The problem of subjectivity marriage in active laws of Russia

Annotation. This article describes marriage as a traditional component of the mentality of our country. Analyzes and concludes the subjectivity of marriage.

Tags: Marriage, mentality, symbiosis, pluralism, family law, landmarks, multicultural nation, the family, guardianship, a subjective morality, divergent behavior, attitude, outlook, divorce, patriarchy, matriarchy, civil union.

There are many theories of origin of marriage, but it is known that marriage was created, along with certain religious concepts being adopted in those days. Man connected with God everything: his young mind unexplained natural phenomena, plague, rich harvest, white and black stripes of his life, the presence of women and men. Accordingly, he believed in a supreme intelligence data rituals handed down from generation to generation with the experience and spent the algorithm life. Later it became a convenient and quite practical. How many people, so many opinions, and if people are "armed and very dangerous", and then to take these opinions it is somehow easier. Dogma replaced, assimilated, "cut" and perished as a result of constant attempts to pick up society "only right" key to the universe. Have you seen the state, and with them, unite the people, the state religion, mentality, principles, including moral and family. It was a kind of symbiosis, inseparable relationship that produced the legal systems of various kinds, the pluralism of opinions in the family. Russia has traditionally been considered a Christian power. In our country, we formed familiar to many concepts of life, traditions and appropriate storage for non-compliance with which was going universal contempt. This bore the imprint and is still present family law. Based on the overwhelming, but not on a truly objective opinion of inserted by historical and evolutionary nature, dominant, while ignoring other opinions multiethnic, multicultural nation, turning a blind eye to their customs and culture, as well as emerging trends and currents, the state has no right to call itself a secular and democratic. The law should provide for and encourage all opportunities and human capabilities as the source of all existing relations based on equality, punishing any manifestations of injustice. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize the legitimate tool of citizens' rights, rather than a means of oppression on the basis of subjective morality. In particular, in the sector of family law, abolished the law "marriage" because it imposes some citizens are not always compatible with the full realization of their rights, model behavior, limiting the number of partners in the selection, gender, the presence of kinship, to create a harmonious civil legal cell. At the same concepts such as "family", "custody" must be supported by the state, regardless of whether it is non-standard "union" formation or not. Of course, special attention in this regard should be given to education for young people, it is necessary to explain that no one requires abandoning the traditionally accepted subjective values, on the contrary, the proposed changes will "break through" the wall of the contradictions arising from international, inter-confessional and other conflicts that appeared natural reaction to the suppression of divergent behavior. In conclusion, modern marriage is influenced by many factors, which give both positive and negative effects. And the most important of them - the subjective perception of the world, and later - formed a subjective outlook. Getting into this trap, generation after generation, "trained" people "are trained" people and change the educational scheme: a subjective - a subjective to an objective - subjective costs a lot of effort, and people often follow the path of least resistance, but someone deliberately adopts world weighing the objective reality and developing his own subjective conscious, although noticeable on the background of the masses, this phenomenon - an exception. Society brought up in such a way, is a "body", encased in mentality, where dissent is met with, at best, bewildered. For example, not being married / married to a certain period of time is considered bad form, divorce, corruption - a norm, and despise not understood - habit. A society so oppressive dictates laws often so untenable that makes you laugh even children. Patriarchate of the Russian family continue to impose and to inculcate from birth, this warehouse in the family is presented as a non-alternative, as a result, equality, enshrined in legislation - an addiction to alter matriarchy. Inexperienced citizens to marry, do not want to think, they do not accept what is imposed by way may be incorrect, and further there is any life in quarrels and alcohol, or divorce, statistics show that about 50% of Russian households are subject to decay, a considerable amount of betrothed want to divorce but can not because of the difficulties with the division of property, child or banal property dependency. And all this is not accidental, inexperienced citizens often act as acting majority, and the majority of acts in accordance with the peculiarities of its mentality. Change the mentality - a daunting task, especially if a subjective law protects him. It is the law, a duty, to ensure access to the social form of civil union, through which citizens can freely and independently choose the best fit between any of its forms and types, without the pressure of the law, tied to a subjective opinion. Let us consider the problem of minorities. The problem itself is a minority sub-layer problem understanding standards. Therefore, the minority will be carefully destroyed all that denies them as the norm, in response, the majority, convinced that he wanted to destroy, will infringe upon the rights of the minority, and be protected. Accordingly, if the result of such actions someone win the right underdog would be minimized. For example, Russia - an example of the suppression of the minority, with constant attempts to influence the law from morality and the dominant religion, and Western countries - are an example of perverse liberalism, which violates the rights of a minority majority, forcing it to take subjective tolerance by oppression. Nobody has the right to make love something or someone, but also the right to violate the rights of others should not be. It is wrong in the world today, on equal terms, should get along, seemingly mutually paragraphs, no, no one is obliged to build the "Orthodox national-communist autocracy", this should be the attitude of the right of mutual respect, something like get on the world's religions. You can not undermine or destroy anyone, nor a minority and not the majority, but each party must show its advantages by providing objective information, attractiveness of their way of life, to create a truly free society. You can not say "they are bad", you say "we are good" and be able to explain why, should have access to all the information, no one can be forced to do anything but impartial and strict law obliged to keep it for those for which it was and We created, and not to take sides, even in the public interest. In the interests of the state, you can shout "we are good" even louder, but not "they are bad" and ban them, because much more effectively convince both word and deed. Freedom does not mean permissiveness. Supporting divergent flow, minorities, multiculturalism, we can not close our eyes to the restriction of rights to other citizens, including children. Pedophilia is an acute form of deviant behavior, causing a strong reaction in the community. It would seem that if there is any point of view is the place to be, why not allow the unions to the children? Our rights end where another's begin. And in this case, everything is exactly the same. Legal capacity is given to everyone from birth, and later, with the emergence of initiative, there is a capacity and delictual. But as long as people, because of their age and related mental deficiencies is not able to adequately assess the environment, he can not be held responsible and fully exercise their rights, similar to the mentally-ill. In other words, the subject himself without realizing it, may be subjected to violations of their rights at risk. Therefore, before the conscious initiative, it is necessary to protect the rights of minors, limiting their capacity. Accordingly, the Union is not possible with minors. They also conclude with the animals - can not be held null and void, since animals can not be held responsible for their actions and understand their implications fully and independently, therefore, they are by definition incapable. If there is another kind, has the qualities of an alliance is possible. The proposed alternative to marriage - "civil union". This alliance allowed him to enter into all forms and any number on a voluntary basis, which were not available to the marriage, with the exception of unions with animals and incompetent people. As this involves a principle of universal consent, that is, if a citizen wants to make it with another citizen, which is already in alliance with one or more people, the consent of all able-bodied citizens who are already in the Union. In addition, it is also necessary that there is sufficient economic development among the citizens who enter into a civil union. Social State should conclude it under its responsibility, to carry out an economic assessment and put forward the corresponding standards, and then, to give a guarantee of state aid in the event of occurrence of hereditary relationships and divorce. In all cases, the property is divided into equal shares and allowed the right to use all the same real estate and the right to its share of the order in which the sale of the right to use all these stops. If, however, the share for some reason can not be sold, the state has taken responsibility, an obligation to buy it. Repeated inheritance share is transferred to heirs equally just the right order on the share received by the testator. The state in this case is obliged to redeem the share under will of its owner. The owners have no right to set their own prices for the share price is established an independent expertise, the owners are free to transfer its share of owners of the same property. In a civil union right is reserved to the will and institution of inheritance by law, with a share in the editing first. If in a civil union have children or a child, the full responsibility for them bear their immediate guardian (s), regardless of whether the family ties place, or is the adoption (adoption). The immediate guardians are allocated from the general civil union and constitute a separate economic unit, which allows economically provide children (Child). To do this, separate the economic cell should have its own living space and funding, which will be sufficient to ensure the normal juvenile (minor). Inside the cell can occur more cells, and even within them and so on. Naturally, if the cell 1 guardian, creating interior of the cell loses its meaning. Initially, if so wished all members of civil union, the cell in the entire Union can act. When leaving the civil union, responsibility for children is published in the cell, and not for those who did not enter into it, as in the existence of an alliance. Released cell forms a separate civil union. When it reaches the minimum number of those responsible for the child, you can spend a classic divorce, with the respective processes. The pyramidal model allows us to clearly delineate responsibility for children, and create a polygamous marriages of all sizes.


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