Answer the questions paying attention to the usage of tenses in subordinate clauses (orally)

Translate the sentences into English (in writing)

1. Завтра мы будем заняты. Мы будем весь день работать в саду. 2. В это время завтра мы будем плавать в бассейне. 3. Весь следующий год Ник будет жить в России и изучать русскую культуру. 4. Что ты будешь делать завтра вечером? Я хочу навестить тебя. 5. Ты, случайно, не будешь проходить мимо почты? Отправь это письмо, пожалуйста. 6. Завтра с девяти до двенадцати часов мы будем сдавать этот экзамен. 7. Через сто лет люди будут летать на другие планеты. 8. Если ты придёшь в семь часов, мы как раз будем ужинать, и ты поужинаешь вместе с нами. 9. Кто будет пользоваться этим компьютером завтра? 10. Пока гости будут танцевать, я покажу тебе новые фотографии.


Make up questions asking the information which is underlined in the sentences (in writing)

1. At this time tomorrow I will be taking an interview. 2. Sue will be working in the library tonight. 3. While you are sitting here, he will be painting your portrait. 4. People will be living in small plastic houses soon. 5. Kate will be studying Spanish architecture next term.

Transform the sentences according to the model (in writing)

Model: Sue is going to learn this poem by heart / by five o’clock. – Sue will have learnt this poem by heart by five o’clock.

1. Jill is going to buy a new car / by March. 2. Josh is going to give up smoking / by January. 3. Julia is planning to get her driver’s license / by next week. 4. Peter is going to rebuild his garage / by next month. 5. The company is going to design a new logo / by the beginning of next year. 6. Helga is planning to read three Spanish books / by the end of the month. 7. Doctor Smith is going to operate on three patients today / by twelve o’clock. 8. Jane and Jack are going to get married / by next month. 9. Kate is planning to save two thousand dollars for a holiday on the Mediterranean Sea / by summer. 10. Jonathan is going to find a more interesting job / by the end of the year.


Translate the sentences into English (in writing)

1. Я уверена, что мы закончим эту работу к концу следующей недели. 2. Боюсь, к этому времени у нас закончатся все деньги. 3. К завтрашнему утру они уже получат всю необходимую информацию. 4. К концу недели все жители покинут эту деревню. 5. Мы надеемся, что к этому времени мы выясним все детали произошедшего. 6. К этому времени все цветы уже погибнут. 7. Боюсь, мы ещё не вернёмся из командировки к началу конференции. 8. К вечеру полиция уже допросит всех свидетелей преступления. 9. К концу этого тура мы посетим десять городов Италии. 10. Боюсь, мы не накопим достаточно денег к июлю, чтобы поехать в отпуск.


Answer the questions paying attention to the usage of tenses in subordinate clauses (orally)

Model: What will you have done by the time your Mother returns? (tidy up my room) – By the time my Mother returns I will have tidied up my room.

1. What will the Smiths have done by the time summer comes? (move to their new house) 2. What will Jake have done by the time his wife comes home from work? (cook dinner) 3. What will Janet have done by the time Jake calls on her? (make up) 4. What will Gregory have done before his client signs the contract? (work out all the details) 5. What will the director have done before he begins making the film? (arrange a casting) 6. What will Mr. Black have done before he hires a new secretary? (interview all the candidates) 7. What will Billy have done before he buys this car? (check all the parts) 8. What will the professor have done by the time he receives an invitation to this conference? (finish his research) 9. What will the jury have done before they reach a verdict? (study all the details of the case) 10. What will the scientist have done before he writes this painter’s biography? (visit all the places where he lived and worked)


6. Open the bracket using the verbs in the form of Future Perfect or Present Indefinite (in writing).

1. Before James (give) the final answer he (study) all the documents carefully. 2. By the time you (come) we (rehearse) the first act of the play. 3. Mr. Jones (check) the results of the experiment several times before he (publish) the report. 4. Hurry up! I’m afraid that by the time we (get) to the airport the plane (take off). 5. When he (see) me next time, I (change) completely. 6. When the guests (come), Melany already (lay) the table. 7. The Committee (listen) to all the singers before they (choose) the best ones for the show. 8. By the time her tour (come) to an end Cynthia (give) fifty concerts. 9. By the time children (return) from school Ann (clean) the apartment and (cook) lunch. 10. Before Susie (go) shopping she (make) a list of all the necessary things.


7. Join the sentences using before, by the time and when changing the tense in the subordinate clause (in writing).

Model: The children will go for a walk. They will do their homework. – Before the children will go for a walk they will have done their homework.

1. John will read the instructions several times. He will repair the DVD recorder. 2. Maggie will use this stain remover. She will try it on a small cloth. 3. They will meet again. Jenny will lose twenty pounds. 4. They will reach their destination. They will walk fifteen miles. 5. Mario will become a chef in an Italian restaurant. He will take a special examination. 6. The taxi will come. We will take all the suitcases downstairs. 7. The restaurant critic will taste all the dishes. He will write a review for the magazine. 8. The working day will finish. The secretary will make sixty-five telephone calls. 9. Pam will look through twenty-five different catalogues. She will choose a wedding dress. 10. The company will begin selling this toy. They will carry out a massive advertising campaign.



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