Match the malicious programmes and fast facts about them.


    1 virus 2 worm 3 Trojan horse 4 blended threat a It appears useful but damages system, requires a human action to run, does not self-replicate. b It can replicate itself on system, does not require a human action to spread. c It is sophisticated, bundles aspects of viruses, worms and Trojan horses; most require no human action. d It attaches to a file, requires a human action to spread.



Are the statements TRUE or FALSE?


1 A computer worm, a virus, and a Trojan horse are exactly the same things.

2 A Trojan horse, a virus, and a worm are examples of malware.

3 A computer virus requires a human action to spread.

4 Any attachment in the email from your friend is virus-free.

5 A computer worm requires a human action to spread.

6 A worm is capable of travelling across networks.

7 The mythological Trojan horse and a computer Trojan horse do not have common features.

8 Computer Trojan horses differ from computer viruses and worms.

9 Blended threats exploit vulnerabilities of the internet.

10 A blended threat cannot cause damage to your computer.



Read more information about computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and blended threats. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.


virus worm Trojan horse blended threats


1 The most common mistake people make when the topic of a computer virus arises is to refer to a worm or __________ as a virus.

2 Like a human virus, a computer __________ can range in severity: some may cause only mildly annoying effects while others can damage your hardware, software or files.

3 A __________ can be designed to tunnel into your system and allow malicious users to control your computer remotely.

4 __________ cause harm to the system or network; they propagate using multiple methods, the attack can come from multiple points, and they also exploit vulnerabilities.


Future Simple Passive. Passive with modal verbs.


Future Simple Passive

1. Form

I will (not) be Participle II I will be asked about my homework tomorrow.
You, we, they The reports will be written in one hour.
He, she, it The new contract will be discussedafter the meeting.


Will I be Participle II Willyou be askedto come?
You, we, they Willthe reports be written?
He, she, it Willthe new contract be discussedtomorrow?


2. Use

· When the person who performs the action is not important or unknown.

· The action will happen in the future.


9 Make the sentences with the given words.

1 A ticket will / not / buy.

2 The flowers / will / water?

3 The houses / will / built?

4 The new film / will / show next month.

5 These questions / will / answer /tomorrow.

6 You will/ not / invite / to the cinema.


10 Put the verb in brackets into the Future Simple Passive.

1 A final decision ___________ (make) on Monday.

2 A new airport ___________ (build) near here soon.

3 Bill ___________ (not/invite) to my party any more.

4 Dinner ________ (serve) in a minute.

5 My new book _________ (publish) soon.

6 My work ________ (finally/finish) tomorrow.

7 That problem __________ (not/solve) until next week.

8 The money __________ (pay) at the end of October.

9 This house ________ (sell) next month.

10 Your bicycle __________ (repair) as soon as possible.



11 Rewrite the sentences using the passive voice.

1 Bill Gates is going to sponsor the vaccination program.

2 Government forces are going to protect the villages.

3 Soldiers are going to kill many people during the war.

4 Somebody will find the cure for AIDS.

5 The painters are going to paint our house next year.

6 They are going to demolish the old hospital next month.

7 They will cancel the concert.

8 They will hold the next Rock in Rio festival in Buenos Aires.

9 They will invite the students to attend the debate.

10 They will repair the telephone lines tomorrow.


12 Translate the sentences.

1 Дом будет построен.

2 Космос будет исследован.

3 Родителей встретят на станции.

4 Нас попросят прийти как можно раньше.

5 Я буду приглашён на вечеринку.

6 Я буду обманут!

7 Работа будет сделана вовремя.

8 Эта книга завтра будет сдана в библиотеку.

9 Тебя встретят в аэропорту твои друзья?

10 Эти розы будут высажены следующей весной.



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