Machine tools – a measure of man’s progress

The variety and combinations of machine tools today are unlimited. Some of them are very small and can be mounted on a work-bench but others are so large and heavy that it is necessary to construct special buildings to store them.

There are some basic operations at any workshop. They are turning, drilling and threading and many others. The main machine tool of such a workshop is the multipurpose lathe. The lathe is a power-driven machine with special tools which can cut or form metal parts. The metal that cuts another metal must be very hard and all the tools should be made of very hard steel alloys. The tool itself is very small in comparison with the mechanism that is to direct it.

Technological progress improves accuracy of machine tools. Today’s equipment can produce parts with the high accuracy. There is a number of machine tools that can measure and inspect their production themselves – machine tools that are to handle the parts mechanically and automatically. Such machines can hold the parts which are to be measured and are able to indicate precise measurements themselves. Today we can found a great number of such machines in different types of industry.

Since machine tools become faster and more complex, automatic measurements and inspection ought to be of greater importance. Automation is one of the main factors of engineering development and progress.

Flexible production lines form the basis for automated workshops. The main principle of such a flexible line is the fact that it can be switched over from one product to another, which has a similar structure but a different outline, almost instantaneously. It is equally efficient in conditions of both mass and small-batch production and will serve to increase the productivity.


Ex.2. Translate the words from the text:

Variety/machine/ tools/ to be mounted/ work-bench/ to construct/ basic operations/ workshop/turning/drilling/threading / multipurpose lathe/ power-driven machine/ steel alloys/ accuracy/ equipment / measure/ inspect/ precise measurements/ flexible/ production lines/ switched over/ instantaneously / small batch

Ex.3. Answer the questions:

  1. What can be machine tools?
  2. What is the lathe?
  3. What is the most valuable characteristic of the modern machine tools?
  4. What is the main principle of a flexible production?

Ex.4. Translate from Russian to English:

  1. На данный момент существует огромное разнообразие станков.
  2. Станки могут выполнять разные виды работ.
  3. Технический прогресс улучшил работу станков.
  4. Автоматизация работы мастерских – результат технического прогресса.

Ex. 5. Summarize the text according the point:

  • There is a variety of machine tools.
  • Operations of machine tools and their accuracy.
  • Modern work of machine tools.

Ex. 6. Translate the text:

Калифорнийский технологический институт входит в первую десятку исследовательских университетов мира и наряду с Массачусетским технологическим институтом делит 1—2-е места в мировом рейтинге высших технических учебных заведений.

Был образован в качестве профессионально-технического училища, созданного в 1891 г. в г. Пасадене, пригороде Лос-Анджелеса.

Обучение в Калифорнийском технологическом институте ведется в тесной связи с проводимыми в его лабораториях и институтах исследованиями.

Отделение инженерных и прикладных наук — одно из старейших в институте и наиболее крупных. Студентам предлагается 14 направлений специализации, которые нацелены на самые перспективные области технологического развития, такие как аэронавтика, компьютерные технологии, новые материалы, строительные технологии, энергетические исследования, квантовую и биоинформатику, нейронные сети и др. Отделение является одним из самых крупных в институте и поддерживает около 15 исследовательских центров.




Ex. 1. Read the text, translate in the written way and do exercises after the text (1578):

What is engineering?

In general, engineering is a science deals with design, construction and operation of structures, machines, engines and other devices. Engineer is a person who has received technical education and has a basic knowledge of other engineering fields, because most engineering problems are complex and interrelated. The term engineering has a lot of meaning. There are many branches of engineering. Here are some of them:

Mechanical engineering: Engineers in this field design, test, build and operate machinery of all types. The field is divided into:1. Machine tools, mechanisms, materials, hydraulics and pneumatics; 2. Heat as applied to engines, work and energy, heating, ventilation and air conditioning. A mechanical engineer must be trained in mechanics and hydraulics, metallurgy and machine design. A mechanical engineer designs not only the machines that make products but the products themselves.

Electrical and electronics engineering: This is the widest field of engineering, concerned with the systems and devices that use electric power and signals. Among the most important subjects in the field are electric power and machinery, electronic circuits, control systems, superconductors and others. Electrical engineering can be divided into four major branches: electric power and machinery, electronics, communications and control, and computers.

Electric power and machinery: Engineers working in this field design and operate systems for generating, transmitting and distributing electric power. Several important developments appeared in this field. One of these is an ability to transmit the power at extremely high voltage in both the direct current and alternating current modes, reducing power losses. Another is the real-time control of power generation, transmission and distribution using computers.


Ex.2. Translate the words from the text:

Engineering/science/to deal with/ machines/ engines/devices / technical education and knowledge/complex/branches of engineering/mechanical engineering/ design/hydraulics/to be trained/ electric power/electronic circuits/an ability/ direct current and alternating current modes

Ex.3. Answer the questions:

  1. What does engineering as a science deal with?
  2. Whom can we call as an engineer?
  3. What should a mechanical engineer to know?
  4. What is the widest branch of engineering? What does it deal with?

Ex.4. Translate from Russian to English:

  1. Инженерное дело делится на большое количество отраслей.
  2. Сверхпроводники изучаются и разрабатываются инженерами - электротехниками.
  3. Разработка, передача и распределение электроэнергии – задача инженеров-энергетиков.
  4. Чтобы стать инженером в любой из областей данной отрасли необходимо получить технической образование.

Ex. 5. Summarize the text according the point:

  • Engineering is a complex science.
  • Mechanical engineers.

· Electric power and machinery

· Electrical and electronics engineering

Ex. 6. Translate the text:

Федеральная политехническая школа Лозанны — высшее учебное заведение в Лозанне, Швейцария.Вуз был основан в 1853 году и был присоединён как технический факультет к государственной академии в 1869 году. 1969 году стала отдельным высшим учебным заведением.

Имеет статус технического университета с 1969 года и считается одним из самых престижных учебных заведений Европы. Часто его сравнивают с Mассачусетским технологическим институтом в Америке. В 2009 году Федеральная политехническая школа Лозанны заняла 1 место среди вузов Европы и 15 место среди лучших вузов мира в области инженерных наук и информатики.

Сегодня Федеральная политехническая школа состоит из семи факультетов: архитектура, строительство и экология; информатика и системы коммуникации; математика, физика и химия; биология; машиностроение, электротехника, материаловедение; общественные науки; экономика; обучение.


Ex. 1. Read the text, translate in the written way and do exercises after the text (1541):

Composite materials

The combinations of two or more different materials are called composite materials. They usually have the unique mechanical and physical properties because they combine the best properties of different materials. For example, a fibre-glass reinforced plastic combines the high strength of thin glass fibres with the ductility and chemical resistances of plastic.

Composite materials usually consist of synthetic fibres within a matrix, a material that surrounds and is tightly bound to the fibres. The most widely used type of composite material is polymer matrix composites (PMCs). PMCs consist of fibres made of a ceramic material such as carbon or glass embedded in a plastic matrix. Usually the fibres make up about 60 per cent by volume. Composites with metal matrices or ceramic matrices are called metal matrix composites (MMCs) and ceramic matrix composites (CMCs), respectively.

Composite materials have many attractive properties, such as high thermal or electrical conductivity and a low coefficient of thermal expansion.

Although composite materials have certain advantages over conventional materials, composites also have some disadvantages. For example, PMCs and other composite materials tend to be highly anisotropic – that is, their strength, stiffness, and other engineering properties are different depending on the orientation of the composite material. For example, if a PMC is fabricated so that all the fibres are lined up parallel to one another, then the PMC will be very stiff in the direction parallel to the fibres, but not stiff in the perpendicular direction.

The advanced composites have high manufacturing costs. Fabricating composite materials is a complex process. However, new manufacturing techniques are developed and production of composite materials may become cheaper.


Ex.2. Translate the words from the text:

Composite materials/unique mechanical and physical properties/to combine/properties/ to be reinforced/chemical resistances/ ductility/synthetic/matrix/ fibres/ to be widely used/polymer matrix composites/ceramic material/electrical conductivity/coefficient/ to have advantages over/conventional materials/anisotropic/stiffness/high manufacturing costs


Ex.3. Answer the questions:

  1. What is a composite material?
  2. What do composite materials consist of?
  3. What are the advantages of composite materials?
  4. What are the disadvantages of composite materials?

Ex.4. Translate from Russian to English:

1. Композитные материалы обладают уникальными свойствами.

2. Композитные материалы на основе полимерной матрицы являются самыми часто используемыми в производстве.

3. Композитные материалы обладают как рядом достоинств, так и некоторыми недостатками.

4. Производство композитных материалов довольно дорогостоящий процесс.

Ex. 5. Summarize the text according the point:

  • Composite materials are the mix of several ones.
  • Structure of the composite materials.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of composite materials.

Ex. 6.Translate the text:

Массачусетский технологический институт был основан в 1861 году. Первые занятия в Массачусетском Технологическом Институте прошли только в 1865 году. Со временем научная и инженерная подготовка стала больше ориентироваться на усваивание практических навыков, чем теоретических предметов.

Число студентов в МТИ — более 4 тысяч, число аспирантов — более 6 тысяч. Число преподавателей приближается к тысяче.

Среди самых известных заведений института значатся лаборатория информатики и искусственного интеллекта, лаборатория Линкольна, а также школа управления. Факультеты: архитектурно-проектный, инженерный, научный, медицинский, гуманитарных, социальных наук и искусств, бизнес-школа.

МТИ занимает 2 место среди лучших двухсот университетов мира по версии The Times (2004–2005 гг.). Занимает 1место в технологии и инженерном искусстве и 2 место в науке.


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