The Russian Quality Organization

Five ways to help you become a better manager

It’s often said that good managers are born rather than made, but that’s not actually true. Management skills can be learned. If you’ve recently moved into a management position, or you simply want to improve your management skills, take heart (мужайтесь). Here are five quick ways to help you become a better manager, for (ради) your own sake and that of the employees you oversee.

Use the personal approach. Remember that the employees you oversee are people first, not simply employees will help you tremendously (чрезвычайно) as you manage them on a daily basis. Each person will have unique likes and dislikes, personalities and even quirks (причуды) that make them who they are. Getting to know them individually, treating them with respect, and as you would want to be treated will help you be a better manager whatever your level of experience.

Learn to criticize without being critical. There is a fine line between constructive criticism and a critical attitude (отношение). Learning to tell employees when they’ve done something wrong without insulting them is important for any manager. It’s necessary to tell employees when they’ve missed the mark, but it can be done kindly and politely without name calling or yelling. Learning to manage well includes learning to correct others properly and respectfully.

Be open and available to your employees. Your employees need your guidance, assistance and direction as their manager. Offer them help if they need it, allow them to come to you with questions, ideas and complaints, and your personnel management skills will improve dramatically.

Encourage employees to improve themselves. Offer your subordinates (подчиненные) the opportunity for training that will help them in their jobs as well as in their personal lives. Allow time for them to take online classes that will give them new skills they need. Create a comfortable office environment where they feel at ease(чувствовать себя в своей тарелке) and have a desire to spend time and you’ll be rewarded with happier employees who are much more productive and effective.

At the same time, continue your own education by taking online management courses, leadership workshops, interpersonal relationship seminars and other e-Learning classes (электронное обучение) that can help you learn and grow as a manager. Letting employees see that your futher education is important will help them value the opportunity to do so as well.

Give employees something to work toward. Letting employees know that there are rewards and incentives for a job well done will make your job as a manager much easier. Do your best(постарайтесь) to promote from within and encourage workers to strive for promotion. Offer added authority and responsibility to those who do a good job. Reward loyalty and recognize achievement. All of these factors will go far in helping to ensure your people do their best for the company, and for you.

Management skills may not come naturally to everyone, but almost anyone can learn to be a better manager. Strive to improve your skills, continually add to your knowledge and you’ll develop the resources needed to help people do their best work while enjoying your own work more fully.



Батенко И. В. Quality Management (Управление качеством): Методические указания к практическим занятиям и самостоятельной работе.


What is ISO?

International Organization for Standardization(ISO) is an independent, non-governmental organization. It is the world’s largest developer of voluntary international standards.

Officially ISO began operations on February 23, 1947. The first ISO General Assembly was organized in Paris in 1949.

Now ISO is a network of the national standards institutes of 163 countries (out of 206 in the world.) with a Central Secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland, that coordinates the system. More than 100 of ISO’s members are from developing countries.

The ISO Secretary-General (for the coming three years) is Zhang Xiaogang who took up the post on January 1, 2015.

Every full member of ISO has the right to take part in the development of any standard which it judges to be important to its country’s economy. No matter what the size or strength is that economy, each participating member in ISO has one vote.

The mission of ISO is to promote the development of standardization and related activities in the world to facilitate the international exchange of goods and services and to develop cooperation in the spheres of intellectual, scientific, technological and economic activity.

ISO’s work results in international agreements which are published as International Standards. ISO standards are voluntary.

As a non-governmental organization, ISO does not regulate or legislate. However, countries may decide to adopt ISO standards as regulations or refer to them in legislation. In addition, ISO standards may become a market requirement.

At present nearly twenty thousand International Standards have been set by ISO covering everything from manufactured products and technology to food safety, agriculture and healthcare. ISO’s work programme ranges from standards for traditional activities, such as agriculture and construction, through mechanical engineering, manufacturing and distribution, to transport, medical devices, the environment, safety, information and communication technologies, and to standards for good practice and for services. ISO launches (запускать) the development of new standards in response to the sectors that express a clearly established need for them.



Батенко И. В. Quality Management (Управление качеством): Методические указания к практическим занятиям и самостоятельной работе.



What’s in a standard?

What does an ISO standard look like? It can be anything from a four-page document to a 1000-page volume. It may specify the tasks that a certain range of equipment must be able to perform, or describe in detail an apparatus and its safety features. It may contain symbols, definitions, diagrams, codes, test methods, etc.

For example, m, kg, s, A, K, mol, cd are the symbols representing the seven base units of the universal system of measurement known as SI. The SI system is covered by a series of 14 International Standards.

Paper sizes. The original standard was published by DIN (Немецкий институт по стандартизации.) in 1922. Now used worldwide as ISO 216.

A well-designed symbol conveys a clear cut message in a multilingual world. The same symbols for automobile controls are displayed in cars all over the world, no matter where they are manufactured.

Safety of wire ropes (проволочный трос, канат). ISO International Standards systematically define basic characteristics such as size, surface finish, type of construction, tensile grade (степень разрыва) of the wire, minimum breaking load and linear mass.

The ISO international codes for country names, currencies and languages help to eliminate duplication and incompatibilities in the collection, processing and dissemination of information. As resource saving tools, universally understandable codes play an important role in both automated and manual documentation.

The ISO film speed code has been adopted worldwide making things simpler for the general user.

The internationally standardized freight container (грузовой контейнер) enables all components of a transport system – air and seaport facilities, railways, highways, and packages – to interface efficiently.

The variety of screw threads (винтовая нарезка) for identical applications used to represent an important technical obstacle to trade. It caused maintenance problems, and lost or damaged nuts or bolts could not easily be replaced.

A global solution is supplied in the ISO standards for ISO metric screw threads.

Thus International Standards contribute to make life simpler, and to increase the reliability and effectiveness of the goods and services we use.



Батенко И. В. Quality Management (Управление качеством): Методические указания к практическим занятиям и самостоятельной работе.



The Russian Quality Organization

The Russian Quality Organization was established on February 12, 2001 based on the initiative of the State Standard of Russia, a number of public organizations and it was registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 26, 2001.

The main objective of the Organization is to unite the efforts of citizens and public organizations, enterprises and governmental authorities to help solving problems in the area of quality and competitiveness of the domestic products and services and formation of the all-Russian movement for quality.

Any appropriate individuals and public organizations can become a RQO member. Legal entities (экономические объекты) – enterprises and organizations – are invited to take part within RQO’s activities based on relevant agreements.

At present over 150 organizations, including industrial enterprises, research institutes, universities and academies, participate in the work of the RQO topical and industry specific committees.

Basic directions of RQO’s activities include:

– creating and promotion of Russian national quality policy;

– expertise of regulatory and legislative documents on quality issues;

– expert and instructor training in the field of quality management;

– assistance to companies in regards to development and implementation of joint quality management systems;

– development and financing scientific research activities in the field of quality;

– registering quality professionals and organizations involved in quality management activities;

– development and promotion of encouragement programs related to quality management achievements;

– cooperation with overseas and international quality organizations;

– promotion of national quality ideas among domestic customers, producers, finance and trade structures.

RQO’s membership includes 73 regional and 8 local representative offices. Federation leaders, ministries and institutions take an active part within RQO Board (Совет) activities. RQO has close relationships with Federation Board and State Duma of Russian federation.


Батенко И. В. Quality Management (Управление качеством): Методические указания к практическим занятиям и самостоятельной работе.



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