слова необходимо изменить.

Basically from the first moment that my wife and I made the wonderful discovery that we were expecting a baby, we made a conscious (B1) … (DECIDE) to bring out child up in a two-language household. We wanted to raise our son or daughter as a bilingual child for two reasons. Firstly, it has been proved by professionals that children who are given the opportunity to speak two languages on a (B2) … (DAY) basis are more (B3) … (CREATE) than children who speak only one language. Secondly, because my husband and I come from different cultural backgrounds, we wanted our child to have the best of both worlds. We sincerely felt that if we did not teach our child our first languages it would be (B4) … (RESPONSIBLE) of us because it would mean that they would be missing out on something that could make their life so much richer and more fulfilling.


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