Match the pairs of synonyms from A and В and translate them.


a. promotion b. tenure

c. disadvantage

10. Match the verb on the left with a suitable item on the right. Use each item once only.

1. gain a. a survey
2. bear b. for staff in a company
3. recruit c. his advice
4. advertise d. experience
5. be promoted e. advantage
6. conduct f. writing a thesis
7. value g. relation
8. intend h. a statement
9. clarify i. volunteers
10. take j. to a manager



11. Make the following sentences complete by translating the words and phrases in brackets.

1. They (оценивать) highly their independence in choosing a re­search topic. 2. One of the (недостатки) of postgraduate study is that not all employers regard it as a bonus. 3. He is а (научный работник) of the Royal College of Surgeons. 4. The researchers will (изучать) the attitudes of 2500 college students. 5. The Netherlands is one of the few countries in Europe and in the world, where PhD students, in principle, have (занятость). 6. The National Agency for Higher Education con­siders that the responsibilities of the higher education institutions for monitoring financial support for postgraduate students require (прояс­нение). 7. This website (предназначаться для) prospective postgradu­ate students who have applied or (намереваться) to apply for admis­sion to postgraduate study at the University commencing in September 2013. 8. А (Чтение лекции) is a university job teaching about Indian Art. 9. Science students (приобретать) practical skills on postgraduate courses. 10. You should (быть ответственным за) your own research activity — only you can write the PhD.

Memorize the active vocabulary to Text 10A.

Read and translate the following international words. Look up their transcriptions in the dictionary if necessary. Mind the part of speech.

Recruit v, qualification «, multinational adj, innovative adj, region n, type n, lecturer n, assistant n, course n, seminar n, demonstration n, administration n, post n, industry n, fix v, promotional adj, orient v, administrative adj, creative adj, manual adj, journalist n, policy n, finance n, marketing adj, lab(oratory) n, technician n.

Read and translate the following word combinations which come from the texts of the Unit. Mind the use of nouns as attributes in preposition. Look up your dictionary if necessary.

The UK Graduate Programme Study, a postgraduate recruitment process, a higher education institution, a research associate, a research assistant, a research fellow, a journal editor/assistant, field work, a lectureship post, an academic research post, a research council, a research assistant post, a Master’s level qualification, a research fellowship, a post holder, a tenure-track position, a university professor, a journal/ professional magazine editor, a policy and research manager, a policy adviser, a project manager, a business adviser, a market researcher, a design engineer, a development engineer, a research and development scientist, the UK Graduate and Research Council Programme, a personal development programme.

15. Define parts of speech. Translate the words of the same root.

1. employ — employer — employee — employment - unemployment — employable — unemployable;

2. build — rebuild — buildable — builder — building;

3. differ — difference — different — indifferent — differently — differentness — differentiable — differentiability differential — differentially — differentiate — differentiation;

4. qualify — qualifier — qualification;

5. support — supportable — supportability — supportably - supporter — supportive — supportively — supportiveness;

6. regular — irregular — regularly — regularity — irregularity — regularize — regularization;

7. lecture — lecturer — lectureship;

8. place — replace — displace — placeable — placer - placement;

9. responsible — irresponsible — responsibly — irresponsibly — responsibility;

10. supervise — supervisor — supervisory — supervision.


16. Read and translate the following types of conditional sentences.

a) Real conditionals

1. If you study a full-time postgraduate degree course, you will be allowed to work part-time during the term for up to 20 hours a week. If your course is a lower level then you will be able to work for up to 10 hours a week. 2. If you wish to stay in the UK to work after you graduate, you will need to make sure you have an appropriate work visa. 3. If you follow his advice, you will ensure that no matter what your degree is you can be confident that you too will find a great job once you graduate. 4. If you apply for a job that is related to your degree, you will need technical skills related to the area of work. 5. If you take on a PhD, you will be known as a doctoral candidate.

b) Unreal conditionals referring to the present and future

1. If your presentation talk weren’t too long, you wouldn’t have to cut out some material to get it to fit into the time limit. 2. If you prepared a paper for publication, it could be a rich source of the content for the topic outline of your thesis. 3. If he had time, he would do this work. 4. If you stated your methodology more clearly, that would be helpful in your research. 5. If you started to build relationships with other researchers in your field of study, it would be good for you.

c) Unreal conditionals referring to the past

1. If you had had more time at your disposal last month, they would have asked you to take part in that conference. 2. If your supervisor had continued to monitor your progress, you would have resoled any ongoing difficulties in the past. 3. If the management of the plant had applied effective methods last year, the production level would have certainly increased. 4. Be honest. There is no need to exaggerate your claims! If you had pointed out the weaknesses in your approach, you would have disarmed your critics last time. 5. If sufficient data had been collected, a more definite solution could have been obtained.

17. Read and translate the following conditional sentences paying attention to inversion.

1. Had they helped us, the research programme would have been realized. 2. Were I in the city, I would attend his lecture. 3. Should a candidate wish to write a thesis in a language other than English, an application will have to be made to the Research Committee at an early stage in the candidature. 4. Had he pointed out all the drawbacks, we would have found the ways to solve the problem. 5. Had he joined our expedition, he could have learnt many interesting things.

18. Match the beginnings and endings.


19. Write conditional sentences to match these situations.


That book is too expensive. I’m not going to buy it. — If the book weren’t so expensive, I would buy it.

She didn’t pass the exam. She didn’t go to university. — If she had passed the exam, she would have gone to university.

1. It’s raining. We can’t have lunch in the garden. 2. You went for a job interview. You were late. You didn’t get the job. 3. I’m in a hurry. I won’t stay to dinner. 4. Her father gave her some money. She was able to buy a house. 5. I have to work tomorrow evening, so I can’t meet you. 6. She is not in your position. She isn’t able to advise you. 7. Paul went on holiday to Paris. He met Mary, his wife. 8. Sandra walked to walk in the rain. She got wet. 9. We don’t visit you very often because you live so far away. 10. He’s not a millionaire. He won’t buy you a palace.

20. Put in the correct verb form. Make each sentence refer to: a) the present or the future, and b) the past.

a) 1. When you(go) to Paris, will you see Nicole? 2. If you (live) in Paris, you (become) bored of

all the beautiful wine and food? 3. You always drive too fast and the police (arrest) you if they (see) you.

4. The exam was very difficult, so it’s unlikely now, but if Richard(pass), he(go) to university. 5. If I (be) better qualified, I(apply) for the job. 6.

If you(have) longer legs, you(be able to) run faster.

b) 1. If my computer__________ (not crush) yesterday, I____________

(finish) my work. 2. We____________ (get) better tickets for the

concert if we(book) earlier. 3. You(win) if you_______ (run) a bit faster. 4. If you (learn) Italian

at school, she(enjoy) her last holiday to Italy more. 5. If they (not cut) off the electricity yesterday, I

(finish) my work. 6. If you remember the map, we (not get lost).

21. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Он получит штатную должность преподавателя, если защи­тит диссертацию. 2. Если бы вы защитили кандидатскую диссер­тацию, то у вас бы появилась возможность читать лекции в уни­верситете. 3. Если бы он не помог мне вчера, я бы не подготовил доклад вовремя. 4. Если вы захотите получить повышение в долж­ности, поступление в аспирантуру станет для вас необходимым шагом. 5. Вы бы приобрели больше практического опыта, если бы вы в прошлом семестре прошли практику на промышленном пред­приятии. 6. Если у вас будут другие предложения сотрудничества, мы будем рады выслушать вас. 7. Если бы вы хотели быть ответ­ственным за выполнение этой работы, вы бы нам сказали об этом. 8. Если вы столкнетесь с проблемой поиска работы, наличие ди­плома кандидата наук может стать большим преимуществом. 9. Вы бы лучше знали математику, если бы вы больше занимались этим предметом. 10. Если бы ты тогда обратился за помощью к своему научному руководителю, у тебя не было бы никаких замечаний по твоему докладу.



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