Ufa State Aviation Technical University was founded in 1932 in Rybinsk, during the Great Patriotic War it was moved to Ufa. It is a large scientific and educational complex, one of leading higher education institutions of Russia. There are 18 areas of study and 40 programs in its 7 Faculties (Faculty of Aircraft Engines, of Aircraft Machine Building Technology, of Informatics and Robotics, Aircraft Technological Systems, of Economics, Management and Finances, of Social Sciences, of General Sciences) (fulltime and by correspondence).
More than 6000 students at the University at two departments: full-time (day-time students, night students) and by correspondence. A great majority of day-time students receive scholarship. The best students who graduate with honors are taken on to the teaching staff of the University. Our graduates take a postgraduate course to get the Candidate of Science degree. Postgraduate courses provide training for Candidate’s Degree in 44 and for Doctor’s Degree in 15 programs. 8 specialized Scientific Councils award the Degrees. In addition to the specific technical trends postgraduate training includes such traditional university sciences as Mathematics, Physics, Sociology, Philosophy, Economics. The University provides training of foreign students, postgraduates and probationers in all areas and specialties available at the University. There is a preparatory department for those who do not know Russian. This department is aimed at teaching the Russian language to foreigners, to adapt them to the environmental conditions and thus to further their active involvement into the educational process. Such a form of students training as “incorporated training” is widely used at the University. The best students who are involved in research work and can speak foreign languages are sent to complete their education or to work on probation to leading higher education institutions of Russia (MSTU, MSU, MAI) and to universities of the USA, Germany, France and other countries.
The number of departments is 43/ the total number of teaching faculty is more than 650, of these 30 are Russian and foreign Academies of Sciences Full Members. There are 633 full-time teachers (not counting Military Department) and 64 part-time teachers at the University. Among them there are many Candidates and Doctors of Science, Professors and Associate Professors. Most of them combine teaching and scientific research. Highly qualified experts make up 80% of the faculty members. During the years of its existence USATU has trained about 60000 specialists for different branches of Russian and regional economy.
The University carries out multilevel specialists training. Programs leading to the Bachelor’s Degree, Engineer Degree and to the Master’s Degree are successfully combined in.
The university library is one of the largest libraries both in the city and the republic with a universal scientific and technical literature stock which stands at over 1 million items. RELCOME network modem communication helps to get the information on the latest scientific literature and catalogues from MSU library. Computer-aided system of information searching gives an opportunity to serve the readers in 10 reading-halls, 5 stationary and 9 portable branches.
The university campus consists of 9 multistory dormitory buildings for 3000 students, family students having separate rooms, a hotel, a services center, a post-office, a savings bank, a medical center, a public catering center, clubs, gymnasiums and outdoor playgrounds.
The university sports center includes several halls for sports games, wrestling, athlete gymnastics, boxing. It also includes a leased swimming pool, a stadium, a shooting-gallery and a number of outdoor sport grounds. Students are trained in 35 kinds of sports. There are also specialized grounds for students with poor health. Students and university personnel have at their disposal “Agidel” sports camp on the bank of the Belaya river and “Aviator” tourists center at the Pavlovskoye base.
1. Перевести письменно последний абзац «in a good Russian language». Можно что-либо перефразировать, сказать своими словами. У кого будет дословный перевод, тому домашнее задание не будет засчитано. Если домашнее задание не будет засчитано, то потом придется сделать перевод всего текста.
2.Найти перевод следующих слов в тексте (знать, как правильно читаются переведенные слова):
Исследовательская работа
Общественная столовая
Обучение (не education)
Состоять из
С помощью компьютера
Окружающие условия
Большое количество.