Описание модели на языке VDHL

Лабораторная работа №2




Титов И. И.




Нижний Новгород

2009 г.


Построить модель на VHDLи промоделировать в ModelSim делитель частоты с коэффициентом деления 97 с использованием счётчиков типа ИЕ4.


Описание модели на языке VDHL



library IEEE;

use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;


entity CT is

port (R, Inc, CLK: in bit;

EQ0,EQ1,EQ2,EQ3,G9: out bit);

end CT;


architecture functional of CT is

constant Delay: Time:= 10 ns;

signal Q0,Q1,Q2,Q3:bit;




if (CLK'event) and (CLK = '0') then

if (R = '1') then

Q0 <= '0' after Delay;

Q1 <= '0' after Delay;

Q2 <= '0' after Delay;

Q3 <= '0' after Delay;

G9 <= '0' after Delay;


if (Inc = '1') then

if (Q0 = '0')and(Q1 = '0')and(Q2 = '0')and(Q3 = '0') then

Q0 <= '1' after Delay;

G9 <= '0' after Delay;


if(Q0 = '1')and(Q1 = '0')and(Q2 = '0')and(Q3 = '0') then

Q0 <= '0' after Delay;

Q1 <= '1' after Delay;

G9 <= '0' after Delay;


if(Q0 = '0')and(Q1 = '1')and(Q2 = '0')and(Q3 = '0') then

Q0 <= '1' after Delay;

G9 <= '0' after Delay;


if(Q0 = '1')and(Q1 = '1')and(Q2 = '0')and(Q3 = '0') then

Q0 <= '0' after Delay;

Q1 <= '0' after Delay;

Q2 <= '1' after Delay;

G9 <= '0' after Delay;


if(Q0 = '0')and(Q1 = '0')and(Q2 = '1')and(Q3 = '0') then

Q0 <= '1' after Delay;

G9 <= '0' after Delay;


if(Q0 = '1')and(Q1 = '0')and(Q2 = '1')and(Q3 = '0') then

Q0 <= '0' after Delay;

Q1 <= '1' after Delay;

G9 <= '0' after Delay;


if(Q0 = '0')and(Q1 = '1')and(Q2 = '1')and(Q3 = '0') then

Q0 <= '1' after Delay;

G9 <= '0' after Delay;


if(Q0 = '1')and(Q1 = '1')and(Q2 = '1')and(Q3 = '0') then

Q0 <= '0' after Delay;

Q1 <= '0' after Delay;

Q2 <= '0' after Delay;

Q3 <= '1' after Delay;

G9 <= '0' after Delay;


if(Q0 = '0')and(Q1 = '0')and(Q2 = '0')and(Q3 = '1') then

Q0 <= '1' after Delay;

G9 <= '0' after Delay;


if(Q0 = '1')and(Q1 = '0')and(Q2 = '0')and(Q3 = '1') then

Q0 <= '0' after Delay;

Q1 <= '0' after Delay;

Q2 <= '0' after Delay;

Q3 <= '0' after Delay;

G9 <= '1' after Delay;

end if;

end if;

end if;

end if;

end if;

end if;

end if;

end if;

end if;

end if;

end if;

end if;

end if;

EQ0 <= Q0;

EQ1 <= Q1;

EQ2 <= Q2;

EQ3 <= Q3;

end process;

end functional;


entity DC is

port (x0, x1, x2, x3: in Bit;

va: buffer bit_vector(0 to 15));

end DC;


architecture functional of DC is

constant Delay: Time:= 1 ns;


process(x0, x1, x2, x3)


if (X0 = '0') and (X1 = '0') and (X2 = '0') and (X3 = '0') then

va <= "1000000000000000" after Delay; end if;


if (X0 = '1') and (X1 = '0') and (X2 = '0') and (X3 = '0') then

va <= "0100000000000000" after Delay; end if;


if (X0 = '0') and (X1 = '1') and (X2 = '0') and (X3 = '0') then

va <= "0010000000000000" after Delay; end if;


if (X0 = '1') and (X1 = '1') and (X2 = '0') and (X3 = '0') then

va <= "0001000000000000" after Delay; end if;


if (X0 = '0') and (X1 = '0') and (X2 = '1') and (X3 = '0') then

va <= "0000100000000000" after Delay; end if;


if (X0 = '1') and (X1 = '0') and (X2 = '1') and (X3 = '0') then

va <= "0000010000000000" after Delay; end if;


if (X0 = '0') and (X1 = '1') and (X2 = '1') and (X3 = '0') then

va <= "0000001000000000" after Delay; end if;


if (X0 = '1') and (X1 = '1') and (X2 = '1') and (X3 = '0') then

va <= "0000000100000000" after Delay; end if;


if (X0 = '0') and (X1 = '0') and (X2 = '0') and (X3 = '1') then

va <= "0000000010000000" after Delay; end if;


if (X0 = '1') and (X1 = '0') and (X2 = '0') and (X3 = '1') then

va <= "0000000001000000" after Delay; end if;


if (X0 = '0') and (X1 = '1') and (X2 = '0') and (X3 = '1') then

va <= "0000000000100000" after Delay; end if;


if (X0 = '1') and (X1 = '1') and (X2 = '0') and (X3 = '1') then

va <= "0000000000010000" after Delay; end if;


if (X0 = '0') and (X1 = '0') and (X2 = '1') and (X3 = '1') then

va <= "0000000000001000" after Delay; end if;


if (X0 = '1') and (X1 = '0') and (X2 = '1') and (X3 = '1') then

va <= "0000000000000100" after Delay; end if;


if (X0 = '0') and (X1 = '1') and (X2 = '1') and (X3 = '1') then

va <= "0000000000000010" after Delay; end if;


if (X0 = '1') and (X1 = '1') and (X2 = '1') and (X3 = '1') then

va <= "0000000000000001" after Delay; end if;


end process;

end functional;


entity and2 is

port (x1, x2: in Bit;

y: out Bit);

end and2;


architecture functional of and2 is

constant Delay1: Time:= 2 ns;

constant Delay2: Time:= 1 ns;


process(x1, x2)


if (x1 = '0') or (x2 = '0') then y <= '0' after Delay2;

else y <= '1' after Delay1;

end if;

end process;

end functional;


entity or2 is

port (x1, x2: in Bit;

y: out Bit);

end or2;


architecture functional of or2 is

constant Delay1: Time:= 2 ns;

constant Delay2: Time:= 1 ns;


process(x1, x2)


if (x1 = '1') or (x2 = '1') then y <= '1' after Delay1;

else y<='0' after Delay2;

end if;

end process;

end functional;




entity or8 is

port (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8: in Bit;

y: out Bit);

end or8;


architecture functional of or8 is

constant Delay1: Time:= 2 ns;

constant Delay2: Time:= 1 ns;


process(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8)


if (x1 = '1') or (x2 = '1') or (x3 = '1') or (x4 = '1') or (x5 = '1') or (x6 = '1') or (x7 = '1') or (x8 = '1') then y <= '1' after Delay1;

else y<='0' after Delay2;

end if;

end process;

end functional;


entity not1 is

port (x: in Bit;

y: out Bit);

end not1;


architecture functional of not1 is

constant Delay: Time:= 1 ns;


y <= not x after Delay;

end functional;


entity Circuit is

port (CLK: in Bit;

v: out Bit);

end Circuit;


architecture structure of Circuit is


component DC is

port (x0, x1, x2, x3: in Bit;

va: buffer bit_vector(0 to 15));

end component;


component CT is

port (R, Inc, CLK: in Bit;

EQ0, EQ1, EQ2, EQ3, G9: out Bit);

end component;


component and2 is

port (x1, x2: in Bit;

y: out Bit);

end component;


component not1 is

port (x: in Bit;

y: out Bit);

end component;


component or2 is

port (x1, x2: in Bit;

y: out Bit);

end component;


signal va0: bit_vector(0 to 15);

signal va1: bit_vector(0 to 15);

signal Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5, Q6, Q7: Bit;

signal g9,g9_2, r: Bit;



DD1: CT port map (r, '1', CLK, Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3, g9);

DD2: CT port map (r, g9, CLK, Q4, Q5, Q6, Q7, g9_2);

DD3: DC port map (Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3, va0);

DD4: DC port map (Q4, Q5, Q6, Q7, va1);

DD5: and2 port map (va0(7), va1(9), r);

v <= r;



end structure;


entity Test_Bench is

end Test_Bench;


architecture Schema of Test_Bench is


component Circuit is

port (CLK: in Bit;

v: out Bit);

end component;


signal CLK: Bit;

signal v: Bit;





for i in 0 to 10000 loop

CLK <= '0';

wait for 50 ns;

CLK <= '1';

wait for 50 ns;

end loop;

end process;

Avtomat: Circuit port map(CLK, v);

end Schema;

4. Результат моделирования.



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