Use the expressions from the board

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1. Good morning boys and girls. I am glad to see you at our lesson. “The Pleasure of Reading” is our topic for this term. Today we’ll speak about our reading habits, about the importance of reading and of course about English and American writers.

All people have different reading habits: some can’t live without reading, others don’t read at all except TV programme. And what about you?

a. How much time do you spend on reading?

b. What kind of reading do you prefer: do you like reading books? newspapers? magazines?

c. Do you read books only for your Russian Literature classes or do you do any extra reading?

d. How old were you when you began reading? Do you remember what book was the first that you read?

e. Do you collect books? How many books do you have at home?


3. Now you can say what is reading for you. Finish the phrase: “I read books because.....

I’ve prepared some quotations of famous people about reading. But they are mixed. Please make up sentences and translate them (a group work).

A. I / cannot /live / without/ reading / (Thomas Jefferson).

B. Words / are/ the voice/ of the/ heart /(Confucius).

C. Reading / is / a basic tool/ in the living/ of a good/ life/ (Mortimer J. Adler).

D. A book/ is/ a garden/ carried/ in the pocket/ (Chinese proverb).

Let’s work with dialogues.

• Look at the dialogue and complete it with the words in bold. What’s …….. of the book you are reading?”

• “It’s Up the Down Staircase by Bel Kaufman.”

• “What is the book …….?”

• “It’ about school life in present America.”

• “Where is the …….. laid?”

• “In a small American town.”

• “As far as I know the book was translated and ………….. in our country, wasn’t it?”

• “Yes, it was. But you should read it in the ……..”

(about, the scene, original, published, the title)



6. Work in groups and make up dialogues about the books you are reading or have recently read discuss authors and characters.

1. What’s the title of the book?

2. Who is the author of the book?

3. What do you think of the book? (It’s realistic. The language is good. The plot is interesting. There are many funny scenes in the book. The author knows the subject well…)

4. Who are the main characters of the book?

5. What is the book about? (The book is about… The book describes the life of…)

6. When was the book published?

Use the expressions from the board

7. Today we have a very good opportunity to speak with an expert of A. Milne’s biography. Not long ago we read about this famous writer and spoke about his books. I am sure …… knows a lot of his life and can give us many interesting details.

8. It seems to me that somebody is waiting for a word. I have one more surprise for you. The heroes of A. Milne’s book “Winnie- the -Pooh” have come here. This is Rabbit and this is Winnie- the- Pooh. You are welcome.

Winnie-the-Pooh: (громко) Is anybody at home? (стучит в дверью, за дверью слышен шум)

Rabbit: No. Don’t shout so loud. I can hear you quite well.

W.P.: Sorry. Isn’t there anybody here?

R.: Nobody.

W. P. There must be somebody there, because somebody said, “Nobody.” Hello, Rabbit, isn’t that you?

R.: No

W.P. Well, could you very kindly tell me where

Rabbit is?

R.: He has gone to see his friend Pooh Bear who is a great friend of his.

W.P.: To his friend Pooh? But this is me.

R.: What sort of me?

WP.: Pooh Bear.

R.: Are you sure?

W.P.: Quite sure.

R.: Oh, well, then come in.

(Вини Пух с трудом протискивается в дом кролика.)

R.: You were quite right. It is you. Glad to see you. I am just going to have dinner.

(Винни Пух и Кролик садятся за стол.) Honey or condensed milk with bread?

W.: Both. But don’t bother about the bread, please.

(Через некоторое время) Thank you. Now I have to go!

R.: Good-bye, Pooh! Иностранные языки в школе, №2, 1992г.

9. And at last a crossword and a quiz about the famous British and American writers.

1). An English writer who was born in Ireland in 1667. His novel “The Gulliver’s Travel” is known all over the world (Jonathan S wift).

2). An English writer, the master of detective stories. She was called “A Queen of Crime”. She wrote 78 crime novels. Her books have been translated into 103 languages. Her well-known characters were Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple (Agatha C h ristie).

3). A famous English children’s writer. His first book appeared in 1865. It was a fairy-tale about a small girl and her adventures in wonderful land (Lewis C a rroll).

4). An English writer, he was born in India where his stories and poems were set. One of books was called “The Jungle Book” where the main hero is Mawgli. (Rudyard K ipling)

5). He was the professor of Literature and English and became famous as the author of famous children’s books: “Hobbit” and “The Lord of Rings” (John Ronald Reuel Tolki e n).

6). The famous English novelist. He lived and worked in Scotland. He wrote adventures books: “Quentin Durward”, “Rob Roy”, “Ivanhoe” and others. (Walter S cott)

7). An American writer, the master of short detective stories. (Edgar Allan P oe).

8). A British writer. He was born in Scotland and created a famous fictional character – the detective Sherlock Holmes (Sir Arthur Connan Doyl e).

9). This American writer is called the Father of American literature. “All American literature comes from one of his books called “Huckelberry Finn”. (Mark Tw a in).

10). A modern English writer, she was born 1965, she wrote her first book at 5 or 6 years old, her first book about Harry Potter was published in 1997, at that time she won recognition (J. K. R owling).

11). The famous English writer. He wrote humorous books. The best known and the most famous is “The Three Men in a Boat to Say Nothing of a Dog”. (Jerome K. J e rome).

Фамилии писателей с 1-11 записываются по горизонтали, а из выделенных букв по вертикали составляется 12.

12). His name is famous all over the world (William Shakespeare).

10. At the end of our lesson we’ll sing a song about books. (to the tune of “My Bonny is Over the Ocean”.

My books are just standing on bookshelves

That I’m always happy to read
My favourite’s under my pillow.
The English book is what I need.

Chorus: Read books, read books,
They were invented to read, to read.
Read books, read books,
English book is what I need.

The book that was written in English
Improves your knowledge as well,
It teaches your lexics and grammar
And how the English words spell.


11. Summing up. I want to finish our lesson with the words of Charles Kingsley “ Except a living man, there is nothing more wonderful than a book”. ( Nothing is so infectious as example.)

I hope you understand that without books our life will be empty and boring. Read good books, enjoy them and think.

Marks for the lesson are:....

Our homework is to think about “ Top 10 children’s books”.




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