Ключевые слова: модель; рацион; баланс; дефицит; дифференциация.


UDC 637.5:338.4

Economic aspects of consumption of meat and meat products by population of Kazakhstan

Belgibayeva zhanat zhakupovna, doctor of economic sciences, professor;

Tursynbayeva Aiman Abilgazinovna, candidate of economic sciences, associateprofessor

Kazakh national research technical university after K.I.Satpayev (Kazakhstan)

Abstract. The modern level of consumption of meat and meat products, and also prospects of ensuring food security of Kazakhstan are considered in the article. On the basis of statistical data the analysis of dynamics of production and consumption of meat and meat products per capita is carried out. The factors influencing on providing the population with a traditional food product, potential opportunities of increasing production and the priority directions of the solution of this problem are proved.

Keywords: model; diet; balance; deficiency; differentiation.

Бельгибаева Жанат Жакуповна, доктор экономических наук, профессор; ТурсынбаеваАйманАбылгазиновна, кандидат экономических наук, доцент, Казахский национальный исследовательский технический университет им. К.И.Сатпаева (Казахстан)

Аннотация. В статье рассмотрены современный уровень потребления мяса и мясопродуктов, а также перспективы обеспечения продовольственной безопасности Казахстана. На основе статистических данных проведен анализ динамики производства и потребления мяса и мясопродуктов на душу населения. Обоснованы факторы, влияющие на обеспечение населения традиционным продуктом питания, потенциальные возможности наращивания объемов производства и приоритетные направления решения этой проблемы.

Ключевые слова: модель; рацион; баланс; дефицит; дифференциация.

Statement of a problem. In Kazakhstan meat and meat products belong to traditional food. However their consumption still lags behind physiological norms that is reflected on health, working capacity and life expectancy of the population of the country. In this regard, a general population needs ensuring physical and economic availability of meat and meat products due to large-scale use of advanced technologies, introductions of innovations in all stages of a manufacturing lead time and development of business,in order to increase the level of employment and the income of the population.

Research objective is to increase the level of consumption of meat and meat products and on this basis to improve quality of life of the population of Kazakhstan.

Main results of the research. In Kazakhstan the level of ensuring physical and economic availability of meat and meat products to a general population belongs to one of the major indicators characterizing a social and economic situation in the country. Moreover, natural climatic conditions, a geographicalarrangement,existence of necessary resources allow not only to provide completely all Kazakhstan citizens with environmentally friendly quality products of food of national production, but also to export part of the grown-up production to foreign countries.

Consumption of meat and meat products is some kind of indicator of economic wellbeing of the population of Kazakhstan. If to consider that meat products held a dominant position in a food allowance of native persons since ancient times, value of carrying out scientific researches considerably increases in this area.

Meanwhile, in the analysis of the level of consumption of meat and meat products per capita the systematic changes reflecting, in fact, an economic situation in the country are observed. So, during the pre-market period it was per capita consumed 71 kg of meat and meat products at physiological norm of 82 kg (Table1).

The enterprises of the meat industry functioning during this period differed in the large sizes and made the wide range of meat products. For providing with necessary raw material resources raw zones were formed round them. Meat and meat products were physically and economically available to a wide range of republic population.

with transition to the market relations the situation changed radically. Outputs and consumption of meat and meat products decreased, differentiation of the population on the level of the income and consumption of meat products went deep. There appeared a category of persons with the income lower than a size of a subsistence minimum at which in a food allowance the lack of proteins of an animal origin is observed.

So, according to the Committee on statistics of the Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the specific weight of the population with the income lower than a size of a subsistence minimum made 2,8% in 2014, that is lower than the cost of a food basket for 0,1%. when comparing indicators – levels of consumption of meat and meat products per capita in a section of social groups - essential distinction in structure of a food allowance and, especially, its meat part is noticeable. In 2014 the population with the income higher than a size of a subsistence minimum counting on 1 member of a household a month consumed 5,9 kg of meat and meat products, and the population with the income lower than the size of a subsistence minimum – only 2,9 kg of meat and meat products (A standard of living of population in Kazakhstan. Statistical collection.2010-2014. - Astana.Committee on statistics of Ministry of national economy of Republic of Kazakhstan - 2015-106 p.). Apparently, according to the provided data the difference in level of consumption of meat and meat products made more than twice.

In the analysis of consumption of meat and meat products by the population of Kazakhstan, positive dynamics (table 1) is traced in recent years.

Table 1


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