Circle the correct answer.

Всероссийская Академия Внешней Торговли

Кафедра Английского Языка ФЭМ и ФМФ

Курс 2 язык ФЭМ

Final Test 2020

I. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.

1. According to the measurements, climate change is happening all the time (1 happen/all the time), but science appears to be split on what to do about it.

2. Every year thousands of children go (2 go) to the doctor because of back pain, and in fact, this problem is rapidly becoming

(3 rapidly/become) one of the most common childhood complaints.

3. I do remember them. At school, he was always getting (4 always/get) into trouble and she was forever falling (5 forever/fall) in love with the wrong kind of guy.

4. It was the first time they had ever met (6 ever/meet).

5. We waited (7 wait) for hours until the rain stopped.

6. It seems they already know (8 already/ know) what they are doing.

7. When I arrived (9 arrive) in town two weeks after the earthquake, thousands of victims were still waiting (10 still/wait) to be rehoused.

8. He kept making mistakes because he had not been sleeping well (11 not sleep) well for the last few days.

9. Next month, he is appearing (12 appear) as Clinton in a new play on Broadway.

10. I had never been (13 never/be) so cold as yesterday when I eventually got (14 eventually/get) home. I hadspent (15 spend) hours waiting for the last bus to come, so when I got (16 get) home, I was shivering (17 shiver) with cold.

11. I haven’t seen (18 not see) much of your aunt recently. – No. She hasn’t been (19 not be) out of her house since she bought (buy) her Samsung smart 3D HD TV.

12. There is still a risk that the deal will fall apart. – No! I have been working (20 work) my backside off for months to make it happen!

13. As he was getting (21 get) on the bus, it started (22 start) suddenly, and he fell (23 fall) backwards onto the road.

14. The news came as no surprise to me. I had known (24 know) for some time that the factory was likely to close.

15. I had spent (25 spend) the weekend revising Geography, so I felt pretty confident on Monday.

16. The children are being (26 be) unusually quiet. Could you come and see what they are doing (27 do)? – Why? They sound (28 sound) perfectly normal to me.

  1. Does he have a drinking problem? – Not anymore, but he had (29 have) one for years.
  2. She felt restless and started scrubbing the floor which was (30 be) already spotlessly clean.

19. You know, it has just struck (31 just/strike) me how we can improve the situation!

20. We strolled (32 stroll) around the park for an hour and went (33 go) for a drink in a nearby café.


Circle the correct answer.


1. I’ve never expected him to make ____________ great progress so quickly. He must be a genius.

a. a so b. such a c. such d. a


2. Are __________________ of them here yet?

a. much b. somebody c. anybody d. any


3. She made ____________________ call to California.

a. a ten minutes’ b. ten minute’s c. a ten-minute d. ten-minutes


4. What _____________ his politics?

a . are b. is c. is being d. does


5. I was shocked by ____________________ news of his.

a. that b. those c. both d. these


6. It was _______________ bad weather that we stayed indoors.

a. such b. so a c. such a d. very


7. We left without saying ______________________.

a. nothing to someone b. nothing to nobody c. nothing to anyone d. anything to anyone


8. Are you feeling _______________ better, guys?

a. - - b. yourself c. yourselves d. oneselves


9. I never take much on holiday with me, just __________ clothes and a couple of books.

a. little b. a little c. few d. a few


10. __________________ of my friends has a driving license. We are underage.

a. Nobody b. None c. Anyone d. Some


11. His wallet wasn’t stolen ___________________.

a. and also my b. and neither was mine c. and mine wasn’t too d. and my was neither


12. As the first pair of trousers didn’t fit properly, he asked the shop assistant for _________.

a. another trousers b. other pair c. another ones d. another one


13. Only ________ went sightseeing on the first night, ________ were too tired to go _________.

a. few of us, the others, anywhere

b. very few of us, others, anywhere

c. a few of us, the other, somewhere

d. a few of us, the others, anywher e


14. Giving English lessons was for Cain _______________________ to make extra money.

a. mean b. a mean c. means d. a means


15. One of the two friends went North, _____________________ went South.

a. another b. the others c. the other d. one other


16. We didn’t have _______________ so we didn’t have _____________________.

a. many clothes/many luggage b. much clothes/much luggage

c. much clothes/many luggages d. many clothes/much luggage


17. “Whose purse is it?” “Ask Sabina. Maybe it’s __________________.”

a. her b. hers c. hers’ d. her’s


18. Can you give me _____________ advice?

a. another

b. another piece

c. some other

d. the other


19. “I can’t stay here any longer.” “ ___________________.”

a. So can I b. Neither can’t I c. So do I d. Nor can I


20. ___________________ important news!

a. It’s such an b. These are such c. What an d. It’s


21. _______________________ 30 minutes, and the meeting will be over.

a. Other b. Another c. Others d. The other


22. The project _____________________________ profitable.

a. wasn’t neither interesting nor b. wasn’t both interesting and

c. was neither interesting nor d. was neither interesting and


23. What ____________________ are used for assessing a ______________ ability?

a. criterion, student b. criteria, student’s c. criterions, student’s d. criterias, students


24. My twin sister has blonde hair whereas ___________ ____________ brown.

a. my, is b. my, are c. mine, is d. mine, are


25. Her English is very poor. She makes _______________________ mistakes.

a. very few b. very little c. only a little d . quite a few



  1. Я студент второго курса Академии Внешней Торговли. После того как я получу степень бакалавра, я собираюсь идти в магистратуру. Немногие студенты заканчивают университет с красным дипломом, но я уже два года учусь на одни пятерки. Конечно, мне часто приходится сидеть ночами, готовясь к занятию или контрольной. Я блестяще сдаю экзамены, но должен (have to) сказать, что это нелегко. Программа обширная, а требования жесткие (requirements/tough).

I am a sophomore at the Russian Foreign Trade academy. After I get my bachelors degree I am planning to get my Masters degree. Very few students graduate with honors, but for the last two years I have been making straight A’s. Of course, I often stay up late burning the midnight oil studying for lessons and tests. I pass exams with flying colors, but I have to admit that it isn’t easy. The curriculum is broad and the requirements are tough.



  1. Самой простой формой бизнеса является ИП. Но открывая бизнес как ИП, вы должны помнить, что ИП не является юридическим лицом и не имеет преимущества ограниченной ответственности. Это означает, что в случае финансовой несостоятельности (банкротства) владелец бизнеса отвечает за его долги своим личным имуществом.

One of the most common forms of business is a sole proprietorship. But when setting up a proprietorship you should remember that a sole proprietorship is not a legal person and doesn’t have the advantage of limited liability. This means that in case of bankruptcy the owner is liable for the debts of his business to the full extent of his private assets.



  1. Если вы решили открыть свое дело, имейте в виду (to keep in mind), что конкуренция на рынке очень жесткая. Каждая третья начинающая компания (a start-up) становится банкротом в первые два года существования. Проведите исследования рынка, и попытайтесь найти нишу, которая не занята конкурентами. Не ждите, что вы мгновенно сделаете огромную прибыль. Будьте готовы к тому, что вы будете вкладывать всю свою прибыль обратно в дело, и возможно, вам придется взятькредит в банке, если вы захотите расшириться. Не забудьте, однако, воспользоваться преимуществом того, что, как малый бизнес, вы имеете право на государственную поддержку и получаете ряд налоговых льгот.

If you decide to set up your own business keep in mind that competition on the market is fierce. One in three start up businesses go bankrupt in the first two years of existence. Carry out marker research and try to find a niche which is not yet saturated with competitors. Don’t expect to make huge profits instantly. Be ready to plough back profits into the business and you may even have to secure a bank loan in order to expand. But don’t forget to take advantage of the fact that as a small businesses you are entitled to government support and receive a number of tax benefits.



  1. На ежегодном общем собрании Совет Директоров проинформировал акционеров о работе компании за отчетный период (financial year). Компания сделала хорошую прибыль в этом году, и теперь они подумывают о том, чтобы стать открытым акционерным обществом и разместить свои акции на бирже ценных бумаг.

At an Annual General Meeting the board of directors informed the shareholders about the company’s performance during the financial year. The company has made huge profits this year and now is thinking about going public and issuing shares on the Stock market.


  1. У меня приличная зарплата и куча всяких льгот (мне даже предоставляют оплаченный больничный!), но они не могут компенсировать (to make up for smth.) этот однообразный, бессмысленный труд, которым я занимаюсь на протяжении многих лет. Я уже не надеюсь найти более стоящую работу, которая отвечает моим интересам. Но я уже смирился (to put up with smth.) со своим положением, ведь у меня есть обязательства: у меня ипотечный кредит, который нужно выплачивать, и мне нужно содержать семью и растить детей.


I have a decent salary and a bunch of different fringe benefits (I am even provided with paid sick leave!), but they can’t make up for this repetitive, meaningless work that I’ve been doing for many years. I no longer hope to find a more decent job, which would meet my interests. But I’ve already put up with my situation because I have commitments: I have a mortgage loan, which needs to be paid off and I have to provide for my family and raise kids.



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