Английский язык для студентов заочной формы обучения с применением ЭО и ДОТ

Практические задания

Задания по английскому языку для всех студентов на 4 семестра обучения. Всего по курсу предусмотрено 16 заданий:

· В первом семестре необходимо выполнить задания 1-7

· Во втором семестре необходимо выполнить задания 8-12

· В третьем семестре необходимо выполнить задания 13-14

· В четвертом семестре необходимо выполнить задания 15-16

Теоретическая информация по грамматике английского языка с примерами есть в файле «Практикум по грамматике англ языка_ЭОиДОТ », опубликованном в рабочей области по английскому языку. В том же файле есть копия всех заданий из этого документа.

Задания необходимо сдавать в одном файле на каждый семестр: в первом семестре в файле должно быть выполнено 7 заданий, во втором – 5 заданий, в третьем и четвертом – по 2 задания.

Файл необходимо называть по ФИО студента с указанием номера семестра. Например, «Фамилия_ИО_1 семестр », кавычки в названии файла указывать не нужно.

Верно указанный файл с выполненными заданиями необходимо выложить в рабочей области по дисциплине в разделе «Работы студентов на проверку преподавателю». В процессе публикации файла выбрать свою группу и номер семестра, за который сделаны задания.


Задание 1 (семестр 1): 2

Задание 2 (семестр 1): 2

Задание 3 (семестр 1): 3

Задание 4 (семестр 1): 3

Задание 5 (семестр 1): 4

Задание 6 (семестр 1): 5

Задание 7 (семестр 1) 5

Задание 8 (семестр 1) 6

Задание 9 (семестр 2) 8

Задание 10 (семестр 2) 10

Задание 11 (семестр 2) 10

Задание 12 (семестр 2) 10

Задание 13 (семестр 3) 12

Задание 14 (семестр 3) 13

Задание 15 (семестр 4) 14

Задание 16 (семестр 4) 15



Задание 1 (семестр 1):

Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на графическую разметку анализа по членам предложения, и выделите признаки распознавания членов предложения.



1. Researchers use statistical methods in their work.


I II л.о. III IV п. о.

2. People obtain useful knowledge from the study of nature.



л.о. О I II III IV

3. In the binary scale people express numbers by combinations of 0, and 1.


I II IV п.о.

4. Economists throughout the world are dealing with the problems of the production and

п.о. п.о.

distribution of goods.


I II III л.о. IV

5. Scientists use electronic computers for many different purposes.


л.о. л.о. O I II л.о. III

6. In last weeks experiments the students tested the new measuring device.


л.о. л.о. I II л.о. IV п.о.

7. Inadequately planned educational systems lead to a great waste of human resources.


I II л.о. IV

8. The calculations were very complicated for the first-year student.



9. Medicine has made great progress in the last twenty years.

Задание 2 (семестр 1):

Прочитайте следующие предложения, определите признаки опознавания придаточного предложения, подчеркните их и сопоставьте варианты перевода с оригиналом.


1.That the values of parameters were increased became known to Dummy player.   2.What each routine must do is entirely dependent on the device.   3.What has been called the scientific method began to appear in the time of Galilei.   1.To, что значения параметров возросли, стало известно игроку Дамми.   2.То, что должна делать каждая программа, зависит от устройства.   3.То, что стало называться научным методом, появилось во времена Галилея.
4.Whether the weights after each iteration can be revised is unknown.   5.It is not true that the analyst doesn»t make mistakes. 4.Могут ли веса после каждой итерации быть скорректированы – неизвестно.   5.Неправильно, что аналитик не ошибается.

Задание 3 (семестр 1):

Проанализируйте следующие предложения, определите признаки опознаванияпридаточного сказуемого и сопоставьте варианты перевода с оригиналом.


1.Its philosophy is that each socio – technical system can be considered as a dynamic system with feedback. 1.Ее философия заключается в том, что каждая социально-техническая система может быть рассмотрена как динамическая система с обратной связью.
2.The question is where all system queues information is kept.   3.The only difference is that the "subscript" is derived from the ASC II representation of the name.   4.The benefit of the adequate documentation is that it can show the real relations between the modules.   5.Another advantage is that the instructions themselves are not changed.   6.The difficulty is how the system can switch on a reserve.   2.Вопрос заключается в том, где содержится вся информация о списке очередей системы.   3.Единственное различие состоит в том, что список индексов получается из ASC II представления имени.   4.Преимущество адекватной документации заключается в том, что она показывает реальное отношение между модулями.   5.Другое преимущество заключается в том, что сами команды не изменяются.   6.Трудность заключается в том, как система может переключаться на резерв.  

Задание 4 (семестр 1):

Найдите придаточное предложение, укажите по каким признакам вы его определили. Сопоставьте варианты перевода с оригиналом.

1.We know that management information system (MIS) is a complex system.   2.We don’t know how many full weeks wages are obtained in a year. 1.Мы знаем, что информационная система управления – сложная система.   2.Мы не знаем сколько полных недельных заработков получается за год.  
3.The forms should always show for what purpose the figures are collected.   4.He did not know that the evaluation may be improved.   5.The speed of response means that a user сan follow a chain of thoghts without interruptions and at any speed.   6.The ED Panalyzer shows the office of the future will include electronic equipment connected to a communication network. 3.Формы должны всегда показывать для какой цели собираются данные.   4.Он не знал, что оценка может быть улучшена.   5.Скорость реакции означает, что пользователь может следовать за мыслью без прерывания и с любой скоростью.   6.Панализатор показывает, что офис будущего будет состоять из электронного оборудования, связанного с коммуникационной сетью.

Задание 5 (семестр 1):

Подчеркните придаточное предложение, определите признаки, по которым вы его определили. Сравните варианты перевода с оригиналом.

1.If the total of planned expenditures exceeds available cash, budgets need revision.   2.They introduced alternating bit protocol into their program because it has brought much difficulty.   3.When the precondition becomes true, they change modification list. 1.Если общая сумма запланированных расходов превысит имеющиеся в наличии деньги, бюджеты нужно пересмотреть.   2.Они ввели альтернативно-битовый протокол в программу т.к. он внес массу трудностей. 3.Когда предусловие становится истинным, они изменяют модификационный список.
4.When you load a long document, "Manuscript" loads all of it into virtual memory.   5.Although the user may request a search to be done on a certain file, the researcher must judge whether the search should be carried out on one or more of the remaining files.   4.Когда вы загружаете документ, “Манускрипт” загружает его весь в виртуальную память.   5.Несмотря на то, что пользователь может запросить произвести поиск на определенном файле, исследователь должен определить, должен ли поиск выполняться на одном или более из оставшихся файлов.
6.Because all paragraphs easily fit on the disc, sorting standard letters is no longer necessary. 6. Т.к. все параграфы легко помещаются на диске, сортировка стандартных букв перестала быть необходимой.


Задание 6 (семестр 1):

Подчеркните придаточные предложения, определите признаки, по которым вы их опознали. Сравните варианты перевода с оригиналом.


1.The object of statistics is to measure the action of those general laws which govern a heterogeneous group.   2.You can refer quickly to the section containing the type of information you need.   1.Целью статистики является измерить действие общих законов, которые управляют разнородной группой.   2.Вы можете быстро обращаться к главе, содержащей ту информацию, которая вам нужна.
3.The managers who report to middle management constitute the operating level of management.   4.A light pen may be used to allow the programmer to point out the alternative he wants to choose.   5.The methods we use in forecasting are not independent of the time span.     6.The programmer who writes the program must state the parameters of the program.   7.The programmer points out the verb he wants to use.   8.The computer language that has been developed especially for the SD approach is DYNAMIC. 3.Управляющие, которые отчитываются перед средним звеном управления, составляют оперативный уровень управления.   4.Световое перо может быть использовано, чтобы позволить программисту указать альтернативу, которую он хочет выбрать.   5.Методы, которые мы используем в прогнозировании, неявляются независимыми от интервала времени.   6.Программист, который пишет программу, должен установить параметры программы.   7.Программист указывает глагол, который он хочет использовать.   8.Машинный язык, который был разработан специально для SD подхода, представляет собой DYNAMIC.


Задание 7 (семестр 1)


I. Выберите предложения, в которых имеются придаточные: 1) подлежащее, 2) сказуемое, 3) дополнительное, 4) обстоятельственное, 5) определительное.


1. An important characteristic of radiation is that it can occur in a vacuum.

2. The newspaper has stated the orbital compartment of Soyus-6 had a total volume of 221 cubic feet.

3. Because the storage and switching elements normally used in computers are binary in nature, all information is encoded in a binary form.

4. One of the many mysteries about Venus is where its water has gone.

5. The question I shall mention concerns the experiment that has been carried out at our laboratory.

6. That we use computers in everyday life needs no proof.

7. Where high performance is a major task, high arithmetic speed is very important.

8. The particular task I have spoken about was chosen during our discussion.

9. In the case we are considering, the average current remains changed.

10. The next question is how such ions interact with microwave radiation.

Задание 8 (семестр 1)


I. Выберите предложения, в которых сказуемое выражено формой:

a) Indefinite Tense, b) Continuous Tense, с) Perfect Tense и переведите их на русский язык:

1. People use mathematics in all branches of science.

2. At present this department is conducting tests on new materials.

3. The research team has put forward a theory about the structure of viruses.

4. Scientists require very strong evidence before they accept a theory.

5. He has found the answer to the problem.

6. People will obtain a great deal of useful knowledge from the study of nature.

7. At the moment those specialists are collecting data about programming control.

8. The group has completed a statistical analysis of the data.

9. Our students have revised a number of concepts about the effects of ultra-high speeds on human beings.

10. People applied scientific methods in many everyday activites.

11. During the whole of last year those specialists were studying new materials.


II. Выберите предложения, в которых сказуемое выражено формой страдательного залога и переведите их на русский язык:

1. It has been estimated that some millions of meteors enter our atmosphere each day.

2. Radioactive isotopes are also being used successfully for food conservation.

3. You have succeeded in determining how the reaction took place.

4. A recent phenomenon in present-day science and technology has been the increasing trend towards "programmed" research.

5. No harmful influence of the work of the atomic power station on the health of the workers has been observed.

6. People usually use the decimal system for scientific purposes.

7. Last year the department was concentrating research on food storage.

8. This electronic equipment has been designed for speeding up production.

9. Several possible solutions will be chosen by the scientists of our department.

10. People must obtain accurate results from controlled experiments


III. Найдите русские эквиваленты формам сказуемого в английских предложениях:

1. New and more exact methods have been developed for obtaining low temperature. а) разрабатываются     б) были разработаны
2. New and more exact methods are being developed for obtaining low temperature
1. Differences in composition among stars are now being detected by the results from our spacecraft. а) были обнаружены
2. Differences in composition among stars were detected by the results from our spacecraft. б) обнаруживаются
1. Solar cells will provide electric power. а) обеспечивается
2. Electrical power is being provided by solar cells. б) обеспечат

IV. Найдите русские эквиваленты подлежащим в английских предложениях:

1. I told the engineer to test а) мне

this device. 6) я

2. I was told to test this device.


3. The engineer was shown this а) инженер

type of computers. б) инженеру

4. The engineer shows us this type of computers.


5. The problem was discussed at а) проблема

the meeting. б) проблему

6. The problem was very difficult for solving.


7. Scientists are given all the а) ученым

possibilities for their research work. б) ученые

8. Scientists achieved great results in the

field of cybernetics.


V. Определите время и залог сказуемого и переведите предложения на русский язык:


1. Actually, the term "computer" is fast being replaced by the more appropriate term "electronic data processing machine".

2. Recently certain binary machines have been announced which will be capable of utilizing magnetic disc file memories.

3. This kind of computers will be equipped with a disc file of extremely high capacity and access speed.

4. In the past few years several designs have been advanced and some have actually been built.

5. Business variables have been and are being expressed as mathematical functions and are being statistically analysed.

6. Eight distinguished speakers have been asked to consider the potentialities and limitations of the computer in activities related to management.

7. The problem of designing a non-mechanical printer has already been studied in the central research laboratory.

8. The computer is given position, data and velocity vectors of the satellite for a given time.


Задание 9 (семестр 2)

I. Выберите предложения, в которых употребляются формы сослагательного наклонения, и переведите их на русский язык:

1. If the management applied affective methods, industrial output would certainly increase.

2. If better equipment were available, the scientists could work more efficiently.

3. In underdeveloped countries output could be increased if working conditions be improved.

4. May that new electronic device help the scientist in the computation of complex calculations.

5. If a substance becomes hotter the movement of molecules will be faster.

6. It is necessary that the people apply scientific knowledge to practically all fields of human activity nowadays.

7. The professor demands that the student should repeat the experiment before he publishes final report on his work.

8. It is advisable that the engineers choose between several possible solutions.

9. Be all the persons here the final conclusion would become to at once.

10. An investigator should do his best to finish his experiment in time.


II. Определите наклонение в следующих условных предложениях и переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. If a solid body or a liquid is heated, it will usually expand.

2. If a quаrum does not appear, the committee rises and the chairman reports the names of the absentees.

3. If someone weighed 80 kilograms at the North Pole he would doubtless weigh less at the equator.

4. If the earth «s mass were twice as great as it is, it would attract the ten-kilogram weight twice as strongly.

5. An object would not be in equilibrium if it were increasing speed or slowing down or if it were going around a corner.

6. If weather conditions were below the minimum allowing the obser­vance of contact, the landing of an airplane should be made at the nearest airport at which weather conditions are equal to or better than such minimum.

III. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обратите внимание на инверсию в условных предложениях.

1. Had the spacecraft gone behind the Moon it would have gone into an initial Lunar orbit.

2. Were you to read that paper you would see that the state of millimeter wave technology has improved significantly in the past several years.

3. Should those experiments be made they would show us new calculations.

4. Were the mechanism tested it would work better.


Задание 10 (семестр 2)


Подчеркните модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты и переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. With the aid of radar, passenger liners or freighters can navigate accurately and safely through crowded waters at any time.

2. Using radioactive isotopes, biologists and agriculturalists will be able to carry out research impossible by any other method.

3. Thus we were obliged to use new data for our experiments.

4. We shall have to work out an experiment in which we shall be able to keep the particles in the plasma.

5. The compass used by a pilot has to be small and light in weight.

6. Thus the second condition for equilibrium is that the tendency to rotate should be zero.

7. You ought to know that the term equilibrium applies equally well to a motor car speeding along a straight road at a constant speed of, say, 95 km\hr.

Задание 11 (семестр 2)

Переведите предложения на русский язык, подчеркнув сочетания модальных глаголов с Perfect Infinitive:

1. They must have lost their way, as they appeared in the village only at night.

2. He cannot have entrusted this scientific work to a man he has known for such a short period of time.

3. She rested her eyes on him thinking of all things he must have done since she saw him last.

4. You could not have seen him there because he left the place two months ago.

5. There are so many mistakes in your exercises. You should have been more attentive.

6. In the morning I did not find him in his room, he must have gone leaving no note for us.

7. She might have overlooked something that may turn out to be important in proving his innocence.

8. In the fewest words he told them that a fatal accident must have happened to her.

Задание 12 (семестр 2)


Определите время сказуемого в главном и придаточном предложениях и переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. Morse learned that the speed of electricity was considered almost instantaneous.

2. We know that electrical measurements could be classified as either absolute measurements or secondary measurements.

3. The secretary said that they would be called into her room in alphabetical order.

4. He did not know where she had got it from.

5. They could not believe that this young man had invented this machine.

6. He said that he would travel during his summer vacation.

7. I was sure that you didn»t know how it had happened.

Задание 13 (семестр 3)


I. Выберите предложения, в которых причастие выполняет функцию определения, определите форму причастия и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Much of data collected will be fed into machines and computers during the coming months.

2. While working with a map, make sure that you know whether your map is marked in feet or in meters.

3. The electric current passing through a wire will heat that wire.

4. Electrons being negative move from lower to higher potential, that is, more negative to less negative.

5. It must be borne in mind when working on transmitters that very dangerous voltages will exist.

6. The latest calculations sent for arrived just in time.

7. Comparing these preliminary estimates we arrive at the following conclusion.

8. The new instrument being developed at this plant will be tested in two weeks.

9.The basic circuit of the device having been built by us is described in detail in this article.


II. Выберите предложения, в которых причастие выполняет функцию обстоятельства, определите форму причастия и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Having been tested, the new apparatus was recommended for work in the laboratories.

2. When first exhibited at the exposition, the telephone attracted very little attention and was even ridiculed.

3. Being designed by a talented scientific worker, the device was a success.

4. Having selected the message type, the operator must inform the scanner that a message, is ready.

5. Every conducting circuit has a certain property called its electric resistance.

6. The experiments were conducted in the orbital module with control panel located in the new cabin.

7. When describing standard telephones we say that additional microphone position can of-course be arranged if required.

8. Having been given all the instructions, the engineer started his work at once taking into account all the points of the received instruction.


III. Подчеркните «независимый причастный оборот», определите форму причастия и переведите предложения на русский язык:


1. The speed being higher, the degree of calculation increases.

2. The code output of the computer is fed to a set of electromagnets, each pair of output wires connected to a separate magnet.

3. The question being too difficult, no one could answer it.

4. Everything being ready, we sat down to dinner.

5. The notes being written in German, we could not understand them.

6. The man having returned back after twenty years absence, they asked me to accompany him in his walks about the town.

7. The rain having passed, we went to have a little stroll in the garden.

8. Weather permitting, we shall start tomorrow.

9. Though Polzunov’s engine had been tested in operation and showed good results, it was disassembled and soon forgotten, its inventor having died in poverty.

10. Galsworthy presented the story of the Forsyte family in two trilogies, each consisting of three novels.

11. Shakespeare’s first original play written in about 1590 was King Henry YI, the first part having been written earlier.


IV. Определите функцию слов с суффиксом – ed в следующих предложениях и переведите их на русский язык:

1. One day they landed on a beautiful island covered with fruit trees.

2. The plant equipped with modern machinery overfulfilled its plan every month.

3. He attended the circle organized by one of the well-known artists.

4. A short, well dressed gentleman arrived at the hotel and occupied the best room.

5. I followed him to the top of a stair and there right under the roof were a couple of empty and dusty little rooms uncarpeted and uncurtained.

6. Dissatisfied with the system of higher education and pressed by financial difficulties, Jack London wanted to give up his studies.


Задание 14 (семестр 3)


I. Укажите, по каким признакам "ing-form" определяется как герундий, и переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. The process of solving a problem by analogy may often give good results.

2. The technician succeeded in developing several projects every year.

3. Our research group finished recording the results of the experiments.

4. Let us begin by examining what is done by each student.

5. We have now finished programming the computer for the experiment.

6. Distinguishing between cause and effect is sometimes very difficult.

7. A good scientist enjoys solving difficult problems.

8. In planning a series of experiments, the scientific worker ought to be aware of the general nature of the problem under investigation.

9. Maintaining apparatus in good condition helps students to make experiments well.


II. Выберите предложения, в которых встречается: 1) герундий; 2) причастие, и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Numbers can be multiplied by repeated addition, by adding and shifting or by using multiplication tables.

2. A steam engine uses steam made by the fuel having been burnt outside the engine.

3. Most of nuclear reactors are installations usually consisting of the following elementary parts.

4. The next question of the discussion is making a programme for the computer.

5. Of course we are limited today by computer size and especially by our understanding of what we try to model.

6. Adding numbers is the easiest in the system of calculation.

7. A new computer will be used for all types of data, processing and scientific data handling.

8. Having made a great number of experiments with different devices the research group chose the best one for practical work.

9. Having more input units reduces the number of sorting passes but increases the number of computers comparisons and other operations on each pass.

10. New technical developments have occurred for processing educational data and for organizing instructional material in the classroom.



III. Подчеркните сложные герундиальные обороты и переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

1. We heard of different experiments having been carried out by our students.

2. Computers being used for solving many business problems makes its use almost boundless.

3. We know of the computer center being equipped with most up-to-date means of computation.

4. His having developed a very complicated piece of apparatus made him well-known among the scientists of his country.

5. They insisted on the experiment being made to study single stars in detail.

6. The article informed us of the first in-space exchange of crews between Soyuz 2 and 3 having taken place in January 1969.

7. It is reported of the spacecraft including a 40-watt primary transmitter, a receiver and two directional parabolic antennas.

8. It is known of their working at the problem under discussion.


Задание 15 (семестр 4)

Выберите предложения, в которых "ing-form" употребляется как отглагольное существительное, и переведите их на русский язык.

1. At the beginning of the century, however, the situation was quite different.

2. Any scientist working for such organizations will have a plan or programme designed beforehand.

3. The meaning of this word is the same as "applied science".

4. The using of mathematics in almost all branches of science causes the students to know it thoroughly well.

5. The engineer found a new method of testing metal fatigue.

6. The rising of water in the pump was noticed by everybody present.

7. The rapid falling of pressure has its drawbacks.

8. However one can develop such a measure by using the information reported in table 1.

9. The programming involved is not always as straight forward as it might be.

Задание 16 (семестр 4)

I. Выберите предложения, в которых инфинитив (подчеркните его) употребляется в функции определения, и переведите их на русский язык:

1. The data to be output may consist of as many as 64 digits from the electronic unit and up to 24 characters from the tabulator storage unit.

2. Luna 15 has orbited and soft-landed on the Moon to conduct experiments.

3. The equations to be solved by this computer may contain nonlinear relations of the function of one variable and the product of two variables.

4. The purpose of this radar is to measure reflectivity of the Moon for millimeter waves.

5. The problem to be investigated is set up from the electronic analogue computer model.

6. A computer can be programmed with the contours and specifications of the part to be designed.

7. A problem to be solved by a digital computer must be expressed in mathematical terms.

8. To build up a magnetic field required the expenditure of a certain amount of energy.

9. A linear differential equation results from the assumptions to be made.

10. Programming a computer involves analysing the problem to be solved and a plan to solve it.


II. Выберите предложения с конструкцией «объектный инфинитивный оборот» (подчеркните его) и переведите их на русский язык.

1. We expect this method to provide the exact evaluation of reliability.

2. The purpose of this paper is to describe these modelling and solution methods.

3. We know pressure to be required for forcing water through a pipe.

4. They use the computer only as an aid to solve their problems.

5. Desk machines are said to be equipped with automatic multiplication.

6. We want the schema to be used to aid the programs which operate on the database.

7. Here the chain of processes to be executed occurs at retrieval time.

8. The best hope would seem to be a concept like problem reduction.

9. The operational management of the files requires further data to be placed in an internal schema.


III. Выберите предложения с конструкцией «субъектный инфинитивный оборот» (подчеркните его) и переведите их на русский язык.

1. A computer center is expected to be installed at school next year.

2. The system is expected to have wide application in intelligence data handling.

3. Improvements in decision making are result from new development in data processing and management science.

4. Business applications of computers may not appear to be as difficult as scientific problems, although some people consider them to be more intricate.

5. More limitations are likely to exist on the freedom to change the input and output than on the freedom to modify processing methods.

6. The versatility of a new digital computer is reported to make it useful for offices and laboratories, as well as in large data processing centers.

7. Desk machines are said to be equipped with automatic multiplication.

8. We expect a computer to work for at least several hours without a fault.

9. A machine which carried out its internal arithmetic in binary notation is likely to be especially suitable for scientific and mathematical application.

10. We know an alternating current to be continuously changing by rising, falling and changing direction.


IV. Подчеркните инфинитивный оборот с предлогом «for», определите его функцию и переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. It is difficult for many underdeveloped countries to achieve higher standards of living.

2. For large industries to plan a year»s work in advance became quite usual nowadays.

3. All the necessary instructions for that computer to work properly have been given.

4. In the course of time some better methods may be found for the determination of speed to be made accurately.

5. The forces needed for the inertia of a ship to be overcome are great indeed at such speeds.

6. At that time no method was available for nuclear power to be used for driving a spacecraft.


V. Определите формы и функции инфинитива в следующих предложениях и переведите их на русский язык:

1. Equipment must be analysed to determine the kinds of equipment needed and how the data processing functions will be mechanized.

2. To maximize the utilization of the high-speed computing potentialities of the digital computer, it is necessary to use magnetic tape for input and output.

3. The system should be designed to meet information requirements.

4. A common objective is to maximize the excess of value over cost.

5. Some of the immediate benefits to be obtained from a bargain are the following.

6. Computing machines in general are expected to perform arithmetic operations.

7. The result of computation is said to involve errors.

8. We want you to take into consideration this law.

9. If no person aids the computer in its calculations or decisions the system is considered to be full.

10. To make a correct decision is difficult.



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