Времена группы SIMPLE (Простые времена)

THE PRESENT SIMPLE (Настоящее простое время)


В третьем лице единственного числа (he, she, it) добавляется окончание –s/ -es


The present simple используется в следующих случаях:


Обозначает действие, которое происходит сейчас и будет происходить в будущем

Употребляется, когда рассказываем о своей жизни, работе, т.д.


Martin lives in Canada.

I work in a hospital.

"What kind of books do you read?” “I mostly read science fiction."


Обозначает обычное, повторяющееся действие






On Tuesdays

Every day

Once a month

Twice a year, etc


They often go out to restaurants.

I travel to London twice a month.

He gets up at 6 o'clock.

She goes to church every Sunday.


Обозначает общеизвестный факт

Oil floats on water.

Two and two make four.

Обозначает будущее действие, если речь идет о графиках, расписаниях


The next plane to Los Angeles leaves at 6:25.

The meeting is on Thursday.

What time does the show start?


THE PAST SIMPLE (Прошедшее простое время)

Существуют правильные и неправильные глаголы. Если глагол правильный, то прошедшее время образуется при помощи окончания –ed, например:


I walk → I walked

we wait → we waited

they jump → they jumped

У неправильных глаголов для времени Past simple используется вторая форма глагола, например:


I go → I went

we buy → we bought

they see → they saw

The past simple обозначает действие, которое происходило и закончилось в прошлом



A week ago

At midnight

Last year

Last Tuesday

In 1992, etc


He kicked the ball into the net.

I went home early because I had a headache.

The police found a dead body in the river.

Our visitors arrived yesterday.

Where did you go last week?

The war ended in 1945.



Used to используется для обозначения привычного действия в прошлом, но не происходящего в настоящем. Used to используется с основной формой глагола, например: used to smoke, used to live, used to be.


I used to play football a lot when I was at school.

She used to smoke 40 cigarettes a day.

The club used to be very fashionable.

They used to live in Los Angeles.


В отрицательных предложениях используется didn’t use to, или used not to.


I didn’t use to like spicy food. OR I used not to like spicy food.

В вопросительных предложениях используется did (you/she/john etc) use to...?

Did you use to smoke?

What did she use to call him?

THE FUTURE SIMPLE (Будущее простое время)

Обозначает действие, которое будет происходить в будущем. Образуется при помощи добавления will к смысловому глаголу, краткая форма ’ll. В отрицательных предложениях краткая форма won’t.


I will talk to them.

We’ll have a break at six o’clock.

I’ll talk to them.

He’ll be arriving later.

Don’t worry, I won’t break it.


Нельзя употреблять Future Simple после when, if, unless, before, after, and as soon as


I’ll call you when I get back. NOT I’ll call you when I will get back.

If the bus leaves now, it will get there by 6. NOT If the bus will leave now, it will get there by 6.




Тренировочные упражнения

Выберите правильный вариант ответа

1. Mrs Pocock ____ to raise money for the hospital transplant programme.


1) want 2) is wanted 3) have wanted 4) wants


2. At the age of nineteen Mike Leaf ____ to work in Japan.


1) went 2) go 3) gone 4) enjoyed


3. Oh, dear! The coffee ____ wonderful.


1) smelling 2) smells 3) smell 4) is smelt


4. The ship sank because the engineer ____ for help.

1) not called 2) wasn't calling 3) didn't call 4) called


5. You're quite right, Fred. I ____ with you.


1) completely agreeing 3) have completely agreed

2) completely agree 4) am completely agreed


6. One day in 1987 the headmaster ____ Colin practicing the violin.


1) was hearing 2) heard 3) had heard 4) was heard


7. She ____ her dentist twice a year.


1) sees 2) is seeing 3) has seen 4) see


8. Do you think he___ me after so much time has passed?


1) recognizes 3) will be recognizing

2) is recognizing 4) 'll recognize


9. His father ____ a chain of restaurants in London.


1) owning 2) is owned 3) owns 4) had owned


10. Can you explain why water always ____ downhill?

1) runs 2) is running 3) run 4) will run


Контрольный тест

Выберите правильный вариант ответа


1. Mr Smith ____ sick today.


1) being 2) is 3) does 4) will


2. He always ____ his homework carefully.


1) is preparing 2) will prepare 3) prepares 4) has prepared


3. They ____ to the park as often as they can.


1) went 2) have gone 3) go 4) would go


4. She ____ her mind every day.


1) will change 2) has changed 3) change 4) changes


5. I'm sure you ____ the book you've lost.


1) find 2) found 3) will find 4) were finding


6. Your cough ____ bad.


1) sounds 2) sound 3) is sounding 4) is sounded


7. Do you know exactly when the train ____ according to the timetable?


1) arrives 2) is arriving 3) arrive 4) will arrive


8. Hurry up! The concert ____ in 15 minutes.


1) was starting 2) start 3) starts 4) started


9. When the teacher ____ the room, the students were talking.


1) entering 2) entered 3) would enter 4) had entered


10. When you return home, you ____ a lot of changes.


1) 'll notice 2) noticed 3) notice 4) have noticed




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