Развернутый конспект урока английского языка

Класс: 5.

Учебник: Биболетова М.З. Enjoy English. Английский с удовольствием: учебник для 5-го класса общеобразовательных учреждений / М. З. Биболетова, О. А. Денисенко, Н.Н. Трубанева. – Обнинск: Титул, 2012.

Тема урока: «Eating habits of the British».

Цели урока:

Методическая: развитие умений и навыков использования лексического материала.


- познакомить учащихся с лексикой по теме «Eating habits»

- научить оперировать новым лексическим материалом при чтении и переводе текста, при составлении собственного высказывания



- совершенствование коммуникативных умений и навыков

- способствовать развитию памяти и внимания



- расширить кругозор учащихся

- способствовать воспитанию уважительного отношения к культуре других стран.


Основная идея урока: в Великобритании предпочитают различные виды сладостей.

Речевой материал: лексические единицы: pudding, pie, jam, biscuit, bun, roll, tea break, Easter, Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, sweet tooth.

Оборудование: учебник, доска, карточки/картинки.


План и задачи урока

1. Организационный момент, целевая установка 08:00-08:03

2. Проверка домашнего задания 08:03-08:10

3. Фонетическая разминка 08:10-08:12

4. Введение нового лексического материала 08:12-08:16

5. Закрепление новой лексики 08:16-08:20

6. Обучение чтению (в тексте представлена введенная на уроке лексика) 08:20-08:35

7. Контроль понимания текста 08:35-08:43

8.Объяснение домашнего задания 08:43-08:44

8. Подведение итогов урока 08:44-08:45

Этапы урока, № Время Речь учителя Предполагаемые ответы/деятельность учащихся Доска Оборудование
1. Организация класса на работу, целевая установка 8:00 - 8:03 -Good morning! I’m glad to see you! How are you today? -I'm fine too. Is everybody ready for the lesson? -Great! So let’s start our lesson! -Today we are going to speak about eating habits of English people. This topic is very interesting! You'll get acquainted with many new words and phrases which may be used in everyday communication.   - Good morning, teacher! We are fine. -Of course. We are ready! Число Тема урока  
2. Проверка домашнего задания, актуализация лексического материала 8:03 - 08:10 -But first, tell me what topic we had at the previous lesson?   -Remember, I asked you to learn the words and word combinations. So have you learned them?   -Convince me that you know the words well. Look at the blackboard! You can see two columns. Your task is to join the words from the first column with a word from the second column. Translate them.   -Good job! Please, make up your own sentences with these word combinations.     -Well done! Now I see that you know the word combinations perfectly.   - The topic of our previous lesson was “Inviting to a party”. - Yes, we have.     -The 1st student: birthday party, art gallery, football match. -The 2d student: invitation letter, post office, orange juice. -The 3d student: apple pie, film star.     -My friend invited me to his birthday party. -I know that she is a film star. -We visited an art gallery yesterday.    
birthday office
film match
orange party
invitation pie
post juice
apple gallery
art letter
football star


3.Фонетическая разминка 08:10 – 08:12 -Before we turn let's revise the pronunciation of some sounds. These sounds are [i:], [i].   -Repeat after me the following words: cheese, sweet, eat, tea, Easter drink, chips, pizza, Christmas   - Good job! The students are pronouncing the vowels/words in chorus.     Sounds [i:], [i]
4. Введение нового лексического материала 08:12 - 08:16 -Now open your textbooks at page 124. You see the text titled “A sweet tooth”. Can you guess what this word combination means?     -You are right. To understand the meaning better we will read and translate the text. But a bit later. Now I’d like to give you some new words which you will observe in this extract. So you won’t face difficulties while translating the text. Please, open your notebooks and write down the words.     - It is connected with food. It means “to like eating tasty food”, “to like eating sweets”.     The students are writing down the words.     Pudding, pie, jam, biscuit, bun, roll, tea break, Easter, Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, a sweet tooth.  
5. Закрепление нового лексического материала 08:16 - 08:20 -Now we’ll do the task which will help you to memorize the words. I will show you some pictures and you will say what you see. Please, do not peep in your notebooks.   -Great! I hope you’ve memorized the words.   The students name the object they see. (It is a bun. We see a pie.)   Карточки/картинки  
6. Обучение чтению (в тексте представлена введенная на уроке лексика) 08:20 - 08:35 -Let’s read and translate the text “A sweet tooth”. Mind your intonation!     The students read and translate one by one.   ____
7. Контроль понимания текста 08:35 - 08:43 -So we’ve read and translated the text. Convince me that you’ve understood what the text is about. Answer the questions. -What does the phrase “the British have a sweet tooth” mean?   -You see, you were so close to the correct version when I asked you at the beginning of the lesson. -What kind of British sweets do you know?   -When do the British eat cakes and biscuits?     -Right! What sweet things do you like? Why?         -It means that British people like eating sweet things.     -Pudding, biscuit, rolls, etc.   -The British eat cakes and biscuits during a tea break at work, or a break at school, watching TV at home, etc. -I like cakes because they are so delicious! ____
8. Объявление и объяснение домашнего задания 08:43 - 08:44 Please, write down your home task.   Exercise 133on page 125. You should read and translate the text.     The students are writing down their home task.   Exercise 133, page 125.
8.Подведение итогов урока 08:44 - 08:45 -Time is up. Let’s finish our lesson. What have you learnt today?     -Is these facts are important for us?     -I absolutely agree with you.   -Thanks for your work! I put excellent marks to (name). -The lesson is over. Good bye!   - We’ve learnt some interesting facts about eating habits of the British.   -Sure. We should be aware of the traditions of foreign countries.     -Good bye! ____



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