Ex 7 Open the brackets. Put the verbs in the right Tense. (Present Simple, Present Perfect, Present Continuous).

Ex 1 Подберите к английским пословицам и поговоркам эквиваленты на русском языке.

If it rains - well, if it shines - well Все говорят о погоде, но никто ничего не делает
Everybody talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it. Климат – это то, что мы предполагаем, погода – это то, что мы получаем
There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes Льет как из ведра
It rains cats and dogs Нет плохой погоды, есть плохая одежда
Climate is what we expect, weather is what we get У природы нет плохой погоды


Беда не приходит одна Rain before seven, fine before eleven
Все течет, все изменяется There is nothing new under the sun
Не отведав горького, не узнаешь сладкого The morning sun never lasts a day
Не все ненастье, будет и красное солнышко Every dark cloud has a silver lining
Ничто не ново под луной It never rains but it pours
Нет худа без добра After rain comes fair weather
Семь пятниц на неделе If there were no clouds, we should not enjoy the sun


Ex2 Прочтите и переведитетекст


From very early times, people have suspected that weather has a profound effect on human health and well-being - in fact, about 400 BC the famous Greek physician Hippocrates wrote a manuscript on the subject, which is called “On air, Waters and Places”.

Researchers have created a new science – biometeorology. This is a combination of meteorology, medicine and biology. Biometeorology is trying to explain how meteorological factors influence our health directly or indirectly. Temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, rainfall and wind are perhaps the most important. Our modern lifestyle, with air conditioners, humidifiers and heaters has made us more sensitive to environmental conditions. This is particularly important when the person is ill, weak or old. Extreme heat and cold make us sick: summer can bring sunburns and heat strokes, and winter is the season colds, influenza and respiratory diseases. In recent decades, the world has seen a sharp rise in prevalence and severity of respiratory diseases. Heat strokes occur when the body is unable to regulate its temperature. The body’s temperature rises rapidly, sweating mechanism fails, and the body is unable to cool down.

Weather sensitive people often feel not well a day or two before a change in weather and when a weather front is arriving. People who suffer from rheumatism usually predict the arrival of cold and damp weather. When dry and dusty wind is blowing, asthma patients feel worse. People feel occasional headaches when storms are coming. Interestingly, problems frequently begin one or more days prior to the onset of the storm front. Many people with fractures, dislocations, burns and bad teeth have a sort of weather barometer “in their bones”.

Scientists may predict many medical conditions by monitoring the weather forecast. Researchers are trying to understand and predict the severity of seasonal influenza outbreaks which could help health officials and the general public better prepare for them.


Ex 3 Выпишите из текста словосочетания сущ + прилагательное.

Пример: Profoundeffect – сильное воздействие

Ex 4 Write down the words into your notebooks and learn them by heart.

To be sick –

Sunburn –

Heatstroke –

Influenza –

Respiratory disease –

The body’s temperature -

To rise rapidly –

The sweating mechanism –

To suffer from –

Rheumatisms –

Asthma –

To feel worse –

To have (feel) a headache –

Fracture –

Dislocation –

Burns –

Bad teeth –

Outbreak –

To drop –

To affect –

Cold –

To catch a cold –

Vaccine –


Pain –


Ex 5 Fill in the gaps

1. Extreme heat and cold make us ___.

2. Many people with fractures, dislocations, burns and bad teeth have a _____ weather barometer “in their bones”.

3. Winter is the___of colds, influenza and respiratory diseases.

4. Meteorological factors______our health directly or indirectly.

5. Weather sensitive people often feel not well a day or two before a____in weather.

6. People with rheumatism usually ____ the arrival of cold and damp weather.

7. Problems frequently begin one or more days prior to the _______________.


Ex 6 Find the English equivalents in the text.

1. С древних времен

2. Более чувствительны к

3. Особенно важный

4. Распространённость респираторных заболеваний

5. Чувствовать себя хуже

6. Ученые могут предсказывать

7. Контроль погоды


Ex 7 Open the brackets. Put the verbs in the right Tense. (Present Simple, Present Perfect, Present Continuous).

1. A meteorologist is a scientist who _____(study) the atmosphere of a planet.

2. Weather_____(change) almost every day.

3. Weather system _____(change), with more tropical cyclones at low latitudes.

4. Variations in day-to-day weather_____(occur) all the time.

5. Researchers _____(find) that weather____(have) a profound effect on human health.

6. From birth through to old age, weather______(influence) your health.

7. The metabolism of the body____(work) more efficiently with a regular supply of nutrients.

8. Molecular biology_____(reveal) the importance of the regulatory regions of DNA.

9. The research______(show) that physical activities____(improve) psychological well-being.

10. Human activities _____(destroy) the ozone layer.



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