Ex. 3 Speak about the university you study at. Use your answers to the questions from ex.2.

Ex.1. Read and translate the following text.


1. Kemerovo State University was founded in 1974. It is one of the biggest universities in the region. More than 15.000 students of day and correspondence departments get their education here. The students are admitted to the university on the basis of their results in the United State Exam.

2. Tuition is mostly free of charge, but some students study on a contractual basis. Most students receive scholarships. There are special higher scholarships for honour students. Normally it takes a student four or five years to graduate from the university. The academic year is divided into two terms. The students have lectures, practical studies and seminars, carry out laboratory tests, experiments and do research work. The students must work for their credits and pass examinations. Marks are entered into students’ record books.

3. The university includes 12 institutes and 3 faculties: the law institute, the institute of economics and management, the institute of education, the institute of biology, ecology and natural resources and others. I am a student of the institute of fundamental sciences, the department of physics and chemistry. The department contains the subdepartments of general physics, theoretical physics, experimental physics and others. The majority of the staff has scientific degrees.

4. The main aim of the first stage of physics curriculum is to provide a broad and solid foundation for professional knowledge, so the students study general physics and mathematics, fundamentals of mechanics, optics, and elementary thermodynamics along with Russian, English, history and physical education. From the third year the students specialize in a particular field. They can choose any of the following branches: physical material science, physics of condensed state, teaching physics to carry out research projects under the guidance of their scientific advisers.

5. Undergraduates complete their studies by submitting a graduation paper to the State Examination Board. When the course of studies is completed and final examinations are successfully passed, the graduate is awarded a diploma. The best students who display outstanding results in scientific work may take a Master’s course and further – a postgraduate course to write their Candidate dissertation.

Ex. 2 Answer the following questions.

1. When was Kemerovo State University founded?

2. On what basis are applicants admitted to the university?

3. Do students have to pay for their tuition?

4. Do all students receive scholarships?

5. How many Institutes and faculties does the university include?

6. What institute are you a student of?

7. What specialties are taught at the department of physics and chemistry?

8. What subjects does the curriculum include?

9. When do students start to specialize in particular field?

10. What must a student do to receive a diploma?

11. What graduates can take a Master’s course?

Ex. 3 Speak about the university you study at. Use your answers to the questions from ex.2.


Слова по теме Kemerovo State University

State University Государственный университет
To found Основать
Day department Дневное отделение
Correspondence department Заочное отделение
To be admitted to Быть зачисленным
Tuition Преподавание
Free of charge Бесплатно
To receive scholarships Получать стипендию
Honour student Отличник
It takes Это занимает …
To graduate from the university Окончить университет
Academic year Учебный год
To divide Делить
Term Семестр
Lecture Лекция
Practical studies Практические занятия
To carry out experiments Проводить эксперименты
To do research work Вести исследовательскую работу
Credit Зачет
To pass examinations Сдавать экзамены
Mark Оценка
Record book Зачетка
Institute of fundamental sciences Институт фундаментальных наук
Department of physics and chemistry Отделение физики и химии
To train students Готовить студентов
Subdepartment зд. кафедра
General physics Общая физика
Theoretical physics Теоретическая физика
Experimental physics Экспериментальная физика
Majority Большинство
Staff Штат сотрудников
To have a scientific degree Иметь научную степень
Curriculum Учебная программа
Subject Предмет
To specialize in Специализироваться на
Branch зд. Профиль подготовки
Physical material science Физическое материаловедение
Physics of condensed state Физика конденсированного состояния
Teaching physics Преподавание физики
Guidance Руководство
Scientific adviser Научный руководитель
Undergraduate Старшекурсник
Graduation paper Выпускная работа
State Examination Board Государственная экзаменационная комиссия
To complete course of studies Закончить курс обучения
To award a diploma Вручить диплом
Scientific work Научная работа
To take a Master’s course Поступить в магистратуру
To take a postgraduate course Поступить в аспирантуру



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