Таблица 5
Средняя загрузка станка, %
Кассир | В течение 8 часов | В течение 5 рабочих дней |
АI | ||
А2 | ||
А3 |
Таблица 6
Максимальная длина очередей к станкам
Кассир | В течение 8 часов | В течение 5 рабочих дней |
АI | ||
А2 | ||
А3 |
Таблица 7
Среднее время обработки заявок станками, мин
Кассир | В течение 8 часов | В течение 5 рабочих дней |
АI | 5.9 | 6.31 |
А2 | 16.33 | 16.99 |
А3 | 12.38 | 13.18 |
Общее число обработанных заявок в течение 8 часов равно 40, в течение рабочей недели – 142. Эти данные могут служить основанием для определения регламента работы. Из результатов моделирования можно сделать вывод, что первый станок АI загружен на 50 %. Загрузка станков А2 и А3 равна 90%, что характеризует высокую вероятность в обслуживании. 2.
Проведем анализ графической зависимости очередей для станка второго и третьего типов, с целью определения участков, на которых распределение случайной величины можно считать стационарным. Для этого заполним меню, представленное на рис. 6.
Рисунок – 6. Фрагмент меню, для проведения графического анализа.
Результаты анализа для очередей 3 и 2, приведены на рис. 7 и 8.
Рисунок – 7. Результат анализа очереди станка 3.
Рисунок – 8. Результат анализа очереди станка 2.
Анализ данных графиков позволяет сделать следующий вывод - на графиках отсутствуют значительные выбросы для исследуемых параметров очередей, поэтому в качестве анализа для моделирования можно использовать весь интервал, заданный в курсовом проекте.
5. Организация экспериментов с моделью
Далее выдвинем гипотезы о влиянии факторов на искомую функцию очереди. Пусть параметры обслуживания станков 1,2 и 3 станут переменной величиной, обусловленной степенью разброса интервалов заданных в таблице 3.
Фрагмент листинга программы с гипотезой по работе станков приведен на рис. 9.
Рисунок – 9. Фрагмент листинга программы.
Теперь для оценки существенно важных факторов проведем отсеивающий эксперимент (план эксперимента приведен на рис. 10).
Рисунок – 10. План эксперимента существенно важных факторов.
Результаты отсеивающего эксперимента приведены на рис. 11.
Рисунок – 11. Результаты отсеивающего эксперимента.
Анализ таблицы ANOVA позволяет сделать вывод, что критический порог по критериям Фишера (равный 7,71) преодолевает только фактор C, характеризующий только работу станка 3. Поэтому для проведения экстремального эксперимента будем использовать только фактор C, характеризующий обслуживание заявок станком 3.
План эксперимента приведен на рис. 12
Рисунок – 12. План эксперимента, характеризующий обслуживание заявок станком 3.
В ходе данного эксперимента получаем листинг результатов, приведенный ниже.
10/30/14 09:10:45 Model Translation Begun.
10/30/14 09:10:45 Ready.
10/30/14 09:10:45 SCREENKASSA Procedure registered.
10/30/14 09:10:45 SCREENKASSA_GETRESULT Procedure registered.
10/30/14 09:10:45 DOTHERUN Procedure registered.
10/30/14 09:10:45 RSM Procedure registered.
10/30/14 09:10:45 RSM_MOVE Procedure registered.
10/30/14 09:10:45 RSM_FULLPLUSCENTER Procedure registered.
10/30/14 09:10:45 RSM_AUGMENTED Procedure registered.
10/30/14 09:10:45 RSM_CENTERTHEFACTORS Procedure registered.
10/30/14 09:10:45 RSM_GETRESULT Procedure registered.
10/30/14 09:10:45 DOTHERUN Procedure replaced. Multiple definition.
10/30/14 09:10:45 DOTHERUN Procedure registered.
10/30/14 09:10:45 RSM Procedure replaced. Multiple definition.
10/30/14 09:10:45 RSM Procedure registered.
10/30/14 09:10:45 RSM_MOVE Procedure replaced. Multiple definition.
10/30/14 09:10:45 RSM_MOVE Procedure registered.
10/30/14 09:10:45 RSM_FULLPLUSCENTER Procedure replaced. Multiple definition.
10/30/14 09:10:45 RSM_FULLPLUSCENTER Procedure registered.
10/30/14 09:10:45 RSM_AUGMENTED Procedure replaced. Multiple definition.
10/30/14 09:10:45 RSM_AUGMENTED Procedure registered.
10/30/14 09:10:45 RSM_CENTERTHEFACTORS Procedure replaced. Multiple definition.
10/30/14 09:10:45 RSM_CENTERTHEFACTORS Procedure registered.
10/30/14 09:10:45 RSM_GETRESULT Procedure replaced. Multiple definition.
10/30/14 09:10:45 RSM_GETRESULT Procedure registered.
10/30/14 09:10:45 DOTHERUN Procedure replaced. Multiple definition.
10/30/14 09:10:45 DOTHERUN Procedure registered.
10/30/14 09:10:45 RSM Procedure replaced. Multiple definition.
10/30/14 09:10:45 RSM Procedure registered.
10/30/14 09:10:45 RSM_MOVE Procedure replaced. Multiple definition.
10/30/14 09:10:45 RSM_MOVE Procedure registered.
10/30/14 09:10:45 RSM_FULLPLUSCENTER Procedure replaced. Multiple definition.
10/30/14 09:10:45 RSM_FULLPLUSCENTER Procedure registered.
10/30/14 09:10:45 RSM_AUGMENTED Procedure replaced. Multiple definition.
10/30/14 09:10:45 RSM_AUGMENTED Procedure registered.
10/30/14 09:10:45 RSM_CENTERTHEFACTORS Procedure replaced. Multiple definition.
10/30/14 09:10:45 RSM_CENTERTHEFACTORS Procedure registered.
10/30/14 09:10:45 RSM_GETRESULT Procedure replaced. Multiple definition.
10/30/14 09:10:45 RSM_GETRESULT Procedure registered.
10/30/14 09:10:45 DOTHERUN Procedure replaced. Multiple definition.
10/30/14 09:10:45 DOTHERUN Procedure registered.
10/30/14 09:10:47 CONDUCT RSM()
10/30/14 09:10:47 **** Experiment in Progress. ****
10/30/14 09:10:47 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:10:47 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 48000.000000.
10/30/14 09:10:47 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:10:48 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 528000.000000.
10/30/14 09:10:48 "Run 1. Yield=106964. kassa_1=3; kassa_2=16; Kassa_3=4;"
10/30/14 09:10:49 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:10:49 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 48000.000000.
10/30/14 09:10:49 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:10:49 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 528000.000000.
10/30/14 09:10:49 "Run 2. Yield=485. kassa_1=3; kassa_2=16; Kassa_3=25;"
10/30/14 09:10:49 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:10:49 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 48000.000000.
10/30/14 09:10:49 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:10:50 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 528000.000000.
10/30/14 09:10:50 "Run 3. Yield=117145. kassa_1=3; kassa_2=21; Kassa_3=4;"
10/30/14 09:10:51 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:10:51 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 48000.000000.
10/30/14 09:10:51 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:10:51 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 528000.000000.
10/30/14 09:10:51 "Run 4. Yield=9456. kassa_1=3; kassa_2=21; Kassa_3=25;"
10/30/14 09:10:51 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:10:51 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 48000.000000.
10/30/14 09:10:51 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:10:52 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 528000.000000.
10/30/14 09:10:52 "Run 5. Yield=25666. kassa_1=9; kassa_2=16; Kassa_3=4;"
10/30/14 09:10:52 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:10:52 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 48000.000000.
10/30/14 09:10:52 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:10:52 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 528000.000000.
10/30/14 09:10:52 "Run 6. Yield=515. kassa_1=9; kassa_2=16; Kassa_3=25;"
10/30/14 09:10:52 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:10:52 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 48000.000000.
10/30/14 09:10:52 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:10:53 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 528000.000000.
10/30/14 09:10:53 "Run 7. Yield=33522. kassa_1=9; kassa_2=21; Kassa_3=4;"
10/30/14 09:10:54 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:10:54 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 48000.000000.
10/30/14 09:10:54 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:10:54 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 528000.000000.
10/30/14 09:10:54 "Run 8. Yield=9442. kassa_1=9; kassa_2=21; Kassa_3=25;"
10/30/14 09:10:54 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:10:54 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 48000.000000.
10/30/14 09:10:54 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:10:54 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 528000.000000.
10/30/14 09:10:54 "Run 9. Yield=19463. kassa_1=6; kassa_2=18.5; Kassa_3=14.5;"
10/30/14 09:10:55 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:10:55 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 48000.000000.
10/30/14 09:10:55 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:10:55 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 528000.000000.
10/30/14 09:10:55 "Run 10. Yield=19452. kassa_1=6; kassa_2=18.5; Kassa_3=14.5;"
10/30/14 09:10:55 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:10:55 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 48000.000000.
10/30/14 09:10:55 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:10:56 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 528000.000000.
10/30/14 09:10:56 "Run 11. Yield=19453. kassa_1=6; kassa_2=18.5; Kassa_3=14.5;"
10/30/14 09:10:56 Goodness of fit test fails.
10/30/14 09:10:56 Standard Error is 0. Cannot perform F test.
10/30/14 09:10:56 RSM_FitSurfaceToData() returns 1.
10/30/14 09:10:56 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:10:56 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 48000.000000.
10/30/14 09:10:56 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:10:56 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 528000.000000.
10/30/14 09:10:56 "Run 12. Yield=19440. kassa_1=9; kassa_2=18.5; Kassa_3=14.5;"
10/30/14 09:10:56 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:10:56 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 48000.000000.
10/30/14 09:10:56 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:10:57 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 528000.000000.
10/30/14 09:10:57 "Run 13. Yield=19475. kassa_1=3; kassa_2=18.5; Kassa_3=14.5;"
10/30/14 09:10:57 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:10:57 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 48000.000000.
10/30/14 09:10:57 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:10:57 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 528000.000000.
10/30/14 09:10:57 "Run 14. Yield=23511. kassa_1=6; kassa_2=21; Kassa_3=14.5;"
10/30/14 09:10:58 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:10:58 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 48000.000000.
10/30/14 09:10:58 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:10:58 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 528000.000000.
10/30/14 09:10:58 "Run 15. Yield=14103. kassa_1=6; kassa_2=16; Kassa_3=14.5;"
10/30/14 09:10:58 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:10:58 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 48000.000000.
10/30/14 09:10:58 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:10:59 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 528000.000000.
03/30/15 09:10:59 "Run 16. Yield=5550. kassa_1=6; kassa_2=18.5; Kassa_3=25;"
10/30/14 09:10:59 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:10:59 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 48000.000000.
10/30/14 09:10:59 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:00 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 528000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:00 "Run 17. Yield=59458. kassa_1=6; kassa_2=18.5; Kassa_3=4;"
10/30/14 09:11:00 Goodness of fit test fails.
10/30/14 09:11:00 Standard Error is 0. Cannot perform F test.
10/30/14 09:11:00 RSM_FitSurfaceToData() returns 3.
10/30/14 09:11:00 "Moving..."
10/30/14 09:11:00 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:00 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 48000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:00 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:00 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 528000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:00 "Run 18. Yield=0. kassa_1=3.048904049181866; kassa_2=15.84339205125791; Kassa_3=35.5;"
10/30/14 09:11:00 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:00 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 48000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:00 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:01 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 528000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:01 "Run 19. Yield=0. kassa_1=3.146712147545598; kassa_2=15.53017615377372; Kassa_3=6.5;"
10/30/14 09:11:01 "Move ending."
10/30/14 09:11:01 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:01 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 48000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:01 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:01 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 528000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:01 "Run 20. Yield=0. kassa_1=.04890404918186597; kassa_2=13.34339205125791; Kassa_3=25;"
10/30/14 09:11:01 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:01 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 48000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:01 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:02 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 528000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:02 "Run 21. Yield=0. kassa_1=.04890404918186597; kassa_2=13.34339205125791; Kassa_3=46;"
10/30/14 09:11:02 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:02 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 48000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:02 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:02 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 528000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:02 "Run 22. Yield=5296. kassa_1=.04890404918186597; kassa_2=18.34339205125791; Kassa_3=25;"
10/30/14 09:11:02 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:02 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 48000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:02 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:02 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 528000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:02 "Run 23. Yield=0. kassa_1=.04890404918186597; kassa_2=18.34339205125791; Kassa_3=46;"
10/30/14 09:11:03 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:03 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 48000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:03 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:03 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 528000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:03 "Run 24. Yield=0. kassa_1=6.048904049181866; kassa_2=13.34339205125791; Kassa_3=25;"
10/30/14 09:11:03 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:03 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 48000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:03 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:03 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 528000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:03 "Run 25. Yield=1. kassa_1=6.048904049181866; kassa_2=13.34339205125791; Kassa_3=46;"
10/30/14 09:11:03 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:03 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 48000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:03 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:04 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 528000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:04 "Run 26. Yield=5299. kassa_1=6.048904049181866; kassa_2=18.34339205125791; Kassa_3=25;"
10/30/14 09:11:04 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:04 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 48000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:04 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:04 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 528000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:04 "Run 27. Yield=0. kassa_1=6.048904049181866; kassa_2=18.34339205125791; Kassa_3=46;"
10/30/14 09:11:04 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:04 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 48000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:04 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:05 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 528000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:05 "Run 28. Yield=0. kassa_1=3.048904049181866; kassa_2=15.84339205125791; Kassa_3=35.5;"
10/30/14 09:11:05 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:05 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 48000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:05 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:05 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 528000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:05 "Run 29. Yield=0. kassa_1=3.048904049181866; kassa_2=15.84339205125791; Kassa_3=35.5;"
10/30/14 09:11:05 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:05 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 48000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:05 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:05 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 528000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:05 "Run 30. Yield=0. kassa_1=3.048904049181866; kassa_2=15.84339205125791; Kassa_3=35.5;"
10/30/14 09:11:06 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:06 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 48000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:06 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:06 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 528000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:06 "Run 31. Yield=0. kassa_1=6.048904049181866; kassa_2=15.84339205125791; Kassa_3=35.5;"
10/30/14 09:11:06 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:06 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 48000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:06 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:06 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 528000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:06 "Run 32. Yield=0. kassa_1=.04890404918186597; kassa_2=15.84339205125791; Kassa_3=35.5;"
10/30/14 09:11:06 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:06 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 48000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:06 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:07 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 528000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:07 "Run 33. Yield=2. kassa_1=3.048904049181866; kassa_2=18.34339205125791; Kassa_3=35.5;"
10/30/14 09:11:07 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:07 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 48000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:07 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:07 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 528000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:07 "Run 34. Yield=0. kassa_1=3.048904049181866; kassa_2=13.34339205125791; Kassa_3=35.5;"
10/30/14 09:11:07 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:07 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 48000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:07 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:07 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 528000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:07 "Run 35. Yield=0. kassa_1=3.048904049181866; kassa_2=15.84339205125791; Kassa_3=46;"
10/30/14 09:11:08 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:08 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 48000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:08 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:08 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 528000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:08 "Run 36. Yield=113. kassa_1=3.048904049181866; kassa_2=15.84339205125791; Kassa_3=25;"
10/30/14 09:11:08 Goodness of fit test fails.
10/30/14 09:11:08 Standard Error is 0. Cannot perform F test.
10/30/14 09:11:08 RSM_FitSurfaceToData() returns 4.
10/30/14 09:11:08 "Running the predicted Optimum."
10/30/14 09:11:08 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:08 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 48000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:08 Simulation in Progress.
10/30/14 09:11:08 A Simulation in an Experiment has ended. Clock is 528000.000000.
10/30/14 09:11:08 "Run 37. Yield=0. kassa_1=3.048372124083605; kassa_2=14.90848836607096; Kassa_3=40.93148770523548;"
10/30/14 09:11:08 Experiment ended.
Анализ полученных результатов позволяет сделать вывод, что на шаге 19 получено оптимальное значение минимизирующее очереди к станкам 1, 2 и 3.
Как следует из результатов полученного решения время обслуживания заявок станком 3 фактически в два раза отличается от заданного, поэтому предлагается изменить регламент работы отдела, введя двух дополнительных станков.
Результаты моделирования приведены на рис.13.
Данные результаты подтверждают нашу гипотезу: очереди исчезли, загрузки станков оптимально перераспределены, что соответствует условиям нашей задачи.
6. Выводы и рекомендации относительно применения модели
Приведенный в курсовом проекте вариант оптимизации бизнес-процесса с использованием средств имитационного моделирования GPSS позволил нас сформировать регламент деятельности станков, без сбора натурных статистических данных и сформировать варианты действий при различных сочетаниях параметров, обуславливающих моделирование:
- неисправности автоматизации рабочих мест;
- увеличение времени обслуживания станками заявки относительно нормативной;
- разное увеличение и снижение интенсивности заявок различного типа.
7. Список литературы
1. Баркалов С.А. Теория и практика имитационного моделирования при управлении социально-экономическими системами. [Текст] / Баркалов С.А., Белоусов В.Е., Маилян А.Л.// Воронеж. - ООО Научная книга. - 2011. – 492 с.
2. Баркалов С.А. Квалиметрия. [Текст] / Баркалов С.А., Белоусов В.Е., Санина Н.В. // Воронеж. - ООО Научная книга. - 2013. – 398 с.
3. Баркалов С.А. Методы и способы сценарного управления инвестиционно-строительными комплексами регионов России. [Текст] / Агафонкина Н.В., Баркалов С.А., Белоусов В.Е. // Воронеж. - ООО Научная книга. - 2014. – 498 с.
4. Управление качеством [Текст]: учебное пособие/ С. А. Баркалов, В. Е. Белоусов. Н. В. Хорохордина, В. В. Шульгин. – Воронеж: «Научная книга», 2009. – 372 с.
5. Никифоров А. Д. Управление качеством: Учеб. пособие для вузов. – М.: Дрофа, 2004. – 720 с.: ил.