Task 5. Skim Text 2C to understand how physical education system in Belarus is organized. Time your reading. It is good if you can read it for 10 minutes (70 words per minute).
Text 2C. Physical Education in Belarus
The fact that physical education is a compulsory subject at all educational establishments testifies that the Belarusian state promotes sporting activities and healthy lifestyle. According to the statistics more than 1 million people are involved in off-school and grass-roots physical activities at sports groups and recreation centres, which is more than 11 per cent of the whole population.
Every school in Belarus has a gym for indoor and a sports ground for outdoor classes. In many schools there are track-and-field stadiums with 200-metre running tracks, mini football fields, courts for basketball, volleyball and tennis, and some schools even have a 25-metre swimming pool. Such a variety of sports facilities helps provide children with a full range of activities regardless of the weather conditions1.
In total there are more than 25,000 physical culture specialists in our country, out of which 7,800 work as PE teachers, who must have a diploma certifying that they graduated from Belarusian State University of Physical Culture or a similar department at local universities. Normally in city schools there are from two to three PE teachers, however, it is typical that schools in rural areas have only one PE teacher.
At school students normally have three 45-minute classes of physical education per week. At higher educational establishments physical education features in the curriculum four hours per week. PE classes are usually held outdoors if the weather allows it. In autumn and late spring students have track-and-field, gymnastic and sports games activities. In winter and early spring they do skiing, skating along with indoor gymnastic activities. Sometimes students attend swimming pools for the swimming lessons. Every PE class starts with a 5-minute warming-up. Younger children practise a lot of elementary games.
In addition to day-to-day physical education classes schools should involve children into off-school sports activities and competitions. There usually are extracurricular sports groups at the same school where school children study, but it is also possible to find appropriate sports to go in for at other schools in the neighbourhood2.
PE teachers also should take part in the search of sports talents who would devote their lives to sports. It would be ideal if school teachers had profiles of their students in which sports schools selectionists could find necessary information about their progress in sports activities and inclinations. Such cooperation should result in more efficient selecting, growing and training top-class athletes.
Physical education was introduced at schools in the 1920s. The same decade sportsclubs for children began to appear, but first specialized sports schools were established only in the 1960s.
Today Belarus has a centralized system of sports schools. There are 11 Olympic reserve colleges, 165 Olympic specialized schools and 250 sports schools for children and youth. Children and teenagers are invited to specialized sports schools for children and youth3. The best of them are selected to study at Olympic specialized schools, Olympic reserve colleges4, and later at top-proficiency sports schools5. Those who would choose coaching or PE teaching as their future job are welcomed by Belarusian State University of Physical Culture or similarly oriented departments at universities in regional centres of the Republic of Belarus.
1 regardless of the weather conditions–невзираянапогодныеусловия; |
2in the neighbourhood –вмикрорайоне; |
3 specialized sports schools for children and youth–специализированнаядетско-юношескаяспортивнаяшкола; |
4Olympicreservecollege– училище Олимпийского резерва; |
5top-proficiencysportsschool– школа высшего спортивного мастерства. |
Post-reading exercises
Ex. 1. Complete in written form the statements with the information corresponding to the contents of the text.
1. | Many schools provide their pupils with ……………………………………..... |
2. | At school pupils normally have ……………………………………………….. |
3. | Normally in city schools there are ……………………………………………. |
4. | More than ………………………… are involved in off-school and grass-roots physical activities. |
5. | There are more than …………….…… working as PE teachers in our country. |
6. | There are...……………....... sports schools for children and youth in Belarus. |
7. | First specialized sports schools were established only in …………..…………. |
Ex. 2. Look through the text once more and write out the information about:
· sports facilities at Belarusian schools;
· organization of PE classes;
· types of sports schools in Belarus.
Task 6. Learn the following terms you will need to understand Text 2D.
major a | главный, крупный | |||||||
highly qualified | высококвалифицированный | |||||||
glorious a | славный | |||||||
academy n | академия | |||||||
academic n a | ученый, академический, учебный | |||||||
academic | year | учебный год | ||||||
degree | ученая степень | |||||||
council | Ученый Совет | |||||||
conference | научная конференция | |||||||
staff | педагогический персонал; преподавательский состав | |||||||
syn. teaching staff | ||||||||
training | practice | тренировка, тренировочное занятие (урок) | ||||||
policy | зд. направление подготовки специалистов по физической культуре и спорту | |||||||
physical training syn. recreation | 1. физическаякультура 2. физическаяподготовка | |||||||
faculty n | факультет | |||||||
syn. department | ||||||||
FacultyBoard | совет факультета | |||||||
chairn | кафедра | |||||||
deann | декан | |||||||
determinev | определять, устанавливать | |||||||
lecturern | преподаватель | |||||||
student n | студент | |||||||
day-time | student | студент дневного отделения | ||||||
syn. full-time | ||||||||
correspondence | студентзаочногоотделения | |||||||
syn. extra mural | ||||||||
part-time | студент вечернего отделения | |||||||
undergraduate | студент выпускного курса | |||||||
postgraduate | аспирант | |||||||
coursen | курс (лекций) | |||||||
general | course | общийкурс | ||||||
science | курс лекций по научным дисциплинам | |||||||
professional | курс лекций по профессиональным дисциплинам | |||||||
compulsory | обязательный курс лекций | |||||||
optional | факультатив | |||||||
course of study | курсобучения | |||||||
take a course | слушатькурслекций | |||||||
admission n | прием, зачисление | |||||||
admission requirements | приемные требования | |||||||
applicant n | абитуриент | |||||||
examination n (сокр.exam) | экзамен | |||||||
entrance | examination | вступительный экзамен | ||||||
state | государственный экзамен | |||||||
sports proficiency tests | контрольные нормативы по спортивной подготовке | |||||||
credit test | зачет | |||||||
take | exams / tests | сдавать | экзамены / тесты | |||||
pass | сдать | |||||||
recreation n | активный отдых, физкультура | |||||||
at the disposal | в своем распоряжении | |||||||
track-and-field stadium | легкоатлетический стадион | |||||||
numerous a | многочисленный | |||||||
free a | зд. бесплатный | |||||||
(сокр. от free of charge) | ||||||||
hostel n | общежитие | |||||||
grant n, v syn. scholarship | стипендия, выделять(стипендию, грант) | |||||||
Task 7. Read Text 2D to find the answers to the questions given before each paragraph:
Text 2D. BelarusianStateUniversity of Physical Culture
1. Where is Belarusian State University of Physical Culture situated?
Belarusian state university of physical culture is one of the major centres of training highly qualified specialists in sports and physical education. This higher educational institution is situated in Minsk, the capital of the Republic of Belarus.
2. When was Belarusian State University of Physical Culture founded?
The glorious history of the University started in 1937 when the ByelorussianPhysicalTrainingTechnicalSchool became the State Institute of Physical Culture. In 1992 the Institute was reorganized into the Academy of Physical Education and Sports, and in 2003 it got the status of a university and its present name.
3. How many faculties and chairs are there at the University?
The University has three faculties: the Faculty of Mass Sports1, the Faculty of Sports Games and Combats2, and the Faculty of Health-Oriented3 Physical Training and Tourism. They involve 27 chairs in total. Besides there is the Institute of Tourism, which is affiliatedwith the University.
4. How is the University management system organized?
Every faculty is headed by a dean, and the Rector carries out day-to-day running of the University in general. The University Academic Council and the Faculty Boards determine the main features of the training policy.
5. How many lecturers and students are there at the University? What degree courses does the University provide?
The teaching staff numbers about 500 lecturers. About 7,000 day-time and correspondent students, and postgraduates study at the University. Today the University offers to complete Specialist’s and Master’s Degree courses in PE teaching and coaching, as well as in exercise physiology, biomechanics and tourism.
6. What are the admission requirements? How long does the course of study last?
The admission requirements to the University are rather high. An applicant must complete the eleven-year school, have a high sports ranking and successfully pass entrance exams and sports proficiency tests. The course of study lasts four years for the day-time students and five years for the correspondence students.
7. What subjects do the students study at the University?
The curriculum consists of general, science and professional courses including philosophy, history of Belarus, foreign languages, world and national culture, physiology, sports medicine, anatomy, biochemistry, psychology, pedagogy, theory and of physical training, biomechanics, etc. In addition to their compulsory disciplines students may take optional courses in sports massage, computer operating and others. During the course of study the students have educational and organizational practice at schools, sports clubs, industrial enterprises, etc.
8. What facilities do the students have at their disposal? What students get grants?
The students and lecturers have at their disposal a modern building with comfortable classes, a library, a refectory and a cafeteria, a concert hall and conference rooms. Most students are active athletes and have training practices once or twice a day where they improve their fitness and acquire professional skills in chosen sports. So they are provided with modern sports facilities for training and recreation: a new track-and-field stadium, numerous gyms, a football field, a tennis court, sports grounds. Most of the students get free education, and use the library and sports facilities free of charge. A lot of students live at a hostel. The students who demonstrate good knowledge get grants.
9. How is the examination system organized?
The academic year is divided into two semesters. Students must take credit tests and examinations at the end of each semester. At the end of the Specialist’s and Master’s Degree courses students pass state examinations (or finals).
1 masssports– массовые виды спорта; |
2 sportsgamesandcombats– спортивные игры и единоборства; |
3 health-oriented–оздоровительный. |
Post-reading tasks
Task 1. Find a key sentence in each paragraph.
Task 2.Entitle each paragraph.
Task 3. Write the summary of the text following the outline:
· The history of Belarusian State University of Physical Culture.
· The structure of the University and its management system.
· The admission requirements to the University.
· The University curriculum and course of studies.
· The facilities for studying and training of the students.
· The examinations and degree courses at the University.
Task 4. Look through Texts 2A and B again. Write an essay on any of the following topics:
· Thegoals and objectives of physical education today.
· The historical development of physical education.
Task 5. Look throughTexts 2C and D again. Write down the answers to the questions to form the topic “The development of physical education system in the Republic of Belarus”:
1. | What testifies that the Belarusian state promotes sporting activities and healthy lifestyle? |
2. | When was physical education introduced into Belarusian schools? |
3. | When were the first specialized sports schools established? |
4. | What proves that Belarus has a centralized system of sports schools? |
5. | How many people are involved in off-school and grass-roots physical activities? |
6. | How many physical education specialists work in Belarus? |
7. | How often do the students have PE classes at schools and higher educational institutions? |
8. | What are the major centres of training highly qualified specialists in physical education and sports? |
9. | Where is Belarusian State University of Physical Culture situated? |
10. | When was the University founded? |
11. | What reformation stages has the University passed through? |
12. | How many faculties and chairs are there at the University? |
13. | Who runs the University and its faculties? |
14. | How many lecturers and students are there at the University? |
15. | What degree courses does the University provide? |
16. | What are the admission requirements? |
17. | How long does the course of study last? |
18. | What subjects do the students study at the University? |
19. | What facilities for studying and training do the students have at their disposal? |
20. | How is the examination system organized? |
Check Up Your Skills
I. Put the words and word combinations in one of the boxes below:
general course; faculty; postgraduate; sports ground; compulsory discipline; gym; chair; undergraduate; academic council; optional subject; day-time; football field; rector; correspondence; curriculum; track-and-field stadium; credit test; dean; tennis court; first-year |
Course of Study | Students | University Management and Structure | Sports Facilities |
II. Match the words and word combinations from column A to their synonyms from column B:
A | B | |
course council modern primary school to instruct academic staff faculty grant correspondence student state examinations | scholarship to teach department contemporary extramural student discipline finals board teaching staff elementary school |
III. Choose the correct pronoun:
1) | Sally didn’t want to talk to me as she was upset about _________. |
a. anything; b. anywhere; c. something; d. somewhere | |
2) | Does _________ remember what the admission requirements are? |
a. any; b. anyone; c. no one; d. some | |
3) | _________ told him when the examination starts. |
a. anybody; b. anything; c. nobody; d. nothing | |
4) | Has she got _________ books on biomechanics? |
a. any; b. anything; c. no; d. nothing | |
5) | There are _________ active athletes among my group mates. |
a. any; b. anybody; c. some; d. somebody | |
6) | They had _________ to say about their poor play. |
a. any; b. anything; c. no; d. nothing | |
7) | _________ student has to take credit tests and exams at the end of each semester. |
a. any; b. every; c. no; d. some | |
8) | Serge doesn’t know _________ about the new curriculum. |
a. anybody; b. anything; c. nobody; d. nothing |
IV. Write special questions to the underlined words using the interrogative pronouns from the box:
how long whose what when where why who |
1) | He is going to the gym. |
2) | Jane wants to become a good coach. |
3) | My friends have training practices every morning. |
4) | She usually goes to the swimming pool after classes. |
5) | The curriculum includes general, science and professional courses. |
6) | I have been going in for athletics for eight years. |
7) | Nick didn’t run the distance because he felt sick. |
V. Complete the sentences with the necessary pronouns:
they I us their we she them my themselves me our |
Last week (1) … teacher told all of (2) … to find and read articles on sports psychology for the coming seminar. Going to the library (3) … met Helen, a friend of (4) …, who told (5) … not to go there. (6) … wasn’t able to find the necessary articles in the library and suggested to look for (7) … in the internet. (8) … both decided to visit (9) … group-mates Rose and Lilly who sometimes allow friends to use (10) … computer. (11) … bought (12) … a new notebook two months ago. |
Grammar target: Comparative Degrees of Adjectives and Adverbs
(Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий)
Texts for reading 3 A. Sports and Recreation in the Republic of Belarus
3 B. Belarusian Sporting Traditions
3 C. Sports for All in Belarus
3 D. The Belarusian National Olympic Committee
Lesson 1. Focus on language
Grammar analysis
Look at how the adjectives and adverbs have changed in the examples:
400 m distance is short. Hurdle races are diffi-cult. He demonstrated good performance. Ann works hard every workout. Alex ran very slowly at the last championship. Tom drives very care-fully. | 100 m distance is shorter. Steeplechase races are more difficult. This time his performance was better. Mary works harder than Ann. At this championship he runs even more slowly. Andrew drives morecarefully than Tom. | 60 m distance is the shortest distance I’ve ever run. Marathon is the most difficult running event. It was his best performance. Jane works hardest of all in the team. This time he runs most slowly than ever. Andrew drives most carefully of all my friends. |
Comparative Degrees of Adjectives
(Степени сравнения прилагательных)
Как и в русском языке, в английском языке имена прилагательные имеют положительную (ThePositiveDegree), сравнительную (TheComparativeDegree) ипревосходную (TheSuperlativeDegree) степенисравнения.
При сравнении прилагательные изменяются следующим образом.
Односложные и двусложные с ударением на первом слоге образуют сравнительную степень с помощью суффикса – er, a превосходную степень с помощью суффикса –est. Существительное, определяемое прилагательным в превосходной степени, употребляется с определенным артиклем:
long (длинный) - longer (длиннее) - thelongest(самый длинный);
easy (легкий) - easier (легче) - theeasiest (самый легкий);
big (большой) - bigger (больше) - thebiggest (самый большой);
clever (умный) -сleverer (умнее) - theсleverest (самыйумный).
Сравнительная степень многосложных прилагательных образуется при помощи слова more, а превосходная – (the) most.
important (важный) - more important (важнее) - the most important (самыйважный).
Для того, чтобы выразить уменьшение качества или свойства предмета, употребляются слова less (менее), (the) least (наименее), например:
complex (сложный) - less complex (менеесложный) - the least complex (наименеесложный).
Некоторые прилагательные образуют степени сравнения от разных основ.
Table 3.1.
Прилагательные, образующие степени сравнения не по правилам
![]() | better лучше worse хуже more больше less меньше farther более далекий further дальнейший, добавочный older по возрасту, годам elder старший (из двухбратьев, сестер в семье) | (the) best наилучший, самый лучший (the) worst худший, самый плохой the most самыйбольшой (the) least наименьший (the) farthest самыйдалекий (the) furthest самыйдальний (the) oldest старейший (по возрасту, годам) (the) eldest самый старший (из нескольких братьев, сестер в семье) |
Сравнительная степень прилагательных может быть усилена с помощью наречий much, far, still, agreatdeal, которые переводятся на русский язык словами: намного, значительно, гораздо, еще.
His injury was far more serious than we at first had thought.
Его травма намного серьезнее, чем мы сначала подумали.
Превосходная степень имен прилагательных усиливается с помощью наречия byfar, стоящего перед превосходной степенью, и может переводиться на русский язык прилагательным в сравнительной степени с наречием: гораздо, значительно, намного.
This method of strength training is by far the most efficient comparing with
Эта методика тренировки силы гораздо эффективнее по сравнению со
всеми другими.
Comparative constructions with adjectives
(Сравнительные конструкции с прилагательными)
1. Для сравнения двух предметов одинакового качества используется конструкция с двойным союзом as …as (так же …как)
This basketball player is as tall as his father.
Этот баскетболист такой же высокий, как его отец.
2. Двойные союзы notso…as и notas … as (не такой как, не так …как) употребляются в отрицательных предложениях при неравной степени качества:
This basketball player is not so tall as (not as tall as) his father.
Этот баскетболист не такой высокий, как его отец.
3. В конструкциях, в которых перед as…as употребляется счетное наречие или количественное числительное со словом time (paз), например:
twice as much as
four times as long as
four times as high as
ten times as much as
![]() | в два раза больше в четыре раза длиннее в четыре раза выше в десять раз больше вдвое меньше в два раза меньше по размеру в два раза меньше по весу |
The Palace of Sports in Minsk is half the size of Minsk-Arena.
Минский Дворец спорта в два раза меньше по размеру, чем Минск-