Обобщение изученного материала.

Методика формирования карты занятия.

Тема: Изучение ассортимента овощей и фруктов в процессе формирования лексического минимума.

Тип занятия: практическая работа № 20.

Методы обучения: наглядный, практический, коммуникативный, информационный.

Форма урока: комбинированный.

Формы учебной деятельности: индивидуальная, фронтальная, парная.


- учебная: формирование коммуникативной компетенции при изучении темы и обсуждении полученных знаний, обеспечение практической направленности обучения;

- развивающая: развитие речевой реакции, развитие умения классифицировать, формирование игровой и познавательной мотивации;

- воспитательная: совершенствование навыков сотрудничества и коммуникации в группе, понимание социальной значимости своей будущей профессии.

Общекультурные компетенции, которые актуализируются:

ОК1. Понимать сущность и социальную значимость своей будущей профессии, проявлять к ней устойчивый интерес.

ОК4. Осуществлять поиск и использование информации, необходимой для эффективного выполнения профессиональных задач, профессионального и личностного развития.

ОК5. Владеть информационной культурой, анализировать и оценивать информацию с использованием информационно-коммуникационных технологий.

ОК6. Работать в коллективе и команде, эффективно общаться с коллегами

Междисциплинарные связи: ОП.09 ОБЖ, МДК 01.01 Основы управления ассортиментом товаров, МДК 02.01 Технология приготовления сложной холодной кулинарной продукции.

Информационно-методическое обеспечение:

1.ЩербаковаН.И.Английский язык для специалистов

сферы общественного питания =English for Cooking and Catering: учебник для студ. учреждений сред. проф.образования/ Н.И.Щербакова, Н.С.Звенигородская.–8-е изд., стер.–М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2015.–320с.

2.АкабекянИ.П.Английский язык для сферы обслуживания–: учебное пособие. –Москва: Проспект, 2015.-248 с.

3. Акабекян И.П.Английский язык: сервис и туризм: Учебное пособие для бакалавров.-2-е изд.-М.: Издательско-торговая корпорация:Дашкова и К, Ростов н/Д: Наука-Спектр,2015.-312 с.

Материально-техническое обеспечение: плазменная панель, компьютер, видео презентация, рабочая тетрадь, карточки.



Структура урока

I. Организационный момент

- создание благоприятной психологической атмосферы;

- проверка организации рабочих мест, обучающихся;

- проверка внешнего вида;

- проверка списочного состава обучающихся и заполнение журнала, рапорта и рапортички.

Good morning, student! I’m glad to see all of you. You look nice. How are you? Who is on duty today? Who is absent today?

Актуализация цели и задачи урока.

Teacher. ОК. Let’s start you lesson. Today we shall speak about one of the most useful food for people. It contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. It is of different colors, shapes and tastes. We can eat it raw and cooked. How do you think what is the topic of our lesson? (обучающиеся угадывают тему урока). You are right. We shall speak about fruits and vegetables.

3. Актуализация опорных знаний по теме урока:

Teacher. It is not a news for you that it is modern and fashion to be healthy. And integral part of balanced diet is fruits and vegetables.(обучающиеся отвечают на вопросы) Do you like fruits and vegetables? What fruits grow in trees? What else grows in the garden? What grows in the vegetable garden? (Students name fruits and vegetables).

4. Мотивация учебной деятельности:

Teacher. The names of fruits and vegetables are your professional lexic and you will use them in your professional activity. You have to know useful features of foodstuffs for better cooking of dishes if you want to be a chef.

5. Основная часть:

Teacher. Now let’s do some exercises. Open your copy-books and we begin with Task 1. – read the words with translation.


Teacher. Well, now we will do Tasks 2. – translate the words into Russian (in written form).



Teacher. Task 3 do yourself. And who will be the first – will show me your copy-book. (Then a student write the exercise on the blackboard and everybody checks).

Teacher. Task 4. Reading. Read and translate a dialogue (2 pairs of students).

Teacher. More difficult task. Task 6. – finish the dialogue. Let us do it.

Teacher. Who can say what we need to buy for cooking borsch, Russian salad. Fruit salad?

Обобщение изученного материала.

Teacher. Today we have guests – expert about fruits and vegetables and they prepared interesting additional information. (Two students present their reports).

Game “Experts”

E-1 – this fruit has a venerable age. It is believed that it was grown in Ancient Greece several thousand years ago. It is sweet and very rich in minerals (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, silicon), and vitamins it is relatively small. Doctors recommend to consume this fruit in diseases of the circulatory system, kidneys. It is refreshing to entire body and even contributes to the decrease in body temperature. (Pear)

E-2 – This fruit is originally from South India: one of the first mentions of it found in the ancient texts, Dating to the 4th century BC. Different from other fruits a high content of starch. Some nutritionists advise to use this fruit as a separate dish for the first Breakfast. (Banana)

E-1 – Only this fruit nature has given a velvety yellow - orange color with a bright blush. Juicy flesh with a refreshing sour – sweet, slightly tart taste and incomparable delicate aroma. (Peach)

E-2 – This fruit - all fruit. There are hundreds of varieties of fruit and each of them is good in its own way. No wonder the English proverb says that if you eat one fruit a day, and the doctor is not necessary. The seeds of these fruits a lot of iodine, say 5-6 grains can satisfy the daily human need for iodine. (Apple)

E-1 – This fruit came to Europe in the early 16th century, but where - is not clear. Some believe that from China, others say that from India. But now the fruit orange is one of the most popular in the world. There are at least four sorts of it. Experts believe that he is able to cure more diseases. (Orange)

E-2 – the fruit - the fruit of the tree of the family Rosaceae. It is small, dark blue, juicy, with a large bone. Scientists believe that in Central Asia this is a garden culture bred more than 2,000 years, about the same in Europe. In Russia, the fruits were brought in the 17th century under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov. Now they are grown in many countries of the Northern hemisphere. Many of you love jam made from these fruits. Maybe some remember the title of the story of L. Tolstoy about how boy Vanya ate without permission from one of them, and then accidentally confessed, saying he was "a bone thrown at the window?" (Plum "bone")

E-1 – This fruit is considered a symbol of the Christmas holidays. His birthplace - South - East Asia. In one of the ancient Chinese manuscript describes 27 of the best varieties of this plant. In our stores you can buy this fruit, Moroccan, Turkish, Spanish or Abkhazian origin. The name of the fruit was due to the fact that were very dear and affordable only to wealthy Chinese government officials. (Mandarins)


E-2 – the birthplace of this fruit is India. There is a theory that its name comes from the Malay word meaning in translation, "good for mothers". Yogis call it the universal tool for maintaining health. Treated its smell, colour and taste. This wonderful fruit is able to kill viruses. (Lemon)

E-1 – the birthplace of this fruit in New Zealand. The name he was named after a small bird that looks very similar to the fruit, covered with red fuzz. Once it was called the Chinese gooseberry and even the monkey or sheep peach. In the late 19th century to Europe from Japan and Asia have been brought the fruits and the flowers of the tree on which they grow, as ornaments. But the Europeans tasted the taste of the fruit, and fruit has become very popular. It has a very thin skin and tender flesh with many small black seeds inside. This fruit is a storehouse of vitamin C. Just one fruit covers the daily requirement of an adult in this vitamin, which is 250-380 mg. (Kiwi)

E-2 – This fruit comes to us before the winter, because of all the tropical fruits ripen last: early varieties - by October, later - only to Dec. The name of the fruit in Latin means "divine food". Obviously, this name he received for their sweetness, although sometimes the fruit is tart. The astringent properties of the fruit give the tannins. Our country learned this exotic fruit recently - a little more than a century ago. (Persimmon)

E-1 Is ripe juicy fruit with a velvety skin. Scientists studying living conditions of some tribes living in warm Sunny places, believe that their longevity is due to the traditional consumption of these fruits. Just 100 g of this fruit affect the process of hematopoiesis is the same useful effect as 250 g of fresh liver. (Apricot)

E-2 – the origin of this fruit, which belongs to the citrus still remains a mystery. Scientists have not managed to find its wild ancestor. The name of the fruit translates to English as "fruit of grape". The fruit has a distinctive bitter fruit, and tart - fresh odor is contained in the skin of essential oils. (Grapefruit)

E-1 – the fruit went down in history under the name "Carthaginian Apple". The Phoenicians, who founded Carthage in 825 BC, brought with him from the Asiatic coast of the Mediterranean sea saplings of fruit trees. They have taken root in the new lands generously's a fruit tree became a symbol of the fertility and wealth of Carthage. The fruit that it grows in the East called the "king" (for toothed calyx, resembling a crown), and the Romans, who conquered Carthage, called him "purple grain". These grains in ruby juicy pulp of each fruit nor a little - about a thousand! (Garnet)

Teacher. Now let’s play. Make a short story about fruit or a vegetable according plan:

1. What is it?

2. What color is it?

3. What form is it? (long, short, round, big, small)/

4. How does it taste? (sweet, sour, bitter).

5. Where does it grow?

6. What can you cook with it? (Some students read your stories).

Teacher. We continue our lesson and we have magic tasty plate. Students with closed eyes will guess what fruit or vegetable is it. (Students play the game).

Teacher. …. рrepared a beautiful flower with idioms. And we have to write them with translation. (Students do the task).



Teacher. You have three fruits of different colors. If you are pleased with your work – raise red fruit. If you are partly pleased with your work – raise yellow fruit. If you are пot pleased with you work – raise green fruit.

All of you work good and have……………marks.


Teacher. And why do we have to eat fruits and vegetables?

Домашнее задание.

Выполнить Task….из рабочей тетради, закончить рассказы о фруктах и овощах.





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