Ex. 2. Change the following sentences from Reported to Direct Speech.

1. The teacher told the class to pay attention. 2. Lilian told Andrew not to eat all cakes. 3. The officer ordered the soldiers to stay in the woods. 4. He told them not to go on talking. 5. Andrew asked Mary not to go away. 6. The man told him to go straight ahead for two blocks and then turn left. 7. The grandmother asked Tom to pass her the salt. 8. The mother told her children to play in the garden. 9. I told Ann to finish the work by 5 o’clock. 10. The old man asked me to help him cross the road. 11. She told him to take bus 14. 12. He asked his friend to take him to the Art Gallery the next day. 13. The teacher asked the students to repeat the words after him. 14. Mary asked Jane not to put any sugar into her coffee. 15. Ann asked Helen not to stay in the library that day.


Ex. 3. Choose the most appropriate verb from the box to report each of the sentences. Remember they all follow the pattern verb + infinitive.

persuade order ask advise tell encourage invite beg remind

1. “Could you possibly do me a favour?” she asked Tom. 2. “Hand in your essays next week,” the teacher told the class. 3. “Don’t forget to post the letter,” my wife said to me. 4. “Come and have dinner with us,” Rosie said to John. 5. “You must pay a fine of one hundred pounds,” the judge said to Edward Fox. 6. “Buy the red dress, not the green one,” Betty said to Jane. “It’s much, much nicer.” “Mmm … I’m not sure. OK, I’ll buy the red one. You are right!” said Jane. 7. “You really should paint professionally,” said Jill to Henry. “You are really good at it.” 8. “Please, please don’t tell my father,” she said to me.

Ex. 4. Make up conversations according to the model.

1st student: Mary, don’t interrupt me, please.

2nd student: What did Jane say to Mary?

3rd student: Jane asked Mary not to interrupt her.

1. Take a seat, please. 2. Have another cup of coffee, please. 3. Don’t repeat these sentences after me, pleased. 4. Don’t open the window, please. 5. Go to the blackboard, please. 6. Have some ice-cream, please. 7. Don’t cross the street here. 8. Please help me with my English.


Ex. 5. Translate into English.

1. Преподаватель сказал Джону, чтобы он прошел на свое место и открыл учебник на 105-й странице. 2. Анна попросила сестру разбудить ее в 7 утра завтра. 3. Джейн попросила мужа купить фрукты по дороге домой. 4. Полицейский сказал, чтобы он прошел вперед три квартала и затем повернул направо. 5. Джон попросил меня никому не говорить об этом. 6. Джил попросила друзей не перебивать ее. 7. Меня попросили помочь Тому сделать домашнее задание. 8. Врач сказал ей, чтобы она не выходила на улицу. 9. Она попросила меня объяснить, как это сделать.



Revision exercises

(Direct and Reported Speech)

Ex. 1. Report the sentences using ask or tell.

1. “Leave me alone!” she said to him. 2. “Please don’t go!” he asked her. 3. “I’m going to bed now, he said to Ann. 4. “How long can I stay at Peter’s, Dad?” asked Jeremy. 5. “Stop talking!” said the teacher to the class. 6. “Can you phone back later, Mr. Brown?” asked the secretary. 7. “You did very well in the test,” said the teacher to everyone. 8. “Don’t walk on the grass!” the park keeper told the children. 9. “Are you ready to go?” Sally asked Bill. 10. “It’s time to get up!” said John to his daughters.


Ex. 2. Report the sentences using one of the following verbs.

complain admit deny suggest boast     that… refuse offer agree promise     to do …

Example. “ I think it would be a very good idea for you to go to bed,” the doctor said to Paul. – The doctor suggested that Paul went to bed.

1. “Yes, okay. I’ll lend you my car but be careful with it!” Peter said to Ann. 2. “Yes, it was me. I stole the money,” said Bill. 3. “But I didn’t hit the old lady,” said Bill. 4. “I can speak eleven languages, all perfectly,” said the professor. 5. “I’ll leave work early, honest I will,” Angela said. 6. “Ugh! My soap is cold!” said Henry. 7. “I won’t help you with your homework. Never!” Jane said to me. 8. “I’ll give you a lift to the station, if you like,” Kate said to Megan. 9. “What about if we meet on Thursday?” Mark said to James. “That’s fine,” said James.

Ex. 3. Which verbs can be used to report the direct speech in the sentences below?

a. tell b. ask c. order d. invite e. remind f. warn g. beg h. refuse i. advise j. offer

1. “Please can you translate this sentence for me?” Mary said to Mark. 2. “Don’t forget to send Aunt Mauda a birthday card!” Mary said to her son. 3. “Sign on the dotted line,” the postman said to me. 4. “Please, please, please marry me. I can’t live without you,” John said to Moira. 5. “Please come to our wedding,” John said to his boss. 6. “I’ll play for the next round,” Mark said. 7. “Don’t run round the edge of the swimming pool or you’ll fall in,” Mary said to her children. 8. “I won’t go to bed!” Bobby said. 9. “You should talk to your solicitor,” Ben said to Bill. 10. “Take that chewing gum out of your mouth immediately!” the teacher said to Jo.



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