Task II. Choose the most suitable response.

a) Do you feel like going to the cinema this evening?

1) That would be great.

2) Thank you very much for your kind invitation.

b) More coffee anybody?

1) Would it be all right if I had some more?

2) I'd love some.

c) I wish you wouldn't smoke in here!

1) I don't agree, I'm afraid.

2) Sorry, shall I open the window?

d) Well, it was nice talking to you, but I have to dash.

1) Yes, I enjoyed talking to you too.

2) OK, see you.

e) Could you tell me whether this train stops at Hatfield?

1) I believe I could.

2) I believe it does.

f) Shall I collect the tickets for you?

1) That would be a real help.

2) Yes, I think you shall.

g) What would you do in my situation?

1) I think you should ask for a loan from the bank.

2) I thought you would ask for a loan from the bank.

h) How do you do. I'm Bill Thompson.

1) Very well thank you.

2) How do you do.

Task III. Choose the most suitable expression for each situation.

a) You want to invite someone you have just met to go to the theatre with you.

1) May I go to the theatre?

2) Would you like to come to the theatre?

3) Do you think you should go to the theatre?

b) You are recommending a new restaurant to a friend.

1) You really must try the new Italian restaurant in Green Street.

2) You had better try the new Italian restaurant in Green Street.

3) You would try the new Italian restaurant in Green Street.

c) Your boss suggests that you work overtime on Saturday but you don't want to.

1) You must be joking!

2) It's nice of you to ask, but I refuse.

3) Sorry, but I have something already arranged.

d) You want to ask the waiter to bring you another drink.

1) I'd like another beer, please.

2) Excuse me, but do you think I could take another beer?

3) You can bring me a beer if you like.

e) You want someone to move out of the way.

1) Look out!

2) Excuse me!

3) Pardon!

f) You greet a friend you haven't seen for a few weeks.

1) Hello Pauline, how do you do?

2) Hello Pauline, what's going on?

3) Hello Pauline, how are you?

g) You are sitting on a bus and want the person in front of you to shut the window.

1) Could you shut the window, please?

2) May I shut the window, please?

3) Do you want to shut the window, please?

h) You want to know how to get to the station, and you ask a stranger.

1) Tell me, where is the station?

2) Do you mind telling me where the station is?

3) Could you tell me the way to the station, please? i) You want some advice from a friend.

1) What do you think I should do?

2) Tell me what I must do.

3) What could you do if you were me?

i) You ask your boss for permission to leave work early.

1) Do you mind leaving early?

2) Is it all right if I go now?

3) I'm off now, bye!


Task IV. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

a) I wish I could work in the evenings as I used to. miss

I miss working in the evenings.

b) If I take the job, I'll have to move to London. mean

Taking the job … London.

c) Neil wishes he hadn't sold his car. having

Neil … car.

d) Please see that you post all the letters. to

Please don't… all the letters.

e) Sheila has decided to take driving lessons. how

Sheila has decided ….drive.

f) Jim said he hadn't stolen the jewels. stealing

Jim … the jewels.

g) How about going to the theatre tonight? like

Would …the theatre tonight?

h) Peter will look after the children - he has no objection.


Peter doesn't ….children.

i) I'll definitely be here by eight,' Ann promised.


Ann… by eight.

j) We first met in 1978. Do you remember?


Do you remember… 1978?



Task V. Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence.

a) They C. all day swimming and sunbathing at the beach.

A) did B) used C) spent D) occupied


b) The hotel room …..over a beautiful garden.

A) viewed out B) faced up C) opened up D) looked out


c) We didn't ………….to the station in time to catch the train.

A) get B) reach C) arrive D) make


d) I was in such a hurry that I left one of my bags …………

A) out B) aside C) on D) behind


e) Mr Hill had his money stolen and couldn't his hotel bill.

A) pay up B) pay C) pay for D) pay out

f) Jane lost her case. It did not have a/an……… with her name on.

A) ticket B) poster C) label D) identification


g) Take the bus, and………… at Oxford Circus.

A) get out B) get off C) get down D) get away


h) I was too tired to……… my suitcase.

A) unpack B) empty C) put out D) disorder


i) On the first day of our holiday we just………. by the hotel pool.

A) enjoyed B) calmed C) comforted D) relaxed


j) The wind was blowing so much that we couldn't………. our tent.

A) raise B) put up C) make up D) build




1. На какой улице живет премьер-министр Англии:

· Oxford Street

· Cambridge Street

· Baker Street

· Downing Street

2. Расположите завоевателей Великобритании в хронологическом порядке:

· Римляне

· Саксы

· Викинги

· Норманы


3.Столица штата Нью-Йорк:

· Нью-Йорк

· Нью Джерси

· Олбани

· Бостон

4.Какой из этих писателей не является американцем?

· Ден Браун

· Стефани Майер

· Сьюзен Коллинз

· Филип Пулман

5. Назовите самый большой штат США:

· Техас

· Аляска

· Калифорния

· Нью-Йорк

6.Сколько дюймов в одном футе:

· 10

· 12

· 3

· 15

7.Какой штат был присоединен последним в состав Соединенных Штатов Америки?

· Маршалловы острова

· Гуам

· Гавайи

· Айова

8.Корабль, на котором первые переселенцы прибыли в Америку, назывался:

· Майский цветок

· Майский ветер

· Майская заря

· Майская гроза

9.Самое высокое сооружение в Вашингтоне:

· Капитолий

· Монумент Вашингтона

· Пентагон

· Университет Дж. Вашингтона

10.Назовите лишнее слово:

· Толобас

· Томагавк

· Мокасин

· Вигвам

11.Столица штата Калифорнии:

· Лос-Анджелес

· Нью-Йорк

· Сан-Франциско

· Сакраменто

12.Столица штата Калифорнии:

· Лос-Анджелес

· Нью-Йорк

· Сан-Франциско

· Сакраменто

13.Непобедимая Армада потерпела поражение при:

· Генрихе VII

· Генрихе VIII

· Елизавете I

· Георге IV

14.В каком штате жил Том Сойер:

· Миссисипи

· Иллинойс

· Луизиана

· Миссури

15.Какое из следующих периодических изданий не выпускается в Великобритании:

· Independent

· Newsday

· Guardian

· Daily Telegraph

16.Какая машина была названа в честь индейского вождя:

· Додж

· Понтиак

· Крайслер

· Джип

17.Какой президент изображен на купюре в 1 доллар:

· Линкольн

· Джефферсон

· Вашингтон

· Рузвельт

18.. Назовите слово, которое не является названием одной из официальных частей Нью-Йорка:

· Manhattan

· Brooklyn

· Bronx

· Harlem

19.Из какого английского города-порта отправился в свое первое и последнее путешествие знаменитый лайнер «Титаник»:

· Southampton

· Liverpool

· Glasgow

· Portsmouth

20.Метание молота – это национальное состязание:

· Англичан

· Валлийцев

· Ирландцев

· Шотландцев


Список литературы


  1. Соловова Е.Н. Читаем и готовимся к экзаменам: Англ.яз.: Тексты и упражнения с ключами / Е.Н. Соловова, О.В. Ольховая. – М.: Просвещение, 2003. – 191 с. – Серия «Репетитор. Английский язык». – ISBN 5-09-010552-9.
  2. Казакова Т.А. Практические основы перевода. English-Russian. – Серия: Изучаем иностранные языки. – СПб.: «Издательство Союз», - 2000, - 302 с.
  3. Evans V. Round-up Grammar Practice 6. Pearson Education Limited. 2008.
  4. https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/stories-poems/april-fools-day



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