Семестр 2, курс 1, все группы

По дисциплине «Information and communication technologies»

На 2018/2019 учебный год

Специальность: все специальности

Семестр 2, курс 1, все группы

Уровень Вопрос Раздел темы Ответ A) правильный Ответ B) Ответ C) Ответ D) Ответ E)
  1. 1
  Computer:   device to perform computations act of animating, or giving life or spirit is a data technology that uses discrete values structured arrangement of items within certain limits computer hardware on a single integrated circuit
  1. 2
  Data which perceived by a person or special devices as a reflection of the material world in the communication process   Information Information infrastructure Communication Information technology Computer data
  1. 4
  Technologies which are realized with the use of computers and modern means of communication   Information and communication technologies Computer data Communication Information technology Information
  1. 5
  A set of targeted actions of staff for processing information on the computer   Information technology Information infrastructure Communication Computer data Information
  1. 6
  Transfer of information from one person to another   Communication Information infrastructure Computer data Information technology Information
  1. 7
  The transmission of data on the basis of computer networks and modern means of communication   Computer telecommunications Information technology Binary data Information Computer data
  1. 8
  Fill the gap: don't open …; don't put anything into the computer or sockets   the computer case the cupboard the program the hands the computer class
  1. 15
  Fill the gap: computer classes have following fire protection devices: smoke detectors; …; breakers power   fire extinguishers bucket stand sand water
  1. 27
  It is the set of hardware, which is controlled with using software as a single unit   Computer system Information system Database system Information technology Operating system
  1. 28
  It is a set of rules and methods that describe the functional, organization of computer   Computer architecture Computer system Information system Database system Operating system
  1. 37
  Measure of information must positioned in an ascending order   1 byte 1 KB 1 MB 1 GB 1 GB 1 MB 1 KB 1 byte 1 KB 1 GB 1 MB 1 byte 1 byte 1 KB 1 GB 1 MB 1 byte 1 MB 1 GB 1 KB
  1. 38
  Select the extension for the presentation, text, archives and executable files   ppt doc rar exe exe rar doc ppt doc ppt rar exe ppt doc exe rar exe rar ppt doc
  1. 39
  List the types of computer memory in order of increasing volume   Registers processor, ROM, RAM, External memory External memory, RAM, ROM, Registers processor External memory, ROM, RAM, Registers processor Registers processor, ROM, Registers processor, RAM External memory, ROM, Registers processor, RAM
  1. 40
  List the types of computer memory in order of decreasing volume   External memory, RAM, ROM, Registers processor Registers processor, ROM, RAM, External memory External memory, ROM, RAM, Registers processor Registers processor, ROM, Registers processor, RAM External memory, ROM, Registers processor, RAM
  1. 41
  Practice of creating computer systems and applications   Information technology Operating system Numeric system Data technology Digital system
  1. 42
  System for storing and processing information, and the corresponding organizational resources   Information system Information technology Operating system Numeric system Data technology
  1. 43
  ICT is a blend of …   IT and telecommunication technology and communication codes and information IT and social networking technology and information
  1. 44
  Which of the following processes are informational?   Search for information Construction of buildings and structures The processes of the chemical and mechanical Metal processing Extraction of oil
  1. 45
  Which of the documents is an algorithm?   Instructions for obtaining money from a cash machine Safety regulations Timetable of classes List of the groups Menu in the dining room
  1. 46
  The action on the information for the regulations is …   data processing data storage information transfer information reception information exchange
  1. 47
  Information is encoded at the computer in:   binary system decimal system quaternary number system symbols system random values
  1. 48
  If encode one character is used:   1 byte 1 bit 1 KB random values 8 bytes
  1. 49
  How do we call computer software that automatically loads when the computer is starting up?   Operating System Information system Information Technology Database system Number system
  1. 50
  Operating system is …   program which is managing of processor, RAM and peripherals program for computer-aided design program designed to detect and eliminate viruses functional organization of computer corresponding organizational resources
  1. 51
  Which of the following are operating systems?   Linux, Windows Access, FoxPro Avast, DrWeb Internet Explorer, Skype Winamp, Media Player
  1. 52
  Which of the following is a mobile phone operating system   Android Access Avast Internet Explorer Winamp
  1. 53
  Standard Windows applications are:   Paint, WordPad Android, Access AutoCAD, KOMPAS 3D DrWeb, Aidstest, AVP Media Player
  1. 54
  Program designed to detect and eliminate viruses?   Avast Access Android Winamp Media Player
  1. 55
  Antivirus programs are:   DrWeb, Aidstest, AVP Paint, WordPad AutoCAD, KOMPAS 3D Android, Access Media Player
  1. 56
  Programs for computer-aided design:   AutoCAD, KOMPAS 3D Paint, WordPad Android, Access DrWeb, Aidstest, AVP Media Player
  1. 57
  Human-computer interaction is focused on …   interfaces between people and computers programs for computer-aided design programs designed to detect and eliminate viruses functional organization of computer corresponding organizational resources
  1. 58
  All the technical computer components are   Hardware Software Freeware Database system Operating system
  1. 59
  Example of the hardware:   Monitor Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel Internet Explorer Media Player
  1. 60
  Display:   electronic screen that shows graphics or text act of animating, or giving life or spirit is a data technology that uses discrete values structured arrangement of items within certain limits computer hardware on a single integrated circuit
  1. 61
  Device   appliance number system restriction scanner software
  1. 62
  Example of the input device   Scanner Speaker Monitor Printer Media Player
  1. 63
  Example of the output device   Speaker Scanner Keyboard Microphone Mouse
  1. 64
  «Mouse» – is a...   manipulator output device information reader scanner software
  1. 65
  Microprocessor:   computer hardware on a single integrated circuit act of animating, or giving life or spirit data technology that uses discrete values structured arrangement of items within certain limits electronic screen that shows graphics or text
  1. 66
  CPU:   part of a computer that gets, decodes and executes instructions act of animating, or giving life or spirit data technology that uses discrete values structured arrangement of items within certain limits practice of creating computer systems and applications
  1. 67
  Microprocessors operate with numbers and symbols in …   binary numeral system decimal numeral system binary-coded decimal system quaternary number system random discrete values
  1. 68
  Processor speed (CPU) is measured in:   Gigahertz (GHz) Gigabyte (GB) Megabyte (MB) Gigabit (GBit) Giga baud (Gbps)
  1. 69
  What is the name of the container for the storage of currently running programs?   RAM (Random Access Memory) HDD (Hard Disk Drive) CPU (Central Processing Unit) ROM (Read-only Memory) FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
  1. 70
  What is RAM used for?   for storing information for delaying information for printing information for scanning information for checking information
  1. 71
  Temporary memory of the computer   RAM ROM Printer WPAN WAN
  1. 72
  Place, where is stored the user's password, the current time and date is named   CMOS-memory CPU Boot sector Code page Process
  1. 73
  Software is …   Computer programs All computer components Binary data Environment Program Files
  1. 74
  Which of these is an example of software?   Microsoft Excel Monitor Keyboard Printer Binary data
  1. 75
  What class of software includes operating systems?   System software Application software Open Source Environment Binary data
  1. 76
  This class includes programs which are necessary for the particular operation of the computer   Application software System software Open Source Environment Binary data
  1. 77
  Main window on the users screen   Desktop My Computer Start Menu Control Panel My Documents
  1. 78
  My Pictures folder is located in   My Documents My Computer Program Files Control Panel My music
  1. 79
  What is the name of the folder in which objects after deleting are saved?   Recycle Bin System folder Notebook Portfolio Operational folder
  1. 80
  What is the name of a simple image editing program within Microsoft Windows OS?   Paint Photoshop Corel GIMP Flash
  1. 81
  What is the name list of commands that are caused by the right-click on the icon of the object?   Context Menu Menu Command Cascading Menu Menu System FAT
  1. 82
  Active window in Microsoft Windows OS is...   which has different color from the other windows which is under a pointer mouse which is more than any other window which stands in the center of the Desktop which contains more information
  1. 83
  To close an active window in Microsoft Windows OS you can use   Alt+F4 Tab Esc Ctrl+F4 Shift+F1
  1. 84
  What is activated when you pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del   Windows Task Manager Windows Explorer Registry Editor Computer Shut Down Program Files
  1. 85
  Which of the following is the extension of an executable file?   .exe .doc .jpg .zip .ppt
  1. 86
  Which of the following is the extension of a text file?   .doc .exe .jpg .zip .ppt
  1. 87
  Which of the following is the extension of compressing files?   .zip and.rar .jpg and.png .doc and.xls .ppt and.pdf .mpg and.mp3
  1. 88
  Which of the following extensions represents a sound file?   .mp3 .doc .jpg .zip .ppt
  1. 89
  The program that controls the external device, called...   driver adapter archivator controller command processor
  1. 90
  For long-term storage of information is:   External memory ROM RAM Boot sector CPU
  1. 91
  What happens when a disk is formatted?   Disk is preparing for data storage Disk is protected from the faults All files on the disk are locked Files on the disk will be compressed Disk is protected from viruses
  1. 92
  What name has the logic sector of the disk number 0, which contains the program of the boot operating system?   Boot sector Device driver Code page Environment Read-only Memory
  1. 93
  What is a file system?   Sets of named data and programs Functional organization of computer Computer environment Device driver Read-only Memory
  1. 94
  Software, whose code is available for inspection, use and modification   Open Source Device driver Code page Hardware Paid Software
  1. 95
  What do you call program that is loaded into memory from COM and EXE files and runs?   Process Open Source Code page Hardware Paid Software
  1. 96
  In what form the information is stored in the Windows registry?   Binary Unary Octal Hexadecimal Decimal
  1. 97
  Digital system:   data technology that uses discrete values act of animating, or giving life or spirit electronic screen that shows graphics or text structured arrangement of items within certain limits computer hardware on a single integrated circuit
  1. 98
  Model of database is based on the relationship between the tables, which contain information   Relational Network Hierarchical Object-oriented Local
  1. 99
  Program for entering and retrieving information from a database   Database application Hardware Open Source System software Borland Delphi
  1. 100
  Software to create and access a database   Database management system Hardware Open Source System software Borland Delphi
  1. 101
  Programs for creating, editing and processing of text documents:   Microsoft Word PowerPoint Paint Access AutoCAD
  1. 102
  Which of the following extensions indicates a Microsoft Word file?   .docx .odf .jpeg .mdb .xls
  1. 103
  Which type of text formatting is performed by the tool shown in the image?   Strikethrough Bold Underline Italic Wavy line
  1. 104
  Select an icon to insert WordArt into a Word document  
  1. 105
  Word: button to move the text to the right side  
  1. 106
  Word: button to move the text to the center  
  1. 107
  Word: button to change the type font of the selected text  
  1. 108
  Word: button with which you can undo the last action  
  1. 109
  Word: which key is used to move from cell to cell in a Word table?   Tab Enter Spacebar Backspace Alt
  1. 110
  Word: a green wavy line under text indicates a potential   grammar error spelling error formatting error spacebar error any error
  1. 111
  Work with the same or similar meaning as another word   synonym search term acronym antonym any word
  1. 112
  Document Word saved in HTML, which can be opened using a web browser   Web page Template Resume Cover letter PDF
  1. 113
  Word: find the tab with the help of which it is possible to add page numbers   Insert File Home Design Page layout
  1. 114
  An image from My Pictures folder is inserted into a Word document by using:   Picture tool on the Insert tab Format Painter tool on the Home tab Shape tool on the Insert tab SmartArt on the View tab Chart tool on the Layout tab
  1. 115
  Word: which of the following icons is used to change the paragraph background?  
  1. 116
  The computers in the company are physically located near. What is the name of the network that connects them?   LAN (Local Area Network) WWW (World Wide Web) IP (Internet Protocol) ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) IM (Instagram Message)
  1. 117
  Programs that perform operations on the data presented in tabular form   Microsoft Excel, 1C: Accounting PowerPoint, Prezi Paint, WordPad AutoCAD, KOMPAS 3D DrWeb, Aidstest, AVP
  1. 118
  Collection points for wires that interconnect Workstations   Hubs Bridges Workstations Servers Nodes
  1. 119
  Connecting devices between LANs and WANs   Routers Bridges Workstations Servers Nodes
  1. 120
  What software is most useful for creating posters and slides?   Presentation software Database software Spreadsheet software Word processing software Only print in black and white
  1. 121
  Program to create and display a set of slides   PowerPoint, Prezi Paint, WordPad Android, Access AutoCAD, KOMPAS 3D DrWeb, Aidstest, AVP
  1. 122
  Slide show presentation program developed by Microsoft   PowerPoint Paint Microsoft Word Access AutoCAD
  1. 135
  To print the PowerPoint presentation, press   Ctrl + P Ctrl + T Ctrl + E Ctrl + S Alt + T
  1. 136
  PowerPoint: what do you do to start the slideshow?  
  1. 137
  PowerPoint: how can you stop a slideshow?   Press Escape Press the right arrow Press the left arrow Press the down arrow Press Enter
  1. 138
  Complex steps against malicious actions   Information protection Information infrastructure Information technology Information system Computer data
  1. 139
  Codes which are placed into programs and do malicious actions   Viruses Cookies DrWeb Phishing Spamming Attacks
  1. 140
  Programs which monitor computer activity and transmit information to hacker   Trojan Cookies DrWeb Phishing Spamming Attacks
  1. 141
  Malicious file that reproduces itself, without infect others files   Worms Cookies DrWeb Phishing Spamming Attacks
  1. 142
  Program, which runs after some events for malicious actions   Logic «bomb» Cookies DrWeb Phishing Spamming Attacks
  1. 143
  Sending out bulk junk messages to email   Spamming Attacks Cookies DrWeb Phishing Windows
  1. 144
  Programs for a surfing the computer network   Amigo, Mozilla Firefox Linux, Windows Access, FoxPro Paint, WordPad Avast, DrWeb
  1. 145
  Which of the following programs is Internet browser?   Internet Explorer Microsoft Office Windows KOMPAS 3D Microsoft Access
  1. 146
  How many computers operating in Internet?   More than billion More than 50 billion Less 50 million Nearly 20 million 10 thousand
  1. 147
  Which of the following devices can be used by a computer to connect Internet?   Mobile phone External hard disk Scanner Microsoft Office Virtual server
  1. 148
  What is Login?   Username Password Entrance Input Label
  1. 149
  The set of communications protocols used on the Internet   TCP-IP Basket Place User Website
  1. 150
  It is a numerical label assigned to each device that uses the Internet Protocol   IP-address Basket Place User Website
  1. 151
  Fill the gap: Antikwariat.ru is an online … site, which sells things to the person who offers the most money   auction account basket user payment
  1. 152
  Fill the gap: something you want online buy is called …   item account user place WWW
  1. 153
  Fill the gap: OLX.kz is a popular … where you can buy things such as books, computers and clothes   website account basket user payment
  1. 154
  System that responds to requests from computer network   Server Basket Place User Website
  1. 155
  It is an organization that provides services for accessing and using the Internet   Provider Basket Place User Website
  1. 156
  It is the global system of computer networks   Internet Basket Place User Website
  1. 157
  Fill the gap: when you find something you want to buy on a website, you put it in your shopping …   basket auction user place WWW
  1. 158
  Person which work with information and telecommunication systems   User Basket Place Account Website
  1. 159
  Fill the gap: you can make online …in different ways, e.g. using your e-Wallet or credit card   payment basket item user place
  1. 160
  Fill the gap: when you are ready to buy something online, you go to the …   checkout basket delivery user place
  1. 161
  Fill the gap: you have to enter your … address so they can send your things to the correct place   delivery basket user payment place
  1. 162
  Fill the gap: when you shop online, you normally have to create … which has personal details   account basket user place website
  1. 163
  Select Microsoft Excel:  
  1. 164
  Which of the following is the extension of Microsoft Excel 2010 files?   .xlsx .mdb .vmv .jpeg .doc
  1. 165
  Basic structural element of the table Microsoft Excel:   cell line string column address
  1. 166
  Excel: after entering a number in the cell we see the characters "###". What does this mean?   Width of the column is small to show number in this format Among the digits of the number was a space Among the digits of the number was the letter Introduced invalid argument value There was a division into 0
  1. 167
  In Excel the range of cells A, B, C, D, E in row 2 can be noticed:   А2:Е2 А2Е2 АЕ2 2А:2Е А2 – Е2
  1. 168
  Excel: formula is written starting by   = / * $ |
  1. 169
  Excel: in the address $C5 will not change...   Column name Line number Column name and row number Change all Nothing will change
  1. 170
  What formula will be shown in cell D3 when copying the formula from cell D2?   =B3*C3*$B$6 =B2*C2*$B$6 =В2*С2*$В$7 =В3*С3*$В$7 =В3*С3*В7
  1. 172
  How can in Excel calculate the sum of the values of cells A, B, C, D, E in row 7:   =SUM(A7:E7) =А7+Е7 =Σ(7А;7Е) =SUM(7А:7Е) SUM(АЕ7)
  1. 173
  In Excel function IF:   Returns one value if the condition is true and the other if it is false Returns the sum of the values of its arguments Returns the mean of its arguments Multiply cells by specified criteria Counts how many values satisfy the condition
  1. 174
    Conditional formatting was applied The color of the cells was changed The background of the cells was changed Changed the color of cell fills Text of the cells was changed
  1. 175
  Excel: function =TODAY() returns which of the following?   today's date what day of the week it is today's time what year it is yesterday date
  1. 177
  Fill the gap: … includes computer graphics, sound, picture, video and text   Multimedia Computer-aided design (CAD) CD-ROM Modem Laser player
  1. 178
  Association hypertext with images, motion on the computer screen with computer sound   Hypermedia Computer-aided design (CAD) CD-ROM Modem Laser player
  1. 179
  Graphic images which created with using a computer   Computer graphics Business animation Computer animation Illustrative animation Scientific animation
  1. 180
  Animation which created with using a computer   Computer animation Business graphics Computer graphics Illustrative graphics Scientific graphics
  1. 181
  Results of calculations and researches are shown in the images   Scientific graphics Business graphics Illustrative graphics Modem Virus
  1. 182
  Computer graphics which visually the economic indicators actions of firms   Business graphics Computer animation Illustrative graphics Modem Virus
  1. 183
  Systems of design automation, which is used in the work of design engineers   Computer-aided design Business graphics Computer animation Illustrative graphics Virus
  1. 184
  Graphics with which you can use the computer for painting similar on paper   Illustrative graphics Business graphics Computer-aided design Computer animation Scientific graphics
  1. 192
  Primary color components which are used for the imaging on the monitor   Red, Green, Blue 16777216 colors 4294967296 colors Black and White or Grey Purple, Aquamarine, Silver
  1. 195
  Devices connected to wireless networks such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and operating interactively   Smart device Record device Clear device Network device New device
  1. 198
  Data sets are so large or complex that traditional applications can't manipulate with them   Big data Internet of things International robotics Green technologies S.M.A.R.T.
  1. 199
  This is a database that consists a list of records which the data cannot be modified retrospectively   Blockchain technology Internet of things International robotics Green technologies S.M.A.R.T.
  1. 201
  SMART mean:   Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology Small firms' Merit Award for Research and Technology Simple Modular Architecture Research Tool Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Teaching Science, Mathematics, And Research For Transformation
  1. 202
  Green technologies   Environmental technology Blockchain technology Information technology Internet of things S.M.A.R.T.
  1. 204
  Type of database which is based on the relationship between the tables   Relational Hierarchical Network Client–server Local
  1. 205
  Microsoft Access is...   Relational database management system for Windows Application for processing data into table form Program designed to enter information into a table Program that searches information for table Information system which work under the control of Windows
  1. 206
  Which of the following extensions indicates a Microsoft Access file?   .accdb .dpr .local .dfm .exe
  1. 207
  Create a new blank database in Access  
  1. 208
  The database contains information: cinema, film, times, the ticket price. What types of fields should be?   Text, Text, Date/Time, Money Symbol, Text, Date / Time, Numeric Alpha, Alpha, Time, Number Char, Char, Char, Money String, String, Date/Time, OLE
  1. 209
  Access: field which saving the image has type   OLE Digital Memo Binary Symbol
  1. 210
  Set columns from one or more tables   Query in a relational database Forms in relational database Macros in a relational database Row in a relational database Key in a relational database
  1. 211
  HTML-pages are textual files which have an extension:   .html or.htm .www or.http .exe or.com .accdb or.mdb .dfm or.dpr
  1. 228
  Inside which tag is located <title>?   <head> <table> <body> <font> <meta>
  1. 229
  Defines a paragraph from a new line   <p> <br> <hr> <a> <b>
  1. 234
  Method to position images relatively other objects is defined by the attribute   alignment style font table border
  1. 235
  The attribute defines the thickness of the line around the element   border style font table Alignment
  1. 236
  Text file that contains the records from the visited websites   Cookie Cache Intranet Provider Letters
  1. 237
  How is named electronic repository of your data in the Internet?   Cloud technology Nanotechnology Innovative activities Mobile technology High tech
  1. 243
  Interaction between the state and citizens, in which maximum uses information technology   Electronic government Electronic business Electronic commerce Electronic learning Virtual classroom
  1. 244
  Which domain in the web address indicates governmental institutions?   .gov .org .com .edu .net
  1. 245
  The application of ICT for support economic activity   e-business e-class e-learning e-government virtual classroom
  1. 246
  Electronic money:   E-cash E-banking E-insurance E-trade E-study
  1. 247
  Which of these terms is used to describe computer education?   e-learning e-cash e-business e-trade e-government
  1. 251
  You are going to write a letter to your bank. Which software do you need to use?   Word Processor Database Graphics Program Joystick Spreadsheet
  1. 252
  I work in a shop, what program I can use for count things for sell?   Spreadsheet Email Graphics Program Joystick Web Browser
  1. 253
  You built the diagram in Excel using some data and then you need to change this data. How to rebuild a diagram for new data?   Diagram will rebuild automatically It is necessary to build a new diagram You need to double-click on the diagram You need to click on the diagram on the right button and select «Rebuild» The diagram must be deleted
  1. 254
  If you are writing a long report, what will you to do after work with it?   Save work Scanner work Close the program Delete work Add work
  1. 255
  You want to write a report and keep it on your computer to modify later. What hardware will you need to use to save it?   Hard Disk Joystick Mouse Monitor Printer
  1. 256
  You want to show report for your chief? What will you have to use to get the report on the paper?   Printer Disk Drive Joystick Monitor Mouse
  1. 257
  Device that converts a digital signal to analog and back, uses telephone network to transfer data between computers   Modem Operating system Controller Server Scanner
  1. 258
  A computer connected to the Internet must have:   IP-address Domain name URL Server Web-page
  1. 259
  What is the name of the Internet service, with which you can send email messages and files?   Email CD-ROM Graphics Program Multimedia Joystick
  1. 260
  If you want to draw a picture. Which software would be best to use?   Graphics Program Email Database Spreadsheet Web Browser
  1. 261
  I want to store the names, addresses and telephone numbers of all my colleagues. What can use?   Database Email Graphics Program Web Browser Modem



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