The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

  The full name of the country which we usually call Great Britain or England is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.   The total area of the UK is about 244 thousand square kilometers.   The population of the country is 61 million people.   The official language is English.   The capital of the UK is London. The city was founded in the 1st century A.D. by Romans. Now London is one of the largest cities of the world.   The United Kingdom consists of two parts – Great Britain and Northern Ireland.   Great Britain is a big island. It has three parts. They are England, Scotland and Wales.   Great Britain is washed by seas on all sides and is separated fromEurope by the North Sea and the English Channel.   There are many mountains in the north of Great Britain but they are not high. The rivers in Great Britain are not long but deep. There are many lakes in Scotland.   The climate of Great Britain is mild and typically maritime.   The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. The head of the state is the Queen. The British Parliament consists of two Houses – the House of Lords and the House of Commons.   общая площадь состоит из остров омывается со всех сторон отделена от глубокие морской зд., палата Палата Общин




London was founded in the 1-st century Romans. They called it Londinium. In the 11-th century it became the capital of England. Now, London is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is situated on the banks of the river Thames. It is the mainport and the most important city. It is one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is about 9 million people.   Today London has 33 districts,but the main are the City, the West End and the East End.   The City is the heart of London. It is the financial centre of the UK with many banks and offices.   All the historical places and famous parks are located in the West End. There are Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, the Tower, Saint Paul’s Cathedral, Trafalgar Square. It’s the place of many museums and galleries. There are the best hotels, theatres and shopping centres here. Rich people likespending their free time and money here.   The East End was an area of docks andenterprises. The port of London was here. The East End played an important role in the economy of the UK.   Sometimes the English people call the City” the money of London”, the West End –“ the goods of London”, and the East End – “the hands of London”.     A.D.– наша эра   main –главный   districts– районы   enterprises –предприятия   goods - товары



1. Путешествие – очень интересная вещь. 2. Люди любят путешествовать, потому что им хочется увидеть новые места и повстречать новых людей. 3. Путешествие даёт людям эмоции и информацию. 4. Существуют разные виды путешествий. 5. Некоторые люди предпочитают походы. 6.Им нравится много ходить пешком, разводить костёр, ставить палатку. 7. Они любят проводить время за городом, в лесу или около реки.   8. Сейчас многие люди путешествуют за границу. 9. Как правило, они летят туда самолётом. 10. Это очень удобно и быстро. 11. Если вы летите самолётом, вам нужны паспорт и билет. 12. Билет лучше покупать заранее, потому что это дешевле. 13. В нашей стране тоже множество интересных мест. 14. Среди них Русский Север, Кавказ, Сибирь, озеро Байкал, Дальний Восток. 15. Чёрное море – очень популярное направление. 16. Вы можете путешествовать по нашей стране на поезде, самолёте, корабле. 17. Что касается меня, я люблю путешествовать. 18. Я уже побывала в … 19. Я мечтаю побывать в Греции, увидеть Байкал и отправиться в морской круиз. 1. Travelling is a very interesting thing. 2. People like travelling because they want to see new places and to meet new people.   3. Travelling gives people emotions and information. 4. There are various kinds of travelling. 5. Some people prefer hiking. 6. They like to walk a lot, make a fire, pitch a tent. 7. They like to spend time in the countryside, in the forest or near the river. 8. Nowadays many people travel abroad. 9. As a rule, people go there by plane. 10. It is very comfortable and fast. 11. If you fly by plane, you need a passport and a ticket. 12. It is better to buy your ticket beforehand, because it’s cheaper. 13. There are a lot of interesting places in our country too. 14. Among them there is the Russian North, the Caucasus, Siberia, Baikal, the Far East. 15. The Black Sea is a very popular destination. 16. You can travel around our country by train, by plane, by boat. 17. As for me, I like travelling. 18. I have already been to … 19. I dream to visit Greece, to see Baikal and to go on a sea cruise.    




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