Тема 2. Великобритания. Крупные города. Достопримечательности страны.

Задание по Иностранному языку для группы С11 (вся группа) на 9.04.2020 г. (2 часа – 1 подгруппа, 2 часа – 2 подгруппа)

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Тема 1. Великобритания. Географическое положение, климат, население.

Задание. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст. Ответьте на вопросы письменно полными предложениями.

The United Kingdom

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland covers an area of some 244 thousand square miles. It is situated on the British Isles. The British Isles are separated from Europe by the Strait of Dover and the English Channel. The British Isles are washed by the North Sea in the east and the Atlantic Ocean in the west.

The population of Great Britain is about 60 million. The largest cities of the country are London, Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow and Edinburgh.
The territory of Great Britain is divided into four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

England is in the southern and central part of Great Britain. Scotland is in the north of the island. Wales is in the west. Northern Ireland is situated in the north-eastern part of Ireland.

England is the richest, the most fertile and most populated part in the country. There are mountains in the north and in the west of England, but all the rest of the territory is a vast plain. In the northwestern part of England there are many beautiful lakes. This part of the country is called Lake District.

Scotland is a land of mountains. The Highlands of Scotland are among the oldest mountains in the world. The highest mountain of Great Britain is in Scotland too. The chain of mountains in Scotland is called the Grampians. Its highest peak is Ben Nevis. It is the highest peak not only in Scotland but in the whole Great Britain as well. In England there is the Pennine Chain. In Wales there are the Cumbrian Mountains.

There are no great forests on the British Isles today. Historically, the most famous forest is Sherwood Forest in the east of England, to the north of London. It was the home of Robin Hood, the famous hero of a number of legends.

The British Isles have many rivers but they are not very long. The longest of the English rivers is the Severn. It flows into the Irish Sea. The most important river of Scotland is the Clyde. Glasgow stands on it. Many of the English and Scottish rivers are joined by canals, so that it is possible to travel by water from one end of Great Britain to the other.

The Thames is over 200 miles long. It flows through the rich agricultural and industrial districts of the country. London, the capital of Great Britain, stands on it. The Thames has a wide mouth, that's why the big ocean liners can go up to the London port.

Geographical position of Great Britain is rather good as the country lies on the crossways of the see routes from Europe to other parts of the world. The sea connects Britain with most European countries such as Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Norway and some other countries. The main sea route from Europe to America also passes through the English Channel.

1. What is the official name of the country we call Great Britain?
2. Is United Kingdom situated on the mainland?
3. What is the population of Great Britain?
4. Which parts does Great Britain consist of? Where are they situated?
5. Are there any rivers in that region? What are they?
7. Where are the highest mountains situated? What are they? What is their highest point?

8. What are the most popular lakes and rivers?

9. What countries does the sea connect Britain with?

10. What is the capital and the largest cities of Great Britain?


Тема 2. Великобритания. Крупные города. Достопримечательности страны.

Задание 1: Перед просмотром обучающего видео ответьте на вопросы

Before you watch

1. How many bridges are there over the river Thames in London?

2. What city had the first underground railway?

3. What is “Harrods”?

4. When did the miniskirt become fashionable?

5. Who wrote “The Mousetrap”?


Задание 2. Посмотрите обучающее видео (ссылка: https://yandex.ru/video/preview/?filmId=8642621780274370672&reqid=1586340582066302-500486066864431222301881-man1-7451-V&suggest_reqid=678664511154945967606439570182908&text=window+on+britain+cities)

Затем выполните упражнения письменно. Предложения пишем полностью. Вставленную информацию подчеркиваем.


Sequence I

I. Circle the correct answers: (Выберите правильный ответ в каждом предложении)

1. The Romans built the first bridge over the river Thames

in AD 43/33/53

2. The people of London built the second bridge in

1477/1747/ 1774

3. London Underground started in 1836/1863/1963

4. Madame Tussaud brought her exhibition to London in 1802/1512/1902


II. Complete the sentences with the numbers from the box: (Вставьте в предложение нужно число из рамки)



1. London has a population of about … million.

2. Over … million tourists visit London every year.

3. … million tourists visit London from abroad.

4. Over … million tourists visit Tussaud`s every year.


Sequence II

True or False (Правда или неправда)

Перепишите предложения. После каждого предложения поставьте True or False. Если предложение неправильное, рядом укажите верный вариант.

1. London is a great place for shopping.

2. In 1884 Charles Harrow, a baker, founded his first shop in East End.

3. Another popular place for shopping is Covent Garden.

4. Street musicians entertain people in London.

5. There no interesting street fashions in London.


Fill in (Заполните предложения информацией из видео)

1. Today Harrow`s has _____ departments on ____floors.

2. ______thousand stuff work there.

3. ______ people shop there every day.


Sequence III

Answer the questions: (Ответьте на вопросы полными предложениями)

1. Where can people go in the evening?

2. How many cinemas and theatres are there in London?

3. What are the names of two London parks?

4. What do people do in the parks?



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