С оригинальным кассетым вкладышем. Стоимость такого комплекта составляет от 30 руб. 2 глава

БУРЕВЕСТНИК "Образы Минувшего" - Atmospheric Pagan /Black Metal (Russia) 200 p.
BURNT OFFERING (ВСЕСОЖЖЕНИЕ) "Беснование" - Black Metal (Kyrgyzstan-Russia-Ukraine) 150 р.

BURIAL MIST "Insomnia" - Black Metal (Russia) 150 р.

BURIAL MIST "Unholy Echoes Of the Past" - Black Metal (Russia) 150 р.

BURZUM "Demo` 1991" - Black Metal (Norway) 200 р.

CASTLE (ADOLF CASTLE Project!) "The Stone Age" - Rock Music with Folk elements (Russia) Pro Tape 150 р.

CASCET GARDEN "…Of Grief" / "An Ever Rounding Circle" - 2 Demos. Doom Metal (Turkey) 150 р.

CANTENS MORTEM "Valley Of Death" - Atmospheric Melodic Death Metal (Russia) 150 р.

CAVATICUS "Amentia. 2006 & Live. 2003" - 80 min. Of Raw Black Metal (France) 200 р.

CAPITOLLIUM "Symphony Of Possession" - Symphonic & Atmospheric Black Metal (Ukraine) 150 р.

CAPITOLLIUM "Undivine Antipathy" - Symphonic & Atmospheric Black Metal (Ukraine) 150 р.

CAST IN STONE "Demoncrypt" - Death /Black Metal (Finland) 150 р.

CAST IN STONE "The Crossign" - Doom Metal In The Candlemass Vein (Finland) 150 р.

CATHARSIS "Крылья" - Melodic Heavy Metal (Russia) 150 р.

CATHARSIS "Крылья" - Melodic Heavy Metal (Russia) Pro Tape 150 р.

CATHARSIS "Dea" - Gothic /Melodic Heavy Metal (Russia) Pro Tape 150 р.

CATARRH "Nightflight" - Death Metal (Malaisia) 150 р.

CALORIC "EP 2001" - Melodic Black Metal (Thailand) 100 р.

CAMOS "Baal Zebuth, Baal Beth Zebuth" - Black Metal (Brazil) 150 р.
"Black Metal Night" - Black Metal (Brazil) 150 р.
"Split Demo!" - Grind Core /Noise with Raw sound! (USA) 100 р.

CASCANIA ''Demo 2002'' - Instrumental Atmospheric Dark /Doom Metal (SVK) 150 р.

CREPÚSCULO MALDITO ''Necro Metal Punks'' - Acoholic, Raw & Evil Necro Metal'n'roll (Portugal) 150 р.

CHAOTIC SYMMETRY (Darkthule member!) "Apo Thn Abysso Ths Mavrhs Mou Psyxhs" -Pagan/Black Metal (Greece) 200 p.
CHAOS CREATION / WARNAMENT "Arrows Of Agony" - Old-Shool Thrash Metal (Finland-Macedonia) 150 р.

CHAOSBAPHOMET "Temple Of Serpent Baphomet" - Raw Evil True Black Metal (Greece) 150 р.

CHIMERA "Nothing But Illusion" - Evil & Atmospheric Black Metal with depressive elements (Italy) 150 р.

CHRIST CONSUMER "Disgust" - Black Metal (USA) 150 р.
CHAINED AND DESPERATE "Oracles From..." - Black / Doom Metal (Greece) 150 р.

CHEMICAL WARFIRE (Pre GODS TOWER!) "Demolition Tape" - Thrash /Death Metal (Belarus) 200 р.

CENOTAPH "Promo Tape Demo`1996" - Brutal Death Metal (Turkey) 100 р.

CELTEFOG "Rats" - Pagan / Black Metal (Greece) 150 р.

CEMETERY FOG "Journey To Hell" - Black / Death / Doom Metal (Finland) 100 р.

CIANIDE "Funeral (Demo 1990)" - Death Metal (USA) 150 p.

CICATRIX "Unearth (Demo) (1996)" - Death Metal (Poland) 150 p.

CIRCLE OF HATE "Demo # 1-07. 2007" - Death /Doom Metal (France) 150 p.

CORONER "Death Cult (Demo 1986)" - Technical Thrash Metal (Switzerland) 150 р.

CORPSES "Rehearsal (Demo 1991)" - Death Metal with Raw sound! (France) 150 р.

COVEN CURSE "Evil Rise" - Evil Raw Black Metal (France) 150 р.

COCKER ONANIZER "Под Шелест Трусов…" - Raw Noisecore / Grind Core / Death Metal (Ukraine) 150 р.

CONTRASTIC "Contrastic" - Brutal Death Metal (Czech Republic) 150 р.

CONVULSE "Resuscitation Of Evilness (Demo 1990)" - Death Metal (Finland) 150 р.

CORPUS CHRISTII "Rising" - Cult True Black Metal (Portugal) 200 p.

CORPUS CHRISTII "The Fire God" - Cult True Black Metal (Portugal) 200 p.

CORPUS CHRISTII "Tormented Belief" - True Black Metal с Necromorbus (Funeral Mist) за ударной установкой (Portugal) 200 р.

CONJURATION "Demo 1" - Old-school Horror Heavy / Black Metal (Finland) 150 р.

COSMIC WEAPON OF THULE "Aryan Unity" - NS Techo /World Music (USA) 150 р.

COSMIC WEAPON OF THULE "NS Techno" - 90 min. of NS Electronic Music (USA) 150 р.

COSMIC WEAPON OF THULE / STIKRE FORCE 28 "Elite Techno Propaganda" - Electronic / NS Techno (USA) 150 р.

COUNT DE NOCTE "Nos Omnes Una Manet" - Atmospheric Black Metal (Finland) 150 р.

COUNT SHANNATH "Anti-Social Dogma" - Chaotic Black Metal (USA) 150 р.

CRYSTALLINE DARKNESS ''Melancolica Nostalgia'' - Cold, Depressive & Misanthropic Black Metal (Portugal) 150 р.

CRADLE OF FILTH "Orgiastic Pleasures Foul (Demo 1992)" - Raw Black Metal with keyboards (UK) 200 р.

CRAZER "Oderint Dum Metuant" - Powerful Death /Thrash Metal (Russia) 150 р.

CRANIOTOMY "…And From Flesh To Bone" - Brutal Death Metal (Slovakia) 150 р.

CREMATOR "Evil Brew (Demo 1987)" - Thrash /Speed Metal (Australia) 150 p.

CREMATORY "The Exordium (Demo # 1 /1990)" - Death /Doom Metal (Sweden) 200 p.

CREMATORY "Wrath From The Unknown (Demo # 2 /1991)" - Death /Doom Metal (Sweden) 200 p.

CRUCIFIED CORPSE "Servile To The Serene (Demo 1995)" - Death Metal (Netherlands) 150 p.

CRYPT "The Cry Of The Northern Winds" - Cold Forest Black Metal (Russia) 100 р.

CRYSTAL MOORS "Dominion Of The Ancient Seal" - Celtic /Pagan & Occult Black /Doom Metal (Spain) 150 р.
CRYFEMAL "Raising Deads, Burning Alives" - Raw Brutal True Black Metal (ES) 150 р.

CRYFEMAL "Escucha… La Muerte Persigue!!" - Сырой, свирепый, угрюмый True Black Metal (Spain) 150 р.

CRIPLE CHRIST "Нехай Iсус Горить У Вогнi" - Blasphemy Raw Death / Black Metal (Ukraine) 150 р.

CRYPTHOWL "Tragedies Beheld By The Cemetery" - SymphonicHorror Black Metal (Russia) 150 р.

CTHULHU RITES "Ku Chwale Mrocznych Eonów" - Black Metal (Poland) 150 р.

CLANGFORGE "Poetic Licence" - Chaotic Psycho Metal (Russia) 150 р.

CROWNTHORN "In The Name Of Moonlight" - Melodic Death Metal (Russia) 150 р.

CULTUS "Our Swords We Raise... Our Gods We Praise!" - Black Metal (Netherlands) 200 р.
"Promo 2007" - Pagan /Black Metal (Holland) 150 р.

CURSED SCROLLS "Dunkel Hexenkunst" - Black Metal / 150 р.

CUT THROAT "Evilive" - Thrash Metal! Cult Release... 18 Tracks with Covers of Misfits, Hirax, Exodus, D.R.I, Razor, Warfare... (Japan) 300 р.

CUMDEO "The Threads Of Imagination" - Doom /Death Metal (Russia) 150 р.
On The Edge Of Black Eternity (Demo 1995) " - Death /Doom /Black Metal (Poland) 150 р.

DARK AGRESSION "Satan The King Of Hell" - Black /Death Metal (Portugal) 150 p.

DARK AGES (HATE FOREST, DRUDKH Project!) "A Chronicle Of The Plague" - Majestic Dark Ambient (Ukraine) 200 р.

DARK AGES (HATE FOREST, DRUDKH Project!) "The Tractatus De Hereticis Et Sortilegiis" - Maj. Dark Ambient (Ukraine) 200 р.

DARK FURY / EVIL / PAGAN HELLFIRE "We Know How To Hate" - All three hordes present some of their best recordings in the styles they are known for. A monument of hate from three pillars of the True Black Metal underground (Poland-Brazil-Canada) 200 p.

DAMMERUNG "Follow Your Own Shadow" - Pagan / Battle Metal (Ukraine) 150 р.
"Total Fucking War" - Black Metal Horde. Blasphemous, Warlike Sonic Death… (USA) 200 p.
DARK MONARCHY "Poisoned Thorns Of Human Sorrow" - Second Demo of Black Metal Horde (USA) 150 р.
DARK MONARCHY "Seven Visions Into The Epoch Of Holocaust" - Debut Album. The title says it all! (USA) 150 р.
DARK PARANOIA "Emptied By Necessary Apathy" - Lifeless, Anti-human & Suicidal Black Metal. Just cut yourself with this rusty knife (Italy) 150 р.

DARK FLAMES "Iluminar Da Morte" - Satanic Terror Black Metal (Brazil) 150 р.

DARK LAND "Demo" - Русскоязычный Raw Black Metal (Russia) 150 р.

DAREN "Słowa" - Black Metal (Poland) 150 р.
DAUW "Duivelswerk" - 90 min. of Atmospheric Black Metal / Ambient (Netherlands) 200 р.

DARK TOWER "Beneath The Flame Of Asmodeus" - Black Metal (U.S.A.) 150 р.

DARK TOWER "Blood Eagle Ritual" - Black Metal (U.S.A.) 150 р.

DARKTHRONE "Cromlech (Demo 1989)" - Black Metal (Norway) 150 р.

DAEMONLORD "Of War And Hate" - Hateful Black Metal - сырой, агрессивный, злой… (Spain) 150 р.

DAYLIGHT NIGHTMARE / NOISES FROM THE VOID "Portrait Of Darkness" - Dark Drone Ambient (Russia) 150 р.
DATURA "Fucking State" - Brutal Death Metal /Grind Core (Ukraine) 150 р.

DATURA "Kaput" - Brutal Death Metal /Grind Core (Ukraine) 150 р.

DARK INVERSION "Into The Pagan Depths" - Black Metal (Bulgaria) 150 р.

DARKESTRACH "Khagan" -Black /Folk Metal (Kyrgyzstan) 150 р.

DARKESTRACH "Epos"-Black /Folk Metal (Kyrgyzstan) 200 р.

DARKESTRACH "Embrace Of Memory" -Black /Folk Metal (Kyrgyzstan) 200 р.

DARKESTRACH "Sary Oy"-Black /Folk Metal (Kyrgyzstan) 200 р.

DARKENED WINTER "Gates to Eternity" - UG Traditional Black Metal (Australia) 200 р.

DARKENED WINTER "Raiders of Northland" - UG Traditional Black Metal (Australia) 200 р.

DARKENED WINTER "Rise of the Pagan Flames" - UG Traditional Black Metal (Australia) 200 р.

DARKENED WINTER "Yggdrasil: Journey Throughout The Nine Worlds" - UG Traditional Black Metal (Australia) 200 р.

DARK PARANOIA / OBSURA MONOTONIA ANIMAE ''Split'' - Depressive Black Metal / Melancholic Dark instrumental Suicidal Ambient /Black Metal (Italy) 150 р.

DAWN OF DIVISION "Outrage Of Desolation"- Hellish Black Attack! Raw, but sometimes very atmospheric (Greece) 150 р.

DAWN OF DIVISION "Awaiting The Dawn"- Again Melancholic /Melodic Black Metal (Greece) 150 р.

DEATH "Live Tape (Demo 1984)" - Death Metal (USA) 200 p.

DEATHRONER (ex-Supremacy) "Self Titled" - An ironfist in the face of God, Intense & Evil Speed Metal bestiality (Canada) 200 p.

DE OCCULTA PHILOSOPHIA "Obscura Simphonia" - Sympho Black Metal (Italy) Pro Tape 150 p.

DEUTERONOMY ''A Great Blessing'' - Aggressive Fast Black /Death Metal with epic & slower parts. Demonical drummer! (Greece) 150 р.

DEADLY CARNAGE ''Decadenza'' - Killer Black Metal (Italy) 150 р.

DEMIURG ''From The Throne Of Darkness'' - Raw Traditional Elite Polish Black Metal with synths (Poland) 150 р.

DÉMONOS "From Sacred To Profane" - Black /Death Metal (Germany) Pro Tape 250 p.

DENY LIFE "Soundtrack To A Mass Riot" - Aggressive Grind Core / Screamo Metal… Heavy, furious grooves & powerful vocals. (France) 150 р.

DÉSOLATION ''Sur Le Chemin De Nos Terre'' - Fast, Bleak & Destructive Raw Black Metal sing in french (France) 150 р.

DECAMERON "My Grave Is Calling (Demo 1992)" - Death Metal (Sweden) 150 р.

DEATHROW "Satan-s Gift" - Old-school Thrash Metal. 1986 (Germany) 100 р.

DEVOTION ''Demo 1'' - Ugly, Evil & Rotten Raw UG Black Metal (Canada) 150 р.

DRAUGGARD / CRIPTUM ''Nidgedichte'' - Raw Black /Thrash Metal (Russia-Italy) 150 р.

DROOMSTYYG ''Vast Unknown Darkness'' - Hateful Raw Black Metal (USA) 150 р.

DEADTHORN "W Ciemności... " - Second demo of this polish living tribiute to old days. Again it is the proud opposition to everything that is holy,

it is the dominance... The dominance 'In Darkness...' (Poland) 200 р.

DEADTHORN "Daleko Od Boga... " - Old Tradition Of Unholy Death Metal(Polish) 200 р.
DEAD IN HUMAN SCUM "Necrose Prematura" - Grinding Death Metal (Brazil) 150 р.

DEAD MARSH "Harmony Prevails" - Thrash Metal (Belarus) 150 р.

DEATHSAINT "...And Death Will Embrace You" - Symphonic Black /Death /Dark Metal (Belarus) 150 р.

DEATHCHURCH "Crushing The Dreams Of Benevolence" - Storming Brutal Black Metal (Japan) 150 р.

DESECRATION "Chaotic Reality" - Death Metal (Brazil) 150 р.

DEATHS HEAD "Feast Of The Jackals" - NS Hate Metal (Australia) 150 р.

DEFLECTION "Violent Atrophy" - Brutal Death Metal (Russia) Pro Tape 100 р.

DENIAL OF GOD "The Ghouls Of Dog"+ Bonus! - True Black Metal (Denmark) 150 р.

DEAD CHRIST CULT "Dead Christ" (1-st Demo 2003!) - Black Metal (Ukraine) 150 р.

DER MISANTHROPE / NACHTKRIEGER "Der Misanthrope / Nachtkrieger" - NS Black Metal (Canada) 150 р.

DER STURMER "Europa Erwache!" - Raw NS Black Metal (Greece) 200 р.

DETHRONED CHRIST / EVIL / HAMMERGOAT "Unholy Trinity" - Black Metal (Brazil) 150 р.
DEATHMOOR "Salvo Honoris Morte" - Atmospheric Black Metal from the deepest pits of nonexistence. Despite the fact, that this band comes from

south of russia, here you will be plunged into the atmosphere of coldness and slow freezing of your flesh (Russia) 150 р.
DEATHMOOR "Mors Ultima Ratio" - Atmospheric Black Metal / The first full-lenght which was recorded after several years of silence. Cold and

gloomy atmosphere, permanent sense of death and estrangement along with deep lyrics of Suicide (Russia) 150 р.
DEATH TRIUMPHANT "Life In The Middle Of Nothing" - Fast Evil Black Metal (Russia) 300 р.

DEMENTOR "Morbid Infection (Demo 1992)" - Brutal Death Metal (Slovakia) 150 р.

DEMENTOR "The Church Dies" - Powerful Death Metal (Slovakia) 150 р.

DEMENTOR "The Art Of Blasphemy" - Powerful Death Metal (Slovakia) 150 р.

DEMONIBUS "Да сгорят все божественные…!" - Raw Black Metal (Russia) 150 р.

DEMILICH "The Echo (Demo 1992)" - Technical Death Metal (Finland) 150 p.

DEMILICH "Regurgitation Of Blood (Demo 1991)" - Technical Death Metal (Finland) 150 р.

DEMILICH "The Four Instructive Tales... Of Decomposition (Demo 1991)" - Technical Death Metal (Finland) 150 p.

DEMONIAC LORD "Lord Of All Desires In Life And After Death" - Black Metal (Brazil) 150 р.

DECAYED "A Tribute To The Ancients" - Old School Black / Thrash Metal (Portugal) 150 р.

DECAYED "The Book Of Darkness" - 74 min Of Pure Fucking Old School Black / Thrash Metal! (Portugal) 150 р.

DECAYED "The Beast Has Risen" - The original 10 Tracks + Bonus Tracks. 74 min of Madness (Portugal) 150 р.

DECAYED "The Ancient Brethren" - Old-School Black Fucking Metal from Lusitania! The original 12 Tracks + 2 bonus Tracks (Portugal) 150 р.

DECAYED "Blasphemic Offerings - The Singles 1993-2011" - 26 tracks for 90 min. For The True UG Black Metal Maniacs! (Portugal) 150 р.

DEMONLORD "As Bastard As God" - Raw Black Metal (Spain) 150 р.

DERANGED "Sculpture Of The Dead / Architects Of Perversions" - Brutal Death Metal (Sweden) 150 р.

DERANGED "Defacing World" - Thrash Metal (Chile) 150 р.
DEATHONATOR "And Death Will Be My Saviour" - Intense Neo Doom /Death Metal (Russia) 150 р.

DEATHONATOR "The Endsville" - Psycho Death Metal (Russia) 100 р.

DEATHONATOR "Desecration (Demo 1997)" - Death Metal (Russia) 150 p.

DEAD FUTUR "Inner Fear"/1998 - Death Metal (Bulgaria) 150 p.

DEMON DAGGER "Demon Dagger (Demo 1996)" - Thrash /Heavy Metal (Portugal) 150 p.

DETERIORATE "Deteriorate (Demo 92)" - Death Metal (USA) 150 р.

DETONATOR "Anthology 1992-1997" - 72 min. of Great Technical Death Metal (Russia) 150 р.

DER GERWELT "Nordlich Sturm" - Satanic Black Metal (Russia) Pro Tape 100 р.

DER GERWELT "Nordlich Sturm" - Satanic Black Metal (Russia) 150 р.

DER GERWELT "Nordlich Sturm" - Satanic Black Metal (Russia) 200 р. (Beverina productions)

DER GERWELT "Revelation 666" - Satanic Black Metal (Russia) 100 р.

DEPRESY "…And There Came The Tears With Christ"/1995 - Death/ Black Metal (Slovakia) 150 p.

DEW OF NOTHING "Doubleweird"/1998 - Melodic Death Metal (Mexico) Pro Tape 200 p.

DEVILGROTH "Landschaft"-Atmospheric ColdBlack Metal (Russia) 200 р.

DEVIATED INSTINCT "Tip Of The Iceberg (Demo 1986)" - Crust Punk/Death Metal (USA) 150 р.

DUB BUK "Русь Понад Усе!" - Aryan NS Pagan Metal (Ukraine) 300 р.

DR.FAUST "Bad Time, Bad Place" - Great Brutal Death Metal (Russia) 150 р.

DIABOLICAL PRINCIPLES "Manifesto Of Death" - Black Metal (Brazil) 150 р.

DIABOLICAL STORM "The Innermost Ways To Might" - Hateful Black Metal (Russia) 150 р.

DIMHYMN "Djavulens Tid Ar Kommen" - Raw Satanic True Black Metal (SE) 150 р.

DIE ENTWEIHUNG "One Shot In April" - Experimental Black Metal (Israel) 100 р.

DIE ENTWEIHUNG "The Last Shelter" - Raw Black Metal (Israel) 100 р.

DIE ENTWEIHUNG "The Hallucinations / Hypnotic Dreams" - 90 minutes of Experimental Depressive Black Metal (Israel) 150 р.

DICTATOR "Birth Of Virgin Feelings" - Hateful Black Metal (Russia) 150 р.

DIFFERENT SEASON "Bleeding Summer" - Atmospheric Death /Doom Metal. Грузные гитары, мерные ударные, красивые клавиши, сочный гроул. Звуки печали, тоски обвалакивают полностью и чрез эти тягучие нити, увязая, утопая, прижимаясь к земле вы не захотите пробираться на свет, который, все равно, неизбежно наступит, что еще больше печалит… (Russia) 150 р.

DIRTY SHIRT "Very Dirty" - Vigorous Progressive Power Metal with Industrial elements… (Romania) 150 р.

DISHARMONICAL TEMPEST "Diatessaron" - Замечательный образец комбинирования Death /Thrash Metal c атмосферными элементами Doom Metal. Тяжелые гитарные риффы, яркие мелодии… (Brazil) 150 р.

DISGORGE "Necroholocaust" - Gore Grind Core!!!!!! (Spain) 150 р.

DIVINA ENEMA "Shine" - Melodic Orchestral Gothic / Death / Black Metal - Opera! (Belarus) 150 р.

DIATHRA "Wistful Autumn Dance" - Doom Dark Metal (Belarus) 150 р.

DIELAND "Is Out Of Real…" - Doom /Death /Gothic Metal (Belarus) 150 р.

DISFORMES​ / ​ESPERMORRAGIA "Sangue Correndo​ /​ Culto Grotesco" - Death Metal​ /​Gore Grind (Brazil​-​Argentina) 150 р.

DISORDER DEFECTION / GOREGOD "In The Graze Of Madness" / "In Deep Ass" - Brutal Death / Grind Core (Ukraine) 150 р.

DIG ME NO GRAVE "Cosmic Cult" - Old-School Death Metal (Russia) 150 р.

DISECTOR / VIVARIUM "Hospice Land" - Heavy /Power Metal (Russia) 150 p.

DISPLASIA "Destruye El Fascismo" - Punk /Hard Core (Italy) Pro Tape 150 p.

DISSIMULATION "Miglose" - Black /Thrash Metal (Lithuania) Pro Tape 150 p.

DIZZINESS / LORD IMPALER / HELL POEMER "Carved By The Winds Eternal" - Black Metal (Greece) 150 p.

DOOD "Liberating Self Destruction" - Black Metal (Netherlands) 200 р.

DOMINUS IRA "Negotium Parambulans In Tenebris" - Black Metal (Russia) 200 р.
DONOR "Epidemic Promo-Tape (Demo 1989)" - Thrash /Heavy Metal with Raw sound! (Netherlands) 150 р.

DOR FEAFOROTH "Земля Охотящихся Духов" - Black Metal (Russia) 150 р.

DKS "Victimas" - Punk /Hard Core (Spain) Pro Tape 150 p.

DREAD "Ghost Roar" - 90 min. of Depressive Black Metal / Electronic Noise / Trip Hop / Tribal (Russia-USA) 200 р.

DREAMS OF NATURE "Spirit Of Nature" - Dungeon /Fantasy Black Metal (Coloumbia) 150 р.

ДРЕВНИЕ КОРНИ / LAND "Split" - Raw Black Metal (Russia) 150 р.

ДРЕВО (DREVO) ''Величие'' - Atmospheric & Melancholic Dark /Pagan /Black Metal (Russia) 150 р.

ДРЕВЕДЬ "Оскопление Памяти" - Raw Black Metal (Russia) 250 р.

ДРЕВЕДЬ "Воскреснет, Умрет, Родится" - Raw Black Metal (Russia) 250 р.

DROSS DELNOCH "I" - NS Black Metal (Russia) 150 р.

DRAMA "Silver Brilliance Of Nocticula" - Melodic Black Metal (Russia) 150 р.

DRY ROT "Omnium Gatherum" - Anarcho Hard Core (Russia) 100 р.

DR. MAX & ГРИБЫ "Sextravaganja" - Punk Rock (Russia) 150 р.

DYSTOPIA "A Tribute To In The Nightside Eclipse" - After 2 demos and a split up they came back with a great full lenght. They have a new album upcoming which will be even greater. But to keep things warm they have recorded a small tribute to one of their favorite bands. Black Metal (Netherlands) 150 р.

DYSTOPIA "Decay" - Black Metal (Netherlands) 150 р.

DUMAL "Amblerian Rehearsal (Demo 2013)" - Raw Black Metal(USA) 100 р.

DUNKELWHITE "Reh. Demo 2009" - NS Black Metal (Iceland) 100 р.
DUNKELHEIT "Eternal Curse Of The Carpathians" - 2 demos on tape. Raw Dark Cold Intense Pagan / Old-School Black Metal (Hun) 150 р.

DUNKELHEIT "Mors Aeterna" - Black Metal (Hungary) 150 р.
DUSK OF ETERNITY "Human Remains"- Blasphemy Death / Black Metal (Ukraine) 150 р.

DYSANCHELY "Songs Of Sorrow" - Doom / Black Metal (Czech) 150 р.

E.S.T. "E.S.T. - Это Best" - Байкерский Heavy Metal (Russia) 150 р.

E.S.T. "13" - Heavy Metal (Russia) 150 р.

E.S.T. "Electro Shock Therapy" - Байкерский Heavy Metal (Russia) Pro Tape 150 р.


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