Krishna Rose добавила 2 новых фото. 12 глава

Нравится · Ответить · 7 · 24 августа 2016 г. в 21:08

Myriam Mamata Mimouni Wow!

Нравится · Ответить · 1 · 24 августа 2016 г. в 21:21

Syama Priya Devi Dasi I was just thinking yesterday about my initiation, you were in the room with me. It was the first year in Badger so no one else was getting initiated. Gurudeva sternly told me not to use the black box to record the Gopal mantra, not to ever speak this mantra out loud, or even move my tongue while reciting. Also, we should never stay where the gayatri mantra is spoken or sung out loud by others.

Нравится · Ответить · 5 · 25 августа 2016 г. в 2:39

Jyoti Nagpal Why not sing out gayatri mantra loud?

Нравится · Ответить · 25 августа 2016 г. в 16:15

Anjali Dasi I had a silver colour box to avoid associating it with black.
What did Srila Gurudeva used to say?
Krishna is a black cheater and anything black will cheat you?
I kept my cassette recordings a longtime in storage.
I don't know if they would play today.
Always wanted to transfer them to digital but didn't have the technology to do it

Не нравится · Ответить · 2 · 25 августа 2016 г. в 13:40

Krishna Rose You can send your tapes to Isa Dasa here in Alachua, he will put them into digital format and share it on the Pure Bhakti website for all to share and listen to. I did this, and it's a great way to immortalize your tapes!

Нравится · Ответить · 1 · 25 августа 2016 г. в 18:03

Anjali Dasi Yes that's great. Well most of mine in which Srila Gurudeva spoke were in class in between big loudspeakers echoing his Hindi.
I had so many English classes by senior disciples on tape though. With no loudspeaker problem. Often with no speaker at all even. Just with the recorder right in front of them, and sometimes hidden because some Vaishnavas didn't like it 😊
Someone took some of the tapes saying they would digitalise them but I never heard from them about it again.
Wasn't sure if Isa Prabhu wants those classes by disciples

Нравится · Ответить · 25 августа 2016 г. в 23:21 · Отредактирован

Krishna Rose

23 августа 2016 г. ·

Gurudeva memories: One time, I was sitting in Gurudeva's room in Mathura, at Keshavji Gaudiya Math, and he was asking me "can you sing for me?" I told him "Gurudeva, I am not a good singer, and I am very shy about singing". "Why shy?" he said, "you should be writing and performing English songs, read the poetry of Milton, Wordsworth and Yeats and write songs like they write poems". Then he very sweetly told me "my Gurudeva, Bhaktiprajana Keshava Goswami Maharaja, used to sing English songs, WAH WAH WAH" he sang, waving his arms in the air and smiling very sweetly copying how his Gurudeva would sing English songs.... "I want to take you to dance and sing for Radha and Krishna, because I know you love to dance and sing!" he said to me. "Gurudeva, if I sing to you downstairs from my room, to a photo of you, will you hear me?" I asked him shyly. "Yes, I will always hear you if you sing from your heart!" he explained. Then I set about taking voice training from one experienced teacher in Maui, and started to write, record and perform English songs from that day forth. Jaya Gurudeva!!!! What can be gleamed from this? Gurudeva had such vision. At that time I was not a singer, nor did I sing, nor did I know I could sing! But he had the vision, he had such power to see what a devotee's potential could be. These stories are not to glorify my own self, they are to remember Gurudeva, and the glorious things he said to me, that are for all to enjoy and be inspired by. Gurudeva told me "don't keep anything for yourself, be generous and share with everyone what you hear".

Myriam Mamata Mimouni I heard a similar story where Gurudeva walked up to a disciple, thanking him for singing for him daily.

Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 23 августа 2016 г. в 22:11

Suchandra Dasi This is so sweet. I'm so happy to read this! Gurudev told my mom to make Vaishnava songs into English also and told me also to make beautiful music. He said, "Make beautiful music and preach all over the world" and then I realized, that being a resident of this material world, I have no idea what "beautiful" really is. Then later I sang an English song I wrote about Gurudev, in front of him and he answered my heart's question. He said, "That was beautiful"

Нравится · Ответить · 8 · 23 августа 2016 г. в 22:12

Krishna Rose So sweet Suchandra! Much love to you and your sweet holy family!

Нравится · Ответить · 24 августа 2016 г. в 1:05

Tarun Das I'm impressed that he knew Milton and Yeats

Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 23 августа 2016 г. в 23:13

Krishna Rose I know! I was SHOCKED! I was SO happy because I was writing so much poetry at that time, and I always love the classical writers!

Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 24 августа 2016 г. в 1:08

Tarun Das specially ol' WB, no country for old men!

Нравится · Ответить · 25 августа 2016 г. в 6:39

Syama Priya Devi Dasi Any little step that we take toward following Gurudeva's order gives so much grace and mercy. Gurudeva told me to give class and do plays with so much tattva and siddhanta. Whenever I give class I feel like Gurudeva is smiling, even is it is a very simple or short class.

Нравится · Ответить · 1 · 24 августа 2016 г. в 1:17

Krishna Rose

22 августа 2016 г. ·

Gurudeva memories: When Srila Gurudeva married Robin Wing and I, he made my husband promise me and say these words - "You are a Maid-servant of Srimati Radhika (The Goddess), not my own maid-servant".



Krishna Rose

21 августа 2016 г. ·

Gurudeva memory: Controversial as this subject is it is one that I need to share - One time I was feeling very sad about the way some devotee's were treating our group on the first tour, Gurudeva said to me "just because someone is wearing KANTI-MALA and TILAK doesn't mean they are a devotee". This blew my mind! We live in a society (religion) that bases so much emphasis on the externals of faith, like how we are dressed, our hair styles, our neckBEADS, our Tilak.... there is so much judgement when someone doesn't wear these things 'properly' yet here Gurudeva confirmed for me, that these things are external, that a devotee does not need to make a 'show' of his/her Bhakti, we are not dependent upon these things for our Bhakti... we do these things because we love wearing Tulsi, we love wearing Tilak.... we want to be respectful of others so we cover our bodies to be more modest. But again, all these things are external only. Even demons can hide in the disguise of a devotee, as we have seen.

Myriam Mamata Mimouni My brother who was a severe drug addict met Srila Gurudeva when he came to Holland.He had introduced me to Krsna consciousness not even a year earlier.But I refused to meet Srila Gurudeva cause I had this misconception he wasn't bonafide (the summum of stupidity,I know...). My brother got beaten up the day before he went to see him (probably cause he still had a dept somewhere he couldn't repay) so he looked like a cauliflower, all bruised, and was in a really bad mental state.My brothers best friend convinced him to go anyway, understanding this might be a once in a lifetime opportunity...and took him by car. The devotees kept distance (understandable) and stared at him, didn't know how to react I guess. My brother felt embarrassed and humiliated. During class Gurudeva looked right at him and said 'never judge someone upon his appearance' and my brother bowed his head out of respect and gratitude. He never saw Gurudeva again but accepted him as his Guru in his heart. 11 years ago my brother took an overdose but survived in a sub comatose state (he has alert moments and is completely paralysed) I went to meet Srila Gurudeva in Italy and asked if he could give my brother Harinama over the phone and he did, explaining the mahamantra protects one in the most dangerous situations. My brother's eyes and mouth were wide open,and he blinked many times. Srila Gurudeva knows the true meaning of unconditional love.It has nothing to take but everything give. <3

Нравится · Ответить · 12 · 21 августа 2016 г. в 20:07 · Отредактирован

Radha Chloe Mulder Sorry to hear about your brother Myriam, I also know the pain of a brother who is suffering. I appreciate your sharing.

Нравится · Ответить · 1 · 21 августа 2016 г. в 20:39

Myriam Mamata Mimouni At least he got the mercy. <3

Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 21 августа 2016 г. в 20:42

Jennifer Joy Hans interesting, once at Badger festival, I had lost luggage with devotional clothing, and people I have known for 20 years, walked up to me and asked me, are you not a devotee any more? there I was at the festival, and it was like whoa.. this is a costume, the whole thing, the clothes, the body!!!!. internal mood can only be known by our actions..Jai, oh and Happy Aniiversary

Нравится · Ответить · 3 · 22 августа 2016 г. в 20:23

Jennifer Joy Hans or the punk devotee from helsinkni, she was only 18 or 19. and when she was in Vrndaban, Gurudeva, told people to stop gossiping and speculating, that they didn't know her heart. so many times the external appearance is misleading.!!!

Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 22 августа 2016 г. В


Krishna Rose с Robin Wing.

19 августа 2016 г. ·

Gurudeva memories: 2 weeks after my husband Robin Wing and I got married in Hawaii, Robin suddenly got a terrible bout of vertigo, he had it for about 10 days so bad he couldn't stand up at all, he was wailing and scared. I phoned Gurudeva, who was in Mathura at that time. This would be the first time my husband would 'meet' Gurudeva. "Gurudeva, my husband is spinning in his head, he can't stand, eat, sleep and he wants your help" I said to him. "Oh, what has been doing?" "I don't really know Gurudeva, here he is". And I gave the phone to my husband. "Hello, I am Robin Wing, can you help me Gurudeva?" he said. "Yes my son, what type of yoga have you been engaged in?" "I have been doing Hatha Yoga and Pranayama Gurudeva, for 20 years now". "Do you do kundalini exercises?" Gurudeva asked him. "Why yes Gurudeva, my pranayama exercises are kundalini exercises, I do them quite intensively every morning". "Son, you should give this up immediately and never return to this kind of sadhan, it is very dangerous, and will make you quite mad. You do not need this kind of sadhan, you should chant Hare Krishna, and become my son, this is all you need." "OK Gurudeva, I will do as you say. Can you help this spinning to stop Gurudeva?" he asked. "Yes, I will help you". That day his vertigo stopped, and Robin Wing never returned to his previous 20 year practice, and from that day on he became Gurudeva's son.


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Jeffrey E. Dunan I recall those days in Kailua at your apartment. My son, Aniruddha, was visiting us a lot then. You two had just recently met, if I remember correctly.

Нравится · Ответить · 1 · 20 августа 2016 г. в 18:48

Bala Deva When Hippies become happies!

Нравится · Ответить · 4 · 19 августа 2016 г. в 16:37

Krishna Rose Yes Gurudeva actually told me this when he saw me in Maui years later "do you remember how you came to me?" he said, "yes Gurudeva!" I said, "I made from hippy to happy!" he laughed!

Нравится · Ответить · 1 · 20 августа 2016 г. в 5:32

Ti Tiksa Elaine Thorne Bhaktivedhanta Swami Prabhupada told us the SAME thing. Kundalini Yoga can cause nervous/mental breakdown. Glad your husband's trip to hell was averted! The former leader of the Sivananda group, Muktananda definitely had a mental breakdown at one point in his life from his practices.

Нравится · Ответить · 8 · 19 августа 2016 г. в 16:45

Madhavi Derooy Beatufiul. See how approachable Gurudev was! And he encouraged this. How many people would have done as you did and called Gurudev in Mathura!? Not many. People mostly think, Oh, I shouldn't bother Gurudev. But he liked it when we took him so close. He was really everything for us. He wanted to be consulted in every matter of our lives material and spiritual. Because every material matter would also affect our spiritual progress.

When he first came to America in 1996, he used to just pick up the phone and ring me. 20 minutes later he would ring again. I felt so unworthy. That was my aishwarya mood of awe that he wanted to dissolve. No one is so close as our Gurudev..

Нравится · Ответить · 15 · 19 августа 2016 г. в 17:39

Krishna Rose

18 августа 2016 г. ·

Gurudeva memories: When discussing the sufferings which happen at the hands of others Gurudeva said "you should see it as your own left hand punching you", thereby explaining the laws of karma as it is. There is no more simple way of forgiving those who have 'trespassed against you' than to understand this simple truth, that what we sow we reap... for every action there is a reaction... if we OWN our own karmic experiences, then there is no 'one' to blame 'out there', because it is all coming from our own tree of life. Sometimes we eat sweet fruits, from good deeds done, and sometimes we eat (experience) bitter fruit, all from the same tree of life which we planted with our deeds, good and bad, both in this life, and previous.


Krishna Rose

16 августа 2016 г. ·

Gurudeva memories: One time Gurudeva asked me "why are you weeping? Are you okay?" I said to him "when I am with you, I feel so much inspiration, and when you leave, then I am all alone, and my inspiration starts to wane". "Oh?" he said in a questioning sweet voice, "why do you feel you are alone? I am always with you, I am closer to you, than your own soul. If you pick up Caitanya Charitamrita the whole Parampara is there waiting for you. You are never alone, you always have us for your association". Here Gurudeva again was teaching, that even when external association may not be so high, the highest of association awaits us, in our Sadhan (spiritual practice), Bhajan (remembrance of the spiritual world (Kingdom of God), and also in reading. He gave me the experience that our Guru Parampara (line) is not some figment of the imagination but they are real personalities who are waiting at every moment with great eagerness to help us, and to give mercy to us, to help us advance very quickly. How do we attain this mercy? By being fixed in our attempts towards the Eternal Realm, with our daily prayers, chanting and meditation. Gurudeva told us once "you give 50% and Krishna gives so much more. But without that 50%, then what?". That 50% is our daily effort.

Suchandra Dasi One time, I was watching a movie that made me feel yecky afterwards. My boy reads Caitanya Caritamrita for school, so he was reading late and I walked into the room. He looked like the sun glowing and the sound was like nectar! The whole room was lit up. I really love your post and this is what it reminds me of.

Нравится · Ответить · 7 · 17 августа 2016 г. в 7:15

Krishna Rose

15 августа 2016 г. ·

Gurudeva memories: When I asked Gurudeva "how can I handle all these people in ISKCON who are offending you? I am so angry with them!" he replied very sweetly "they are like babies, and I am like mother, they may vomit on me, but I do not take offense". How compassionate and kind is he? Though I wonder if Krishna feel's the same way LOL!



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