IV. My teaching profession

Part 1.

Teaching profession

I. Text 1 “Teaching as a job”

1) Study the words:

· Nouns: job, knowledge, patience, love for children, ability to explain

· Verbs: appear, earn money, get satisfaction from your job, choose a profession, suit your interests, teach, bring up children, demand, help, become

· Adjectives: highly paid, low-paid, interesting, socially important, noble, clever, honest, kind, easy

2) Read the text:

Today there are thousands of different kinds of jobs, and new ones are constantly appearing. There are highly paid jobs and low-paid jobs. For example, a businessman, a president or a film star, are highly paid jobs. A worker, a doctor or an engineer, are low-paid jobs. Everybody wants to earn as much money as possible. On the other hand, it's good when you get satisfaction from your job. It is very important to choose a profession that suits your interests. A job should be interesting and socially important. To teach and to bring up children is the most important and noble thing. Teachers do not merely give students knowledge; they help them to become good and clever people, to be honest and kind. The profession of a teacher is not easy. It demands a lot of knowledge and a lot of patience, love for children and the ability to explain.

3) Find the English equivalents for:

· Тысячи разных видов профессий

· Каждый хочет заработать как можно больше денег

· Очень важно выбрать профессию

· Работа должна быть социально значимой

· Учителя не просто дают ученикам знания

· Профессия учителя требует много терпения

4) Answer the questions:

1. What jobs are highly paid?

2. What jobs are low-paid?

3. Is the job of a teacher highly paid or low-paid?

4. What aspects of a job are important for you (money, moral satisfaction, being interesting, social significance)?

5. What does the profession demand from a teacher?

5) Grammar

· Глагол be (быть): в настоящем времени (I) am, (You, we, they) are, (He, she, it) is, в прошедшем времени was (ед. ч.), were (мн. ч): A worker, a doctor or an engineer, are low-paid jobs.

· Оборот there is/are (что-то имеется, существует, где-то есть): Today there are thousands of different kinds of jobs, and new ones are constantly appearing. There are highly paid jobs and low-paid jobs.

· Прилагательное и наречие: Today there are thousands of different kinds of jobs, and new ones are constantly appearing. There are highly paid jobs and low-paid jobs

· Настоящее простое время (регулярное, обобщённое действие): Everybody wants to earn as much money as possible. On the other hand, it's good when you get satisfaction from your job. Teachers do not merely give students knowledge

· Настоящее длительное время (действие, происходящее в данный момент; запланированное действие): New jobs are constantly appearing

· Инфинитив (неопределенная форма глагола): Everybody wants to earn as much money as possible. To teach and to bring up children is the most important and noble thing. They help them to become good and clever people, to be honest and kind

· Вводное It (безличное предложение): It is very important to choose a profession that suits your interests. It's good when you get satisfaction from your job

· Модальный глагол should (должен, следует): A job should be interesting and socially important

II. Text 2 “I want to be a teacher”


1) Read the text

(Rita, 14 years old)

I have always wanted to become a teacher and I’m not going to change my mind. Many people nowadays say that it’s not a profitable profession, but for me it’s a matter of pleasure, not money. I like spending time with smaller children and sharing with them. Even when I was only 5 or 6 years old, I liked teaching our neighbor’s children. I already knew some letters and numbers, so I wanted to share my knowledge. To achieve a better result I used a small blackboard and a chalk. In my opinion, teaching is a noble and rewarding profession. I think that it’s a great pleasure to see the results of your striving afterwards. Of course, I understand that it can be hard to prepare interesting lessons, to treat each child individually, to write pages of planning. However, when you see how children progress, you understand that it was worth it. There is a prestigious Pedagogical University not far from us, where I can study. Hopefully, I will succeed in this profession, as it’s my dream job. Another reason why I think I will be a good teacher is my love for studying. Teachers are people who study all their life. Our school teachers say I’m a willing and diligent student. So, I think I’m on the right track.

2) Find the English equivalents for:

· Стать учителем

· Передумать

· Доходная профессия

· Соседские дети

· Буквы и цифры

· Делиться знанием

· Доска и мел

· Благодарная профессия

· Готовиться к урокам

· Подходить к ребенку индивидуально

· Видеть результаты своих усилий

· Педагогический университет

· Преуспевать в профессии

· Учиться всю жизнь

· Прилежный ученик

· На правильном пути

3) Answer the questions:

1. What has Rita always wanted to become?

2. Is teaching a profitable profession?

3. What does Rita want from her job?

4. What did she like when she was 5 or 6 years old?

5. What and how did she share with other children when she was 5 or 6 years old?

6. What is hard in the teaching profession?

7. Where does Rita want to study?

8. Why does she think she will be a good teacher?

4) Grammar

· Настоящее совершенное время (действие, завершенное, но актуальное в данный момент): I have always wanted to become a teacher

· Оборот to be going to (собираться что-то делать): I’m not going to change my mind

· Герундий (неличная форма глагола, функционирующая как существительное): I like spending time with smaller children and sharing with them. I liked teaching our neighbor’s children

· Прошедшее простое время: Even when I was only 5 or 6 years old, I liked teaching our neighbor’s children. I already knew some letters and numbers, so I wanted to share my knowledge. To achieve a better result I used a small blackboard and a chalk.

· Модальный глагол can (может): I understand that it can be hard to prepare interesting lessons. There is a prestigious Pedagogical University not far from us, where I can study.

· Будущее простое время: I think I will be a good teacher is my love for studying.

· Сложноподчиненное предложение: Many people nowadays say that it’s not a profitable profession. I think that it’s a great pleasure to see the results of your striving afterwards. Of course, I understand that it can be hard to prepare interesting lessons. However, when you see how children progress, you understand that it was worth it. There is a prestigious Pedagogical University not far from us, where I can study. Another reason why I think I will be a good teacher is my love for studying.


III. Text 3 “Nursery teachers”


1) Read and translate the text, make up the professional vocabulary of the underlined words and combinations:

Early years teachers, also known as nursery teachers, work with children aged from birth to five years in day nurseries, children's centres and independent nursery schools. They are specialists in early childhood development. They plan, organise and run a wide range of learning and play activities for young children in a safe and supportive setting.

If you love children and are committed to giving them a great start in life, this could be an ideal career for you. You’ll need a clear understanding of how young children learn, lots of creative ideas and the ability to work closely with parents, teachers and other professionals.

Early years teachers teach all areas of the foundation stage, which is focused on helping children to achieve early learning goals. Work carried out includes:

· motivating and stimulating children's learning abilities;

· providing care and support to children and providing them with a secure environment to learn;

· developing and producing visual aids and teaching resources;

· organising learning materials and resources;

· assisting with the development of children's personal, social and language abilities;

· supporting the development of children's basic skills, including physical coordination, speech and communication;

· encouraging children's mathematical and creative development through stories, songs, games, drawing and imaginative play;

· developing children's curiosity and knowledge;

· working with others, including teaching assistant s and nursery nurse s as well as volunteer helpers, to plan and coordinate work both indoors and outdoors;

· recording each child's progress;

· ensuring the health and safety of children;

· keeping up to date with changes in the curriculum.

2) Match English and Russian variants:

For teaching roles you will need to show evidence of the following traits:

1) a respect and fondness for children;

2) excellent communication skills;

3) good listening skills;

4) the capacity to learn quickly;

5) excellent organisational skills;

6) the ability to inspire children;

7) responsibility, patience and a caring nature;

8) an understanding of the needs and feelings of children;

9) ability to work independently, as well as in a team;

10) a sense of humour.

A. способность быстро учиться

B. понимание потребностей и чувств детей

C. отличные коммуникативные навыки

D. способность работать самостоятельно, так же как и в команде

E. уважение и любовь к детям

F. чувство юмора

G. отличные организаторские навыки

H. способность вдохновить детей

I. умение слушать

J. ответственность, терпение и заботливый характер


IV. My teaching profession

Answer the questions:

1. What is your name? How old are you? Where were you born?

2. Where do you live? How long have you lived there?

3. What are you? Where do you work?

4. Is your job highly paid or low-paid?

5. Do you get satisfaction from your job?

6. Is your job interesting and socially important?

7. What Pedagogical University did you enter? When?

8. Why have you chosen the teacher’s profession?

9. Is the profession of a teacher easy? What is hard in this job?

10. Have you got a family, children? Do you teach them?

11. Is it important for you to prepare interesting lessons and treat each child individually?

12. Is it hard to write pages of planning?

13. What is your specialization?

14. Are you a good student? Do you love studying?

15. What are nursery teachers? Where do they work?

16. What children’s activities do nursery teachers organize?

17. What children's abilities should nursery teachers motivate and stimulate?

18. What children's basic skills should nursery teachers develop?

19. What means do nursery teachers use to encourage children's mathematical and creative development?

20. Are you ready to work both indoors and outdoors?

21. What traits of character and skills are necessary for a nursery teacher? Do you have them?

22. Do you love and respect children?

23. Do you have communication and organisational skills?

24. Do you think you are responsible, patient and caring?



My name is Marina, I’m 30 years old. I was born in Tver and moved to Volkhov when I got married. I’ve lived in Volkhov for 10 years. I work in a nursery school as a nursery nurse. Unfortunately my job is low-paid, though it’s often hard.

But I get satisfaction from my job because I love small children. Our nursery school is one of the best in Volkhov. It’s big, modern and beautiful. My job is not very interesting but socially important. I know how much I can help the teachers.

Last year I entered the Pedagogical University named after Herzen which is prestigious. I have chosen the teacher’s profession because this profession is noble and helpful when you have your own children. I know that the profession of a teacher is not easy. It is hard to be responsible for children’s progress. I have got two children of preschool age. I try to teach them letters and figures but sometimes I am not sure if I do it in a right way. So I hope my education will help a lot. When I become a teacher I want to prepare interesting lessons and treat each child individually, but I’m afraid of writing pages of planning. My specialization is nursery teaching. I try my best to be a good student though studying is not easy. I especially love some subjects such as teaching theory and methods of teaching.

Nursery teachers are specialists in early childhood development. They work with children aged from birth to seven years in day nurseries, children's centres and nursery schools. They organise learning and play activities for children. Nursery teachers should motivate and stimulate children's learning abilities. They should develop such basic skills as physical coordination, speech and communication. To encourage children's mathematical and creative development nursery teachers should use such means as stories, songs, games, drawing and imaginative play. I know that I’ll have to work both indoors and outdoors and I find it pleasant and healthy.

I think I’ll make a good teacher because I have necessary traits of character and skills. I understand the needs and feelings of children. I love and respect them. I hope I’ll develop my communication and organisational skills. By nature I’m responsible, patient and caring. I think the job of a nursery teacher will make me happy.

V. Text 4 “Choosing a career”

Study the words and insert them in the gaps of the text:

Unemployment, job market, miss the opportunities, career, is not suited, clear idea, economic crisis, overcrowded, financial resource, from every angle, surprise, error, work force

We spend great part of our lives at our jobs, so choosing a right ________is one of the most important decisions you will make in your life. Many students finish high school and begin college without a _______of what they want to do in future. Part of the problem is the size of the ______itself. With so many kinds of jobs (2000) how can you tell which will interest you? Some of occupations are already_________. In old industries there may be little need for new workers, while new and growing industries will offer jobs now and in the future. Therefore, it is extremely important to explore your choice of occupations __________, collect as much information as you can. Postponing a decision is an _________people make. "I'll get started tomorrow or next week, or next year," - many people think. These people refuse to face the problem, hoping it will go away. But if you don't take the first step now, how can you plan for the future, how can you take the right way? Such people _____________. First start with yourself, make a list of your interests, talents and abilities. Most people have a lot of these, but at the beginning they are undeveloped and may not seem outstanding. By concentrating on a few, or on one you may _____________yourself at how good you can get. The interest inventory that follows covers the major fields in which most people find careers: science, art, social service, business, sales and so on. Sometimes we say that someone we know is 'a square peg in a round hole'. This means that person we are talking about ___________for the job he is doing. Unfortunately, many people in the world are 'square pegs'. But to be a 'square peg' is not a real problem, a real problem for millions of people is to be unemployed. ___________especially hits poor and working class families the hardest, not because these people are more likely to be unemployed, but because they don't have _________to fall back on. As for our country more than 10% of our people are unemployed. There is no lack of _________in Russia, but at the resent moment the need for professional workers is increasing. The problem of unemployment is also connected with the _________in our country. And I think when this crisis comes to an end the problem of unemployment will not be so urgent.

Part 2.

English Tenses


1) Name the tense, translate:

Her baby always sleeps after breakfast. 2) The programme starts at nine o'clock every night. 3). I am sorry, but my friend is waiting for me. 4). They are going to the beach now. 5) They ’ll visit their parents next month 6). If the weather is fine, the plane will leave in time. 6) She ’ll finish her work when she is at the office. 7) My father came home at 6. 8) When her aunt was airing the room, she caught cold. 9). Have you written a letter to your friend? 10). I sent him a telegram last week. 11). She ’s never driven a car before. 12). I have been living here since 1999. 13). They’ ve been friends for three years. 14) I can't go there now, I ‘ve told you several times. 15). When the police arrived, the car had gone. 16). We had eaten everything by the time he came.

2) Put in the forms of the verbs, translate sentences:

1) She never (to want) to go to the cinema. 2). Look at my daughter! She (to read). 3).Your grandmother (to sit) in the garden now? 4). She (to cook)dinner now? 5). They (to go) to the cinema very often. 6). What she (to do) when she (to return) home? 7). I (to take) my child to the Zoo if I (to have) time. 8). Nick (to send) us a postcard when he (to get) to Kyiv. 9). They (not to swim) if the water (to be) cold. 10)You (to be) busy tomorrow? Let's (to go) to the restaurant. 11). There (to be) someone at thedoor. - Ok, I (to answer) it. 12). Look! John (to wash) his car in the yard. 13). Don't touch the fire! You (to hurt) yourself! 14). They never (to see) their parents again. 15). The telephone (to ring) when I (to leave) the house. 16). When I (to meet) her yesterday, she (to go) to the office. 17). He (to wash) his face when somebody (to knock) at the door. 18). When he (to wash) the dishes, he (to break) a plate. 19). When she (to drive) her car, she (to feel) a headache. 20). He (to read) the text and now he can retell it. 21). Don't you know who (to open) the door? 22). Five years ago he (to be) a typist. 23). It's the best thing he ever (to make). 24). We (to see) her twice today. 25). I am happy. I just (to receive) a telegram from my friend. 26). When they (to move) to a new flat? — They (to move) there last month. 27). They (to live) in France in 1970. 28). He (to stop) smoking some years ago. 29) He (to study) French for ten years. 30). When he (to come), his family (to sit) in the dining-room speaking in a whisper. "Why you (to whisper)?" he asked them. "What (to happen)?" 31). Where (to be) your husband? — He (to be) in the kitchen. He (to come) home ten minutes ago and he (to have) dinner now. 32). When they (to leave) the beach, the rain already (to start). 33). We (to get) to the stadium at four o'clock but the game already (to start). 34) You (to find) your key which you (to lose) before? 35). I (not to know) what time (to be) now. My watch (to stop). 36). Usually he (to come) home at seven o'clock but yesterday he (to come) at nine. 37). We (not to go) to the theatre next Friday as we (to be) there a week ago. 38). What he (to do) now? - He (to paint) the wall. 39). Peter (to be) ready in ten minutes. He (to take) a bath at the moment. - If he (not to take) a bath soon, I (to go) for a walk alone. 40). Mary (to clean) the room and John (to make) dinner.



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