Оf сo-operative education

Active vocabulary to remember

instruction (tuition) обучение
development of character or mental powers формирование характера и развитие умственных способностей
arrangements организация
concerning касательно
intellectually умственно
to carry out проводить, выполнять
distinguish отличать
to be established был образованным
a higher educational institution (establishment) высшее учебное заведение
continuous education непрерывное образование
stock exchanges фондовая биржа
major provider of co-operative education основной провайдер кооперативного образования
challenging and diverse opportunities престижные и разнообразные возможности
to be experienced заниматься
adult and lifelong learning programmes программы обучения для взрослых и непрерывного образования
emphasize подчеркивать, выделять
mutual совместный
to promote, encourage, facilitate содействовать и поддерживать
accessible доступный
to raise awareness повысить компетентность
perception восприятие
a range of ряд
tailored programmes индивидуальные программы
charged напoлненный
relevant skills соответственные навыки
reinforce your ability подкреплять ваши способности
career enhancement карьерный рост

The Co-operative College is UK’s major provider of co-operative education, training and development (it is its vision). Its mission is to provide challenging and diverse opportunities that enable learners and their organizations to put co-operative values and principles into everyday practice.

The Co-operative College was established in 1919 to meet the educational and training needs of the Co-operative movement. First, it was located in East Midlands, Leicestershire near Loughborough at Stanford Hall, now it is in Holyoake House, Hanover Street, Manchester (www.co-op.ac.uk).

The Co-operative College is experienced in delivering regional, local and residential adult and lifelong learning programmes that emphasize co-operative values and principles.

Strategic Objectives of the Co-operative College are:

– to meet the learning needs of diverse co-operative, mutual and social enterprises regionally, nationally and internationally;

– to promote and encourage the understanding of co-operative values and principles and co-operative learning within and beyond the co-operative mutual and social enterprise sector;

– to continuously improve learning and quality standards across the whole of the College curriculum;

– to develop e-learning and information and learning technology (ILT) provision;

– to transform the Rochdale Pioneers Museum and the National Co-operative Archive into accessible lifelong learning resources.

The Co-operative College offers a wide range of workshops and qualifications designed to develop knowledge, understanding and skills to enable directors and members to become more effective in the roles.

The Co-operative College offers nationally recognized qualifications; specialist courses for the funeral service; international programmes; co-operatative business programmes, etc.

The Co-operative College has a portfolio of national and international projects designed to raise awareness of and benefit the co-operative movement, projects that help the co-operative movement become better informed and equipped to meet the business and social challenges of the new millennium.

The Co-operative College is working with schools to develop curriculum resources designed to change the perception of co-operation among students and educationalists alike. The College is involved in new initiatives supporting young people in co-operatives, facilitating young co-operators’ participation in youth seminars arranged by the International Co-operative Alliance. The College is working with partners across the UK on a range of action research projects designed to encourage a wider section of members to get involved in their democratic processes.

The Co-operative Union (the Co-operatives UK) and the Co-operative College provided the opportunity to build up a truly national Archive of the co-operative movement to provide students and scholars with access to a valuable resource in a single center.

The Rochdale Pioneers Museum exists to preserve the original store of the Rochdale Pioneers and to generate an understanding of the ideals and principles of the co-operative movement.

The Co-operative College delivers a range of specialist tailored programmes as well as IT applications including Microsoft Office; the European Computer Driving Licence delivered via the internet.

The field of e-learning is both an innovative and progressive new area of education, and one which the Co-operative college is pioneering. E-learning modules offer a wealth of information on the subject of co-operation.

In terms of distance learning the College is currently developing e-learning CD Rom and paper-based packages for members and directors in the UK and internationally. These allow learners to access parts of the framework for members and director learning from their homes and at a time that is convenient for them.

The Co-operative College provides learning, education, training, consultancy and research for the co-operative, social enterprise and mutual sectors in the UK and internationally.

Your university experience, charged with the excitement of new knowledge, offers personal growth and fulfillment. The university that you choose, with its distinctive character and setting, will help you grow in many ways. The right university will broaden your general knowledge and develop relevant skills for life and a career. It will reinforce your ability to continue learning throughout life and to adapt to a changing world. Your university should offer opportunities for career enhancement. While at university, you will develop lifetime friendships. So it is not surprising that selecting the right university is one of the most important decisions you will ever make.

If you seek a university that provides intellectual challenges, cultural diversity, personal growth, enhanced career opportunities and preparation for an increasingly interdependent world, Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law is the university for you.


1. Find the English equivalents in the right-hand column for the following:

1) высшее учебное заведение   a) the broad educational opportunities
2) квалифицированный специалист   b) the national economy
3) сельское хозяйство   c) a right to free education
4) широкие возможности для образования   d) to perfect methods of training
5) народное хозяйство   e) to receive state scholarship
6) право на бесплатное обучение   f) to solve important problems
7) независимо от имущее-ственного ценза и социального происхождения   g) special privileges
8) получать стипендию   h) a higher educational estab-lishment
9) особые привилегии   i) farming (agriculture)
10) совершенствовать методы обучения   j) a qualified specialist
11) решать важные вопро-сы   k) irrespective of property status and social origin
12) непрерывное образование   l) mutual
13) основной провайдер   m) challenging
14) престижный   n) major provider
15) совместный   o) lifelong education

2. Write a word to each definition:

cooperation education
adult effective
workshop opportunity
experience information

a) the act or process of acquiring knowledge, especially systematically during childhood and adolescence;

b) a favourable, appropriate, or advantageous combination of circumstances;

c) a person who has attained maturity; a grownup;

d) knowledge acquired through experience or study; knowledge of specific and timely events or situations; news

e) the totality of a person's perceptions, feelings, and memories;

f) a room or building in which manufacturing or other forms of manual work are carried on, or a group of people engaged in study or work on a creative project or subject

g) productive of or capable of producing a result;

h) assistance or willingness to assist; the combination of consumers, workers, farmers, etc., in activities usually embracing production, distribution, or trade


3. What is missing? (Find the omitted words and define the part of the speech. Give the translation of the sentence):

1) The Co-operative College is UK’s major _____of co-operative education, training and development.

2) The Co-operative College was established in 1919 to meet the ___ and ___ needs of the Co-operative movement.

3) The Co-operative College __ ______ in delivering, local and residential adult and lifelong learning programs.

4) The Co-operative College _____ a wide range of workshops and qualifications.

5) The Co-operative College offers _____ recognized qualifications.

6) The Co-operative College is working with schools to develop _____ resources.

7) The College is involved in new initiatives _____ young people in co-operatives.

8) The College is working with partners ___ the UK on a range of action research projects.

9) The Co-operative College provided the opportunity to build up a _____ _____ Archive of the co-operative movement.

10) The Rochdale Pioneers Museum exists to generate an understanding of the ____ and _____ of the co-operative movement.

11) The field of e-learning is both an _____ and _____ new area of education.

12) These allow learners to learn from their homes and at a time that is _____ for them.

4. Talking points:

1. What are educational establishments in Russia and Great Britain which lead the world in co-operative learning?

2. When was the Co-operative College established?

3. Where is the Co-operative College located?

4. What is the mission of co-operative educational establishments?

5. What are strategic objectives of the Co-operative College?

6. What faculties and departments are there at Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law?

7. What programmes and projects does the Co-operative College offer?

8. What is e-learning?

9. What resources of national and global importance can you emphasize? Why?

10. Do you agree with the statement that “a good group is almost half of a successful education”?

11. What is your future connected with? (finding interesting, high paid work; making a career; creating a family; raising qualification, worrying about environment, etc.).


Conversational Formulas


Expressing one's opinion   Вы выражаете свое мнение
I think... I feel that... As far as I know... As far as I remember... As far as I understood... To my mind... In my opinion... It seems to me I'd like to tell you that... It should be mentioned that... It should be noted that... To begin with... To tell the truth...   Я думаю... Я полагаю... Я чувствую... Насколько я знаю... Насколько я помню... Насколько я понял(а)... По моему мнению... По- моему... Мне кажется... Я бы хотел сказать, что... Необходимо заметить, что.. Необходимо отметить, что... Прежде всего... Сказать по правде...
Asking for someone's opinion   Выяснение чьего-то мнения
Do you think that...? What do you feel/think about...? Are you sure that...?   Думаете ли вы, что...? Что вы думаете о...?   Вы уверены, что...?
Giving reasons   Аргументация, обоснование
I think it is right because...   ...that's why I feel that......and so I think that...   Я полагаю, это правильно, потому что... ...поэтому я думаю, что... ... в итоге я считаю, что...  
Asking for reasons   Выяснение причин
Why? Why do you think that...? What makes you feel that...?   Почему? Почему вы думаете, что...? Что заставляет вас думать, что...?
Defending one's opinion   Защита собственного мнения
Yes, but what I really mean is...   What I'm trying to, say is...   On the contrary, I... What you said is really an argument for my point of view.   Да, но что я в действительности имею в виду, так это... То, что я пытаюсь сказать, – это... Наоборот, я... То, что вы сказали, действительно довод в пользу моей точки зрения.
Agreeing/supporting other people's opinions   Согласие/поддержка мнения других людей
Yes, that's right. That's what I feel, too/I think so, too. Exactly. I (fully) agree with you.   X put it very well. I feel that   X is right. X raised some important points.   Да, это так. Да, я тоже так думаю.   Именно так. Я (полностью) согласен с вами. X сказал об этом очень хорошо. Я думаю, что X прав. X затронул очень важные вопросы.    
Disagreeing/contradicting other people's opinions   Вы не соглашаетесь
I don't agree with you/I disagree with you. I don't think so. I'm afraid you are wrong. I'm afraid I can't agree.   It is not worth talking about it.   Я не согласен с вами.   Я так не думаю. Боюсь, что вы неправы. Боюсь, я не могу согласиться. Не стоит об этом говорить.
Expressing certainty and uncertain­ty, probability and possibility   Выражение уверенности и неуверенности, вероят-ности и возможности
I'm absolutely certain that... I'm sure that... Perhaps... I'm not at all sure that... t is not possible.   Я абсолютно уверен, что... Я уверен, что... Возможно Я совсем не уверен, что... Это не возможно.
Expressing interest or indifference   Вы выражаете интерес или безразличие
I'm interested in...   I'd like to know more about... ...sounds interesting. Please tell me more about...   I'm keen on... It doesn't interest me. I don't care.     Мне интересно/Я интересу-юсь... Мне бы хотелось знать больше о... ...звучит интересно. Пожалуйста, расскажите больше о... Я очень увлечен... Меня это не интересует Мне все равно/Меня это не волнует.
Expressing likes and dislikes   Вы выражаете предпочтения и неприязнь
I love/like/adore...   It is great/very good/fun/ fantastic/marvellous   I enjoy... What I like best is...   I hate/dislike...   Мне нравится/Я обожаю/преклоняюсь Это здорово/очень хорошо/ весело/ фантастично/изуми-тельно... Я люблю... Что мне нравится больше всего, так это... Терпеть не могу /мне не нравится...
Stating preferences   Вы выражаете предпочтения
I'd rather... I prefer...   Я бы лучше/я скорее бы... Я предпочитаю...
Expressing doubt   Вы выражаете сомнение
I have my doubts about that. I doubt it. It's very doubtful. You haven't convinced me yet. You may have a point there, but I'm still not sure.   Я сомневаюсь в этом. Я сомневаюсь в этом. Это вызывает сомнения. Вы пока меня не убедили.   Возможно, что-то в этом есть, но я пока не уверен.
Expressing understanding   Вы выражаете понимание
I see. I've got that. That's clear now. I didn't hear what you said.   Could you speak up, please.   Could you say that again, please. I didn't understand your last sentence. Pardon?   Понятно. Я понял. Теперь понятно. Я не расслышал, что вы сказали. Не могли бы вы говорить громче. Не могли бы вы повторить это. Я не понял последнее предложение. Извините. Что вы сказали?
Asking the way/giving directions   Вы спрашиваете/говорите, как пройти
Excuse me how can I get to/can you tell me the way to/how can I find...   It is over there. You won't miss it. Turn right/left at the next traffic lights. Walk straight on. It's the third street on your left/right. Walk along the street until you come to…   Извините, как мне добраться/ подскажите, пожалуйста, как пройти/как мне найти... Это вон там. Вы не пройдете мимо. Поверните направо/налево на следующем светофоре. Идите прямо. Это третья улица направо/налево. Идите вдоль по этой улице до...



Основная литература

1. Английский для бакалавров: Учебное пособие / Под ред. доц. Г.Д. Орловой. – Тула: Тул. гос. ун-т, 2006. – 299 с.


Дополнительная литература

1. Гарагуля С.И. Let’s Speak English. Будем говорить по-английски: Учебное пособие по разговорному английскому языку. – Белгород: Изд-во БелГТАСМ, 2002. – 190 с.

2. Кравченко Н.В. Английский язык: устные темы для подготовки к экзамену: для выпускников и абитуриентов. – М.: Эксмо, 2007. – 464 с.

3. Витохина О.А., Ковалева Н.А., Лысова И.И. Английский язык: сервис и туризм. Starting English on Tourism: Учебное пособие. – Белгород: Изд-во БУПК, 2010. – 164 с.

4. Кожевникова А.С. Иностранный язык: Методические указания для практических занятий и самостоятельной работы студентов. – Белгород: Кооперативное образование, 2007. – 120 c.


1) https:// www.wikipedia.org

2) https://www.englishclub.com

3) https://www.FunTrivia.com.

4) https://www.homeenglish.ru

5) https://www.nofa.triwe.net.

6) https://www.oup.com

7) https://www.study.ru

8) https://www.yanglish.ru


Учебное издание

Дводненко Елена Витальевна


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