Исходный код классаGraph


#ifndef GRAPH_H

#define GRAPH_H


template <typename Weight>

class Edge {


Weight weight;

unsigned int from, to;

Edge<Weight> *next;


Edge(int, int, Weight);




template <typename Weight, typenameVert>

class Vertex {


Vert data;

Edge<Weight> *edges;






template <typename Weight, typenameVert>

class Graph {


static constsize_t _defaultCount = 2;

size_t _vertexCount, _maxVertexCount;





bool insertEdge(unsigned int, unsigned int, Weight);

void addVertex(Vert);

void print();


bool hasEdge(unsigned int, unsigned int);

bool setEdge(unsigned int, unsigned int, Weight);

bool delEdge(unsigned int, unsigned int);

bool setVertexData(unsigned int, Vert);


unsigned int from;

Weight weight;

Vertex<Weight, Vert> **vertices;

Vertex<Weight, Vert>* getVertex(unsigned int);

Edge<Weight>* getEdge(unsigned int, unsigned int);



template<typename Weight, typenameVert>

Vertex<Weight, Vert>::Vertex(Vert data){

this->edges = 0;

this->data = data;



template<typename Weight, typenameVert>

Vertex<Weight, Vert>::~Vertex(){

if(edges) delete edges;



template<typename Weight>

Edge<Weight>::Edge(int from, int to, Weight weight): next(0){

this->from = from;

this->to = to;

this->weight = weight;



template<typename Weight>


if(next) delete next;



template<typename Weight, typenameVert>

Graph<Weight, Vert>::Graph(): _vertexCount(0){

_maxVertexCount = _defaultCount;

vertices = new Vertex<Weight, Vert>*[_maxVertexCount];



template<typename Weight, typenameVert>

Graph<Weight, Vert>::~Graph(){

if(vertices) delete [] vertices;



template<typename Weight, typenameVert>

Vertex<Weight, Vert>* Graph<Weight, Vert>::getVertex(unsigned int index) {

if(index >= this->_vertexCount) return 0;

return this->vertices[index];




template<typename Weight, typenameVert>

bool Graph<Weight, Vert>::insertEdge(unsigned int from, unsigned int to, Weight weight) {

if(from >= this->_vertexCount || to >= this->_vertexCount)

return false;

if(from == to)

return false;

if(this->hasEdge(from, to))

return false;


Edge<Weight> *new_edge = new Edge<Weight>(from, to, weight);

Vertex<Weight, Vert> *v_start = vertices[from];

Edge<Weight> *it_start = v_start->edges;



v_start->edges = new_edge;

} else {

while (it_start->next) it_start = it_start->next;

it_start->next = new_edge;



return true;



template<typename Weight, typenameVert>

void Graph<Weight, Vert>::addVertex(Vert data) {

if(this->_vertexCount == this->_maxVertexCount){

Vertex<Weight, Vert> **new_vertices = new Vertex<Weight, Vert>*[_maxVertexCount*2];

unsigned int i;

for (i = 0; i<_maxVertexCount; i++) {

new_vertices[i] = this->vertices[i];


new_vertices[i] = new Vertex<Weight, Vert>(data);

this->_maxVertexCount *= 2;

delete this->vertices;

this->vertices = new_vertices;

} else {

this->vertices[this->_vertexCount] = new Vertex<Weight, Vert>(data);






template<typename Weight, typenameVert>

void Graph<Weight, Vert>::print() {

unsigned int i;

for (i = 0; i<this->_vertexCount; i++) {

Vertex<Weight, Vert> *v = this->vertices[i];

cout<<i<< "(" << v->data << "):\t";

if (v->edges) {

for (Edge<Weight> *it = v->edges; it; it = it->next) {

cout<< it->from << "->" << it->to << "(" << it->weight << ") ";







template<typename Weight, typenameVert>

size_t Graph<Weight, Vert>::vertexCount() {

return this->_vertexCount;



template<typename Weight, typenameVert>

bool Graph<Weight, Vert>::hasEdge(unsigned int from, unsigned int to) {

return!!(this->getEdge(from, to));



template<typename Weight, typenameVert>

Edge<Weight>* Graph<Weight, Vert>::getEdge(unsigned int from, unsigned int to) {

if(from >= this->_vertexCount || to >= this->_vertexCount)

return 0;


Edge<Weight> *it = this->vertices[from]->edges;


if (it->from == from && it->to == to) return it;

it = it->next;


return 0;



template<typename Weight, typenameVert>

bool Graph<Weight, Vert>::setEdge(unsigned int from, unsigned int to, Weight weight) {

if (from > this->_vertexCount || to > this->_vertexCount) {

return false;


Edge<Weight> *edge = this->getEdge(from, to);

if (edge) {

edge->weight = weight;

return true;

} else return false;



template<typename Weight, typenameVert>

bool Graph<Weight, Vert>::delEdge(unsigned int from, unsigned int to) {

if(from >= this->_vertexCount || to >= this->_vertexCount)

return false;


Edge<Weight> *prev = vertices[from]->edges;


return false;


if(prev->from == from &&prev->to == to){

Edge<Weight> *it = prev->next;

this->vertices[from]->edges = it;

delete prev;

return true;

} else {

Edge<Weight> *it = prev->next;

while (it) {

if (it->from == from && it->to == to) {

prev->next = it->next;

it->next = NULL;

delete it;

return true;


prev = it;

it = it->next;




return false;



template<typename Weight, typenameVert>

bool Graph<Weight, Vert>::setVertexData(unsigned int key, Vert data) {

if(key > this->_vertexCount)

return false;

this->vertices[key]->data = data;




#endif // GRAPH_H





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