Задержанные товары. Покупатели напоминают продавцам о убыточном пункте контракта

Уважаемые господа

До настоящего времени мы не получали от вас ни какого извещения о готовности к отгрузке товаров по вышеуказанному контракту.

В то время как мы обращаем ваше внимание на пункт … контракта который предусматривает оплату вами согласованных и заранее оцененных убытков за задержку в доставке мы просим вас принять все необходимые для самой быстрой доставки товаров и сообщить нам авиапочтой когда доставка будет проведена

Искренне ваш


Извещение о готовности товаров к инспекции

Уважаемые господа

Мы рады сообщить вам что четвертый шлифовальный станок по вышеуказанному заказу готов к вашей проверке на нашем заводе.

Мы будем рады узнать когда мы сможем ожидать визит вашего инспектора.

Работа машины была протестирована на нашем заводе и мы прилагаем копию сертификата протокола

Искренне ваш

Письмо отозванной инспекции.

Уважаемые господа

В ответ на ваше письмо от вчерашней даты мы хотим сообщить вам что Россимпорт решил отказаться от права осмотра 4-го шлифовального станка по вышеупомянутому заказу и попросило нас разрешить разгрузку машины на основе произведенного испытания на вашем заводе.

Это согласовано что окончательная проверка машины будет проходить в России на заводе клиентов Росимпорта в соответствии с условиями заказа.

Мы посылаем вам разрешение на записку в трех экземплярах, отгрузочные инструкции будут отправлены в надлежащий срок экспедиторами Росимпорта.


Письмо гарантии

Уважаемые господа

Мы удостоверяем настоящим письмом что поставленное оборудование по этому заказу в соответствии с описанием, техническими условиями и спецификациями данные в вышеуказанном заказе и соответствует нашим высоким стандартам.

Если оборудование окажется дефектным в целом или частично из-за недоброкачественного материала, качества изготовления или конструкции в течении 18 месяцев от даты введения его в действие в России и не более 24 месяцев от даты отгрузки, мы обязуемся заменить такие товары и/или его запчасти бесплатно в течении минимального возможного срока и доставить новое оборудование без задержки в Питер, мы оплатим стоимость перевозки и страховку. Дефектные товары или части должны быть содержаны вами не дольше 2 месяцев после получения замены и должны быть возвращены нам по нашей просьбе и за наш счет.



Ex. 3

K § 170

1. We would like to draw your attention to § 10 of our contract in which you are obliged to deliver the machine in June.

2. We do not anticipate any difficulty in obtaining tonnage for transportation of the goods to Stockholm.

3. Taking into account your client’s requirements we agree to prepare the goods for your final inspection at our works in August.

4. We agree to your request that the delivery time should be postponed by the 1st November only on the understanding that the price of the goods is to reduced by 5 per cent.

5. We shall be glad to hear whether the changes in specification by us are acceptable to you.

6. We hope that before the coming discussions we shall agree with all points.


Письмо 2

1. We are sending - you our expert’s report of performance of the turbine manufactured by you under order No. 15162.

2. The instruments will be made of the best materials available and will conform to our highest standards.

3. In the event of the machine proving defective in the first twelve months of operation we agree to replace it free of charge.

4. We undertake to deliver the machine within 12 weeks of the date of your order at the same time taking into consideration your clients’ requirement we will do our best to complete its manufacture by the 1st June.


K § 172

1. As the date of delivery of the goods was approaching, the Buyers requested the Sellers to inform them of the progress of the order.

2. The suppliers suggested that electric starting equipment should be filled to the engine instead of air starting.

3. The suppliers informed the Buyers that there had been a fire at the works of their sub-contractors and that in consequence there might be a six weeks’ delay in delivery over and above the delivery date stipulated in the contract.

4. Owing to delay in development of some important fixtures, the Suppliers were unable to deliver the machine-tool by 15th December.


K § 173

1. We shall appreciate your taking the necessary measures for immediate shipment of the spare parts against order No. 1225.

2. We wish to draw your attention to § 10 of the contract which provides for payment in cash against shipping documents.


K § 175

1. We would like to remind you that in your letter of the 15th May you informed us of your decision to waive – the examination of the goods for shipment and requested us to ship the goods on the basis of the certificate issued by the State Inspection of the Russia for Quality.



Ex. 4

K § 170

Письмо 1

1. Considering shut-down of your works in July for 2 weeks we agree that the delivery of the goods was effected during 14 weeks instead of 12.

2. We are considering that machine will be ready for inspection before shipment at the end of October.

3. We send you freight account for transshipment of tubes on s/s “Neva”. Freight rate namely … shillings per ton does not exceed rate which would be charged by British steamship company.

4. For order’s sake we request to confirm that general conditions of order are acceptable to you.


Письмо 2

1. We would like to draw your attention that in our original offer the delivery time was stipulated to be 12 working weeks from the date of confirmation of order.

2. We guarantee the reliability of equipment and ready to replace any machine or part which proves faulty owing to defects in design, material or workmanship during the 12 months of operation free of charge.

3. All fixtures for this tool is practically of a new design and conform to last achievements in machine-building.

4. We have received very pleased information about performance of this machine.

K § 172

1. Though the time of delivery of the second tool under order No. 1227 expired 15 September, we have not received from you notification of readiness of tool for shipment.

2. We can maintain the delivery time of the first lots of machine namely 1st September if you agree to postpone time of delivery of the second lot for 6 weeks.

3. We insist on delivery of machine by you not later than 20 November as it urgently required by our clients.

4. We have received your letter of 22th May in which you inform us that in connection with a fire at your works in Sheffield, delivery of turbine under order No. 3275 can be delayed for 6 weeks over and above the time of delivery stipulated in the order.

K § 173

1. Clause 6 of our contract provides for payment by suppliers agreed and liquidated damages for delay in delivery.

2. We hope that taking request of our clients into account, you take all necessary measures for shipment of equipment not later than 31 march.

K § 174

1. In reply to your letter of 15th June we inform that our inspector Mr. Semenov will visit at your works’ in Sheffield by 20 June at 2 o’clock a.m that to take part in test of diesel engine against order No. 3516.


K § 175

1. We have received your letter of 20th February with enclosed certificates of works’ test of machine under order No. 1227. To speed up the shipment of machine we decided to waive the inspection of it and instructed our representative to release the machine for shipment on the basis of the test performed at your works.


K § 176

1. We’ve received your letter of 15th January with enclosed letter of guarantee in connection with our order No. 228. We must to draw your attention that delivery time is stipulated by you to be 10 months from the date of delivery of equipment in operation in Russia or 16 months of date of shipment from London, while as per clause 6 of general conditions of order this time is fixed 12 and 18 months accordingly.

We return to you herewith letter of guarantee and request you to send us another letter worded in strict accordance with terms of order.




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