way, and they are codified __ the structure of a single orderly document.

<variant>in, within

<variant>_, within

<variant>on, at

<variant>in, with

<variant>at, on

<question>Insert prepositions. Supporters __ capital punishment believe that death is a just punishment __ certain crimes.

<variant>of, for

<variant>of, on

<variant>__, __

<variant>for, on

<variant>in, at

<question>Insert prepositions.The UN has declared itself __ favour __ abolition.

<variant>in, of

<variant>with, __

<variant>__, of

<variant>on, for

<variant>on, with

<question>Insert prepositions.A state’s boundary does not extend ___ outer space.






<question>Insert prepositions. Airspace and outer space are regulated ___ different treaties.






<question>Insert prepositions.An international river is navigable, flows __ the sea, flows __ the territory at least two states or forms a boundary ____ them.

<variant>into, through, between

<variant>in, to, between

<variant>to, to, between

<variant>to, through, with

<variant>into, in, between

<question>Insert prepositions. Cession is peaceful transfer ___ one sovereign __ another.

<variant>from, to

<variant>onto, into

<variant>on, to

<variant>__, __

<variant>from, in

<question>Insert prepositions.Cession is to be conditioned __ the consent __ people.

<variant>on, of

<variant>with, on

<variant>of, in

<variant>of, by

<variant>in, by

<question>Insert prepositions. Recognition is a political act __ legal consequences.






<question>Give English equivalent of the following word: “принятие”






<question>Give English equivalent of the following word: “оговорка”






<question>Give English equivalent of the following word: “двусторонний”



<variant>two side



<question>Give English equivalent of the following word: “добраяволя”






<question>Give English equivalent of the following word: “излагать, формулировать”

<variant>to set of forth

<variant>to sum

<variant>to bind with

<variant>to underline

<variant>to comprise

<question>Give English equivalent of the following word combination: “ведениевоенныхдействий”

<variant>conduct of hostilities

<variant>conduct of states

<variant>conduct militaries

<variant>conduct of countries

<variant>conduct of negotiations

<question>Give English equivalent of the following word combination: “ведение переговоров”

<variant>conduct of negotiations

<variant>conduct of hostilities

<variant>conduct of states

<variant>conduct of government

<variant>conduct of countries

<question>Give English equivalent of the following word combination: “поведение государств”

<variant>conduct of states

<variant>conduct of government

<variant>conduct of countries

<variant>conduct of negotiations

<variant>conduct of hostilities

<question>Give English equivalent of the following word combination: “признавать недействительным”

<variant>to invalidate

<variant>to modify

<variant>to ratify

<variant>to amend

<variant>to alter

<question>Give English equivalent of the following word combination: “вносить изменения”

<variant>to alter

<variant>to invalidate

<variant>to modify

<variant>to ratify

<variant>to amend

<question>Give English equivalent of the following word: “видоизменять”

<variant>to modify

<variant>to ratify

<variant>to amend

<variant>to alter

<variant>to invalidate

<question>Give English equivalent of the following word combination: “прийти к соглашению”

<variant>to conclude

<variant>to alter

<variant>to invalidate

<variant>to modify

<variant>to ratify

<question>Give English equivalent of the following word: “регулировать”

<variant>to govern

<variant>to provide

<variant>to amend

<variant>to alter

<variant>to invalidate

< question>Give English equivalent of the following word: “приостанавливать”

<variant>to suspend

<variant>to conclude

<variant>to alter

<variant>to invalidate

<variant>to modify

<question>Give English equivalent of the following word: “принуждать”

<variant>to coerce

<variant>to suspend

<variant>to conclude

<variant>to alter

<variant>to invalidate

<question>Give English equivalent of the following word: “осуждать, порицать”

<variant>to condemn

<variant>to coerce

<variant>to suspend

<variant>to conclude

<variant>to alter

<question>Give English equivalent of the following word combination: “прекращение договора”

<variant>termination of a treaty

<variant>reservation of a treaty

<variant>accommodation of a treaty

<variant>suspensionof a treaty

<variant>modification of a treaty

<question>Give English equivalent of the following word combination: “приостановлениедействиядоговора”

<variant>suspensionof a treaty

<variant>termination of a treaty

<variant>reservation of a treaty

<variant>accommodation of a treaty

<variant>modification of a treaty

<question>Give English equivalent of the following word combination: “лишать договор законной силы”

<variant>to invalidate a treaty

<variant>to invalidatea treaty

<variant>to modifya treaty

<variant>to ratifya treaty

<variant>to amenda treaty

<question>Give English equivalent of the following word combination: “воздушное пространство”


<variant>outer space




<question>Give English equivalent of the following word: “провозглашать”

<variant>to proclaim

<variant>to condemn

<variant>to coerce

<variant>to suspend

<variant>to conclude

<question>Give English equivalent of the following word combination: “определять границы”

<variant>to delimit

<variant>to conclude

<variant>to alter

<variant>to invalidate

<variant>to modify

<question>Give English equivalent of the following word: “завоёвывать”

<variant>to conquer

<variant>to outlaw

<variant>to attach

<variant>to cede

<variant>to accomplish

<question>Give English equivalent of the following word combination: “уступать, передавать (права)”

<variant>to cede

<variant>to conquer

<variant>to outlaw

<variant>to attach

<variant>to accomplish

<question>Give English equivalent of the following word combination: “приостанавливатьнавремявоенныхдействий”

<variant>to suspend for the duration of hostilities

<variant>to delimit for the duration of hostilities

<variant>to conclude for the duration of hostilities

<variant>to alter for the duration of hostilities

<variant>to invalidate for the duration of hostilities

<question>Give English equivalent of the following word combination: “подчиняться”

<variant>to be subject to

<variant>to be rejected to

<variant>to be attach to

<variant>to be cede to

<variant>to be outlaw to

<question>Give English equivalent of the following word combination: “сливаться”

<variant>to merge

<variant>to cede

<variant>to conquer

<variant>to ratify

<variant>to attach

<question>Give English equivalent of the following word combination: “упустить из виду”

<variant>to lose sight of

<variant>to be subject to

<variant>to alter for

<variant>to be outlaw to

<variant>to look for

<question>Fill in the missing words. ________is the national, domestic, or internal law of a sovereign state defined in opposition to international law.

<variant>Municipal law

<variant>Public law

<variant>Civil law

<variant>Privet law

<variant>Land law

<question>Fill in the missing words. ______is that part of law which governs relationships between individuals and the government, and those relationships between individuals which are of direct concern to society

<variant>Public law

<variant>Municipal law

<variant>Civil law

<variant>Privet law

<variant>Land law

<question>Fill in the missing word or words.____ is a law passed by a legislative body and written in a formal document.




<variant>Privet law

<variant>Land law

<question>Give English equivalent of the following word combination: “законодательная власть”






<question>Give English equivalent of the following word combination: “законодательный орган”

<variant>legislative body

<variant>body of rules




<question>Give English equivalent of the following word combination: “добиваться, требовать”

<variant>to seek

<variant>to sum

<variant>to weaken

<variant>to prevail

<variant>to exist

<question>_____concerns disputes among citizens within a country, and public law concerns disputes between citizens and the state, or between one state and another.

<variant> Civil law

<variant>Privet law

<variant>Municipal law

<variant>Public law

<variant>Land law

<question>______ shows how the law operates and regulates relations between private citizens and the government.

<variant>Constitutional law

<variant> Civil law

<variant>Privet law

<variant>Municipal law

<variant>Public law

<question>Give English equivalent of the following word combination: “ответственность за действия третьих лиц”

<variant>vicarious liability

<variant>on behalf of smb

<variant>complaining witness

<variant>burden of proof

<variant>convicted defendant

<question>How much money _____ you earn last month?






<question>I love Venice. It’s _____ beautiful city I’ve been to.


<variant> -

<variant>the most


<variant> a

<question>I haven’t seen you _____ last summer. How are you?






<question>I couldn’t find a taxi so I _____ to walk.






<question>They _____ be French. They’re speaking German.


<variant>don’t have to


<variant>may not

<variant>might not

<question>She’s really good ___ laws.

<variant>at remembering

<variant>at remember

<variant>to remember

<variant>to remembering

<variant>in remembering


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