Chapter 1. Conversational style

The work performed

Stanislava Andreeva

Studying 11th class



Malyshev Elisey Vladimirovich,

teacher of English language
of high school № 12



Table of contents



Chapter 1. Conversational style...........................................................................................................................4-15

1.1. The concept conversational style.........................................................................4-5

1.2. The role of conversational style in English..........................................................5-7

1.3. Dialects British English......................................................................................7-14

1.4. Dialects of American English....................................................................14-15

Chapter 2. Application............................................................................................16-19

2.1 table of the dialects.................................................................................16

2.2 applications in the profession.................................................................16-18

2.3 influence of spoken language on dialects……………………………18-19

2.4 a Survey of school students....................................................................19-20





Goal: To consider the role of spoken English in the lives of teenagers


1. To learn how spoken English differs from the classic English

  1. Consider the types of spoken English
  2. To consider a profession in which important spoken English
  3. Study the influence of spoken language on dialects
  4. Conduct a survey among teenagers about the role of spoken English in their lives

The relevance of the topic:

The relevance of my work lies in the fact that many people who know English (even on minimum level) can't overcome the language barrier and admit that they are not able to understand colloquial English speech, and they themselves can not freely speak this language. I was wondering why so leaves. I want to learn more about this topic.


To solve this problem, I will use the following methods:


1. Theoretical: the study of literature, remote access to resources on my question


2. Logic: the method of systematization of accumulated material


3. The method of comparison


4.The method of analysis



You can read the rules of conversation in English-speaking countries for example the UK and the USA.


A brief overview of the used literature and sources.


The theoretical material includes the symbolic sources.


Chapter 1. Conversational style

1.1. The concept of conversational style


Conversational style functional style of speech that serves for informal communication, when the author shares with others his information on domestic issues in an informal setting. It is often used in spoken and colloquial language.


Form of implementation of the conversational style of the dialogue, this style is more often used in oral speech. There is no pre-selection of linguistic material. In this style of speech is a greater role played by extralinguistic factors: facial expressions, gestures, environment.

For conversational style is characterized by emotionality, imagery, concreteness, simplicity of speech. For example, in a bakery does not seem strange phrase: "Please, bran, alone."

The relaxed atmosphere of communication leads to greater freedom in the choice of emotional words and expressions used wider words spoken (silly, scatterbrain, talk shop, laugh, cackle), vernacular (neigh, deadhead, APB, Restrepo), slang (ancestors, train, world).

In a conversational style of speech, especially during its rapid pace, a large vowel reduction, until the complete loss and simplification of groups of consonants. Derivational features: widely used suffixes of subjective evaluation. To enhance the expressivity used the doubling of words.

Limited to: an abstract vocabulary, foreign words, book words.

As example is the statement of one of the characters of the story A. P. Chekhov's "Revenge":

— Open, damn it! How long will I have to stiffening on through the wind? If you knew that your corridor twenty degrees below zero, you wouldn't have made me wait so long! Or, perhaps, you have no heart?

In this small excerpt reflected the following features of conversational style:

  • question and exclamation sentences;
  • the interjection of the spoken style of "hell";
  • personal pronouns 1st and 2nd person verbs in the same form.

Lexical means

Colloquial words and idioms: swing high (up), train (train), vocabulary with emotionally expressive color (class), diminutive suffixes (gray), the suffixes of subjective evaluation: man, hard worker, a hostel, a Secretary, a Director, handy. The substantivation, the use of concretion - vecerka, record book; truncate -.

1.2. The role of conversational style in English

Conversational style speech performs the basic function of language function of communication, its purpose is to direct the transmission of information mainly in oral form (with the exception of private letters, notes, diary entries). Linguistic features of conversational style, define the special conditions of its functioning: the informality, the ease and expressiveness of verbal communication, lack of pre-selection of language means, automaticity of speech, the ordinariness of the content and dialogical form.

Great stylistic role in the conversation style of play are two opposite trends that are associated with specific conditions of communication (i.e., primarily with its oral form), namely the compression, which leads to a different kind of incompleteness of expression, and redundancy. On them we will stop in the first place.

Compression manifests itself on all levels - it can be phonetic, morphological, syntactic. The use of a truncated form, i.e. a phonetic reduction of auxiliary verbs is a characteristic feature of the English spoken form: it's, it isn't, I don't, I didn't, we'll, etc. In cases where truncated forms of the verb have I've and he's insufficient to pass the value of "to possess", is used with the get verb: I've got, he's got; the same construction and performs a modal function peculiar to have + Inf.: I've got to go now.

On the lexical level compression is manifested in the preferential use odnomandatnik words, verbs postpositive: give up, look out, abbreviations: frig, marg, vegs, ellipse type mineral waters minerals or other forms of ellipse: Morning!, words of broad semantics: thing, stuff, etc. For syntactic compression is especially characteristic ellipse.

The opposite tendency, i.e. a tendency to redundancy, associated primarily with the lack of preparation, the spontaneity of spoken language. To excess items are primarily attributed to the so-called time fillers, i.e. having no semantic load "weed words" type well, I mean, you see and doubling unions: like as if. The elements redundant for the subject-logical information can be expressive or emotional. In common parlance it's a double negative: don't give me no riddles, don't bring no discussion of politics, pleonastic the use of personal pronouns in imperative sentences: Don't you call mother names. She's had a hard life. Don't you forget it. (J. Saga), and also rough use you: You, come here! or Come here, you!

The syntactic specificity of spoken language is that a unit larger than the sentence, as in speech, the Dialogic, is the combination of a number of replicas associated structural-semantic interdependence. They are called dialogical unity. In most cases it is unity of the binomial - question-answering, with the wings, repeat, or syntactically parallel.

This link replicas is the reason for the prevalence of one-composite sentences. Here are some examples from the works of Dzh. Galsworthy:

  • 1) Question-response unity: "When do you begin?" - "Tomorrow" said the Rafaelite.
  • 2) Unity, educated the wings: "So you would naturally say." - "And mean."
  • 3) Unity, educated repeat: "There's - some - talk - of - suicide..." he said. James's jaw dropped. - "Suicide? What should he do that for?"
  • 4) Unity syntactically parallel replica: "Well, Mr. Desert, do you find reality in politics now?" - "Do you find reality in anything, sir?"

The primary function of spoken language - emotive. Emotive function is the cause of the abundance in speaking of different kinds of amplifiers, which can act in various combinations and for various literary-colloquial and familiar conversational sub-genres. For example, in familiar-conversational style, how, when, where, who, which, what, why combined with the word ever, or ever suffix, or with such expressions as: on earth, the devil, the hell, etc. Example: Whatever are you doing? or What ever are you doing? Whoever''s that? However did you get in here? What on earth are you doing? Who the devil do you think you are? Who on earth can that be? Why the hell do you ask?

This type of emphasis is possible only in interrogative or exclamatory sentences. Emotionality has a coarse, rude nature, i.e. connected with irritation, impatience, reproach.

In familiar-conversational style, with its emotionality and emphatically combines many swear words or euphemisms: damn, dash, beastly, confounded, lousy. They are possible in sentences of any type, optionally in their syntactical relations, is syntactically multifunctional and can Express both negative and positive emotions and evaluations: damned pretty, damned nice, beastly mean, damn decent.

Pronounced emotional, evaluative and expressive character has a special, genetically highly heterogeneous layer of vocabulary and phraseology, called slang, common in the spoken language and beyond the literary norm. The most important properties of slang words are rough and cynical or rude expression, scornful and playful imagery. Slang is not presented as a special style or subgenre, since it features just one level - lexical. Thus, as we have seen, the stylistic structure of spoken language is heterogeneous. This includes the different socially determined sub-genres that it interact.

1.3. The dialects of British English

We know that British and American English are very different. We guess that the residents of Australia, Canada, India and other English speaking countries too, in different ways speak English. But we not think about the fact that the English language in the UK is also different.

Regional differences in the UK appear stronger than in Russia. We easily understand the residents of other cities. All the Russians are talking about the same, high – different pronounce some vowels, and sometimes use such specific words as St. Petersburg "curb". And the Brits from different regions have different accents, word choice and even grammar rules. For example, Londoner is more difficult to understand Glasgow than the American.

Dialects in the language are formed for many reasons. In the UK never existed a unified body for the control and development of language, therefore, has not developed a unified norm. Scottish, Welsh, Irish and other languages heavily influenced by English, which also contributed to the emergence of dialects.

The most famous modern dialects of great Britain: a standardized, Cockney, scows, Geordie, estuary English, pitmatic, makem and brummi. There are others, but they less common and less differences between them.

Standardized British dialect

Standardized British dialect – a common UK English, which is different from the regional dialects. It is based on the dialects of southern England but now spoken in many cities and regions, including in London.

Standard British is not to be confused with the normative pronunciation Received Pronunciation. RP is one of several accents of the British standard, which affects only pronunciation. The dialect includes some vocabulary, grammar, stylistics.

That is the standard British dialect mean, when I compare British and American English. With him as compared to other dialects: Cockney, scows, geordi. Standard British is taught to foreigners. It is spoken by TV and radio presenter, teachers of colleges and universities policy.



Cockney vernacular dialect of the inhabitants of certain districts of London: the East End and the surrounding areas. According to the legend, a true Cockney, you can call only those Londoners who live near the Church of St Mary-Le-bow in the city and hear the ringing of its bells.

The word cockney translates as "cock's egg". Often called immature eggs, which are young chickens. Rural residents of the suburbs of London were called so city workers who didn't know the village customs.

Working from London, belonged to the lower strata of society. Therefore, the word "Cockney" immediately became associated with the poor classes: street vendors, artisans, crafters. The Cockney dialect was opposed to the English aristocracy and middle class.

Today, the Cockney dialect has gone beyond the limits the lower strata of society, but remains colloquial. Despite this, it is very popular not only in London but in the UK and even abroad. Cockney – the same London landmark as big Ben or double Decker buses.

Cockney distort many sounds: pronounce the combination of letters th as f or v miss the sound h at the beginning of words and sound t in the end, soften l. In grammar the main differences from standard British: me instead my and reduction ain't instead am, is, are not.

A primary feature of Cockney – rhyming slang. This is a unique phenomenon: some words in speech is replaced by cuts from the sustainable phrases that rhyme with these words. It is a kind of phonetic code, which is unfamiliar with the dialect of the people can not solve. Here are some examples:

Conversation rabbit: talk rhymes with rabbit and pork (rabbit and pork)

Head loaf: head rhymes with loaf of bread (bread)

Phone – dog: phone rhymes with dog and bone (a dog with a bone)

For example: Wait a sec, my dog's ringing! – Second, my phone rings.


Estuary English

In estuary English spoken in the South-East of England: in areas where the river Thames flows into the North sea and forms a wide estuary. Hence the name of the dialect: Estuary is a a funnel-shaped estuary, which widens to the sea.

The estuary of the Thames begins about the city of London, in the East extends to the mouth of the river Backwater in the North is limited to the County of Essex, and on the South by the County of Kent. On the estuarine English spoken by many Londoners, and inhabitants of more southern and Eastern regions.

Estuary English is called the language of young people or informal English. In modern Britain the common pronunciation is considered to be too pretentious and arrogant, it gradually replaces the estuary dialect.

Estuary English have a lot in common with the dialect of the Cockney, often these language options intersect, and linguists don't know where to draw the line between them. For example, in the dialect of bukoskey th also pronounced as f or v. Also native speakers of the English swallow vowels. And some words sound l replace w: tall they sound like tow.

The most characteristic features of estuary English in the vocabulary is cheers as a "thank you" and mate instead friend. These words have penetrated into other dialects and popular in many areas of the UK.



Skaus the dialect spoken in Liverpool and throughout the County of Merseyside, which is located in this city. Also schaus is partly used in the North of Wales, in Flintshire, in Runcorn and in the West of Lancashire. While in some areas Merseyside, on the contrary, schaus not used – for example, in St Helens and Southport in the course of other accents.

The word "skaut" comes from the name of meat dishes lobscouse that was common for the poor people of Liverpool and the surrounding area. Thanks to the dialect skaus the British often call the inhabitants of Liverpool by scousers – Scousers than Liverpool residents – Liverpolitans or Liverpudians.

Schaus is interesting because it is not similar to the dialects of neighboring regions, as is often the case. Generally speaking neighbors resemble each other through continuous interaction. But historically, that the Liverpool dialect is not been influenced by neighboring regions – for example, Lancashire or the Midlands, Cheshire where they speak English. Although in recent years, according to the observations of linguists, schaus began to exert influence on the dialects of neighboring areas, so that over time they can come closer to each other.

The dialect schaus, unlike other in a broad Northern English dialects, has a strong aktsentirovano and integrovanou speech. While talking of Liverpool residents can replace a significant change of tone of voice – a sudden rise or fall.

Some of the sounds the scousers pronounce their own way. For example, the word look they sound like luck and took – how tuck. And the word read pronounced much shorter than in other areas of England. Fur Liverpool's side which will read as fair. But the most noticeable feature of the dialect – the absence of dental fricatives in words with the combinations th: in a word think will sound consonant f and in the word though – how d.

In the lexicon Scouse noticeable Irish impact. For example, instead of my Liverpool's side say me:

This is me car. – It my machine.

Instead you you can often hear the options yous, youse or use. On Scouse words sound and boss are synonyms good. The expression give us Liverpool's side is often reduced to giz. A phrasal verb made up has a completely unexpected meaning: the adjective "joyful, happy". For example:

I'm made up I met you. I'm glad I met you.


Brummy dialect of the inhabitants of Birmingham. Also called themselves involved and the British living nearby. Do the word brummie or brummy can be used for everything associated with this city. For example:

I love traditional food brommie. I love Birmingham traditional food.

The dialect name comes from the historical names of Birmingham: the city was called Brummagem. In the speech it was reduced to brum and from this word had already formed a diminutive brummie.

Brummi pronounce the combination of letters ng at the ends of words as well as in singer in their speeches are clearly audible final consonant g. The vowels in such words as price and choice are pronounced very similarly, so the words rhyme together. Even residents of Birmingham otvechayut sound s at the end of words: for example, bus pronounced as buz.

In the grammar of brummi not differ from the standard British, so it is often called accent. But this is wrong: for brummi is typical of many lexical features. Here are some of the most common unique words in the dialect of brummy:

Bostin – excellent: great, great

Cob – round and crusty piece of bread something like a muffin, which in other areas of the UK call batch or barm

A face as long as Livery street – a glum face: Moody, dark face



Geordi refers to in a broad Northern English dialects. It is spoken in southern Northumberland in Northern Durham and in Newcastle.

The dialect began to form in ancient times, the Kingdom of Northumbria. The inhabitants of the Kingdom of the settlements of the angles, Jutes and Saxons were United against the invaders and formed a common, understandable language for all. From it evolved the Geordie dialect.

Geordi is often called a dialect of the lower working classes, but it's not fair – spoken and upper class from Northumberland. This stereotype was formed due to the fact that on the territory of Northumberland developed mining industry – the region has many workers who speak Geordie. Because of this Association in the UK was banned on radio and television to speak this dialect. But after the BBC produced a program about the equality of dialects, the British began to change their opinion about Jordy.

Geordie not much different from standard English, as others in a broad Northern English dialects. But it has several notable features. Sound h in the beginning of the word does not disappear, but well spoken. Sound r at the end of a word is not pronounced, but read as ah. Many vowels are read differently: for example, walk and work pronounced the same, and unlike anything one or the other word. The last vowels in many words are stretched, causing happy sounds like happee. In the words club or plug hear the sound u.

In the vocabulary of the Geordie dialect retains many ancient words which in standard English now is not used. For example, aks instead ask, cannet instead can't, gan instead go, lang instead long, deed instead dead.

As in the other in a broad Northern English dialects, in geordi accepted in lieu of my to say me. Often replaced by other pronoun – for example, I pronounced as ah and I'm – how ahm. Another noticeable feature is the replacement of the last consonant in rra instead gotgorra instead whatworra.



Mackem dialect of the inhabitants of Sunderland in North East England. The English from other regions do not see the difference between makemo and geordi, although in reality these dialects vary greatly.

The word "Makam" has several spellings: Mak'em, Makem, Maccam. According to the most popular theory, the name comes from the phrase We make them spoken from sunderlands the accen: we mak'em. This phrase was used by the workers Persidskoi shipyard in the 19th century, referring to their ships:

We mak'em and they tak'em – We make them, and they take them (neighbours Jordy).

The main feature in the pronunciation of Makena – the very words make and take that read like muck and tuck. Residents of Sunderland distort many English words, sometimes in different ways. For example, in southern regions the word is pronounced something like summat in the Northern as summik. Instead wash "makemsi" say wesh instead whywhey instead nonar.

Sanderlin often say haway or howay instead come on. Dinnit is makesme reduction don't. The word me in many expressions replace is or es for example:

Tell is what you think. – Tell me what you think.


Pitmatic – the dialect of the counties of Nothumberland and Durham located in the North-East of England. He has a lot in common with Geordie, because it is based on the combination of Jordy with the Northumbrian dialect and vocabulary of the miners.

The original name of the dialect pitmatical. It was founded by the merger of the words pit and mathematical that shows the skill of the miners. In colloquial dialect called yakka.

Pitmatic – the most unknown of the English dialects even among the inhabitants of Durham and Northumberland, not everyone knows that word. It is believed that pitmatic quickly disappears and gives way to a Geordie or British standard. But dialectology very interested in this dialect: in 2000, radio BBC released a four series on pitmatic.

For accent of pitmatic noticeable characteristic throaty sound r although it can be heard mostly in villages or the elderly.

Characteristic of pitmatic – many words and expressions derived from mining terminology. For example:

At bank on the surface

Hoggers – flannel breeches (before it was called socks without soles, which were easy to clean out the coal between the toes)

Kenner – the end of the shift

Cockney, estuary English, skaut, brummy, geordi, makem and pitmatic – not all dialects of English. According to the linguists, dozens of variants of English in the UK. We've summarized the known variants that are markedly different from the others. We are not called Lancashire, Dorset, West, Norfolk, Somerset, Sussex, and many other dialects. As you can see, the English language is much more diverse than it seems at first glance.

1. 4. The dialects of American English

Of course, you've heard that American English differs from English spoken in great Britain, and especially in Australia. But it turns out that even Americans living in different States speak differently.

So, GeneralEnglish is a dialect spoken in the Central and Western part of the country, the most common number of Americans who speak it. This option is used on television in America.

Only in USA there are several basic options:

  • TheNewEngland or the language of the New England;
  • dialect of new York;
  • the language of the Great (Great) Lakes (Lakes);
  • dialect theUpper (Top) Midwest (Midwest);
  • the language of the Midland (where " mid "‒ average, «land "‒ earthin this case, the part of the country);
  • theWestern in other words, the Western dialect. Here it is worth mentioning the existence of special sub – California dialect (in fact, pronunciation is considered the norm);
  • adverbs South (Southern) Mountain area (theMountain);
  • language South (Southern) Coast (Coastal).

Significant differences from General English we can find in English of the southern United States – Southern American English. These differences can be observed on all levels of language, including phonetics, grammar, as well as at the level of lexical units. In the southern dialects spoken by the inhabitants of the southern coast, ranging from Texas (affects a large part of it) and ending with West Virginia. In addition, the most attentive observers will be able to detect these dialects in southern Missouri, Delaware, Illinois and Maryland. The main reason for the formation of a special dialect different from the dialects of other States – migration to these areas of the British immigrants in the 17th and 18th centuries.

Especially differences in American dialects

If we talk about the differences, we can detect several interesting features. For example, in various dialects of the southern United States pronunciation of the word " singing "turns out this /ˈsɪŋɪŋ/ in this /ˈsɪŋɪn/ (final nasal sound becomes n). Also, before nasal consonants sounds [R] and [ɪ]lose their distinction, that is, residents of the Southern United States will say the same words " pen "and " pin "with the exception of residents of New Orleans and Miami. In recent years, this phenomenon is often found in the Western States. And don't be surprised if instead of " wasn't "you suddenly hear [ˈwʌdnt] as a replacement /z/ on /d/ before a consonant /n/ ‒ another feature of this dialect. The exception is the word " hasn't "because in case of changing on /d/, we get " hadn't "that will lead to confusion.

And here's the real story of life – once arriving in Alabama, Russian man at the University in Russia my whole life was taught to pronounce «can't »as /kɑːnt/ said that word in conversation. In response, we received the following comment – "you must never say that". They say audio only [æ].

Dialect Of New York

If we talk about the dialect of new York, the most significant event will the loss of the sound /r/in words like " farm "and " far ". The words " bird "and " first "you can hear the presence the diphthong/zi/. Also in this embodiment, English words " ask », «dance "can be heard as /and/ and /AE/.

But residents of the Great Lakes say the same words like "bet » and « bat », « talk » and «tuck » etc. In California, the word «think» will sound like «theenk», the diphthong in the word "bait" will be pronounced as monophthong /æ/. The inhabitants of the Mountain district known for its style "stretch» vowel sounds. The combination of /th/ at the end of a word they pronounce as /f/, for example, the word " south "‒ /sauf/.

So if you been trying a long time to achieve "perfect English" and arrived abroad, found that you don't understand, remember – you cannot please everyone. Although there are rules of language that violate the not.

And tomorrow look at the differences in the vocabulary of American dialects. Believe me, you will get fewer surprises.


Chapter 2. Application

2.1 table of the dialects


Американский вариант Русский перевод Британский вариант
apartment Квартира flat
baggage Багаж Luggage
basement Подвал Cellar
bill Купюра Banknote
candies Конфеты Sweets
class Курс обучения Course
couch Диван Sofa
Elevator лифт Lift
Fix Чинить repair
Game Игра Match
Last name Фамилия Surname
Loan Дать взаймы Lend
Mail Электронная почта Post
Metro or subway Метро Underground
Movie Фильм Film
Chips Чипсы crisps
reserve Бронировать Book
Shop Магазин Store
tag этикетка label


2.2 applications in the profession


1. Programmers, testers (IT-sphere)

Let's face it: in the IT-sector without knowledge of English to do nothing. The harsh truth of life: do not speak the language experts of this sector will not be able to work in domestic companies, what can I say about multinational corporations. First, the creation of the site or its testing involves working closely with the English (starting from basic names of colors and shapes to complex terms). Secondly, the terms of reference (TOR) often spelled it in English. Think, do you study to be a sys admin and live in local firm for sales of meat grinders? And if we do not wipe with you for a position in Microsoft or Google? In addition, the information technology is developing rapidly, so it will be useful to attend courses in English. On the link you will find resources that you can take a free online training provide the world's leading universities, only the course outlines in English. Also read our detailed article on how to teach English programmers.

Expected salary: from $ 1,000 to infinity.


2. Journalists, correspondents

Interesting profession, which will give you positive emotions, foreign travel, high salaries and fame. Unlike copywriters-rewriters, talented journalists and reporters frequently appear in public, and have copyright to their articles. Moreover, you don't have to write them in English. Enough to know it, to travel abroad to be able to mingle with the locals, learn from them the latest news. Communicative approach we use in teaching students, ideal for the training of journalists.

Expected salary: in average of 30 000 rubles.


3. Managers of large companies

This category includes managers who work with customers, sales, purchasing, etc. Profession is very popular, prestigious and desirable for many of our compatriots. There is a wrong misconception that big companies recruit people with more experience, but graduates will have to work for a small local company in the format of "two stall in the market". That's not true. Among other things, you need to specify such a prosaic cause of failure for yesterday's students: young people do not bother learning English. And how a person will work in an international company, communicate with foreign partners, English-speaking clients and suppliers?

The item "knowledge of English on Upper-Intermediate level" negate the lack of experience, because foreign firms prefer to hire young people and to teach her everything from scratch.

Expected salary: depends on region, but not less than 25 000 roubles (in early career).


4. Project managers

A fairly new profession popular and prestigious. Why you need English? The Manager needs to communicate with the customer, assembling a team of professionals to perform a specific job (for example, site creation, product development, etc.), then pass the finished project and report to the client. As a rule, such positions are formed in large firms, working for foreign clients. The profession is very interesting and rewarding but it requires fluent English.

Expected salary: from 30 000 rubles (early career).


2.3 influence of spoken language on dialects

Классическое слово Диалектное слово Разговор Область применения
My (мой, -я, -ое) Me (кокни) Give her me book Повседневная речь
Nottobe (не быть, не являться) и все его спряжения Ain’t (кокни) He ain’t a man Музыка, кино
Talk (разговор) Rabbit (кокни) Let’s rabbit Повседневная речь
Friend (друг) Mate (Эстуарный английский) Trustme,mate! Мультфильмы, повседневная речь
Thanks (спасибо) Cheers (Эстуарный пнглийский) - Here is your gift from me! - Cheers! Повседневный сленг подростков, музыка, кино


Most often, nouns change in conversation, acquiring a new meaning over time. Even the dialect word Cheers from Estuarine English today has another meaning besides "thank you". Teenagers (even in Russia) say this word instead of toast before drinking. The spoken language also often contains the vocabulary of Estuarine English and Cockney dialect.

In the conversation of Russian-speaking teenagers, you can hear some borrowed (and sometimes reworked) English words

Русское выражение Выражение из уст подростков Выражение на английском языке
Проверить Чекнуть To check (проверять)
Ты молодец (одобрение действия) Респект To respect (одобрять)
Вечеринка Пати Party (вечеринка)
Наличные деньги Кэш Cash (наличка)
Драка Батл Battle (драка)


2.4 survey of schoolchildren


At the beginning of the school year, I conducted a survey among 14-17-year-olds. To the question "will English be Useful to you in the future?"children of different age groups responded positively. But when compared with a negative answer, you can see that students in the final grades (16-17 years) often claim that English is important to them, than refute this fact.



Next, I conducted an experiment that involved three teenagers of fifteen, sixteen, and seventeen. All of them study English additionally outside of secondary school. All three of them recorded additional study time for four months, and I deduced the average study time for each month. Thus, we can see that a teenager of seventeen years is more stable in additional learning of English. For four months, he worked an average of at least two hours.


The purpose of my study was to examine the role of spoken English in the lives of teenagers. My main tasks were:

1. To learn how spoken English differs from the classic English

  1. Consider the types of spoken English
  2. To consider a profession in which important spoken English
  3. To conduct a survey among adolescents about the role of spoken English in their life

To solve this problem, I used the following methods:


1. Theoretical: the study of literature, remote access to resources on my question


2. Logic: the method of systematization of accumulated material


3. The method of comparison


4.The method of analysis


Thanks to the work done, I found out:

1) Spoken English is characterized by simple speech turns. In this

non-linguistic languages play an important role in speech style

factors: facial expressions, gestures, the environment.

2) the dialects of great Britain include: Standardised

English, Cockney, Estuary English, Scouse, Brummie, Geordie,

Makem, Pitmatic. US dialects: The New England, new England dialect

York; the language of the Great (Great) Lakes (Lakes);

the dialect of the Upper (the Top) Midwest (Midwest); language

Midland, a southern language) Coast (Coastal).

3) Spoken English is useful in such high-paying jobs

professions such as programmer, journalist, Manager.

4) Spoken English has a direct impact on the formation of


5) modern teenagers devote a large amount of time

develop your level of English.



  1. (The dialects of American English)
  2. (Dialects of British English)
  3. (Spoken English)
  4. (The concept of conversational style)




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