Satan, Prince of This World 4 глава


General Albert Pike is accepted as the greatest modern authority as far as Luciferianism is concerned. As head of the Palladian Rite he wrote a letter of instruction dated July 14, 1885, and sent it to the heads of the twenty-six Councils located throughout the world. In this letter he not only confirmed the belief that Satan is subordinate to Lucifer, but stated that Lucifer is God, the equal of Adonay, and added that Lucifer is the God of LIGHT, the God of GOOD, who struggles for humanity against Adonay the God of Darkness and all Evil. Pike has been built up by the press of the United States to the point that most Freemasons consider him one of their most illustrious brethren, and one of Americas greatest patriots. But research reveals that Pike lived a double life. Secretly he was a worshipper of Lucifer. Between 1859 and 1889 he rose to be head of the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed.


Lower degree Masons are taught to believe different statements regarding the source of their Secret Society. The fact is that, when they are initiated into a higher degree they are told something entirely different by those conducting the initiation, telling them that as they advance to the higher degrees they are admitted deeper and deeper into the mysteries of the Craft. Not one Mason in a thousand even suspects that, far away above the Scottish Rite of Blue Masonry, and beyond the reach of any except those carefully selected for admittance into Grand Orient Lodges and the Councils of Pike's New and Reformed Palladian Rite, Satanism is practiced. In these secret societies Satan is worshipped as God and "Prince of this World." But above these Satanic Societies, specially selected members of the Synagogue are initiated into the FULL SECRET, which is the final TRUTH as exemplified in the Luciferian Creed, as we have just explained.


The reader may ask, "Why all this secrecy?" The answer is that those human beings who have literally sold themselves to the Devil, know that the final success of their diabolical conspiracy against God and His Human Race depends upon their ability to keep their identity and TRUE purpose secret. This book is published to expose their secret and to arouse public opinion so that an end may be put to this conspiracy, and thus bring about the prophesies contained in Revelations, which say Satan shall be chained and returned to Hell and emain


there for one thousand years.


In the international lodges of the Grand Orient and Pike's New Palladian Rite, adepts are required to accept as TRUTH, that Masonry really originated with Cain. They are told that Satan, whom they name Ebilis, conferred on the human race the greatest benefaction possible when he defeated God's (Adonay' s) plot to keep the knowledge of sexual behaviour, and the secret of procreation, from our first parents. The initiates are told that Ebilis initiated Eve into the pleasures of sexual intercourse, and taught her the secret of procreation, and thus made her and Adam equal in power to God. The initiate is also told that, as the result of the sexual relationship Eve gave birth to Cain, who started the movement (Masonry), and put the Luciferian ideology into effect here as it is in that part of the celestial world over which Lucifer reigns. Thus, where the members of the lower degrees of the Scottish Rite are taught that Hirarn was the father of Masonry, those admitted to the highest degree are taught differently. 7


Study of the Manichaean movement and doctrine informs us that in order to prevent God's plan to make Adam and Eve the first parents of His human race, Satan seduced Eve and possessed her, and was the father of Cain and Eve 's first daughter also. The Manichaean doctrine teaches that Cain 'married' his sister, and that the progeny of this union (incest) have perpetuated Satanism ever since. Without wishing to labour this point too heavily, it is of interest to point out that Scripture relates there was something very displeasing to God about Cain's 'marriage. Cain also murdered his brother Abel; and Christ in His day castigated those of the Synagogue of Satan as "Ye are sons of your father the Devil; his lusts shall ye do. He as a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him." (John 8:44)


"The Serpent" is the name by which Satan is known in the Holy Scriptures (Rev. 20:2; Num. 21:9). The Serpent is the symbol of Satanism in secret societies which worship him as Prince of the World. Scriptures refer to Eve and "the seed of the serpent" (Gen. 3:1-16). Therefore we may ask, "Where did the seed of the Serpent come from?"


Paul said, in 2 Cor. that Eve had been unchaste with the Serpent, (Lucifer, Devil, Satan) - (Lucifer means the Bright and Shining One). Right here is the origin of the Seed of the Serpent. In Gen. 3:15 God said, "I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed." In saying this to the Serpent, (Lucifer, Devil, Satan), God stated that Lucifer would have a seed (just as physical as Eve's seed would be physical). In Gen. 3:16 God said to Eve, "and thy desire shall be to thy husband," which indicated plainly that her desire had previously been to another\ In Cor. 1 1:2-3 Paul here was talking about "chastity," to present the Corinthians as a CHASTE virgin to Christ. In the very next verse, Paul said, "But I fear, lest by any means, as the Serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety."


Paul here affirmed that Eve did not present herself a CHASTE virgin to Adam! Remember, there is only one way for a virgin to lose her chastity. In Gen. 4:1, Eve thought that Cain was her promised seed, but later acknowledged that she was mistaken and that Seth (not Cain), was her promised seed, when she said (Gen. 4:25) "For God hath appointed me another Seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew."


7 Those wishing further information on this particular phase of the conspiracy should read the books listed elsewhere, particularly Copin-Albancelli's le Drame Masconnique, etc.


Cain and Abel were twins (Gen. 4:3-4) for they became of age at the same time and presented their offerings on the same day. Abel was the son of Adam, but Cain was the son of Lucifer. Lucifer and his seed have been killers down through the centuries, and Christ accused them of having slain all the prophets from Abel to His time (Matt. 23:35). Lucifer begat a seed, as God said he would (1 John 3:12). "Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one."


Lust is sexual desire outside the Natural Law of God. Therefore Christ Himself seems to have confirmed that Satan was lustful and is father of the Synagogue of Satan as those who are Satanists teach and believe. Satanists have always used sex-bribery and the depravities and perversions of sex to obtain control of men and women they wished to use to further the secret plans of their diabolical conspiracy. Satanism makes a God of sex. They worship the human body because of its sexual abilities. When men and women prove they are unyielding to all other forms of devilish temptation, they often fall as the result of becoming involved in illicit relationships and perversions. Did not David commit abominable sexual crimes, including incest?


Then, Christ also told us that the father of the Synagogue of Satan was a murderer from the beginning. Who else could that person have been but Satan? Did he not inspire Cain, his son, to kill his own brother, Abel? Has murder not been the stock-in-trade of those who have comprised the Synagogue of Satan ever since? What is revolution and war if not murder practiced on a mass scale?


Another important fact concerning incest being used to start the Synagogue of Satan on this earth is the practice of Pagan kings, who worshipped the Devil. In order to perpetuate their line of succession, they insisted that their sons marry their own sisters. But regardless of what is 'right' or what is 'wrong,' the fact remains that when Christ did start His mission, He told us that the Luciferian conspiracy had reached the stage where Satan, as Prince of this world, had obtained control over all those in high places.


The words in Gen. 4: 15 seem to indicate that after Adam and Eve defected from God, He willed that what has happened since should take place. He said, "Whosoever should slay Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him seven-fold." It would seem that after our first parents defected, God insisted that those who truly wished to love Him and serve Him voluntarily for all eternity, out of respect for His infinite perfections, should prove their sincerity. Without the 'Adversary' and the Synagogue of Satan, there would be no real test. The Holy Scriptures give us enough information to enable us to decide for ourselves which way we want to go.


Satanism teaches that Jesus Christ is one and the same as St. Michael, and is the younger brother of Satan. Satanism also claims that God sent St. Michael to earth, in the form of Jesus Christ in order that He might end the Luciferian conspiracy here as he had previously done in heaven. Both Satanists and Luciferian adepts boast that Christ failed in His mission. They make the reacting of His defeat the major part in the celebration of the 'Black Mass.' Pike revised and modernized the 'Black Mass' and named his brainchild, "The Adonaicide Mass."


The word "Adonaicide" means the death, or end, of God. The death of God was the primary purpose of Nietzscheism. 8


It would seem that because the enmity between Satan and St. Michael started in heaven, and because Christ, while on earth, rejected the overtures of Satan to join him in rebellion against the absolute supremacy of God, the enmity has been carried out so that Christianity has been, and still is honeycombed with Luciferian and/or Satanic cells.


Since Christ first picked His apostles, these Agenturs always hide their true identity while they bore industriously from within. Today they are to be found disguised as "Modernists," weakening the various denominations so that they will be ready to collapse when those who direct the conspiracy AT THE TOP, decide it is time to provoke the final social cataclysm. Pike explained what is intended to happen in a letter he wrote to his director (Mazzini) of the W.R.M. August 15,1871. This letter is quoted elsewhere. It is catalogued in the Library of the British Museum, London, England 9 and has been quoted from and referred to by dozens of authorities and students of the W.R.M., including Cardinal Rodriguez of Chile. (See page 118 of The Mysteries of Freemasonry Unveiled, 1925. English translation, 1957.)


That the Luciferian conspiracy does exist, and has had unbroken continuity since its very beginning, regardless of whether we take its beginning in the celestial world, or from the Garden of Eden, proves it to be of supernatural origin and direction. Nothing conceived in a human mind could be so perfect, so diabolical, so titanic in dimensions, or so utterly destructive as the Luciferian conspiracy, which today we call the World Revolutionary Movement (W.R.M.).


Every time an attempt has been made by ecclesiastical and/or civic officials to expose Satanism as the inversion of God's plans and laws, and the antithesis of the Christian religion, the Agentur of the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed, who are located behind the scenes of all governments, both secular and ecclesiastical, have so far succeeded in turning the intended exposure into an actual and factual witch hunt. To prevent real See pages 346-7 of Satan, by Sheed and Ward, New York, 1951.


9 The Keeper of manuscripts recently informed the author that this letter is NOT catalogued in the British Museum Library. It seems strange that a man of Cardinal Rodriguez's knowledge should have said it WAS in 1925.


Satanists and dedicated Luciferians from being exposed and punished, the Synagogue of Satan and the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed, who control the S.O.S. have always succeeded in throwing an ample number of substitutes into the hands of the investigators, who provided the executioners with enough victims to satisfy the outraged feelings of the Princes, both religious and secular, and the bloodlust of the angry mobs. Until recently, these substitutes were accused of being witches and/or sorcerers who worshipped the Devil. Believers in God will be next.


Between 1486 and 1675, thirty-two ecclesiastical measures were taken against Satanism; and between 1532 and 1682,149 witches and/or sorcerers were burned, 78 banished from their countries, and 124 punished in other various ways. These measures and punishments affected Americans. They were accused of being Satanists and furthering the Luciferian conspiracy against Christianity. Public attention was thus kept centered upon unimportant victims, most of whom had been charged, or betrayed by the high officials who kept their own identity with the Luciferian conspiracy secret. 10


The Scriptures and writings of inspired men since the advent of Christ are full of incidents of demonic possession of individuals, but except in the Collect, read by priests celebrating the Mass on the 17th Sunday after Pentecost, one is unable to find anything very definite on the "Diabolica Contagis"- diabolical contagion or the Devil's influence on the human masses. This is rather extraordinary because if wars and revolutions are, as I maintain, the destructive force being used by those who direct the W.R.M. to eliminate all other forms of government and religion, then the Devil's influence on the "Goyim" (human masses) is far more powerful, seductive and deceptive than is the possession of an individual.


There can be no logical denial that the Devil, through his earthly agentur, can and does influence the thinking of the masses in order to produce evil mass results including wars and revolutions. We refer to the manner the Secret Powers of Evil have of using propaganda and mass psychology to serve their diabolical purposes. 1U See pages 346-7 of Satan, by Sheed and Ward, New York, 1951




In order to be able to realize that the W.R.M. is a continuation of the Heavenly revolution, we must understand Lucifer; what Lucifer did in heaven, and WHY, BEFORE he and/or Satan caused our first parents to defect from God. Being the highest, brightest, and most intelligent of God's creatures, he also had a Free Will. He could will to remain loyal, faithful, and obedient to God, and accept God (Adonay) as die Supreme Authority over the entire Universe, or he could challenge that 'Right.' Lucifer, in Heaven, was next to God. He was intelligent, therefore it is obvious that he could not have envied Him. St. Thomas said, "Only a fool can be envious of what is so far above him as to be impossible of attainment." Lucifer is no fool!


Lucifer's pride in his angelic attributes, i.e., office, character, and personality could have caused him to desire to be in his own order as God is in the divine order. In other words, Lucifer's pride in his own perfections could have made him wish to become the ruler of His own order rather than remain subject to God, regardless of the exalted state to which he had been elevated by God. This line of reasoning does not infer that Lucifer was fool enough to wish to dethrone God. He simply wished to rule a section of the universe in his own right. Today many human beings suffer from the same kind of inflated ego. It could be termed an overwhelming desire for absolute independence or self-sufficiency. St. Thomas, Scotus, and Suarez agree that the sin Lucifer committed was "The sin of Pride," but they disagree with each other on exactly what constituted his sin of pride.


My studies have convinced me that Lucifer's sin of pride consisted of his determination to break from God and set up his own dynasty. I am supported in my conviction by Biblical authority and history-Lucifer got what he wanted by leading the heavenly revolt. He persuaded vast multitudes of various levels of the angels to join him. Among these were one-third of the highest, the brightest and the most intelligent of the heavenly host. Lucifer got himself expelled from Heaven and cast into Hell, and this was exactly what he wanted to have happen. Since then he has struggled to wean as many others away from God as possible, so that they may come under his dominion. We know of his activities only on this earth, and we call this the World Revolutionary Movement.


My purpose in writing my last three books (I doubt if I shall be granted time to write others), has been to shed light on the W.R.M.. and the S.O.S., a subject of such great importance that it affects the life of every human being and his or her immortal soul. Many priests and ministers have told me of their appreciation of my motives.


On the other hand, there are priests and ministers who, when asked by their parishioners to express an opinion on the hidden chapters of biblical and secular history as exposed and explained in Pawns in the Game and Red Fog over America, have said, "What he writes borders on heresy." What they don't mention is the great TRUTH expounded by the greatest theologians and philosophers of the Church of Christ, i.e., "ALL TRUTH borders on heresy." What really matters is that, when expounding the TRUTH, we don't step over the borderline as defined in the Scriptures. When ministers and/or priests close the door to a "mind" seeking further knowledge of the TRUTH, they serve the Devil's purpose. Isai. 28:7; Mic. 3:11; Mall 2:7.


A Presbyterian minister in Ottawa said my writings were "unmitigated nonsense." A minister in Owen Sound published a pamphlet stating that I was anti-Semitic and spreading modern heresy. These men and everal others both Gentiles and Jews -have done their best to involve me in arguments and litigation. They probably intended, by so doing, to use up my time to such an extent that they would seriously interfere with my determination to throw as much light as I can on this subject before my own light has gone out. In case readers run into this kind of criticism, I wish to remind them that the knowledge of ministers and priests is subject to the restrictions placed on them by the curricula laid down by those who control the seminaries of a particular faith. My studies, over a period of forty years, have never ceased. I have never allowed my mind to be subjected to limitations. This is the way I believe that God intended it should be. What I write, I believe to be the TRUTH. Readers should consider the hidden facts of history as detailed in my writings, to form their own opinions and reach their own decisions.


The curricula in many seminaries are seriously restricted for the simple reason that even theologians of the same faiths have been, and still are, openly divided in opinion on many matters dealing with the fall of angels. However, both Scotus and Suarez agree that none of the angels, including Lucifer, ever repented their defection from God. Both agree that repentance was a possibility to them, and that God gave them the time and opportunity for repentance, but during the interval of time Lucifer and his followers committed other sins. With these opinions St. Thomas disagrees.


It is nothing to be amazed at when theologians and philosophers disagree. Only God and the Devil know on whose side they are. Matt. 7: 15 warns us of "False prophets in sheep's clothing." Even as far back as Jeremiah's day, priests were being denounced because of their unfaithfulness (Jer. 1:18). Many priests and ministers today teach because they are hired They teach what those who hire them say they must teach (Mai. 2:8). The word "hire" used in this regard can mean more than "to obtain pay for services." It can mean to render service and give unlimited obedience to an earthly power in the hope of obtaining earthly and supernatural rewards.


When, as Staff Training Officer for the Canadian Naval Reserve Division 1943-4, 1 lectured to the officers and men on the subject of "Discipline and Obedience." I shocked some of the Divisional Commanding Officers by telling their subordinates that no officer or man was required to obey an order that is contrary to the Commandments of God, i.e., Natural Law or the Dignity of Man. Many of the most horrible atrocities committed in the name of God against the human race by Satanists, were committed by innocent men carrying out orders. How very convenient! If subordinates are required to obey ALL orders, then all the S.O.S. (who control all those in High Places) need do is see that orders are given to do things that serve the Devil's purpose.


Christians in Holy Orders should never forget that regardless of any consideration, including the oath of obedience they give to superior authority their first allegiance, like that of a soldier or sailor, is to God. No oath can bind them to commit sin. Keeping silence, or failure to tell the whole truth regarding the W.R.M.., is a sin against God and a crime against God's creatures. "Tell the Truth and shame (confound) the Devil" should be the motto of every militant Christian. This truth was repeatedly emphasized by the late Pope Pius XII, when he told parish priests they are responsible for the secular as well as the spiritual welfare of their congregations, and should guide the members of their flocks on social, economic and political matters. He showed his will in this regard when, in 1957 he asked all faithful Catholics to pray for the "Silent Church." The word "Church" as he used it, means the "Whole body of Christian believers; the ecclesiastical organization or power as distinguished from the State." Don't let anyone tell you differently. If they do, they lie. If they lie, they serve the Devil's Cause.



The Luciferian conspiracy could not have developed since our Lord died, to its semi-final stage if those who have pretended to be Christian clergy, dedicated to God, had not sinned against Him by maintaining "Silence" on this all important subject.


Let me remind my readers that NO ecclesiastical authority, Catholic or non-Catholic, has challenged the truth of what I say on this subject. Hundreds of ordained priests and ministers have admitted that I have convinced them of the TRUTH. The majority of them excuse themselves from helping me openly by saying "I am under discipline."


I am afraid God does not accept that as a valid excuse. God dispensed with all forms of compulsory discipline. Under God's plan for the rule of the Universe we are free to love and serve Him of our own Will, or go to Hell in our own way. It is time we stopped making excuses and proceeded to prove to God that we wish to love and serve Him for eternity. feel justified in making one further remark to protect my readers from those who slander me and my


work. In addition to being mentally restricted by the curriculum of their schools and colleges, those who slander me were brought up in an atmosphere of social security. In the majority of cases their education, or indoctrination, was paid for by multi-millionaires who set up so-called Charitable Foundations so they could dictate the curricula of the educational institutions which they endowed. It has been proved that these millionaires belong to the international financial cartels who have financed BOTH sides in every war and revolution fought in the last two hundred years. It is logical to assume that this being the case, the curricula of the educational institutions they endow are not directed to making God's truth known, but to limiting knowledge


regarding the truth, so that the Luciferian conspiracy can be developed to its final objectives. My slanderers have never had to worry about where their next meal came from. They have been babied along and encouraged to develop an inflated ego regarding their knowledge and importance. They may have suffered a few hardships, but they always knew they would be looked after provided they remained obedient to those their benefactors placed over them.


My life has been entirely different. Due to a serious accident, my father died in his forties. At the age of thirteen I was left to shift for myself. When fifteen I was at sea, working an average of twelve hours a day. I rose to be a Master Mariner, and a Commander in the Canadian Navy. I have written enough sense to have had ten books of non- fiction published and incorporated in reference libraries throughout the world. I did all this by the Grace of God and my application to a dedicated cause. I was determined to find out, if possible, why human beings can't live in peace. It is only fair to mention that I rejected offers of fame and fortune, because such offers always had strings attached which would have prevented me continuing to see after, and publish, THE TRUTH. The only thing I ask from God is that He permit me to live long enough to pass on what I have learned about the WR.M. to others.


While my traducers slept in warm beds and lived in comfort and security, carefully guarded from danger, I battled my way on the stormy seas and lived a life which brought me in intimate contact with all that is evil. I became intimately associated with Bolsheviks, Nihilists, and Nazi proselytes. But, notwithstanding that, I wanted to help the underdog, and had the urge to be a 'Do-gooder.' By the Grace of God, I never was convinced that by joining any so-called reform organization, I would be doing the will of God. It is beyond my comprehension how the hierarchy of many religions embrace men who have worked openly in the W.R.M. for Because of its very nature, the Luciferian revolt must of necessity be designed to bring about the destruction of ALL other forms of government and religion, so that, in the final stage of the conspiracy, the Luciferian ideology may be imposed on what is left of the human race by Satanic despotism. Today we term this "Totalitarian dictatorship."


Obviously, it is much easier for a small but powerful group to subjugate one person, one group, one organization, one government, or one religion, than it is to subjugate dozens and even hundreds of individuals. Therefore the Synagogue of Satan introduced 'Internationalism.' The late William Lyon Mackenzie King, Prime Minister of Canada for nearly a quarter of the twentieth century, sold the Rockefeller family on this idea early in the 1900's, when he was Labour Minister in the Canadian government. Just as Albert Pike worked secretly to bring about a one world government, and a one world religion (Luciferianism), so did Mackenzie King. He specialized in bringing organized labour under control of the international authority because if those placed in control AT THE TOP are agentur of the Synagogue of Satan, organized labour could be used to foment wars and revolutions leading to the destruction of governments and religions. Then, after organized labour had been used to stir up strife between capital and labour and cause economic chaos and turmoil, it could in turn be subjugated in the final stage of the conspiracy. Obviously, an international organization controlled AT THE TOP by the secret agents of the Synagogue of Satan can be more easily controlled, than can hundreds of inde- pendent unions and guilds. Does any thinking person believe that the thugs, ex-convicts, and university graduates in economics who control organized labour AT THE TOP are not agentur of the Illuminati, otherwise known as the Synagogue of Satan, If this were true why are those in control trying to make it compulsory for all workers to join unions?


The same principle as Mackenzie King used in organized labour is used by those who direct the W.R.M. AT THE TOP to obtain control of all other fields of human endeavor including the sciences, professions, politics, business, industry, governments, and religions. Thus we see that, previous to the organization of the League of Nations (after World War One ended) the policy of those who directed the W.R.M. AT THE TOP had been to split up and destroy all powerful governments, religions, industrial, financial, capitalistic, and labour organizations, etc., in order that out of the resulting chaos, those affected would gradually accept the 'idea of Internationalism.


World War Two was fomented, and fought to further soften up nationalism and rugged individualism. The United Nations Organization was set up (on land provided by the Rockefellers, by whom Mackenzie King was employed 1914-1919). The U.N. is intended to give an air of respectability to Internationalism which


Communism and Nazism had brought into disrepute. The Synagogue of Satan control the United Nations as they controlled the League of Nations. Looking back we can see how this "Secret Power" has controlled every strong and powerful group, organization, movement, and government from behind the scenes, by means of 'Specialists,' 'Experts,' and Advisors,' whom they trained and placed in key positions, by using the power and influence their control of GOLD gave them. Every development of the Luciferian conspiracy led to the stage in which the world finds itself today. Its progress can be traced back to the days when Christ told us bluntly and plainly that the Synagogue of Satan controlled ALL those in high places.


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