Task 1. Дополните предложения как указано в примере.

Пример: This cat is...., but that cat is.... (fat) ® This cat is fat, but that cat is fatter.

1) This monkey is …, but that monkey is … (funny) 2) This shirt is …, but that shirt is … (nice) 3) This house is …, but that house is … (big) 4) This milk is …, but that milk is … (hot) 5) This boy is …, but that boy is … (lazy) 6) This puppy is …, but that puppy is … (small) 7) This book is …, but that book is … (better) 8) This pig is …, but that pig is … (dirty) 9) This ball is …, but that ball is … (bad) 10) This girt is …, but that girl is … (tall)

Task 2. Откройте скобки, используя сравнительную степень прилагательных.

Пример: This cat is...than that cat. (big) ® This cat is bigger than that cat.

1) This monkey is … than that monkey. (funny) 2) This cat is … than that cat. (lazy) 3) This woman is … than that woman. (busy) 4) This book is … than that book. (bad) 5) This pig is … than that pig. (fat) 6) This tomato is … than that tomato. (small)

Task 3. Откройте скобки, используя превосходную степень прилагательных.

Пример: Jane is … girl in our class. (tall)) ® Jane is the tallest girl in our class.

1) This house is … house in our town. (big) 2) This classroom is … classroom in my school. (large) 3) This book is … book in this library. (bad) 4) Peter is … boy in her class. (short) 5) Ann is … girl in their class. (lazy) 6) This film is … (good)

Проверочная работа № 5:

Task 4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму прилагательного.

1. This man is (tall) than that one. 2. Asia is (large) than Australia. 3. The Volga is (short) than the Mississippi. 4.Mary is a (good) student than Lucy. 5. This garden is (beautiful) in our town. 6. She speaks Italian (good) than English. 7.Spanish is (easy) than German. 8. This book is (interesting) of all I have read this year. 9.January is (cold) month of the year. 10. Which is the (hot) month of the year? 11.My sister speaks English (bad) than I do. 12. A bus is (fast) than a tram. 13. The (tall) trees in the world grow in California. 14.Who is the (attentive) student in your group? 15. It is autumn. Every day the air becomes (cold), the leaves (yellow).

12.3 Порядок прилагательных в предложении:

Порядок прилагательных в предложении
качество размер возраст форма цвет происхождение материал назначение сущ.
Nice tall young slim dark-haired Irish ----- college student
horrible long old oval green Chinese wooden office pencil

Exercise: Make up sentences with the adjectives below to describe the following nouns:

Car, lamp, dinner, liquid

Second-hand, antique, low-fat, new, red, brown, white, long, square, round, French, eastern, foreign, African, plastic, metal, copper, paper, school, washing-up, reading, sport.


В.13. Article.


Артикль НЕ употребляется
1. перед исчисляемым существительным во множественном числе в ситуациях, когда в единственном числе употребляется неопределённый артикль. They are students. 4. перед словами hospital, school, college, university, church, когда речь идет об общественных институтах, а не о зданиях. I study at college Mike left school and went to university.
2. перед названиями дней недели, месяцев, времён года Spring has come! See you on Monday. 5. перед существительными breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper НО Did you like the dinner?
3. перед вещественными существительными This is water (milk, wood) 6. перед обращением Doctor, shall I take these pills?



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