Tne job interview
When a job opening is a advertised in the United States, there are often a lot of people interested in applying. Many job hunters send in their resumes and apply for the same position. Sometimes a company will receive handreads resumes for a single job pening. The job interview, therefore, is very important. In the interview, an applicant must demonstrate that he or she is the best person for the job.
Because job interviews are so critical, some job hunters read books or take courses to help them make a good first impression. These books and courses are full of advice and suggestions to help job applicant prepare for their interviews. For example, successful applicants dress appropriately and have a clean and neat appearance. They take their resume or a sheet of paper listing their education and work experience with company. They go to the interview alone and are always on time.
At the beginning of the interview, the applicant shakes hands firmly with the enployer. The employer usually invites the applicant to sit down. During the interview, it is appropriate to smile often and to look directly into the eyes of the interviewer. The applicant doesn't chew gum or smoke during the interview. The applicant is prepared to answer questions about education and previous jobs. More difficult questions arepossible, such as: "why did you leave your last position? Sometimes interviewers well also try to get to know the applicant better. They ask questions about the applicant's personal background, family, and hobbies. Interviewers expect applicants to talk profoundly, confidently, and truth fully abot their work experience, skills, goals, and abilities. When the interview is over, the applicant stands up, shakes hands with the interviewer, and says thank you for the time the person has offered.
Job applicants who can show they are capable, well-prepared, punctual, polite, and honest have a betterchance of getting the job they're looking for.
Когда вакансия - рекламируемый в Соединенных Штатах, часто есть много людей, заинтересованных применением. Много охотников за работой посылают в их резюме и просят то же самое положение. Иногда компания получит сотни резюме для единственной вакансии. Собеседование, поэтому, очень важно. В интервью претендент должен продемонстрировать, что он или она - лучший человек для работы.
Поскольку собеседования настолько важны, некоторые охотники за работой читают книги или берут курсы, чтобы помочь им произвести хорошее первое впечатление. Эти книги и курсы полны совета, и предложения, чтобы помочь нанять претендента готовятся к их интервью. Например, успешные кандидаты одеваются соответственно и имеют чистое и опрятное появление. Они берут свое резюме или листок бумаги, перечисляющий их образование и опыт работы с компанией. Они идут в одно только интервью и всегда вовремя.
В начале интервью претендент обменивается рукопожатием твердо с работодателем. Работодатель обычно приглашает претендента садиться. Во время интервью уместно улыбнуться часто и непосредственно изучить глаза интервьюера. Претендент не жует резину или дым во время интервью. Претендент подготовлен ответить на вопросы об образовании и предыдущих рабочих местах. Более трудные вопросы возможны, таковы как: "почему Вы оставляли свое последнее положение? Иногда интервьюеры хорошо также пытаются узнать претендента лучше. Они задают вопросы о личном фоне претендента, семье, и хобби. Интервьюеры ожидают, что претенденты будут говорить глубоко, уверенно, и правда полностью об их опыте работы, навыках, целях, и способностях. Когда интервью закончено, претендент встает, обменивается рукопожатием с интервьюером, и говорит спасибо в течение времени, которое предложил человек.
У претендентов работы, которые могут показать, что они способны, хорошо готовы, пунктуальны, вежливы, и честные, есть лучший шанс получения работы, которую они ищут.
How to havethe perfect interview...
1) find aut what the company is like before you apply for thejob. Are they teally the kind of organization you want to work for?
2) Write a effective CV. Keep it bbriefand simple - a badly written one will lose you the job before you get to the interview stage.
3)Discover as much as you can about the interview. This means finding out exactly who will be conducting the interview, what position they hold, and whether it's an informal chat or a formal interview, possibly in front of a whole panel of interviewers.
4)Dress the part. Even if the job is in a modern company where the code is casual, you should dress formally for an interview - a suit is always sale. Never keep your overcoat or mac on during the interview- this will make you an outsider from the start. If possible take it off outside the interview room.
5) Think positively and confidently about yourself. From the moment yoy decide to apply for the job think about (and write down) all the qualities you have to offer the company as well as the reasons you would suit the job. Use the interview to discover asmuch about the job as possible.Even if they offer it to you on the spot ask for some time to consider their offer. Is it right you AND them?
6) Be aware of your body language. Most interviewers don't realise it but they're influenced by our body language the moment you walk into the room. Be assertive, smile, smile, look the interviewer in the eye, and give a firm handshake. Don't lean too far over the desk or slump in the chair with your arms crossed. Practise your entrance at home with a friend so you feel comfortable.
7) Keep a balance of power throughout the interview. From a psyhologist's point if view this is what interviews are all about. Don't be too timid or allow the interviewer to dominate you because an interview is a two-way process and you're to decide whether YOU want the job. It's as important for you to ask questions about your potential job asit is for the interviewer to questions you. But don't be over- confident or cheeky. No one likes a difficult candidate however good your qualifications are.
8)Keep calm before and during the interview. Three-quarters of people feel anxious about job interviews and their nervousness often lets them down. The key is to learn interview skills which are important as job skills, and control your nerves. Remember the interviewer may be nervousas well.