Different ways of laughing


Humour(British English) Humor (American English) 1)The quality in sth that makes it funny or amusing A story full of gentle humour The humour of the situation 2)The ability to laugh at things that are amusing
sense of humour I can`t stand people with no sense of humour
brand of humour She has her very own brand of humour
Wit Остроумие, остряк - is brainpower or mental ability, - the person who possesses such ability, especially when it's used humorously. - a message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter
Wit # Humour Wit involves a very quick and clever mental sharpness; being able to see a situation in a unique way and instinctively being able to respond with a relevant comment or comeback. Sometimes wit can be funny, other times, just clever. Humour, in contrast, always involves amusement outwardly manifested by a smile, chuckle or laughter. Witis the keen perception and cleverly apt expressionof those connections between ideas that awaken amusement and pleasure
Witty = wittiness остроумный

Related words

Humorous, adj - Funny and entertaining She had humorous grey eyes She had not intended to be humorous - Showing a sense of humour Humorous story
Humorously, adv The poem humorously describes local traditions
Humourless lack of ability to laugh at things that other people think are amusing a humourless person

Reaction for humour

mirth веселье; радость;
cause screams of mirth вызватьвзрывнеудержимоговеселья
free-hearted mirth непринуждённоевеселье
darkenmirth омрачить чьё-л. веселье
provokemirth возбуждать веселье
joy Веселье, радость
amusement удовольствие, веселье


Different ways of laughing

Cackle Хихикать.To laugh in a loud,unpleasant way, especially in a high voice
Titter Хихикать. To laugh quietly. Especially in a nervous or embarrassed way
Giggle Хихикать To laugh in a silly way because you are amused embarrassed or nervous
Grin Усмешкаthe teeth are usually visible, is like an exaggerated smile, less controlled in expressing the feelings a friendly grin
Smile, n, v Улыбкаis a (usually pleasant) lighting up of the face and an upward curving of the corners of the lips (which may or may not be open); it may express amusement or mere recognition, friendliness, etc. a friendly smile
Unsmilingly Не улыбаясь
Withsmilingeyes Улыбаться одними глазами
Smilefarewell Прощальная улыбка
Smile through one`s tears Улыбка сквозь слезы
Farewell smile Прощальная улыбка
cunning smile Хитрая улыбка
Scarcely perceptible smile Ghost of smile Едва заметная улыбка неуловимая улыбка
Smiling Улыбчивый
Cackle Хихикать.To laugh in a loud,unpleasant way, especially in a high voice
Titter Хихикать. To laugh quietly. Especially in a nervous or embarrassed way
Giggle Хихикать To laugh in a silly way because you are amused embarrassed or nervous
Chuckle,   посмеиваться; радоваться (чему-либо) To laugh quietly, softly or amusedly, usually with satisfaction.Especially at thinking about sth funny. Suggests a barely audible series of sounds expressing private amusement or satisfaction.
he was chuckling to himself онпосмеивалсяпросебя
chuckle softly посмеиваться
dry chuckle сухойсмешок
heartychuckle смех от всего сердца
Laugh, n, v; Laughter Смех, хохотmay be a sudden, voiceless exhalation, but is usually an audible sound, either soft or loud.
A Barrel of laughs very amusing (often ironic)
Have the Last laugh to be successful when you were not expected to be
To rise a laugh Вызвать смех
To turn the laugh against sb Поставить кого-либо в смешное положение
Laughdown Засмеять, заглушить смехом
Laugh off отшутиться
Laugh over Шутливо обсуждать то-либо
Laugh out of court высмеять
catching laughter заразительныйсмех
resist laughter сдерживатьсмех
canned laughter смехзакадром
unquenchable laughter гомерическийхохот
derisive laughter ироническийсмех
demoniac laughter дьявольскийхохот
uncontrollable laughter безудержныйсмех
a chorus of loud laughter дружныйвзрывсмеха
collapse with laughter корчитьсяотсмеха
hysterical laughter истерическийсмех
involuntary laughter непроизвольныйсмех
irrepressible laughter неудержимыйсмех
mirthless laughter безрадостныйсмех
convulsive laughter судорожныйсмех
die with laughter умиратьсосмеху
airy laughter беззаботныйсмех
contain laughter подавитьсмех
Snigger = snicker Тихоржать. To laugh in a quiet unpleasant way. Especially at sth rude, at someone`s problem, or at mistakes
Roar roar with mirth Хохот. Tolaughverynoisily покатываться со смеху
Guffau Грубыйхохот. To laugh noisily


Styles of humour

Black comedy = dark comedy ~ gallows humor is a comic style about subjects that are normally considered as taboo, serious or painful to discuss. Popular themes of the genre include disease, sexuality, religion and barbarism.  
gallows humor tends to be used more specifically in relation to death  
blue comedy is focused on crude topics such as nudity, sex, and bodily fluids  
Off-color humor = vulgar humor = crude humor = shock humor is humor that deals with topics that may be considered to be in poor taste or overly vulgar.  
Deadpan = dry humor = dry wit describes the deliberate display of a lack of or no emotion, commonly as a form of comedic delivery to contrast with the ridiculousness of the subject matter. The delivery is meant to be blunt, ironic, laconic, or apparently unintentional.  
Anti-humor The humor of such jokes is based on the surprise factor of absence of an expected joke or of a punch line in a narration which is set up as a joke. This kind of anticlimax is similar to that of the shaggy dog story. Anti-humor is also the basis of various types of pranks and hoaxes.


“Methods” of humour

A punch line заключительнаяфраза, содержащая «соль» шутки concludes a joke; it is intended to make people laugh. It is the third and final part of the typical joke structure. It follows the introductory framing of the joke and the narrative which sets up for the punch line
Innuendo/ˌɪnjʊˈɛndəʊ/ игра слов, намёк с сексуальным подтекстом an indirect remark about sth/ sb, usually suggesting sth bad or rude Innuendos about her private life Joke with sexual innuendo
double entendre/dʌbəlɒnˈtɒndrə/ двусмысленность is a figure of speech or a particular way of wording having a double meaning. A word or phrase that may be understood in two different ways, one of which is often sexual Humour that uses double entendres
Word-play is a literary technique and a form of wit in which words used become the main subject of the work, primarily for the purpose of intended effect or amusement.
Pun, n, v = paronomasia   Каламбур - is a form of word play that exploits multiple meanings of a term, or of similar-sounding words, for an intended humorous or rhetorical effect. Puns may be regarded as in-jokes or idiomatic constructions, as their usage and meaning are specific to a particular language and its culture. forgive (excuse) the pun


Forms of humour

Joke 424 is a short humorous piece of oral literature in which the funniness culminates in the final sentence, called the punchline. It is not meant to be taken seriously!
intellectual jokes  
one-liner Шуткаводнустроку, остроумноезамечание
shaggy dogstory = yarn   A type of anti-joke. It is an extremely long-winded anecdote characterized by extensive narration of typically irrelevant incidents and terminated by an anticlimax or a pointless punchline.A lengthy shaggy dog story derives its humour from the fact that the joke-teller held the attention of the listeners for a long time and the end resolution is essentially meaningless.
anecdote A short interesting or amusing story about real person or event. Occasionally humorous, anecdotes differ from jokes because their primary purpose is not simply to provoke laughter but to reveal a truth more general than the brief tale itself, such as to characterize a person, to communicate an abstract idea about a person, place, or thing through the concrete details of a short narrative. An anecdote is "a story with a point."
Witticism острота Witticism describes something funny that someone says, like a pun or little joke. You may have heard that it is good to start off a speech with witticism because if you make the audience laugh. A witticism is typically a one-liner that humorously sums up the current situation — with a little bit of attitude thrown in.
A practical joke = prank Other terms: gag, jape, or shenanigan is a mischievous trick played on someone, generally causing the victim to experience embarrassment, perplexity, confusion, or discomfort.
practical joker A person who performs a practical joke
Practical jokes differ from confidence tricks or hoaxes Practical jokes are generally lighthearted and without lasting impact; they aim to make the victim feel humbled or foolish, but not victimized or humiliated. Thus most practical jokes are affectionate gestures of humour and designed to encourage laughter. However, practical jokes performed with cruelty can constitute bullying, whose intent is to harass or exclude rather than reinforce social bonds through ritual humbling
Hoax, n An act intended to make sb believe sth that is not true, especially sth unpleasant
Hoax, v надувать; водитьзанос; To trick sb by making them believe sth that is not true, especially sth unpleasant
play a hoax on разыграть
newspaper hoax уткагазетная
A parody = a spoof, send-up, = take-off, lampoon is a work created to imitate, make fun of, or comment on an original work—its subject, author, style, or some other target—by means of satiric or ironic imitation
Nonsense verse It is whimsical (причудливый) and humorous in tone and employs some of the techniques of nonsense literature.
Light poetry, or light verse, is poetry that attempts to be humorous. Poems considered "light" are usually brief, and can be on a frivolous or serious subject, and often feature word play, including puns, adventurous rhyme and heavy alliteration.
A limerick is a form of verse, often humorous and sometimes obscene (непристойный), in five-line, with a strict rhyme scheme of AABBA, in which the first, second and fifth line rhyme, while the third and fourth lines are shorter and share a different rhyme.
Chastúshka[tɕɐsˈtuʂkə], is a traditional type of short Russian or Ukrainian humorous folk song with high beat frequency, that consists of one four-lined couplet, full of humor, satire or irony. Usually many chastushki are sung one after another.
Пирожки и порошки  
Садистские стишки жанр современного русского фольклора


Laughter Disorders - it might not be funny!

The actual neural basis of laughter is still not very well known and what we do know about it largely comes from pathological clinical cases.

So laughter can be 1) genuine and spontaneous 2) simulated (fake), 3) stimulated (tickling), 4) induced (by drugs) or 5) pathological.

Some of the laughter related disorders are:


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